Dow and Carbon-Based Monkey Breeding Guidelines

Chapter 355 Bang Bang Dating Guide for Newbies

Chapter 355 Bang Bang Dating Guide for Newbies
When Thorn appeared on the red ice cap, everything was almost settled, and there was no need to intervene.The octopus and the chair legs were clearly taken aback by his presence.The octopus, which had been half-disintegrated into a colored mist, was back in solid form, floating above the head of the chair leg in some sort of protector.

Sitting in front of this picture, Luo Binhan speculated about the relationship between these two strange creatures, and felt that they were obviously not close relatives, but more like master-student or master-servant.The other half of his attention was on Jing Juan, and when Jing Juan landed on the ground, he brought a circle of emerald stars around his waist, guarding him like a star ring.But then many finely divided red ice particles condensed in the air, they condensed rapidly near the emerald star, and fell to the ground due to gravity.Jing Huang glanced at them quickly, and made a rather incomprehensible reaction for Luo Binhan: he let those emerald stars fly back into his collar.

"Oh, he finally remembered." ∈ said, "understood my words, and ignored me."


"I'm talking about mirror image matter. Look at the things on this planet, they all come from the regular area of ​​mirror images. When heated, they solidify, and when cooled, they evaporate. Everything about those star layers is the opposite of what you know. , get it? Most of them will just disappear because the laws of physics have changed, but the rest are not easy to deal with. Such a large body of water, if it freezes when it is heated, it will not be good for our boat. And I think it is diffuse, maybe it was only a drop or two when it was first brought over, and then it was thrown into a sea, and now there is a big pool!"

Robin Han yawned.He really thought it was weird, but it was nothing compared to a perverted killer star.

"You mean it's water," he said casually. "Ordinary water?"

"It's not very ordinary to you, but its microstructure is the same as your home."

"Where are the people over there? Are you also growing up against me?"

"Oh, that's not necessarily the case. A change in the nature of the foundation changes a lot of things. Think about what the universe looks like over there. Chances are there's no life at all—life isn't an inevitable event, you see? We're all accidental. Product. Look at that chair, it sure looks weird to you. Even so, you have to admit it's your blood-thicker cousin. Can't imagine your school didn't teach this... Hold on , Does your society have schools? Yes? No? You know what a school is, right?"

Luo Binhan didn't listen too carefully.Half of his attention was on Jing Huang, and the other half was on the chair legs and the laser sword octopus.He said absently, "What cousin?"

"Xinbi Zongyu!" the ∈ said in a fussy tone, "it seems that there is definitely no school in your place. You and it are composed of similar cell structures, understand? You must have a common ancestor—— Well, it's not technically the same, but they sure look alike. You can't touch the edge of a second-class civilization, carbon-based, and can't do without extracellular matrix. So look at this lovely chair, you grow in On the same leaf on the same branch of the same tree, more closely related than any one on this ship. You have the right to be at his funeral at the head."

Luo Binhan didn't really want to recognize this relative.He turned to ask Momolo if he knew what the lightsaber-wielding octopus was, only to find Momolo staring at him with complicated eyes.

"What?" he said, watching Momolo take his hands in wonderment.

"Mr. Luo, you actually like your life form as a human, right?" Momolo said firmly, "It doesn't matter. No matter what happens in the future, as long as your heart remains unchanged, no matter whether it's time or your body, everything will change." beyond the past!"

Luo Binhan was no stranger to this.He shook Momolo's hand and said, "Mo, I learned one thing from my short life, that is, human beings have limits, and not being human is a kind of blessing, and there are men who can't do it. "

Momolo looked at him very aggrieved.Luo Binhan intends to talk a few more words about Upsilon, but at this time Jing Juan has already started to walk towards the strange octopus creature, and he has to concentrate on watching the situation.

The majestic octopus began with a few simple syllables.The tone it produces is very monotonous, kind of electronic hum.That was also not the lingua franca of the alliance, so Luo Binhan couldn't understand its meaning at all.Jing Huang obviously did not.He frowned and considered for a moment, then held out a hand to the octopus.According to Luo Binhan, it was an expression of goodwill, but the two strange passengers seemed to regard it as some kind of aggressive gesture.The chair legs lie on the ground, the neck is coiled up with a snake-like flexibility, and then the two front legs cover the head.

