Chapter 1024

Although Qianqiao's starting point was good, it was obvious that her behavior had been misunderstood by Roger Dunn who suddenly opened his eyes.

Seeing the man's blood-stained eyes, Qianqiao's eyebrows twitched, and she had an inexplicable bad feeling in her heart, and her movements were also stopped because of the man's sudden opening of her eyes.

It was just an amazing effort, and the girl was crushed under the man.


The sudden increased force on her neck made Qianqiao unable to hold back her muffled snort. The strength of the two was already quite different, and now she was even more powerless to fight back.

Seeing this, Zero who was hiding in the dark immediately flew towards Roger Dunn.

Taking advantage of the time when Roger Dunn was distracted and fighting with Zero, Qianqiao pressed hard on the Waiguan acupoint on the man's wrist.

When the hand pinching her neck relaxed due to paralysis, Qianqiao immediately broke free from the other party's shackles, and Ling also made a feint, and took Qianqiao behind him.

The two cooperated tacitly, even if Roger Dunn was aware of it, it was still a step late.

"Zero, something is wrong with him."

After being rescued by Zero, Qian Qiao reminded her aloud.

Such an abnormal Roger Dunn made her feel a little uneasy, and her uneasiness reached its peak the moment she heard the other party speak.

"A mere ants, how dare you attack this deity!"

A voice that seemed to be mixed with gravel came from Roger Dunn's mouth, which was obviously different from his previous voice.

"Master, he is possessed by a dragon!"

After Zero said this sentence, he rushed forward first, and he wanted to give him a fatal blow before the other party got used to this physical body, otherwise...


As if seeing what Zero was thinking, while Roger Dunn was speaking, a very evil aura erupted from his body. The moment Qianqiao came into contact with this aura, all internal organs in his body were shattered .

It's just being affected, let alone bearing these zeros head-on.


Looking at Zero who was knocked into the air, Qianqiao didn't care about her shattered heart, and forcibly caught the opponent with spiritual power teleportation.

And after she caught Zero, her heart fell to the bottom in an instant.

Zero's bones were all broken!

Holding the man's limp body that seemed to have no bones, Qianqiao's heart was shattered.

The golden spirit bead staying in the dantian seemed to have sensed something, and suddenly began to spin at a high speed. As it spun, strands of pure spiritual power began to fill the girl's dantian, and it didn't stop until the dantian was full.


Accompanied by a word that Qianqiao squeezed out between her teeth, a strange scene happened.

The shadow under the girl's feet unexpectedly broke away from the main body and rushed towards the direction where Roger Dunn was.

"Swallow the shadows?!"

When Roger Dunn saw clearly what the black shadow that was attacking him was, his face changed drastically.

And when he said these words, his shadow also began to twist violently.


Roger Dunn, no, to be more precise, it was the demon dragon Jadwa who possessed Roger Dunn cursed in a low voice, just as he was about to get out of this body, he found that his spirit was being pulled by something up.

When he saw clearly what was holding him back, his eyes widened immediately.

"Are you crazy?! Let go! If I don't leave, we're both going to die! Damn it, let go!"

However, no matter how he broke free and how much he cursed, the real Roger Dunn didn't intend to let go, but instead held on tighter.

"Since you're here, don't even think about leaving!"

Sensing the approach of the Devouring Shadow, Roger Dunn raised the corners of his lips, revealing a sarcastic smile.

(End of this chapter)

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