Forty-eight years of Qianlong

Chapter 227 Fang Hua's Nanny

Chapter 227 Fang Hua's Nanny

Fortunately, Fobiao went early and borrowed a kitchen knife in advance. Others in Camp No. [-] could only wait for them to use up their own.But Enhai is destined to eat dumplings without vinegar and garlic this year.

From noon on New Year's Eve, the radio station began to broadcast the drama continuously, from [-]:[-] am to [-]:[-] pm on the first day of the first lunar month.In addition to "Silang Visits His Mother" and "Farewell My Concubine", the repertoire that will be played is "Dragon and Phoenix Blessings" (the incident of Liu Bei marrying Sun Shangxiang), which is necessary for future generations to celebrate the New Year.
Zhang Bo has already gone home, and the matter of the radio station has been handed over to the people in the guard room.The captives of the Qing army were under the "saturation bombardment" of Peking Opera and storytelling one after another, and they had a good meal for two days during the Chinese New Year, and gradually came up with the idea of ​​"letting go to another country as their hometown".Even if those low-level officers and soldiers were stationed in Beijing or other cities full of garrisons, they would not hear so many dramas in a year, and many of them couldn't help but get hooked.

Wukanbei's injury has basically recovered. Under the strong request of him and several border residents, Liu Sheng agreed to let them join the army of Beihai Town after the year, and everything had to start from scratch.However, when Zhao Xin heard that Wukanbei's home was near the mouth of the Heilongjiang River, he decided to let him go north by boat with him after the beginning of spring.

The line of sight returned to Beihai Town.In the early morning of the second day of the Lunar New Year, Wan Zao's wife took her son with a list given to her by Chen Qingsong, and looked for the people on the list one by one.She followed Zhao Xin's order to find a nanny for Fang Hua.

Mrs. Wang Li and Mrs. Hu Liu were sitting in the tent talking about the commendation meeting years ago. Seven-year-old Wang Cong'er and Mrs. Hu Liu's daughter, Niu Niu, were making snowmen outside the tent.

Wang Li did not dare to go to the commendation meeting a few days ago. A widow with a child running around is already criticized by others, why bother to show her face and make people look down on her?Besides, she was a member of the Yuan Sect before.Now that he has left his hometown, it is better to be a talent with his tail between his legs.

"Sister, I heard that it's spring, and all of us are going to the north?"

"Well, that's it. I heard those officials mention it a few years ago."

"Sister, what's it like in the north?"

Mrs. Hu Liu stopped her sewing, thought for a while and said, "The land is so fat! Each family is given at least [-] acres, but I heard it's colder than here."

A look of embarrassment appeared on Mrs. Wang Li's face, and she said, "If there is more land, it is better to dare. But I and Congniang, I can't handle [-] acres of land! It's not a bigger sin to miss the master's harvest. .”

Hu Liu said: "Sister, what are you talking about? The official said, what is used for farming here? Oh, it's called a chicken! I don't understand, this chicken can help people cultivate the land?"

The two were talking when they heard a woman's voice outside the door.Worried about her daughter, Wang Li hurriedly got up and left the tent.I saw a seven or eight-year-old boy standing beside a chubby woman, who was chatting with Wang Cong'er with a smile.

The person who came was Wan Zao's wife.

Seven-year-old Wang Cong'er's skin is rough, but her facial features are exquisite, and she looks like a beauty at first glance.Wan Zao's wife just liked it, so she couldn't help but stop to tease her.

"The girl is pretty. How old are you?"

Wang Cong'er looked at the woman in front of her and the boy beside her, and couldn't help becoming nervous.The other party was wearing a labor insurance cotton coat of the Beihai town standard, with a shiny brand pinned to his chest, and a red hoop on his arm.When Wang Cong'er heard Hu Liushi chatting with her mother, she mentioned that in Beihai town, all the people with red bands on their arms were people who helped the government.

"Seven years old."

"Haven't you gone to school yet? Do you know how to read?"

Wang Cong'er shook her head nervously when she heard the words, then nodded again.At this moment, Mrs. Wang and Li just came out, and when she saw the man with the red band on her arm, she became extremely nervous.

"This, this..." Mrs. Wang Li habitually wanted to address her as "Guan Ye", but the other party was a woman, so she didn't know how to say it.

The little ghost Wan Haiyang glanced at the number on the wooden sign hanging on the tent behind Mrs. Wang and Li, and then at the piece of paper in his hand, so he whispered something in Wanzao's wife's ear.

After listening to his son's report, Wan Zao's wife smiled and said to Wang Li, "Your name is Wang Li?"

"Yes." Mrs. Wang Li responded and performed a blessing ceremony.

"You still have a Hu Liu family, don't you?"

Hu Liushi in the tent has been paying attention to the movement outside, when he heard someone mentioning himself, he quickly pulled up the curtain and came out, saying: "It's me."

When Wan Zao's wife saw that Hu Liu's appearance was black and lavish, she immediately rejected him in her heart.She then said to Wang Lishi, "I'll find you."

