She played off after wearing the book

Chapter 1048 The Proud Student

Chapter 1048 The Proud Student

This night was destined to be a long one. Leng Yan took Teresi Sero, who was unable to use the space tunnel because of his obsession, to bloodbath the Cassell family.

Tracy Cerro used black magic a month ago to learn the truth about Fort Cerro's bloodbath from the head of the Cassel family.

The truth is ridiculous, just because the Cerro family is the weakest of the three major families, they planned this murder because they blocked their eyes.

And because the killers they were looking for were all human races, Tracy Cerro didn't suspect the dwarves at first.

If she hadn't tried the other two suspects with black magic before that, she really didn't know that all of this was planned by the dwarves.

After Teresi Cerro set up a black magic circle in Fort Cassel, he used their Patriarch's authority to recruit all the clansmen who were outside, and today happened to be the time when everyone came back.

With the activation of the magic circle, Castle Castle turned into a purgatory on earth in an instant.

The blood stained the dwarves' favorite white bricks, and Tracy Cerro stood in it in a long black dress, laughing wantonly, like a demon god descending into the world.

Leng Yan, who stopped in mid-air, looked at Tracey Cerro, who was obviously smiling but seemed to be crying blood, and closed his eyes.

"Mr. Leng, Teresi is not a good student, but in the end, I still want to ask you one thing."

Teresi Cerro suddenly stopped smiling and looked up at the cold face in midair.

At this time, her eyes had turned blood red, but the white part of her eyes was pitch black, which was very frightening. She continued without waiting for Leng Yan to reply.

"I want that person to die!"

Although Tracy Cerro didn't say the person's name, Leng Yan still understood.

"it is good."

Just one word made Tracy Cerro smile knowingly.

"Thank you."

This thank you is sincere and from the heart, and it is also a relief, which makes people feel sad.

"There is one sentence, you are wrong."

Leng Yan looked at Tracy Cerro and said slowly.

"You and Lloyd are students the teacher is proud of."

Leng Yan's words made Teresi Cerro, who was on the verge of collapse, feel sour in his eyes, and then two tears of blood flowed down his pale skin.

"You are also the most respected teacher for students."

After saying this, Tracy Cerro seemed to be unable to bear it anymore, and let out a low, beast-like roar from his lips.

As the voice gradually became louder, the woman's mind became more and more blurred. At the last moment of being swallowed by the devil's energy, Teresi Cerro saw the young man's slightly youthful smile in a trance.

"Lloyd, why are you picking me up now? I'm tired of waiting."

The pretty girl complained to the boy who hurried over.

"Sorry sorry, I really didn't mean to."

The boy clasped his hands together and apologized again and again, the sweat on his forehead glistening in the sun.

"Did you just crawl out of the water? Why are you sweating so much?"

She was still angry one second, but her eyes were full of distress the next second. While speaking, the girl reached out to wipe the other party's sweat, because she was too anxious, and forgot that she knew how to cleanse herself.

The boy took the girl's little hand, put it on his lips and kissed it, and then there was a shining ring on the girl's ring finger.

"After this experience is over, we'll get married, shall we?"

When the boy said this, the expression on his face was both nervous and apprehensive, just like the first time the two met.

Tracy Cerro looked at the young man in the void, and responded softly with his last strength.

"it is good."

(End of this chapter)

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