Half fairy

Chapter 877 Always

Chapter 877 Always
Earlier than I knew?Feng Jinqi stared at him in disbelief, and had to start to weigh up what this guy meant by suddenly bringing the topic to the stolen tiara.

Ye Xian's topic jumped back, "After the Great Wilderness Sacrifice, if there are guests who continue to stay in the Feng Clan, what are you going to do?"

Feng Jinqi: "My Feng clan doesn't want to cause any trouble."

What he said is the truth, and he emphasizes that you should listen first. No matter what you mean, my Feng Clan has this attitude.

Then he said the specific method, "Reject customers and close the mountain, and don't cause trouble."

Yexian: "There are too many people in this world who will do whatever it takes to achieve their goals. Rejecting guests and closing the mountain will only bring more trouble to the Feng Clan. If it is really for the benefit of the Feng Clan, then let nature take its course."

Feng Jinqi was puzzled: "Let nature take its course?"

Yexian: "I will stand behind your Phoenix clan."

These words made it clear that you don’t have to worry, but Feng Jinqi became more and more suspicious in his heart. He felt that this was not the usual style of the great patriarch to maintain the Great Wasteland. Make trouble, this time you want to let nature take its course?
He felt that the great patriarch must know something, so he had to ask: "Great patriarch, what are they trying to do?"

Yexian, who was resting on the pool, finally turned to look at him, "I also want to know what they can do."

Among the members of the Feng clan waiting to appear on the stage, Ye Didian looked around and asked himself a man, "Our tribe seems to be the only ones around who don't have any outsiders to watch the excitement."

You can only listen, but you can't see it. Everyone present is a little bit itchy, but it should be like this.

Feng Jinqi was silent, and also realized that he had no choice in this matter. Even the great patriarch could be alarmed. It is not difficult for the Feng clan to face it alone, or to face it together with the great patriarch. .

Chi Biyao, who was going down the mountain, met her old nanny, who was in charge, and was brought in front of her best friend, in front of the grotto cave she had been to before.

"Over there, there is a lot of movement over there. It seems that there are masters fighting."

He bowed, turned around and left consciously...

Rumbling fighting sounds spread to the top of the mountain from time to time, and the people standing in the grid listened attentively from time to time.

For a while, the fighting here is more intense, and for a while, it seems that the fighting in the distance is more intense. It is rare for the spectators to look around absent-mindedly during the competition.

Yu Qing stared at the clouds floating in the sky, and muttered, "There's something wrong with the sky, it's better not to rain."

At the beginning of the competition, the visitors from all sides found that the Great Wasteland was honest and honest, and the vigorous Great Wilderness Sacrifice was indeed nothing to watch, and it was indeed just a way for the Great Wasteland to handle internal affairs.However, when the news first came out, everyone didn't believe it, they all sharpened their heads and drilled here, insisting on coming to see this first Great Wilderness Priest.

The night is long, the autumn water is green, the sun is setting on the mountainside, and the sun is setting on the back of the goose.

He chuckled, "I don't want to stay here any longer, I'll go back and pack my luggage first."

After a long silence, Luo Yunping said slowly, "You shouldn't be involved this time."

Luo Yunping said calmly, "I'm waiting for you."

Tian Yu was the first to fly away, followed by Chan Zhi. Yu Qing and the others failed to escape, and were immediately blocked by Shi Jia and Su Banxu.

Luo Yunping lightly raised her sleeves, signaling that they walked to the edge of the mountain together, avoiding others, and watched the sunset together.

The Great Wilderness Sacrifice has also officially begun.

It doesn't matter to the Celestial Clan who presides over the Great Wilderness Sacrifice, and it doesn't matter to the two tribes who appear in the competition. They don't take it seriously if they understand it or not. Anyway, we can solve the problem by ourselves. Can you still bite me?
Some distinguished guests found out that this is what happened to the Great Wilderness Priest, so they had no interest in seeing it. It is impossible for them to play around like two tricks.

The only arrangement that can be discussed is that the order of duels is in the order in which disputes are raised, which is similar to the order in which registrations are made.

The group of people didn't want to stay here any longer, so they left quickly.

At night, no one cares about it. It started to rain, and the wind and rain danced together, sometimes big and sometimes small.As a result, it rained all night. Regardless of the fact that the rain was not very powerful, the mana of the group of people with a slightly lower cultivation base was exhausted enough under the continuous and dense rain.

Those imprisoned here are all boring people, some closed their eyes and meditated, some listened to the fight, and some suffered after being tortured.

"You haven't left yet?" Chi Biyao was somewhat surprised, could it be that Da Huang Si is so good-looking that he can keep his best friend for ten days.

A group of drowned chickens were dumbfounded, and cast spells to dry themselves.

The members of the Celestial Clan came back to draw the grid under their feet that was washed away by the rain.

The general process is that Clan A, who has a territorial dispute, finds Clan Tian, ​​who presides over the Great Wilderness Sacrifice, and expresses that he wants to ask Clan B for the disputed territory. Each clan will send one person as a representative to go to the duel field to fight, the loser will admit defeat, who told you that your skills are not as good as others, and if you have any objections, the next Great Wilderness Priest in 20 years will fight again.

"Wait for me?" Chi Biyao wondered, "What's the matter?"

Sometimes, I was really afraid of something. The dark clouds began to roll in the afternoon, and it was obvious that it was going to rain. However, it was obvious that some masters danced the wind and clouds in the sky and forcibly cast spells to disperse the rain clouds, ensuring the smooth progress of the Great Wilderness Sacrifice. Yu Qing and the others were secretly stunned.

