Chapter 172

After Zhao Xin talked with Xu Dayong, he chatted with Liu Sheng and Chen Qingsong for a long time at night.

"I think the biggest problem at present is not buying ships and weapons, but fuel." Liu Sheng pointedly pointed out the problem that Zhao Xin has been unwilling to face up to.

Taking generators as an example, Zhao Xin bought six 6-megawatt diesel silent generators successively; the fuel consumption of these generators is 1 liters per hour, and the daily diesel consumption is more than 30 liters.

In addition, the most fuel-consuming is the Thor.The fuel consumption of ocean-going ships increases geometrically with the increase of ship speed.Among these consumed fuel oils, there are light oils in addition to heavy oils.As long as the Raytheon goes to sea to perform missions, in order to catch up with time, it often increases its speed to 20 knots or even higher, which results in fuel consumption of about [-] to [-] tons a day.

Of course, it would be very simple in modern times, and refueling can be carried out every time it enters the port.But what about ancient times?The future means of transportation are very cool to use, but the huge amount of energy consumption that comes with it makes Zhao Xin and others really have a headache.

With more and more new tools, fuel has become an extremely pressing issue.Unless Zhao Xin wants to return to the state of ancient society relying on the sky and abandoning a lot of modern tools, he must pay attention to energy issues.

The three of them discussed for more than two hours, and the final topic became that Beihai Town needs to expand, whether to move westward or northward.If you go west, you have to start a fight with the Manchus, and you have to hold on after the fight; and if you go north, you have to occupy Kuye Island.Apart from this, there is no other way to solve the oil problem.

Arguing until midnight, the three finally reached an agreement and went north to occupy Bitter Leaf Island.Compared with the huge territory of the Manchu Qing Dynasty, an island can still be defended.And it is not to occupy the whole island, but the oil-producing areas in the northeast of the island are bound to be won.

According to this plan, Zhao Xin didn't need to rush to buy a ship. Exploration and oil extraction equipment became the first priority; then oil refining equipment.Zhao Xin can't care less about environmental protection anymore. Large-scale oil refining equipment can't handle it, so let's have some outdated production capacity!
When it came to the local method of oil refining, Chen Qingsong suddenly said: "Zhang Bo has done this in his hometown before, and I heard him mention it."

Upon hearing this, Zhao Xin was overjoyed, and immediately went out to Zhang Bo's dormitory, dragged him from the bed, and asked him to talk about the local method of oil refining.

Zhang Bo, who was dizzy and hadn't woken up yet, said something roughly when he heard this.The principle of indigenous oil refining is very simple, that is, to heat the crude oil and let the processed oil enter the container through the pipeline.The gas is first discharged. After the gas volatilizes, the gasoline is first obtained, and then the diesel oil is discharged. Then the last oil residue is heavy oil.

As for the equipment, it's even simpler.Zhang Bo explained while drawing on the paper: "When I was in my hometown in Shandong, the oil refining workshop in the village would first build a waste oil collection pool or a raw oil tank, and then connect it to the burning earth kiln through an oil pump. The calcined waste oil passes through the iron pipe on the top of the kiln, is cooled by a large water tank, and then enters the sedimentation filter tank, and then the filtered oil is pumped into the oil storage tank through the oil pump.

This thing is very simple to do, but if it is not operated properly, it will explode and cause serious pollution.In the past, those oil refining workshops dumped the last oil residue directly in the place, which caused great damage to the soil, and the places polluted by dust and waste water did not grow any grass. "

Chen Qingsong asked: "If you calculate according to your picture, how much oil can be produced in a day?"

Zhang Bo scratched his head and recalled: "Seven to eight tons a day. But the best is to use crude oil bags, and the oil yield can reach about 55%. If there is another 'washing oil', the quality of diesel oil will be the same as that of refueling." There is no difference at the station. At that time, the diesel produced in the village was bought by the transport drivers in the past, and the gas station also bought it.”

The so-called "washing oil" is to separate and precipitate most of the impurities in the waste oil through the action of acid; "Washed".Wash off the water-soluble impurities such as acid and alkali in the oil; filter it again.

"Okay! That's the deal." Zhao Xin carefully re-read what Zhang Bo said, and then made a final decision that Zhang Bo would be in charge of the entire Bitter Leaf Island oil industry.When the location of the oil well is determined, start to build a dozen or twenty sets of oil refining workshops to produce oil with all their strength.

So a day later, Zhao Xin, who returned to another time and space, went directly north to Bitter Leaf Island. It took nearly a week to buy an oil field manager in the oil extraction center city in the northeast, and obtained the detailed location and depth data of each oil well.He also purchased three sets of pumping units and corresponding drilling equipment locally.Zhao Xin will not take these devices away, but rented a local warehouse for storage.

