Chapter 392

When Luo Binhan saw the strange container for the first time, he hadn't fully understood what it represented.His head was still in the terror of the gray wind, and he didn't know how he got to such an underground grotto-like place.What does this obvious, golden snowglobe-like artifact represent?He didn't have time to think about such a question.It wasn't until the golden cloud in the container was swallowed up by the gray that the feeling of déjà vu made him jump up suddenly, almost falling off the edge of the cliff.

He stabilized his body in time, and noticed that there was another person lying on his right side.Assabam with a complete head is lying there, and the neck is completely skeleton.Her snow-white bones were almost falling apart, and tender leaf-like granulation slowly squirmed on the pitch-black spine.Luo Binhan once saw that vertebra grow into the entire Assabam in the blink of an eye, but this time it grew extremely slowly.A full minute passed before Luo Binhan saw two or three nerve-like structures protruding from the tip of the granulation.

During this observation process, Luo Binhan lost his mind inappropriately.Assabam is in a very unusual state, and when Luo Binhan recalled the scene when they encountered the gray wind, he realized that Assabam should have had other ways to escape the predicament, such as pulling them back To that strange place of shadow and mist.She didn't do that, and didn't use more shadows, but fled to the sky.And now she was on the ground, motionless.

Luo Binhan called her a few times, but there was no response.He didn't want to take the risk of testing whether Assabam was pretending to be dead, so he knocked himself on the head.

"Is she alive?" he asked into the air.

He hoped that Garfield, who resided in his head, would have a more accurate judgment, but the other party only agreed that Assabam was not in shape.Its voice became a little strange, as if it was thinking about something else.Luo Binhan was surprised at first (what else is there to think about at this time?), but soon a thought flashed into his mind.Just as he was trying to figure it out, Garfield's voice disappeared from his head.

"If she died, you wouldn't leave me, would you?" he said.This cannot be concealed, because the other party can obviously read his mind.

He waited calmly for a reply.After another ten seconds, the voice in his head replied slowly: "There is not enough food here. If she dies, I don't think we have enough ability to leave together."

"Are you going to eat me? And her?"

"It's part of the cycle of life," the voice answered solemnly.

Robin Han didn't feel angry at all.Maybe he expected less from a creature that didn't look like him.He even wondered why the other party didn't kill him now, and then deal with Assabam.

This question was immediately answered by the facts.Assabam's body bounced slightly.A shadow flowed from under her, causing the rest of her body to turn a little.As a result, her head was facing Luo Binhan, her pure black eyes were staring at him.She didn't say anything, and in Luo Binhan's opinion, she didn't have any vocal organs.However, when the shadow flowed out from under her, he consciously closed his mouth discussing with Garfield.

alright.He said to Garfield in his heart.Now she is still alive.I don't know how much power she has, but it's probably enough for both of us.Now I'm not playing tricks, and you better not be either.

Garfield agreed with him.It may have started to eat Luo Binhan's brain cells in private, but Luo Binhan can't control this much for the time being.If he had ever considered taking this opportunity to get rid of Assabam, flee—or even kill her outright, those plans had to be shelved now.He walked up and knelt down on the edge of the shadow to meet her gaze.

"What was that just now?" he asked.

Assabam blinked silently.That may mean that you don't know, or you may not want to answer.The edge of her shadow fluctuated like a wave, telling Luo Binhan that even though she didn't even have legs, she was still a dangerous cold-blooded killer.

Luo Binhan couldn't help but glanced at her spine.He didn't want to look like he cared too much about it, but Assabam looked really weird at the moment.A woman's head stuck on a short black stick.If it wasn't for the desire to survive to restrain him, Luo Binhan could even hold her in his hand and wave her around.

He cleared his throat to get these messy thoughts out of his head, and said, "What do we do next?"

Assabam still didn't speak, only a slender streak flowed out from the shadow, waving towards the darkness in the distance.From her behavior, Luo Binhan understood two things: [-]. She really couldn't speak.[-]. Her opinion was "get out of here".That was exactly what Luo Binhan wanted, but he also had to point out another fact.

"Did you see the surroundings?" He didn't dare to grab Assabam's head, so he could only use his right hand finger to look around, "I guess we are on a very high rock. There is no way. There is no ladder."

He raised his bare left wrist and shook it in front of Assabam: "I don't have any hands either. I wonder if you can bring us down?"

Assabam's eyes fell on the cut of his wrist, and then turned away.The black granulation on her body was still growing slowly, and she didn't seem to care whether Luo Binhan could change her hands back.

"Okay, you can continue to rest." Luo Binhan said.Deciding he could do just fine by himself, he walked away from Assabam's shadow and went to the edge of the rock to observe the environment.

They're in some kind of grotto environment like underground or inside a mountainside.The air is damp and cold, there are many rock peaks, and the corners are covered with moss that emits cold light.The dark spring flows from the gap on the top of the cave, and flows into the darkness at the bottom of the peak.There are fierce water sounds everywhere, as if there is a wide and swift river below.Based on the sound of falling into the water, Luo Binhan estimated that they were at least as tall as a six-story building.

If compared with the situation just now, all this is not too bad, but it also makes Luo Binhan helpless.He wandered around the rocks, but couldn't find a suitable path to climb down, and he didn't know how deep it was (but would he still drown now?).He finally started to feel tired, and sat down on the rock at the farthest position from Assabam, feeling pain everywhere in his body.Is this life?He took off his coat listlessly, cut off two sleeves crookedly with a dagger, first bandaged the severed wrist of his left hand, and then wrapped the wound on the back of his right hand with his teeth.At this moment, his lungs are also cramping, fortunately the degree is mild, and he is too lazy to look at it.

He treated the wound roughly, and then washed his face with the spring water falling next to him.The water was icy, but it didn't smell bad. Luo Binhan bled a lot and felt extremely thirsty, so he drank it regardless.After he finished it, he thought for a while, and filled the water with his remaining sleeve.

"Do you want it?" He asked Assabam, flicking the sleeve filled with water, noticing that her spine had been covered with a thin layer of flesh and blood.

Assabam didn't respond, and Luo Binhan threw the sleeve over.He didn't care if the sleeves could be retracted, but contentedly put on his brand new sleeveless coat and lay down on the rock face.Now he longed for sublime sleep, and it was none of his business that Assabam died of thirst.

"Sleep," Garfield murmured, "is a kind of temporary death."

You fart.Luo Binhan answered in his heart.He was already groggy, and the cannibal still refused to let his ears be quiet.It began to speak slowly of death and sleep.

"I have heard the world described thus," it said. "The world is a great illusion, created by the ultimate power. It awakens the sleepers from the eternal realm, and brings them to life. But the illusion itself Full of pain and suffering, so beings always yearn to return to eternal sleep. When they decide to do so, they board a boat, cross a river full of lotus flowers, and return to sleep in the eternal kingdom through flowing water. But in doing so There are too many people, and the world has to hang three curtains on the river. The first name is Solitude, the second is Terror, and they are all gray and hideous, to scare away the returners who long to sleep together. The third curtain is different, it is brilliant and beautiful, making people believe that there must be a greater and wiser existence hidden behind it. That is the veil of the supreme existence, conveying its will and discouraging returnees from returning to the fantasy world."

That's a scam.Luo Binhan commented in his heart.Then he fell into the depths of consciousness and had a long dream.

(End of this chapter)

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