The first rebel of the Tang Dynasty

Chapter 2063 Li 2 is a shopaholic

Chapter 2063 Li Er is a shopaholic

On the second day, things were continuously transported into the Tai Chi Palace.

Many concubines frowned when they saw it.

What is this for, why are there so many strange things.

At this time, Empress Changsun also saw it, and asked, "Who do you own these things?"

At this time, a guard immediately said: "Your Highness, Your Majesty bought these things. Sheng Tang Group sent them!"


Empress Changsun felt something was wrong.

And went directly to the palace.

Then what does Li Shimin want to do? After buying so many things, do you think the money is too much?

When she got inside, Concubine Yang was already inside.

When she saw the eldest grandson empress.

"Sister, you are here too."

"What's the matter with my sister? Where's Your Majesty?" Empress Changsun looked around, but found no trace of Li Shimin.

"Sister, Your Majesty has gone inside, let's come out later."

"what happened?"

Empress Changsun asked again.

"These things were bought after His Majesty came back yesterday."

Empress Changsun was stunned when she saw the large number of things on the scene.

This Li Shimin really bought a lot of things.

Is it really free?

If Dai Zhou found out about this matter, he would have to settle accounts with Li Shimin again.

When Empress Changsun was in a daze looking at so many things, Li Shimin came out.

"Queen, you are here too."

Li Shimin said after seeing Empress Changsun.

"Yes, Your Majesty, who is this?" Empress Changsun said, pointing to the mountains of things.

"These are the things I bought yesterday. These things are very interesting. I ordered them yesterday and they were delivered this morning. The speed is too fast. And they don't cost much!"

"How much did it cost?" Empress Changsun asked again.

"There's not much money, don't worry." Li Shimin refused to say, but responded like this.

Empress Changsun was a little speechless.

But she can't do anything about it.

"Come, come, come here, let me introduce to you, what I bought."

Li Shimin's interest was very high, he didn't know that Empress Changsun's complexion was a bit wrong at this time.

What's going on here.

But he didn't care, and led them to the pile of things.

"Look, what is this?"

Li Shimin picked up a stool and asked.

Empress Changsun said weakly, "Stool?"

"It's true, it's not all. This is a stool-shaped speaker. When there is not enough space, it can be used as a stool and a speaker. What do you think?"

Empress Changsun said at this time: "Your Majesty, there is a lot of space in our palace, so we shouldn't need it?"

Concubine Yang followed and nodded.

Li Shimin was a little embarrassed.

But no positive reply.

"Then let's look at this again. This is an air purifier, which can freshen the air in the entire space."

Li Shimin pointed to a small thing and said.

Empress Changsun said again: "This thing is so small, can it purify our palace?"

Li Shimin didn't speak again.

Because this is a desktop air purifier, it is only useful within a square meter.

"That's not important, what's important is that this product is very creative, don't you think so?" Li Shimin said again.

Creativity, for sure.

Empress Changsun and Concubine Yang agreed with Li Shimin's statement.

"Come here again. This is a luminous pen holder. If you can't find the pen at night, just clap your hands and it will glow. It's very easy to find its position."

Empress Changsun was speechless again.

"Then... let's prepare a few more pens, or put them in one place, so we won't lose them."

Li Shimin's complexion became very bad.

It feels like today's eldest grandson empress is against herself.

But he still held back and didn't show it.

"Look at this again, a multi-functional bed! It can be folded up and used as a table, put down as a bed, and can be erected upright. It doesn't take up much space at all."

Empress Changsun also seemed to see Li Shimin's unhappiness.

Therefore, I can only echo: "Yes, this bed is good. It is multi-functional, really!"

"I think it's good too! Your Majesty!" Concubine Yang followed suit.

As a result, Li Shimin smiled knowingly.

It's great to get the affirmation of the two of them.

"By the way, there is also this. This is a mobile fan. It will follow us wherever people go. It's wonderful, especially suitable for summer."

Empress Changsun wanted to say, this...isn't there air conditioning in summer?
As for using this?

But still didn't say it.

There may be a market for this kind of product and it needs to be used in specific scenarios, but it is really not suitable for Li Shimin.

Li Shimin's interest is very high.

He then walked up to a strange thing.

There were two long bird feet with feathers on them. Empress Changsun and Concubine Yang couldn't see why.

What is this?

"This is a desk lamp, look, how beautiful the shape is, isn't it! It must be very interesting if it is placed in our palace."

But Empress Changsun and Concubine Yang looked around. The palace is full of primitive simplicity. Isn't it inappropriate to put this into a modern thing?

But in order to agree with Li Shimin, they said something against their will.

"This is also very interesting. The designer must want us to experience the simple life."

"Yes, yes, Aifei, you are right, that's how it is." Li Shimin said happily.

"Come on, let's look at this one again, what do you think of this red sofa?" Li Shimin asked.

At this moment, the two could bear it no longer.

Because one side of this sofa is empty, there is no support, and it is asymmetrical.

"Can this sit?" Queen Changsun asked.

"Your Majesty, is this sofa broken? Is it still not finished?" Concubine Yang said again.

Li Shimin smiled.

"This is a work of art, asymmetry can also be beautiful! Doesn't it, even if you don't sit down, you can still feel the enjoyment of beauty when you put it aside." Li Shimin is obviously addicted to shopping.

These things are large and small, and there are at least hundreds of them.

Empress Changsun asked at this time: "How much did you buy, Your Majesty?"

"It's too many to count, but more than half of the things should have not been brought in yet!" Li Shimin said again.

At this time, Empress Changsun didn't know what to say.

"Your Majesty, these things shouldn't be cheap, right? Not to mention their low unit price, just saying that there are so many of them together, they will cost a lot of money."

Yes, these must have cost a fortune.

Li Shimin didn't care.

"Money can't buy me happiness, right?" Li Shimin said.

So that the two don't know what to say.

Empress Changsun could only say, "Are all these things useful, Your Majesty?"

"This... I don't know, but most of them are useful." Li Shimin didn't know if it was useful, so he bought it.

He took a fancy to these things because they were fun and interesting, and they touched his heart, so he bought them.

But after buying so many things, is it really useful?
(End of this chapter)

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