Half fairy

Chapter 999

Chapter 999

Haidu Miyagi, a corner of the city, is facing the location of the Amber Village. Xiang Luoce is standing with his hands behind his back, gazing at the Amber Village quietly, seemingly calm, but in fact his heart is not peaceful. Peel in a daze in this corner.

The thing he had been waiting for for a long time finally came. The leader in charge of tracking flew over, landed beside him and bowed his hands, "Island Master."

Xiang Luoce said simply and clearly, "Talk about the matter."

The tracking leader said: "After the target left here, he acted low-key and walked in a remote path. In order to cover up his whereabouts, he escaped into the sea and arrived at the 'Wanghai Tower' on the west side of the sea by water. When we checked the situation in the restaurant, we found that the person had disappeared."

"Disappeared?" Xiang Luoce, who had listened well, was puzzled, and slowly turned his head, his eyes already showing a fierce look, "I said, what if you lose someone?"

The tracking leader panicked and said: "The island owner, please calm down. There is a reason for the incident. We suspect that the person has not disappeared, but he has changed into someone else. We have also locked the target. However, the situation is a bit strange and very puzzling. I am here to ask the island owner to make a clear decision." .”

"Strange?" Xiang Luoce was suspicious, "How weird?"

The tracking leader said: "After discovering the private room the target entered, we immediately intervened in the 'Wanghai Tower'. At that time, the target hadn't come out of the private room. The guys outside the private room can also prove that. We also confirmed afterwards It is none other than the well-known Tan Hua Lang and his party."

"Tanhualang?" Xiang Luoce was taken aback, obviously surprised, how could that person be involved again.

"Yes, it is the one who is known as the most talented person in the world."

"go on."

"Yes. We confirmed again and again from the restaurant that Tanhualang and his party of more than ten people requested two adjacent private rooms, and there was no beautiful woman among them when they entered and exited, which also explained why the target was not seen from that elegant room." Also, according to the time when Tan Hualang and his party entered and left the restaurant, it just accommodated the time when the target came to Amber Village to act."

"You mean to say that Tanhualang and his party are deliberately covering for the target?"

"Yes, this is our judgment. It is impossible for people to disappear out of thin air. After we checked and ruled out all the possibilities of the entire 'Wanghai Tower', we finally suspected that the target was someone from Tanhua's party in disguise. After they returned to Zhihai On the way to the pavilion, our people passed him face to face many times, took a closer look, and indeed found a person who looked similar to the target, but strangely, it was a man."


"That's right, and it's a very good-looking man, that handsome guy from Taohuaju. For this reason, I went to the Amber Village just now and found two people who had searched for him before. The target of the body check is definitely a woman, and they have checked their body with spells, and they guarantee that there will be no mistakes.

According to the physical characteristics of the target female they provided, we compared the locked target, and a strange situation appeared. The target was basically locked, but it seemed that there was a mistake again. In many places, we also deliberately designed people to collide with them, and took the opportunity to verify the gender characteristics of the target. In short, the target in Amber Village must be a woman, and the target must be a man. We didn't know the problem for a while. what happened. "

Xiang Luoce's face was already distracted, and he muttered, "The male and female skills, she is really back..."

"What?" The tracking leader didn't hear clearly and asked back.

Xiang Luoce waved his hands, "It's okay, let's continue talking about what you found."

"Yes. One more thing, we found that the target has a very close relationship with that Tanhualang, and the two big men hugged each other along the way..."

"What?" Xiang Luo Ce interrupted, "You said they hug each other?"

The tracking leader didn't know why he made such a fuss, he was stunned for a while and replied: "Yes, the hugs and hugs under the watchful eyes of everyone, it can be seen that the relationship is very close. The colleagues who walked shoulder to shoulder along the way, talked and laughed. Over at Haige, the general situation is like this, I will call other follow-up personnel to draw up the detailed process later."

The corner of Xiang Luoce's mouth twitched violently, he waved his hand and said, "Go and call Da Chao."

"Yes." The tracking leader took the order and jumped directly from the top of the city.