"Over there, there is momentum over there."

Shi Jia also nodded slightly, "There is nothing we can do about the rules of the Great Wilderness Priest. Now that the Great Wilderness Priest is over, we must settle this account carefully when we leave here."

It was useless to use a piece of cloth as a hijab, she was still a little tanned, and when she passed by Yu Qing and the others, there was some resentment in her eyes.

There was a sound of splashing water, and he looked up again, only to find that the figure of the great patriarch had disappeared, and the long hair dragging on the pool was being pulled into the pool little by little, the hair was very long.

In the event of a fight between a small and weak tribe, a group of guests didn't know why they came all the way here.

Not to mention him, even Xiang Zhen couldn't help but respond, "When thousands of races gather together to show their strengths, it's an eye-opening time, once in 20 years, it's a pity to miss it."

After nagging for a long time, Nanzhu looked at the big sun in the sky, and sighed: "The first Great Wilderness Priest, we finally came here, and we couldn't see the competition right under our noses. We want to do it again next time." If you look at it, it will be 20 years later."

Nan Zhu sticks out his tongue to lick the rainwater. There is no food or drink here. He is self-satisfied and just playing to relieve his boredom.

The men present didn't care about the sun, but they were really afraid of the rain.

Licking and licking, he suddenly opened his eyes, looked around, stopped the rain?

The possibility of predicting what to watch in advance is indeed very small, not to mention outside spectators, even the Celestial Clan who hosts the competition does not know where the next match will be played, and who will win or lose, let alone outsiders probably know.

Nan Zhu couldn't see it, but it didn't prevent him from talking.

It's one thing to have a high cultivation base and not be afraid of the sun, but it's another thing to be tanned by the sun, women.

The Tianzu people came over in the evening to announce that you can leave, but before Nanzhu had time to cheer, Chi Biyao was the first to leave cursing and walking quickly, her skirts in a hurry.

This remark caused the clansmen to look around and found that it was really the case. Those who could come were arrested, those who couldn’t came were recuperating, Chu Pingkun lost an arm, and his entourage was looking after him, so he didn’t bother to watch the excitement.

Just like this, exposed to the wind and sun, occasionally raining, without food or drink, until the end of the Great Wilderness Sacrifice, after ten days, the feeling, even for monks, is not good, mainly because the feet are nailed.

Experts like Tian Yu, Chan Zhiyi and Chi Biyao didn't care, this little rain hardly affected them at all, and the most affected were those who had been injured after torture.

At dawn, the smoke from the kitchen is everywhere, and the movement of birds and beasts is also one after another. Everything is awakened together with the bright sky.

In the eyes of outside spectators, two races suddenly appeared on the stage, and then they fought inexplicably. No one even introduced who the two sides were on the stage, and there was no promotion step by step.

Su Banxu was the first to express his indignation, "It's all caused by Chu Pingkun, brother, don't worry, I'm not someone who breaks my promise, I will definitely do what I promised you."

That is to say, the tribes whose territories are not close to each other can't fight at all in the Great Wilderness Priest, and most of the tribes who come to the Great Wilderness Priest will not have any collisions with each other.

Luo Yunping said slowly: "The competition between Kunbaohang and Taohuaju for the products of the Feng clan must continue."

A group of people went down the mountain one after another.

Clans A and B first raised a dispute and went to the duel field first, and so on to more than a dozen duel fields. As for the latter, in the eyes of outsiders, they fell into chaos and came out of order.Which field is finished first, and those who line up behind will fill in the vacant space. In this way, which field will appear in which field is almost irregular.

Which venue should outside spectators go to?

Chi Biyao: "That doesn't matter, I don't want to be cruel to Tan Hualang, let them figure it out for themselves,"

There are more than a dozen duel venues around Tianzu Mountain, and there is no prior arrangement as to which two will end up in the duel and which venue to compete.

What do you mean?Yu Qing looked at the two of them with flickering eyes, did he depend on it?

From time to time, Yu Qing and the others looked at Xiang Zhen who didn't make any defense from the beginning to the end, and kept his eyes closed and let the rain drench. Later, they also felt that it was unnecessary to cast spells to hold on. He gave up his defense, became a drowned chicken, and wasted a lot ahead.

Speaking of this again, Chi Biyao smiled wryly: "It's already like this, and there is nothing to regret. I regret that I was busy in Bai, and I couldn't help Miss Zhong to solve the matter."

A competition that seems to be of such a huge scale, to outside spectators, is a bit confusing, even at a loss, because there is no point to watch.

For some lower-level guests, it was barely an eye-opening opportunity. After all, it is not easy to see people from the Great Wasteland tribe make a move, and they are not picky eaters.

It's not a deliberate concealment, in fact, it has not been kept secret.

As if Chi Biyao was going to get married, she pulled a piece of cloth out of nowhere and covered her head like a hijab to block the sun.

Feng Zangshan sighed, "Oh, they were all arrested."

Luo Yunping's tone was indifferent and she emphasized, "Chu Pingkun has to continue to entangle with Ashheng. If I don't say stop, I can't win or lose. Since you have already intervened in this matter, it is justifiable to continue intervening."

Chi Biyao heard something else, "Luo Luo, what do you want to do?"

Luo Yunping glanced at her, and flung her menacing eyes away, "Don't you want to know why Chan Zhiyi and Su Banxu helped Ashheng kill Chu Pingkun? It's best if there is no problem. Don't you want to fulfill Zhong girl's good deeds?" ?"

Secretly protecting Ash Heng?Chi Biyao nodded thoughtfully.

(End of this chapter)

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