Chapter 1221
Ji Ruxue didn't understand what Li Min was worried about.

She went on to say: "If it can be opened, it will be a great thing for Shengtang Group! First, it can develop the economy along the way, just like the hot spring resort at that time, it has driven the development of the entire area! Yes, it is also an opportunity for Taizhou, if Taizhou is the same as the hot spring resort, then our industrial income will be even greater!"

"It's not wrong for you to think so, but there are a few points to be resolved!" Li Yin said.

"Sir, please tell me."

"First, what should we do about the base in Jiangzhou? After all, trains can pass through the base. If it is known to others, it will not be a good thing for us."

Ji Ruxue nodded, expressing her understanding.It is also a major event, a major event that urgently needs to be resolved!

She didn't interrupt Li Yin either.

Instead let him go on.

"Secondly, regarding the Taizhou battleship, if more people go to Taizhou from Chang'an, will they learn about the warship we are building in Taizhou? This is also not good for us."

"This..." This is unexpected. The battleship is very powerful, but no one associates its power with its appearance. If more people know about it, it will not be a good thing for the group!
"Third, if the emperor also wants to go to Taizhou, how will he feel when he sees what happened there. Before these three issues are clearly thought out, the train cannot let go."

Openness will only complicate things, which is not what everyone wants to see!It's also a hurdle in Li Yin's heart, and he can't open it up until he thinks of a way!
"Sir, what if we change the route? I remember you said that the train can change its route. We only need to build a backup line before and after the Jiangzhou base, and divert it from there, and people will not know its existence!"

This is also a way!
"Ru Xue, your idea is very good, I totally agree with it!" Li Yin didn't think of this.

It seemed that Ji Ruxue had listened to his words, so she could think of this way.

"Then, that section of the railway can be built first! As a preparation before opening!"

Li Yin said again.

In fact, this is only a short distance, and it will not take too long to complete.

Thanks to Ji Ruxue's thinking.Unexpectedly, this woman had a good idea, and maybe Li Yin was thinking too much, so she was limited to a certain range.

Li Yin added: "Secondly, I plan to move the battleship base to Suzhou."

He thought of another direction.

Ji Ruxue was puzzled.

Why Suzhou?

Could it be that it is very different there?
Can't it be done elsewhere?
"Sanggong, why is it there? Can you tell me the reason?"

What Li Yin said was verified.

"I have two opinions. The first point is that it is [-] miles away from Nvtang than from Taizhou to Nvtang. We can get there faster. The second point is that there is no train in Suzhou, and most people don't know Going there, even if the emperor is afraid, he will not go there. After all, it will take three to five days to go there. He doesn't have that much time to go there. Besides, from Taizhou to Suzhou , it can be reached by sea. The relocation is also fast!"

"In this way, it is indeed feasible! Mr. Xiang is indeed brilliant!"

"It was you who gave me the idea. I couldn't figure it out just now, but now, I have completely figured it out."

"It's my husband who always taught us to study more and memorize more." Ji Ruxue said modestly.

Then, she remembered something.

"By the way, how do you decide on the pricing?"

"I thought about it. In the early stage, the one-person-one-vote system, from Chang'an to Taizhou, is one tael of silver! There is no stop in the middle!"

"How many people can it seat?"

"The number of people, everything can reach two to 300 people, if it is comfortable, it can be 200 people, if there are more people, it can be three hundred, with forty carriages! Go back and forth every day, and earn 1 taels a day!"

"Can there be so many carriages? Can the train move?"

Speaking of this, Li Yin actually thought of it when he designed the train.

Looking at the future, there will be a Daqin Railway in the future, where there is a 2.6-kilometer-long train that can be called a spectacle. .

And I only used 40 carriages, which is actually not too many.

But in Ji Ruxue's view, this is already a lot.

"Don't worry about this, the train has thought of this at the beginning of the design, and it can also be set up in the form of double locomotives to drive long carriages. In the future, it is even possible to set the locomotives in the middle, then there will be enough The power is ready to move the train."

"So that's it! What if it's a merchant shipping the goods?"

"Because the goods don't have to take into account the comfort, so there can be more carriages, a hundred carriages are all right, and each carriage sells for 300 taels of silver! Calculated according to the space!"

Ji Ruxue seemed to sense the future happening.

She said: "Okay! That's great! The special products of Chang'an can be transported to Taizhou by train, so that the people of Taizhou can try something new, and the seafood of Taizhou can also reach the city of Chang'an, so that the people of Chang'an can eat more food!"

"What you said is not wrong, but seafood needs to be preserved with a lot of ice, otherwise, it will be broken in Chang'an in a day."

"Yes, yes, what Xianggong said is very true. In this way, the economies of the two places will definitely take off. For the Shengtang Group, in addition to the daily entry of more than 1 taels of silver, it can also drive the development of the industries of the two places. , that is a steady stream of money." Ji Ruxue began to look forward to it.

This is just what can be thought of, there are many examples that cannot be thought of.

"Then let's start now! Who do you think will handle this matter?" Li Yin said again.

"Let the concubine handle it!"

"Okay, if you need anything, you can go directly to Yan Lide!"

"Isn't he building the Evergreen Railway?"

"Yes, that's right, but he will come back to Chang'an recently. For some technical matters, we can make an appointment with him in advance!"

"I understand! Then I'll deal with it now!" After Ji Ruxue finished speaking, she went out of the tenement building.

Her temperament is like this, if she can finish it on the same day, she won't put it off until the next day.

In the words of Li Yin, time is money.

Time flies, and in a blink of an eye, half a month later, the Taizhou base moved to Suzhou, and the railway from Chang'an to Taizhou was also opened.

For a while, the people in Chang'an City and Taizhou were as happy as Chinese New Year.

In Daming Palace, the news was also learned by Empress Changsun that she was going to Li Shimin's imperial study.

(End of this chapter)

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