Xiang Luoce, on the other hand, walked back and forth on the city wall with his hands behind his back, his stride was fast, and he looked extremely restless.

The so-called "Dachao" was the leader of the guards of the Amber Village, who was not far away, and soon followed the informants to fly up the city wall.

"Island Master." The guard leader saluted.

Xiang Luoce: "Let me ask you, how many people did Haihua bring to Amber Village last time, and there was a very handsome boy among them, do you have any impression?"

Although the leader of the guard was a little puzzled as to why he asked this question, he nodded without thinking too much, "Remember, such a handsome young man is really rare, I have an impression."

Xiang Luoce: "Is there anything special about his visit last time?"

The leader of the guard: "What's special? If I have to say something special, it's that he's such an old woman at such a young age. Oh, by the way, the woman he patronizes is the one that the female guest went to today." Jian Xiangluo Ce Yi looked like that, and couldn't help but startled: "Island owner, what's the problem?"

"It's okay, you go back first." Xiang Luoce waved his hand.

The guard leader looked suspicious, but he still took orders and retreated.

Then, Xiang Luoce ordered another person: "Go to Zhihai Pavilion and bring Haihua over here, immediately!"

"Yes." The tracking leader also led away.

Xiang Luoce himself also flew up, flew directly to the depths of the harem, and quickly walked into the study room. After pondering for a while, he wrote a secret letter, and after securing it, he sent it to the He left the capital of Yin State.

After finishing this, he went to the courtyard where the playthings were made, and walked into the room where the big fish specimens were still hanging with a solemn expression, slowly wandering around.

He didn't know how long he had been meditating, but the sound of footsteps disturbed his thoughts, and when he looked up, it was none other than his daughter Xiang Haihua.

Xiang Haihua was also a little strange, she came over and asked: "Father, it's not like you don't know that I have something to do, why are you calling me so urgently?"

Xiang Luoce pressed his hands, "The ones on your side stop first."

Xiang Haihua was surprised, "Is that Huo Lang from Jingyuan Shipping not watching?"

Xiang Luoce: "I'm talking about Tanhualang and Princess Chaoyang. This matter is suspended. Do you want to continue to wait for my notification? In short, put it on hold."

Xiang Haihua's eyes widened, "Father, that Princess Chaoyang is in a hurry to bridal chamber, she hurried to urge me, I also have an appointment with Tanhualang tonight, and you let me make it as soon as possible, what do you mean by shelving it suddenly?" , how should I explain to Princess Chaoyang?"

"Is there anything I can't explain, do you still need to ask me about such a small matter? Find a way by yourself."

"No, why, there must be a reason, why did you go so early, what's the matter when you suddenly called to stop when you were about to kick the door?"

"I will tell you what you should know, don't ask if you shouldn't know. By the way, the handsome guy next to Tanhualang is the guy from Taohuaju. Do you know this guy?"

"I know, what is his name, Lin Long, he is really good-looking, even if it is a woman, I can't help but look at him more."

"Yes, just that Lin Long, you remember, pay more attention to his safety, especially his safety, he lives with you, you must pay more attention to it, absolutely nothing will happen to him, this is why I asked you to come face to face the goal of."

"..." Xiang Haihua was stunned for a while, his eyes flickered for a while, and he said doubtfully, "Father, I have been confused by you. What about a guy? I admit that he looks attractive to women, but his status and status Put it there, if you want to protect it, you must also protect that Tanhualang, could it be that he was taken by some powerful woman?"

Xiang Luoce poked her forehead a little unhappy and reprimanded: "What a mess, let me tell you, can you think of anything else in your mind besides men and women? Haihua, listen carefully, or if I Let me tell you, if Princess Chaoyang encounters any danger with him, if only one person can be saved, it must be him, do you understand what I mean?"

As soon as this remark came out, it really made Xianghaihua gasp. What's the situation? Princess Chaoyang is not only the daughter of Emperor Yin, but also the daughter of a senior junior sister. One can imagine her noble status, so she immediately asked He said: "Father, who is this Lin Long? Is he more noble than Princess Chaoyang? There is no way I haven't heard of such a person."

