Sir, you are too sweet

Chapter 986 Astonishing the audience, the mediocre little piano genius

Chapter 986 Astonishing the audience, the mediocre little piano genius

She really poured ecstasy soup on Si Ye.

"From the countryside, has she ever learned the piano?"

"I haven't heard the Jiang family mention it. Even if I have learned it, I can't compare with others, right? She is young..."

The second half of the sentence "young age" has no deep meaning, and others can hear that it is alluding to Jiang Ye's being around Master Si at a young age, so he can be a good person.

"Isn't it the young lady who was raised by the Jiang family? Stupid, Master Si gave her a step down just now, and rushed to go up to embarrass herself."

"It's really a disaster for Si Ye!"

This sentence spoke out the hearts of the people.

No matter how you say it, Mrs. Si's woman should start out as a lady.

Seeing that Jiang Ye had already walked to the piano, Jiang Yuqing couldn't stop the smile from the corner of her mouth.

With her in front of her, it doesn't matter if Jiang Ye can play the piano, it's not that he can't compare with her, he can only be ashamed.

Thinking of this, she rolled her black and white eyeballs, quietly raised the mobile phone in her hand, turned on the camera at an inconspicuous position, and faced Jiang Ye on the preparation stage.

At this time, Jiang Ye, who came to the piano, touched the piano first, according to her habit.

Then, she slowly sat down on the piano chair.

The girl has a beautiful figure without blemishes, and a slender figure. Under the light, her captivating face is so beautiful that it is unreal.

The whole audience fell silent, and the eyes of those famous ladies and daughters were full of disdain.

After a few seconds, Jiang Ye's slender fingers finally moved on the black and white keys.

The beautiful syllables jumped out, and the first few chords made people realize that something was wrong, staring at the girl playing on the stage in disbelief.

Then, after just a few big beats, the sound of the piano, which was full of skill and emotion, shocked everyone present, and things were far from right.

This Jiang Ye plays the piano so well? !

The top class people present all have certain musical accomplishments, and they can tell whether Jiang Ye's performance is good or bad.

Everyone was startled by Jiang Ye, only the sound of the piano, which was like listening to fairy music, echoed in the entire banquet hall.

As the time passed, the music played by Jiang Ye gradually entered the climax stage.

The overall tune of the piece is bold and unrestrained, with a great span and a majestic momentum, as if thousands of troops are roaring past the ears, which can make people clearly feel the presumptuousness and wildness of the author of the piece.

Listening to it makes people's hands tremble, and their hearts are greatly shocked. They don't have any other thoughts in their heads, and they appreciate this piece with all their hearts.

As for Jiang Ye, who plays the piano, she is full of aura, and her movements are large but elegant. Her slender fingers dance back and forth on the keys naturally, as if there is no music score at all.

The girl is against the light, her beauty is soul-stirring, and her strong aura brings a strong sense of oppression.

The arrogant and rebellious young girl perfectly fits this piece of music, giving people a feeling that if she didn't play this piece of music, then this piece of music would have no soul.

Everyone was too shocked to think, and looked at the girl on the stage in surprise.

Especially Jiang Yuqing, who has superb piano skills, she was completely dumbfounded, her pupils constricted.

Jiang Ye can play the piano? !
How could she have learned the piano!
She knew very well in her heart that she was completely crushed by Jiang Ye.

She bit her lip angrily, even if the bite bleeds, she couldn't feel the pain.

This is impossible!This is impossible!
It is impossible for Jiang Ye to play the piano so well! ! !
(End of this chapter)

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