A day later, the two poor women bid farewell in tears.Mrs. Wang and Li took their daughter and carried a bag containing clothes and toiletries, and followed Wan Zao's wife all the way to the bank of the Xila River.

The three got on an ice sledge, and a migrant worker in charge of escorting them across the river led them across the river on a horse.After walking about two miles, I arrived outside the workshop.

Along the way, Wan Zao's wife kept repeating the precautions mentioned yesterday to Wang Li's mother and son.

"The west bank is different from the east bank. You can't go to many places. You will be caught by the guards if you run around. We usually don't come here."

"Teacher Fang is a very nice person. His wife died of illness a few years ago, and the child is said to have died a long time ago. Don't talk nonsense about that."

"Your Cong Niang is so well-behaved, Teacher Fang won't care. He is usually busy in the workshop and rarely goes to town. Even Master Zhao respects Teacher Fang very much."

Wang Li lowered her head, and while listening to Wan Zao's wife's nagging, she responded with "hmmm".At this time, in her mind, the image of a 40-year-old Dong Hong blunt scholar emerged.

When they arrived at the gate of the workshop, Wan Zao's wife handed in a letter of proof to the guard in charge. The guard looked at the three of them carefully for a long time, then entered the guard box and called the workshop, and then waved them in.

Fang Hua was currently making ammonium nitrate explosives. The power of the last one was reduced due to damp, so he decided to take advantage of the new year to make another batch.

In the airtight laboratory, several exhaust fans were whistling on.Fang Hua and Zhang Fang wore self-priming filter dust masks, safety goggles, polyethylene protective suits, and rubber gloves.Two bottles of dry powder fire extinguishers are placed on one side of the test bench.The thermometer hanging on the wall in the house shows that the current indoor temperature is 25 degrees.

Beihai Town has a very large demand for ammonium nitrate explosives this year, which will be used in iron ore, road construction, river widening, and even coal mining in Ezo.

There is no telephone in the laboratory, so if people who come to Fanghua see the red light outside the gate, they can only wait outside.In the air, an indescribably strange and unpleasant smell was wafting, making the three women extremely uncomfortable.

Wan Zao's wife took Mrs. Wang and Li into the workshop, and the guard in charge of guarding the laboratory stopped the three of them, saying that Teacher Fang was busy, so the three of them had to wait in the guard room.Sitting in the room anxiously, Mrs. Wang and Li looked out of the window, and she could see the red light bulb at the door of the laboratory from a distance.

The guard brought hot water to the three of them, and sat at the door without saying a word.

The three of them spent an unknown amount of time in such a dull atmosphere. Wang Cong'er had already fallen asleep in Wang Lishi's arms, and Wang Lishi himself and Wan Zao's wife also dozed off.

At this time, the door of the guard room rang softly, and Fang Hua, who had changed into a white coat, walked in.The guard on duty was no longer in the house at this time, Fang Hua sat on a chair, staring blankly at the three women in the house.

In her sleep, Wang Lishi's heart tightened, and she woke up suddenly. When she looked up, she saw Fang Hua looking into her eyes.She froze for a moment, and suddenly understood the smell, so she hurriedly lowered her head, and at the same time touched Wan Zao's wife with her hand.

"Oh! Why did I fall asleep!" Wan Zao's wife rubbed her eyes and saw Fang Hua sitting at the door.She hurriedly got up and walked to the middle of the room, and said to the other party with a smile: "Mr. Fang, I brought him here for you. If you need to ask anything, please tell me quickly, so that I can go back and deal with Mr. Chen."

Fang Hua had heard from Chen Qingsong at a dinner party a few days ago that he wanted to find a nanny for himself; he refused without even thinking about it.In his heart, his wife who died of illness was irreplaceable.

But Chen Qingsong persuaded him at the time: "Old Fang, think too much. This is not to find a wife for you, but to find someone to take care of your life. Look at you now, you are either a laboratory or a dormitory all day long. There are very few of you in the town. Come and turn around."

Fang Hua said: "I'm busy with experiments. Zhao Xin always arranges tasks for me."

"Then you have to go home and have a hot meal, right? That Zhang Fang is making your daily meals now. He is a silly old man, can the food be delicious?"

Fang Hua thinks about it too, Zhang Fang knows how to cook miscellaneous vegetables, and cooks a big pot every time he cooks.Fang Hua's own living quarters are also in a mess, and the clothes are torn to make do with, and even the laundry is only done once every two weeks.

"This won't work. We're not making breakthroughs in scientific research. No matter how bad it is, we can live comfortably. Mr. Zhao told me before leaving that I must do it well."

"Only cooking and washing clothes?"

"How fresh! We don't play the game of sleeping. I will arrange a place for others nearby."

"That's good." Fang Hua replied lightly.

At this moment, Fang Hua looked at Wang Cong'er who sat up from Wang Li's arms, and couldn't help but think of his lost daughter, and felt sore in his heart.

"How old is this child?"

