Forty-eight years of Qianlong

Chapter 148 Fu Dashuai's turnaround battle

Chapter 148 Fu Dashuai's turnaround battle

Early the next morning, Fukang'an went to the Ministry of War to hand in the Wang Ming flag and the imperial envoy's defense first after he received the Xie En booklet.Afterwards, he led three hundred bodyguards to the west of Beijing.

And when he left, Gansu Protestant churches would be murdered a lot.

After Fukang'an arrived in Xi'an to pick up Agui's imperial envoy, he didn't know who these generals in the Beijing camp were relatives, but those who led the escape were served with fifty army sticks, and all the errands were dismissed, replaced by deputy, and I finished fighting Jun Gun will also be sent to prison to wait for the court to deal with it.All of a sudden, ghosts and wolves were howling as ghosts and wolves were beaten by military sticks all over the Beijing camp.

Later, during the military parade, Fukang'an bluntly stated that the officers and soldiers under his command would be beheaded immediately if they faced the enemy and feared the war, regardless of their official positions.

After a series of intimidation and threats, he asked his personal guards to carry out boxes of silver.Fukang'an shouted passionately: "This is what a man has done! Serve the country and the emperor! I, Fukang'an, will not hesitate to die and smash my body to repay the kindness of heaven and earth! I will not take any money if I win this battle. It’s all yours! I’ll recommend it to you, and everyone will be promoted!”

At this time, Fukang'an had made the whole firearms battalion fearful and terrified, and their blood was aroused by these words and the white money on the stage!

"Willing to serve the emperor! Willing to die for the commander!"

On the tenth day of August, Fukang'an led 5000 Beijing camp firearms soldiers from Xi'an to the front line of Yanchuan.After discussing a strategy with Li Shiyao, they allocated 3000 soldiers from the Yansui army, quietly crossed the Yangjinshui and Panyunjian rivers together, followed the Jinghe River all the way west, and went straight to Longde County on the south bank of the Tianshui River.

Under the indiscriminate bombardment of dozens of cannons, the already dilapidated Longde County fell that day, and thousands of rebels were killed or injured.

On August [-], Fukang'an continued to lead his army westward, and captured Jingning County at the junction of Tianshui River and Kushui River in two days.With the recovery of Jingning, the communication between Xi'an and Lanzhou, which had been interrupted for many days, was quickly restored.

After receiving the order from Fukang'an, the Ganliang soldiers, Alashan cavalry and Ningxia reinforcements guarding Lanzhou did not dare to slack off, led the army to attack bravely, and conquered Huining in five days.

Fukang'an returned to Longde at this time, and recruited and selected more than 1000 "valiant soldiers" and "good gunners" among the local Han people and veterans; after some preparations, he launched a feint attack on Didian Mountain on August 21.The Qing army who came from Huining cooperated in launching a surprise attack from behind the mountain.The Didian Mountain rebels fought back bravely, and the Qing army began to besiege the mountain if they could not attack the mountain.However, as Ma Wenxi, the military officer guarding Didian Mountain, surrendered to Fukang'an, the Protestant Army guarding the mountain was greatly weakened, and Didian Mountain quickly fell.In this battle, the Protestant Army killed more than [-] people.

At this time, Zhang Wenqing and Ma Siwa, who were about to arrive in Changwu, heard that the rear had fallen, and immediately withdrew their troops to help.Li Shiyao led the Shaanxi Dubiao Battalion and Yansui Bing to bite each other's back like brown sugar.

The Ma Siwa Ministry of Protestantism was so itchy for Li Shiyao's "dog skin plaster", so they set up a battle in Chongxin to fight against him.Seeing this situation, Li Shiyao immediately withdrew his troops for [-] miles and built a stronghold to defend himself.

Ma Siwa waited in Chongxin for three days but did not see the other party coming, so he led the rebel army to evacuate Chongxin under the cover of night.Who wanted to go near Huating, but Li Shiyao led his men and horses followed him again.Ma Siwa simply ignored it and withdrew directly to Shifeng Fort.

On August 27, Fukang'an and the West Road Qing Army attacked Panlong Mountain in two routes with superior forces, killing more than [-] people in the first battle.

With the failure of Longde, Jingning, Didian Mountain, and Panlong Mountain, the Shifengbao Rebel Army fell into a situation of isolation and helplessness, and the original good situation immediately took a turn for the worse.And Li Kekui, a rebel army who was far below Baoji City, had already given up attacking Baoji and led his army back to help.Li Shiyao's troops deliberately avoided his sharp edge, made way, and let Li Kekui's troops enter Shifeng Castle.

At this time, the five-way army of the Qing army was like five fingers spread out, already hanging over the head of the new doctrine army.

On September [-], Fukang'an received a message from Li Shiyao that the last rebel army had entered his pocket, so the "five fingers" began to clenched their fists together.The Qing troops from all walks of life immediately approached Tongwei and arrived at Lulu Mountain on September [-]th; and arrived at the foot of Shifengbao on the [-]th via Shuangyan Trail.

Shifeng Fort is located in the main road leading to Fuqiang, Tongwei, Huining, Anding, Qinzhou and Gongchang, in the mountains.The castle stands high on the top of the peak, surrounded by many cliffs, very steep.