That action didn't seem dangerous, more like self-protection.An octopus, on the other hand, is much less friendly.It lifted a tentacles from both sides of its body, and two beams of light protruded from the suction cups at the end of the tentacles, waving them menacingly at Thorn.Jing Huang looked at it, then at the chair legs lying on the ice, and seemed to be lost in thought.

"What do you think, young master?" Luo Binhan said.

"He's always been very bad at communicating, isn't he?" ∈ said, "I think he's trying to figure out how to keep these two troubles away."

Luo Binhan didn't think that was the case.He reminded: "What if these two are gangsters? How long has it been since our young master opened? Well, let's make some money."

They continue to watch Jing Juan and Octopus confront each other.Sometimes the atmosphere is tense, and people feel that conflicts will break out in the next second, but in the end no one makes a move.Jing Juan just tried various words and actions with astonishing patience, while the octopus on the opposite side also flicked its tentacles from time to time, dancing around with two shining light sticks.That made Robinhan feel a concert-like atmosphere, and before he knew it, he found himself holding a large bucket of fried nuts and crispy worms handed over by ∈.Yale Liga also came at some time, sitting on a chair by the door and watching them from afar.

Luo Binhan began to feel that this seemed a bit inappropriate.He hastily put down the snack bucket, pushed Momolo, and signaled him to go out to negotiate with Jing Huang.

"I don't think he can do much," the ∈ interjected. "That chair has brainwave protection, remember? It's not that easy to hack into his consciousness. But it's not that it can't be done, he's a disciplined type.' Call of the Light'. Makes sense. I think it might try—but better not let him go and engage in diplomatic negotiations with non-pan-sapiens."


"Experience." ∈ inscrutable.

Luo Binhan looked at Yale Liga, and saw that she was lazily sharpening her horns, and did not express any opinion on what she said.So he decided not to be swayed by rumors.

"Go, Lao Mo!" He patted Momolo on the back, "Let him see your ability!"

Momolo went with his head held high and his steps firm.After a few minutes, Luo Binhan saw that the screen became extremely bright.A group of dazzling white light slowly fell on the ice cap. Momolo stretched out his arms, his eyes were holy, and he showed his figure like an angel and a holy spirit.He said in a beautiful and moving voice like a bell: "Everyone, please stop quarreling! We can meet here today, it must be the guidance and care of fate. This is a very precious fate! Please believe in our sincerity, Because we are definitely not bad people! As a proof, I can recite my favorite collection of short stories "Ten Rules of Kindness" to the two of you. One of them is that there was a butcher in ancient times..."

At this time, Luo Binhan still felt that Momolo's performance was remarkable, but the two weird passengers screamed at the same time.They looked terrified, the chair legs clamping themselves to the ground while the samurai octopus wobbled and dozens of lightsabers shot from its suction cups.

It waved the sword rain aggressively, and rushed towards Momolo and Jinghuang.In the next few minutes, Luo Binhan didn't want to watch it anymore.He calmly asked ∈ to turn off the screen transmission, and then picked up the snack bucket again.

"Eat?" he asked Yale Liga.

Allerica didn't seem to care.She strolls over slowly to have a snack together.

"Your old man doesn't come here often recently." Luo Binhan said.

Allerica looked at him, but said nothing.Luo Binhan felt that she was still in a good mood, so he proposed to play cards together.The door to the bridge room was slammed open violently as he drew the deck.Jing Huang, with pieces of fleshy coral stuck all over her body, walked in cursing.Behind him was Momolo with an innocent and confused face, and a white rope floating in the air.The rope was stretched too long and was not pulled all the way into the bridge room.Luo Binhan walked to the door and took a look, and found that the two familiar strangers were tied at the end of the rope.

Luo Binhan was not surprised at all, but felt deeply calm and relieved, as if the sun was rising as usual, and the kidnapping of the Silence was going on as usual.

He heard Jing Huang still roaring in the bridge room: "It is said that preaching is not allowed!"

(End of this chapter)

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