No matter which time and space it is, the winter weather on Bitter Leaf Island is the same, and the strong hurricane from the ocean will bring violent wind and rain.So even if Zhao Xin has made all the preparations, he will not be able to take action until the beginning of next spring.

After that, he flew to Europe, preparing to meet with Andrew and finalize a batch of equipment.

As soon as the two met, Andrew smiled and shook hands with Zhao Xin.In the past year, Zhao Xin has already purchased a large amount of munitions from Andrew.And Andrew also earned a lot of commission from Zhao Xin. He has left Daniel and is ready to do it himself.

This time it was not Andrew alone who came to greet Zhao Xin, but a small convoy with four luxury off-road vehicles and ten subordinates.Looking at the situation, Zhao Xin shook his head and smiled wryly, it was too ostentatious.

During dinner, Andrew and Zhao Xin chatted about business for a while, then changed the subject and said, "Dear Zhao, I have a friend who wants to meet you."

Zhao Xin looked at the other party expressionlessly, but his heart skipped a beat.He took a sip of water and asked lightly, "Oh. Who is it?"

When Andrew whispered a name and told Zhao Xin the identity of the other party, Zhao Xin's pupils suddenly dilated.
A few days later.

"You mean, you're being targeted by the FSB?"

As soon as Zhao Xin came back, he went to the barracks to find Liu Sheng, and the two started talking to each other in Liu Sheng's room.

Zhao Xin didn't speak, just nodded.In the past few months, the transactions with Andrew were all made of gold. Such a large amount of gold suddenly appeared on the market, and it would definitely be noticed by interested people.Every time Zhao Xin thinks about this, he can't wait to beat Andrew with a hammer and rub him against the ground. This grandson is too ostentatious!

"I'm going! My previous worries really came true." Liu Sheng sighed helplessly, thought for a while and then asked, "What do they want to do when they see you?"

"They said they wanted a piece of the arms business."

"You agree?"

"Brother, do you think I dare to disagree?"

Zhao Xin thought of the person he met under the recommendation of Andrew. An affable 50-something with a pair of glasses, he looks like a college professor.

"Mr. Zhao, Andrew's uncle and I are old friends. We have known Andrew for many years." When the other party said this, Zhao Xin found a trace of embarrassment flashing across Andrew's smiling face.

"Sir, what can I do for you?" Zhao Xin tentatively asked the question.

"I heard from Andrew's uncle that you have some commercial cooperation. We don't care who you supply the goods to. What I want to tell you is that for the same goods, I can provide more varieties and varieties. "

Zhao Xin noticed that the other party said "we don't care".Depend on!He felt that the other party must have checked him.

Seeing that Zhao Xin remained silent, the other party smiled slightly and said, "Mr. Zhao, what goods do you want?"

Zhao Xin fiddled with the silver spoons on the dining table, and he pretended to say his request casually.
Hearing this, Liu Sheng asked eagerly, "He agreed?"

"I agree, but I think I bought too little."

"What did you want from him?"

"Thirty thousand SKS, 7.62 million rounds of 2000 bullets, one bullet production line. 20 D30s, 122 rounds of [-] high-explosive armor-piercing bullets."

Liu Sheng came to scold the country, and then said: "What the hell is this called young?!"

"Brother, for this kind of predator, this is really not much. Let's see, come a few more times in the future, and see if we can buy a warship back."

"Buy a warship? If you buy a warship, you will be blacklisted! Don't talk about FSB, you can't even go back home!"

"It seems that I really can't go back easily." Zhao Xin was a little thankful that he bought oil-related equipment this time.Now I can't go to the other side of the ocean, and the northern country can't easily show up in the future. I can only spend most of my time in the eighteenth century.

"Ah~~ It seems that you can only go home from the Qing Dynasty." Liu Sheng patted Zhao Xin on the shoulder with some sympathy.He eats enough for himself and the whole family is not hungry, Zhao Xin's parents are still in another time and space
20 days later, Thor set off again.

Zhao Xin only took Sheng Haizhou's company with him this time. He felt that he was not going to "Urupu" island to fight and kill. He just let Tuka take care of the hands-on.

Because of the colder weather, Katsuyama Denzo and his coal mines in Ezo have been temporarily suspended; most of the people have withdrawn to the Sendai Domain, and only a few guys who are guarding the warehouse are left here.

This time, Zhao Xin brought another batch of winter grain and high-grade wine to the Shachuan people.Tuka took out the best bear and deerskin as thanks.