This place was originally an old fort, and it has been uninhabited for many years.In March of the 46th year of Qianlong, Hui people Ma Zhengfang and Ma Zhuang came to the fort for repairs, building walls and digging kilns.After the failure of Su 43, the Qing government searched the Protestant congregation; and the Protestant had already used Shifeng Fort as a secret stronghold, and after several repairs and consolidations, a high wall was built on the top of the peak, and three deep moats were dug outside the fort. There are hundreds of cave dwellings.

Protestantism stored a large amount of food and equipment in the fort, and there are rugged mountain trails outside the fort, with overlapping ravines and ridges.The rebels set up camps on the south and east and west sides of the fort, and the camps were densely covered, ready to guard against death.

On September [-], Fukang'an's five-way army was in place, and he immediately ordered a strong attack.The Protestant army was condescending and repelled the Qing army several times.

On September 21, Agui arrived at the military camp from Xi'an.Fukang'an ordered the Qing troops from all walks of life to try to cut off the Huashuichuan waterway, bombarded the camp in the fort with artillery for two days, and then attacked together again.

On the 23rd, the Qing army launched a large-scale offensive.Facing a powerful enemy, the Protestant Army fought bravely and unitedly refused, making it impossible for the Qing army to attack the cliff.In the end, the Qing army only occupied a corner of the mountain, but unfortunately it was useless and there were many casualties.However, the rebel army also suffered heavy casualties in this battle, and the leader Li Kekui was killed in battle.

At this time, tens of thousands of Qing troops gathered under Shifeng Fort, blocking layers upon layers, and the Protestant army had no way to escape; there were no more than [-] capable fighters in the fort, and tens of thousands of rebel families in the fort.As the water source dries up day by day, even if the rebel army has food, it is difficult to swallow; they can only accumulate a little by waiting for the rain in the old days, but it is not enough at all.

During this period, as the three trenches outside Shifeng Fort fell one by one, Zhang Wenqing, the leader of the rebel army, had no choice but to let the family members of the rebel army go down the mountain to survive.

On the second day of October, 500 Protestant families descended to surrender.Agui and Fukang'an ordered the guards to roll the names of the strong ones in groups of ten; they were killed immediately after the roll call, and 800 people were executed that night.

In the middle of the night, Zhang Wenqing led the rebel army in the fort and rushed down the mountain. Ma Siwa was behind the cover, climbed across the long trench, and charged bravely.Fukang'an had already taken precautions, and under the encouragement of heavy rewards, various Qing troops began to besiege frantically.The envious Qing army, stimulated by the silver, also went all out. For a while, guns and arrows flew up and down the mountain, and the fire arrows rained like rain. Thousands of people died in battle inside and outside the trenches, and corpses were everywhere.Zhang Wenqing was hit by several arrows and retreated to the fort with Ma Siwa.

At dawn, thousands of Qing troops began to swarm up the mountain, rushing into the fort to search and arrest.More than [-] people including Zhang Wenqing and Ma Siwa were killed.At this point, Shifeng Fort finally fell, and Tian Wu and Zhang Wenqing's uprising failed completely!

In the history of another time and space, Fu Kang'an, Agui, and Li Shiyao killed a total of 1000 Protestants.And because of the appearance of Zhao Xin, the chaos in Gansu in this time and space is far larger than the scale in real history, affecting all counties in Longdong.

Before and after this war, Fukang'an led his troops to massacre nearly 2 Protestant soldiers and their families.After the war, he rewarded more than [-] captured women and children from Shifengbao and Didian to the officers and soldiers of the Beijing camp, Sichuan soldiers, and Fan soldiers respectively.Later, more than [-] Protestant family members were found, and they were also sent to Jiangning, Hangzhou, Fuzhou, and Guangzhou to reward the officials and soldiers of the provinces as slaves.In the post-war Longdong area, countless villages were reduced to ruins.

After this battle, Fukang'an regained his former confidence.At this time, he had been appointed by the Qing court as the governor of Shaanxi and Gansu to replace the indicted Li Shiyao in dealing with the aftermath of Gansu.

As for Li Shiyao, Qianlong scolded him for "playing with mistakes and following the rules" in the upper edict, and thought that he was not good at military affairs, so he was first designated as a prisoner.Executed after autumn.Later, it was changed to sit and wear the bottom of the prison, and it will not be pardoned.

(Historically, in the next year—that is, the 50th year of Qianlong, Li Shiyao was released, acting as the commander of the Zhenghuang Banner Han Army, and riding a horse in the Forbidden City.)
However, although Fukang'an was busy dealing with post-war affairs in Shaanxi and Gansu, after a big victory, his originally lost mind came alive again, and the failure at the mouth of Furjiaha made him feel uneasy all the time!

So he secretly sent his family to go south to Guangzhou, entrusting merchants from thirteen lines of money to seek new types of guns, artillery craftsmen and warship manufacturing techniques from Westerners.When he has new cannons and warships, he is going to ask Qianlong to go north for the second time and fight Jilin again.
(At the beginning of Qianlong's 49th year, when Tan Dayuan, a salt merchant in Guangdong, sued Li Shiyao as the governor of Guangdong and Guangxi, Shen Jizhou, the general merchant of the Thirteen Banks, had collected public funds for Li Shiyao and was corrupt. Dashuai is related in the thirteen lines.)
(End of this chapter)

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