Dow and Carbon-Based Monkey Breeding Guidelines

Chapter 333 Spark Tower and Mind Fusion Technology

Chapter 333 Spark Tower and Mind Fusion Technology
Luo Binhan rubbed his eyes.

"Sleepy?" the ∈ asks, "Need something to pick you up?"

Luo Binhan really felt that he needed it.He hadn't read such a long and complicated content for quite some time.But when ∈ wanted to "get something new and exciting" for him, he conservatively chose to serve a normal candy drink.He leaned against the head of the bed to rest, and ∈ began to play a certain wrap-around video: a green and transparent sphere was floating against the backdrop of colorful and overflowing aurora. A planet with a glassy surface.

"Look, this is the Land of Light." ∈ leaned on the pillow next to him and said, "One of their earliest territories. But other places are similar. Shiny, smooth, green, you think it looks so good Is it? I find it a bit monotonous anyway.”

"It's okay." Luo Binhan stared at the screen and said, "Is this place natural?"

"Oh, of course not. They burned it themselves."

The words of ∈ reminded Luo Binhan of Marin's hometown.He moved his arms and asked, "Why did they do that? A war?"

"No no no, obviously they did it voluntarily. Before they became what they are now, they heat-processed their origin planet to form a vitrified environment. No mud, no sand, no most air particles, The surface is all perfect glass, which is said to allow multi-level surface reflections to enhance the plasma spark tower effect. They used to be really good. There is a whole system of research on the law side, deep theory engineering, infinite geology The framework... Anyway, it is what the alliance is doing now. Their temper is similar to those in Chonghong Township. They are cold and diplomatic, they worship perfection, and I'm sure they have serious cleanliness and obsessive-compulsive disorder. You think so? They Get the energy source, and then don't even want a single extra grass."

Robin Han couldn't connect the description of ∈ with Momoro or Upsilon.And when he questioned, ∈ just kept patting his mouth, making a bubbling sound.

"You can't see it the way it is now," the ∈ said, "but they weren't so bright before. They were a standard type I civilization back then, understand?"

It patted the air between itself and Luo Binhan, and a stack of images of books with a thickness of [-] centimeters appeared there.

"What is this?" Robin Han asked.

"The ancient history of the Kingdom of Light." ∈ proudly introduced, "From the era of the pan-sapient race before the alliance was established to the year when they rejoined the alliance. All the information you can find on the Internet is here. Of course, Most of them can only be found in the column of the White Tower, because they are the only ones who study the law of the law all day long."

Luo Binhan looked at the pile of virtual books, and began to seriously think about whether it was really worth it.He didn't mind learning more about Momolo's origins, but in the final analysis, his purpose was to find the missing Upsilon, not to become an expert on the history of the Eternal Light Clan.

He only fought for more than a dozen seconds, and the deep-rooted prejudice against learning took over the high ground, so he cleared his throat and prepared to ask ∈ to leave his bed and room.Before he could open his mouth, ∈ had already floated up from the bed full of foresight.

"Slow down, slow down, slow down," he said, "don't be so lazy, okay? You are the most idle and talkative person on this boat, you should learn! Work hard! Otherwise who am I going to bother I have to find a way to keep the flow of information changing, right? But what the hell is going on? Don’t you have a little desire to acquire new knowledge? Doesn’t this bring you a little pure happiness?”

Luo Binhan nodded perfunctorily and said, "There will be. There will be in the next life."

He still intends to invite ∈ out of his sacred domain, which forced ∈ to make certain concessions.The latter began to persuade Luo Binhan, saying that he could organize the information into a simplified version, and then only provide the relatively important part.He also emphasized that there must be content that Luo Binhan is interested in, and if he misses it, he will regret it for the rest of his life.

That might be just a bait, but Luo Binhan couldn't deny that he was a little shaken.In the end, he failed to drive ∈ away, but reluctantly agreed to ∈'s proposal.That concession was disastrous, he watched ∈ snap his fingers, and the entire room was instantly engulfed by the flow of light.The excessively bright white light almost blinded his eyes, and it was also mixed with a thick, solemn, and affectionate background commentary.

