Chapter 390

In the year 8022 of the Zheng calendar, June.

Wutong City is in the yellow plum sky, sometimes it is cloudy and rainy, and sometimes it is torrential rain.

The raindrops kept hitting the glass windows, and there was a rustling sound like sifting beans.

The air is dull and humid, making people feel musty all over.

Meng Fei was sitting at the desk in the Mu En Hall and the library, leaning on the leather office chair.

He was reading a very mysterious case with relish.

He was watching it vigorously before he got off work, and when he came back from dinner, he couldn't help but continue watching.

He felt that if he changed it casually, he could directly change it to the beginning of a fantasy novel.

This used to be his desk alone, but now it has been changed into two desks, separated by a partition in the middle.

Ai Ting sat across from her, busy with other things.

Their vacant office door creaked and was pushed open.Tang Wenwen's hehehehe laughter came in like wind chimes.

"Sister Ai, Brother Meng, do you want to play Shayou?"

"Kill you?"

In the world before Meng Fei traveled, there were similar games, generally called killing games.

Many play together, and some of them secretly act as killers to "kill people" secretly.

Others act as decrypted civilians, and everyone discusses and finds the killer together, fighting wits and courage.

In the world of his previous life, there were many evolved versions of killing games, such as Three Kingdoms Killing, Werewolf Killing, and Script Killing.

In this period of the world, "killing you" is very popular.In the whole world, killing games is a competitive sport with a high degree of attention.

Not only are there many ordinary players, but there are also professional players, killing clubs, club leagues from various countries, and the World Cup.

But their professional killing game is a little different from Meng Fei's previous life. Instead of a group of people playing together offline, they play online through virtual reality technology.

Players lie in an immersive VR sleep cabin, and their brains are connected to the virtual world on the Internet, as if traveling through a mysterious reasoning world, which is quite exciting.

However, this type of device is directly connected to the brain, which requires extremely high security, and also involves various compliances such as privacy protection, which is super complicated and quite expensive.The price of each device is more than [-] Qingmang coins.

So in this world, those who play killing games are at least the middle class.Young people like Tang Wenwen and Chen Han who have no family background and have just graduated and worked for a few years can't afford it.

But Tang Wenwen found a good way to get the moon first, and that is to use the new training room of the Municipal Bureau of Ability.

Not long ago, the equipment in the training room of the Ability Bureau of Wutong City was upgraded, and four expensive immersive VR sleep cabins were purchased.

During the day, these devices are used for training by the people of the Ability Bureau, and of course they are free at night.

With the backing of Director Li Huo, no one in the Ability Bureau dared to disagree.Even the key to the VR training room is usually in Tang Wenwen's hands.

So she often pulls people to play killing games as soon as she gets off work.

Hearing Shayou Mengfei's heart was slightly touched.Because the case he was looking at was related to a famous game killer.

"Go and play, I'm still busy."

Ai Ting has never been very fond of this kind of activity that young people are passionate about.

"Brother Meng, go. We are too small to be fun."

Tang Wenwen begged coquettishly.

"Go and call Fatty."

"Hey, Xiao Hanhan is already there, even Director Li is here.

"Xiao Han is in charge of watching the machine. But there is still a role missing."

After Li Huo became the director of the bureau, he was full of official airs and dignity in the bureau, but he was very friendly to the young people in the center of the problem.

Xiaohanhan is Tang Wenwen's nickname for Chen Han.After more than half a year of hard work, the relationship between the two has developed to a certain extent.

But Chen Han didn't dare to take that step for a long time, so Meng Fei suspected that they might develop into girlfriends.

"Since Xiao Han is here, then you go and call Mo Sheng, she will go."

Meng Fei gave her an idea.

Suzaku is very cold, unless Meng Fei participates, she will never participate in this kind of "children's" game.

Mo Sheng has a withdrawn personality, but he is very close to Xiao Han.If Xiao Han went, [-]% of them would go too.

"Hey, I don't know if sister Zhu will leave little Momo for experiments or something."

Tang Wenwen pouted and left while complaining.

Meng Fei continued to look at the case he was looking at.

The protagonist of the case is a real murderer.It is quite famous in the killing circle of the entire Wutong City.

The criminal prosecutor in charge of this case believed that he was so obsessed with killing games that he confused reality and fiction, and finally committed the crime.

The protagonist of the case that Meng Fei is reading is named Fan Bu, known as Boss Fan, who is the champion of the 8020 class, the top game killing contest in the country.

Sex: Male.Place of birth: Wutong City, date of birth: July 7980, 7.Age: 8 years old.

The educational background is... Elementary school graduate.

Meng Fei didn't have time to look carefully at this person's resume.too long.It is harder to read than tens of millions of words on the Internet.He can only take a look at a sample.

In the early years, Fan Bu squatted on the busiest street in Wutong City every day, rushing up to polish shoes whenever a big boss appeared.

With such a miserable hell-level start, at the age of 25, he became the follower of a business tycoon in Wutong City's foreign trade circle.

At the age of 30, he had already made a name for himself in the foreign trade industry. He once worked as the vice president of a large export trade firm.

After the age of 35, he stopped doing foreign trade.Stand on your own, and only do one thing, and that is stock trading.

He stepped on the spot very accurately and operated extremely fiercely. In a few years, he turned a small goal of hundreds of millions into billions.But troubles ensued.

Because he has close contacts with many bigwigs in the business world in Wutong City, many people have rumored that he can receive inside information from the bigwigs, so that he can accurately sell high and buy low.

Isn't this insider trading?In Qingmang's criminal law, regardless of the amount of insider trading, the starting point is three years, and no more than five years.

The amount of profit exceeds 100 million, and the proper "particularly serious circumstances" are more than five years but less than ten years.

A big family like them made a profit of 100 million, isn't it enough to fill a gap between their teeth?
So he was targeted by financial prosecutors.A well-known prosecutor in Wutong City, Gu Chang, known as "Gu Wuchang", specially recruited him.

He was indicted on more than a dozen counts and the lawsuit went on for several years.But miraculously, he remained unmoved.Although he has repeatedly made dangers, he has repeatedly passed through dangers.

After being detained for three years, this person was not only acquitted, but also received state compensation.

On the contrary, Gu Chang was imprisoned for two years because of forged evidence.After he came out, he was naturally no longer a prosecutor.

Fan Bu lost interest in stock trading.He likes to spend time and drink, but he doesn't want to do a business that risks being jailed.

With several billions in the account, he can live a luxurious life with dividends. It is better to pursue a more interesting life than to continue to make money.

He played Shayou and became a high-ranking player on all major platforms.Buying tens of millions of devices and recharging millions of dollars are just daily side dishes.

Participating in various international and domestic script killing competitions made him famous.Just like when he was trading in stocks, he is known for his precise insight into human nature.

If this is the case, it is an example of a small person earning money by rising up with his mind and hard work, and finally finding the success he pursued all his life.

But just 10 months ago, on August 8021, 8, an unimaginable event happened, which can be called the most miraculous case in Wutong City in the past ten years!
(End of this chapter)

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