"Teacher Fang is asking, Miss Cong, how old are you?" Wan Zao's wife turned around and said quickly.Wang Lishi also got up at this moment, and pulled her daughter to stand behind Wan Zao's wife.

Wang Cong'er tilted her head and looked at the thin middle-aged man in front of her. Seeing that he was looking at her with kind eyes, she whispered, "Seven years old."

"It's time to go to school at seven. Have you ever read?"

Mrs. Wang Li hurriedly made a Wanfu gift, bowed her head and said, "Master, we are, and we arrived here by boat only last month."

Fang Hua shook his head and said: "I'm not the master, you can just call me Teacher Fang. I heard about you yesterday. I don't have so many things here. You don't have to worry about breakfast. I'll send it to you when it's ready for lunch. This guard room is fine. You don’t have to worry about me when you go back to the house after dinner. As for the clothes, I will put them at the door, and you can put them away after you wash them. Actually, I usually do the laundry myself, just when I get busy. I can't care less."

Seeing that the other party spoke kindly, Wang Lishi relaxed a little, bowed his head and said, "I'm used to doing these tasks in the past, sir, Mr. Fang, don't worry. Cong Niang is usually very good, and won't make trouble for you. .”

The corners of Fang Hua's mouth curled up slightly, and he said to Wang Li, "Has this kid ever read?"

"Before I came here, I didn't even have a meal. I took her to wander around as a performer. How could I have a chance to study?"

"When the school starts in a few days, send her to study."

Wang Lishi was surprised and delighted when she heard this, and hurriedly pulled her daughter to kneel on the ground to kowtow to Fang Hua. "Cong Niang, hurry up and thank Teacher Fang!"

"Thank you, teacher!" Wang Cong'er said parrotingly, leaned over and kowtowed twice, and was about to kowtow the third when Fang Hua helped her up.Fang Hua turned around and took the guard's towel, dipped it in some water, and wiped off the dust on Wang Cong'er's forehead.

"Thank you for what I did. It doesn't cost money to study here in Beihai Town, every family is the same."

Wan Zao's wife at the side said: "Yes, if it weren't for Mr. Zhao, my stupid son would still be teasing cats and dogs all day long."

Fang Hua said to Wan Zao's wife: "That's how it is. I still have something to do. You can help arrange their accommodation. Oh, by the way, this is the key to my house. Remember not to touch anything on the table!"

"Yes Yes."

After the two, one and one, walked out of the workshop, Mrs. Wang Li said hesitantly, "This teacher Fang never forgets his dead wife, so it can be seen that he is a very affectionate person."

Wan Zao's wife asked in surprise, "Why do you say that?"

"He is still wearing white clothes, isn't that commemorating his wife?"

"Ah? Hahahaha~~" Wan Zao's wife was taken aback for a moment, then covered her mouth and laughed.

Wang Li, who made a big joke, didn't know what he said wrong, so he hurriedly said, "Did I say something wrong?"

Wan Zao's wife gradually stopped laughing, and then she explained what the white coat was for.Wang Lishi made a joke and couldn't help being very embarrassed.

Fanghua's dormitory is more than a mile north of the workshop, which is the family area of ​​the entire workshop.The dormitory of Mrs. Wang and Li's wife is not far to the east of Fang Hua's house.

The planned area of ​​this dormitory area is very large, but there are only a few hundred families currently living there.A few silly roe deer stood at the edge of the woods, looking curiously at the three new faces.

"Mother, look." Wang Cong'er pointed at the roe deer, raised her head and said to Mrs. Wang and Li.

Wan Zao's wife explained: "This is a roe deer, and there are many in this area. But don't worry, these guys don't bite or be afraid of people. But if you get too close, they will still run away."

Wang Cong'er bit her index finger and asked curiously, "Auntie, can it be eaten?"

"Of course. But don't worry, we often organize hunting here, and every family will get it."

Wan Zao's wife said to Wang Li at this time: "It's not long since you've just been here, and it's for your own good that the adults don't let you eat meat. When we first followed the adults the year before last, we haven't smelled meat for a long time; we ended up eating too much meat at once. Yes, I have had stomach trouble for several days. The adults later said that this is called weak spleen and stomach, and the weakness cannot be replenished. It must be recuperated gradually."

Wang Lishi said: "Don't listen to the little kid. Since I came here, I have been fed with corn buns every day. I dare not even think about such a day before."

At this time, the people living around heard the conversation outside, and they all came out to watch.Wan Zao's wife then greeted them and introduced Wang and Li's mother and daughter to them.When everyone heard that the mother and daughter were newcomers to be Fang Hua's babysitters, they all greeted with smiles.

When the three came to a new house, Wan Zao's wife pointed to the small yard in front of her and said, "Your mother and daughter will live here."

Mrs. Wang and Li looked at the newly built wooden house and the yard in front of the gate in surprise, and said to Wang Cong'er in surprise and joy: "Cong Niang, this is our new home."

Wang Cong'er looked at the wooden house and felt that there was nothing new, so she turned her face and looked at a few silly roe deer not far away.

(End of this chapter)

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