"The first stage is the age of man," the ∈ rumbled with a triple echo, "the primordial planetary surface has been heat-treated to become a uniform and stable glass. On this perfect artificial earth, the rulers of the planet Doing all the research they care about by themselves. They occasionally communicate with outside powers, but never really get involved."

∈ Floating up and down in the white light, around a dozen beautiful and transparent spheres like emeralds around the fingertips.And his head turned into a burning sun, radiating fiery blazing light to the outside.His voice still came from within the sun.

"The second stage is the year of change. When everything seems to be going smoothly and naturally, in all areas controlled by the Kingdom of Light, its stars suddenly begin to rapidly age and extinguish, skipping the expansion stage and directly collapsing into black holes. This sudden The phenomenon forced them to accelerate the research on deep theory engineering, and developed an energy system to replace the stars - the plasma spark tower. Until the spark tower effect covers the entire Eternal Light, stars are no longer a necessary resource."

∈'s head went off, turning into a pitch-black hollow.However, his hair floated up, each hair extending outwards, sparkling with sparks like countless stars.At this moment, Luo Binhan has calmed down a bit compared to the first time.He squinted his eyes dimly through tears, watching the sparks jumping back and forth in his hair.

"What followed was a year of catastrophe and eternal darkness. When the threat of star death was gone, the rulers of the Eternal Light Realm discovered that an unimaginable mutation had appeared in the Plasma Spark Tower, which made all the residents of the irradiated territory fall into an irreversible The process of regularization. Past technology was unable to save them, and asking for help from outside never appeared in their mode of thinking. The huge disaster caused a large number of residents in Yongguang to die, and the last survivors concentrated in Guangguang. In the country, they began to use the only method they had tried in the past. They stayed quietly in their homeland, lingering under the endless light of the Spark Tower, watching how they slowly lost all the past they had. Wisdom, knowledge, glory, restraint... Those perishing planets are still brilliant, but the era is slipping into darkness and death."

∈'s voice gradually sank.The light in the room also disappeared.It was not only the added light and shadow effect, but Luo Binhan also discovered that he had somehow controlled the lighting system in his room to turn them off.The gloomy environment and the sad background music made Luo Binhan relax his vigilance, he let go of the hand covering his eyes, and the next second he felt an unprecedented light burst from the top of his head.It was like the thunder that Jing Juan struck at the Rubik's Cube spaceship, from his sky cap to the bottom of his feet.

"Finally! In the long, desperate, and quiet radiation of the Spark Tower, the Fire Pirates led the newly formed alliance to excavate the remains of the Eternal Light Realm. They concluded that the civilization of this place has been destroyed, and it can be passed on in the depths of the solidified nebula. There's a faint distress call. What could that be? What could that be? The fire thieves brought in the most powerful starship at the time! They blasted and blasted and chiseled and chiseled, and then many bulb holes popped out of it Those lightbulb eyes flew around, saying that they heard the voice of light and felt hope and love in the seemingly eternal darkness and despair. At that moment, they understood the new form of their lives, decided their own path, and Go on forever for it. The fire thief is surrounded by lightbulb eyes flying around, and while he is surrounded, he writes a report to the alliance. He writes the lightbulb eye as the Eternal Light Clan—that is the beginning of the Year of Light!"

∈'s face was filled with a holy radiance like a god's image.There are real five-color light belts rotating in turn behind him, and the whole room is filled with aurora clouds and emerald planets floating in it.In the majestic and high-spirited music, ∈ stretched his arms and said loudly: "Then what I bring to you today is the story of the Yongguang Clan. So what is going on with the Yongguang Clan? Do you understand now?"

Luo Binhan covered his eyes with his hands and did not answer for a long time.

"My friend over there, are you touched?" ∈ asked passionately, "Feel the light? Feel the love? Feel the miraculous power brought about by this fateful encounter?"

Luo Binhan took a deep breath, and slowly and desperately lowered his hands covering his eyes.

"Turn off the lights!" he yelled hysterically.

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(End of this chapter)

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