Xiang Luoce said earnestly: "Hai Hua, it is not necessarily the status that decides some things, but the position. Whatever position you stand on, you have to think about it. It is a taboo to change your position. A place to stand, even a place to die without a burial."

position?Xiang Haihua only knew that her father belonged to Li Chenghu, so she tried to ask, "Is it related to Prince Duan?"

Xiang Luoce waved his hands away, "Okay, you will know when it's time for you to know, remember my explanation, go back."

Xianghaihua could only leave with a mind full of doubts...

"Go upstairs, turn right upstairs and walk to the end, then turn right and go downstairs, take the note with you on the way, Master."

In Zhihai Pavilion, Chong'er, who walked to the meeting place, didn't see the master, but saw a note with some red writing on it, looked around, and followed suit.

After running all the way to the next place specified on the note, I still didn’t see Master, but saw another note, which said: “Go straight up two floors, then turn right until the end, then go down three floors , hurry up."

She didn't know what the hell Master was doing, so she continued to obey.

In this way, after receiving five notes along the way, she saw Master in a corner window.

On the way, she wondered if she had made a mistake, and she was completely relieved when she saw the Master himself. The ceremony is unbreakable, and I will pay my respects first, and then I showed a few notes in my hand, and asked, "Master, what is the meaning of this?"

The little uncle smiled faintly, and said with a smile: "You have been followed by someone, if you don't get rid of him, how can you and I meet? These things should be smashed."

"Ah?" Chong'er was taken aback and looked around quickly.

"Don't worry, I've already got rid of it. It's you who asked me to meet in broad daylight. What's the matter?"

Chong'er was puzzled, wondering how Master knew someone was following him, and why he was sure to get rid of him while standing here. After obediently casting a few pieces of paper into powder and blowing them out of the window, he replied in a guilty conscience: "Come here and report to Master. I have already been to Huber Village today. According to Master's wishes, I went there disguised as a woman."

The little uncle said, "Have you found any useful information?"

Chong'er nodded, "I found it, and I'm here to report to Master."

The little uncle opened the folding fan and shook it lightly, and said with a slight smile: "I said, don't tell me, just tell the old fifteen, he is the one who handles the matter, and he will take care of it."

"Oh, yes." Chong'er nodded again, and then seemed hesitant to speak.

The little uncle glanced at her, turned around calmly and said, "I have nothing else to do and I'm leaving."

"Master..." Chong'er suddenly stopped.

The little uncle who was about to go upstairs stopped and turned his back, slowly shaking his fan, "What's the matter?"

Chong'er's face was full of hesitation and confusion, but for the sake of her clansmen, she bit the bullet and said, "Master, I think those Huber girls in Huber Village are so pitiful."

The little uncle still didn't look back, "So what?"

"They helped us, and I also want to help them get out of trouble." Chong'er lowered his head weakly.

The little uncle said casually: "If you want to help, you can help."

"Uh..." Chong'er suddenly raised his head, his face full of disbelief, he didn't expect Master to be so easy to talk, and hesitantly said: "I don't know how to help, so I came here to ask Master for advice."

She really doesn't have much experience in the world, especially for such a big event, the people involved are not trivial, and she doesn't know where to start.

"Please tell me why? Those senior brothers of yours are not for display, especially the fifteenth. They have seen too many big scenes, and they have done things like breaking the sky more than once or twice. It is very difficult for people to do this kind of thing." If you are experienced, I don’t need to take care of trivial matters, and there are ready-made people around you, so you can’t wait for them for nothing, just ask them to do things.”

He said it easily, but Chong'er sweated a little, pouted slightly and muttered: "I just told Brother Fifteen before that he wouldn't help..."

Whispering roughly told the story of the pleading.

However, her master's answer was still very relaxed, "It's simple, you just say what I mean, it's what I told you before I left Youjiaobu, and you can leave Youjiaobu if you ask you to disguise yourself as a woman to inquire about news. At that time, I pushed up your explanation, and warned them by the way, just say what I said, and give them a chance to save people and accumulate virtue. If you dare to refuse, your legs will be broken, or they will be naked in the river in Youjiaobu Swimming, let them choose."