During the stay, Zhao Xin asked Tuka about the cooperation with Beihai Company.Tuka said that everything was going well, and the Beihai company never withheld the Ainu's remuneration; from Shachuan to Quanzhou Town, many Ainu people helped build roads and dig coal.

The two agreed that after the spring of next year, Zhao Xinhui would send troops to help Tuka unify the entire Ezo land, completely expel the Matsumae domain, and make Tuka the first king of the Ezo land.

"King?" Tuka didn't quite understand the word.But when Zhao Xin explained that the king is the great chief of the entire Ezo, Tuka became overjoyed.

Afterwards, Zhao Xin mentioned the purpose of his visit this time. Tuka said nothing, and he quickly arranged fifty of his men to go north with Zhao Xin.The Ainu name of the leader is very awkward, which translates to "sea dog".

Haigou knew Zhao Xin. This guy had been tortured by the Matsumae clan with Tuka before, and Zhao Xin had tried to heal him.As soon as this guy saw Zhao Xin, he grinned and wanted to hug him when he came up.

"I'll go! This guy hasn't showered for many days."

Zhao Xin smelled a strange smell from the fur seal two meters away.He resisted and hugged the other party, and decided that the first thing he did when he returned to the boat was to take a shower, and he had to wash it three times in a row.

Three days later, the Thor arrived at Urupu Island, northeast of Ezo.But the first thing Zhao Xin saw was the wooden church with a cross on the coast.

Zhao Xin stared dumbfounded at the church on the island, only then did he realize that the Tsarist Russians had already arrived!

When the Western European countries along the Atlantic coast sent fleets to East Asia, looking for spices, silk, tea and even a steady stream of wealth, the rising star of the Tsarist Russian Empire also began to move.

For most Cossacks of the time, their journey to the Pacific seemed simpler and more straightforward.They only need to go east all the way on their own land, over the Ural Mountains, across Lake Baikal, through the rolling forests of Siberia, and there are forests and plains at your fingertips everywhere.

In 1696, a man named Denbei in Joya Town, Osaka, encountered a storm on the way to Edo by boat, and drifted to the Kamchatka Peninsula.Three years later, the Cossacks who came to explore the Kamchatka peninsula discovered him.

Two years later, Chuanbei was brought back to Moscow to have an audience with Peter the Great.Peter the Great ordered people to teach him Russian, and opened a language learning center in St. Petersburg in 1705, and began to train language talents; Denbei became the starting point for Tsarist Russia to understand the island country.

In 1711, the Tsarist Russians began to formally explore the Kuril Islands.The so-called "Thousand Islands" actually has a total of 56 islands.In 1733, Bering, the Danish explorer who discovered the Bering Strait, organized another expedition to collect information about the island country.

In 1719, Peter the Great ordered the "expedition team" to carefully survey the Kuril Islands and find the channel to the island country.

In 1721, an expedition led by geologist Yefremov surveyed 14 islands, including Shezikodan Island, and included the northern part of the archipelago into the territory of Tsarist Russia.

In 1738, the fleet led by Lieutenant Colonel Spanberg went all the way south to Shikotan Island. They surveyed 29 islands in the Kuril Islands and named them in Russian.

In 1739, the Tsarist Russian fleet successively docked at various places on the east coast of the island country and conducted transactions with the local people. This was the "Yuanwen black ship riot" in the history of the island country.Although the shogunate was a system that locked the country, the Eighth General Tokugawa Yoshimune adopted a more tolerant policy.Later, the shogunate learned through the Dutch that this empire called Tsarist Russia was not far to the northwest of itself.

Since then, Tsarist Russia has continued to expand its influence in Kamchatka and the Kuril Islands.

After 1760, the frequency of Tsarist Russian fleets visiting the Kuril Islands increased significantly.They set up crosses on the island, built immigrant settlements, and tricked the local Ainu people into baptism and naturalization.Many Ainu were naturalized in this way and were forced to bear a heavy "fur tax".

In 1771, the Ainu people on Defu Island and Ituru Island launched a riot against the oppression of the Russians, and 21 Russian tax collectors were killed in this conflict.

In 1779, out of the need for a stable rule, Catherine II issued a decree announcing that all taxes in kind on the Kuril Islands that were not approved by St. Petersburg would be abolished.

On Urupu Island, two Orthodox priests were called out of the church by the panicked Ainu people. They looked shocked at the huge blue and white boat moored on the sea not far away.

Father Macarius drew the cross on his chest with both hands (the posture of the Orthodox Church before the reformation, after the reformation is up, down, right and left.) He prayed: "Lord Jesus Christ, Son of God, have mercy on us sinners!"

At the same time, the sound of the Thor's whistle startled seabirds.

(End of this chapter)

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