Hearing this, Chong'er's eyes lit up, and she nodded vigorously. She knew, and she didn't know what was wrong with her master. Anyway, several senior brothers were afraid of her master. As long as she moved out of master, that thorny fifteenth Brother also dare not disobey.

A reverie thought also flashed in her mind, it seemed that it would be pretty good to let the fifteenth senior brother take off his clothes and swim.

But quickly put this messy picture aside, of course it is still important to save lives.

She was still very puzzled, and finally asked the doubt in her heart, "Master, since you are here, why don't you meet up with the brothers, wouldn't it be more convenient to explain directly if you have anything to say?"

The little uncle snorted, "Do you think the old fifteen is a good thing? He is as big as I can see wearing open crotch pants. As for his piss, if I dare to show up, he dares to rely on me. Chonger, The people your brother provokes are too strong. As long as he shows up, it is difficult to escape their sight. I can’t stand his rough skin and thick flesh. In short, you can’t put eggs in one basket. It’s better to cooperate overtly and secretly suitable."

Chong'er understood, and nodded again.

"Go back." The little uncle looked back at her, smiled and went upstairs, shaking his fan.

Chong'er bowed her hands and watched the back of Master leaving gracefully. Thinking that Master has always been kind to her, she felt a warmth in her heart. It was a feeling of happiness, which filled her with strength and a sense of security. I am inexperienced and know nothing, and I am very apprehensive when doing things, but now I suddenly feel that I am not afraid of anything.

Then she also left happily...

"What? Lost you? What are you guys doing for food? With so many people at your disposal, you can lose it with a stunned young man?"

At a remote corner in Zhihai Pavilion, the leader of the tracking was furious when faced with several subordinates who were tracking bugs.

Fortunately, the identity of the tracking target has been confirmed, otherwise, according to what Xiang Luoce said before, if he loses the person and dies, what will happen?
That should not be a joke, and the island owner would not make such a joke, he was afraid even thinking about it.

A few people standing in a row were also very ashamed, and one of them argued: "I don't know what's going on, he wandered here and there, as if he was wandering aimlessly, but coincidentally, we preset it in advance The person who takes over the tracking will always make a wrong prediction of the route. He can always just avoid our settings, and he will always take advantage of our Confucianism. People get lost."

The tracking leader said angrily: "Don't make excuses for your incompetence, he can't predict all your assumptions in advance, can he? This is at any time, even if there is a traitor among us who tipped off the news, it's too late, a bunch of idiots!"

At this moment, another person ran over and urgently reported: "The target appeared again."

The tracking leader immediately gritted his teeth and cursed: "Why are you still in a daze, hurry up and arrange people to follow up!"

"Yes." The group dispersed immediately.

Chong'er's footsteps are relaxed and cheerful, with small steps occasionally bumping up, and sometimes he hums some small tunes in his nasal cavity. It's all gone, and it doesn't hinder her happy mood if you don't buy it and just look at it.

After wandering around for a while, she didn't dare to leave Yu Qing's side for too long, worried that something would happen there, so she went back.

Back in the house, Yu Qing and the others were looking at the map of the Amber Sea, while checking the various news from the Sanxian Island people.

Hearing the sound of the door opening and closing, Yu Qing turned around and saw that it was her, and asked casually, "The world of flowers is dazzling, where are you going again?"

Chong'er came pacing with his hands behind his back, with an arrogant look on his face, "I didn't go anywhere, just walk around and see if I can think of a way to save people."

Several people immediately turned their heads to stare at her in unison, and found that this guy was crazy, and he wanted to save someone alone, wasn't he courting death?

Yu Qing said angrily, "Have you figured out a way?"

Chonger simply shook his head, "No."

Yu Qing snorted sarcastically, and just turned her head to continue looking at the information collected in her hands, when she suddenly heard Chong'er's voice and said, "So I decided to listen to you and tell you the truth."

 One thousand chapters, big chapter congratulations!
(End of this chapter)

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