Chapter 427
The official surnamed Jin asked for silver not because he was greedy for money, it was hard to tell, the six towns in the north were too barren!
His boss, Lord Cui, the governor of Qingyuan Mansion, has been short-lived as much as 800 guan in the past few years since he took office.There was really no other way, so I sent my men over again and again to see if I could squeeze some oil from Bei Haijun.In the end, he didn't expect Deng Fei to be so generous, and he gave [-] taels at once, which almost made up the shortfall.

Wait a minute, some people say that 3000 taels converted into silver should be about 800 taels, how can [-] taels be the solution?

Don't worry, this matter has to start with Li Chao's Qian Fa.

It is said that before the Wanli Aid Korea War, the Li Dynasty did not use silver as the main currency; moreover, the Li Dynasty was short of copper, and in addition to the "temporary official mining system" that had been pursued before, it needed to be mined again, and there was no need to stop mining. Confused, the main currency used for transactions at that time was cloth.After the Wanli War to Aid Korea began, because a considerable part of the military pay of the Ming army was paid in silver, silver gradually circulated in the Korean market.

Because of the decline of people's livelihood due to the war, and the envoys of Ming Dynasty are all good at extorting bribes, Li Dynasty's finances have been on the verge of collapse.There was such an example in the time of Mr. Gwanghae. North Korea built a pontoon bridge for the "angel", but the envoy said that the bridge did not need to be repaired, and it would be discounted. As for crossing the river, we figured out a way by ourselves - which made North Korea's kings and ministers mad. Rinen.

By the time of the Battle of Bingzi, the king had run away, so who cares about money.After Xiaozong succeeded to the throne, because Li Dynasty's own coin casting technology was too inferior, it was not enough at all, so local officials in the two western regions (Ping'an Road in Guanxi, Huanghai Road in Haixi) that bordered the Qing Dynasty bought copper coins with Qing Dynasty for use. .

Bi Biansi of the Li Dynasty said that since it is better to buy than to make, he simply bought money from Daiqing (although copper coins are not allowed to flow out of Daiqing), 600 taels of silver can buy 130 million copper coins, so the Yanxing Mission Just buy money from Liaodong.

According to this price, 800 taels of silver is 65 yuan, which is almost 230 guan.So get it, that's all.

But there is something even more surprising.

When the official surnamed Jin saw the thousand-foot silver bars in Beihai Town, he was curious. However, after he heard the explanation from the professional in charge of military logistics in the Beihai Navy, he was immediately overjoyed.

As I said before, one tael in the Qing Dynasty was 37.5 grams, and the silver was all 50 silver; while the silver bars in Beihai Town were thousand fine silver, and one tael was 100 grams.Converted from the hatchback, the actual value of this batch of silver bars has exceeded [-] taels, which greatly exceeded the expectations of officials surnamed Jin!
For this expedition, Deng Fei received a total of 2000 taels of silver bars as additional funds, just because he was worried that Li Chao would not recognize the silver coins from Beihai Town, but he really used them.

After the official surnamed Jin counted the number of silver bars, he returned to his full smile, leaned in front of Deng Fei and said in a low voice: "If Mr. Deng wants to buy grain and grass, you can send someone to tell my subordinate that he can handle any chores." Done. I don't know if my lord is interested in kabuki, but I can also send someone to arrange it."

Deng Feixin said, good guy, the attitude of giving money and not giving money is completely different!However, he still thanked Bumin, saying that he was in the military and had no blessing to enjoy it.

When the official surnamed Jin returned to Qingyuan Mansion with the silver, the first thing the Lord Fu Yin did after getting the money was to take him to the trick shop.Cui Fuyin hugged left and right, and at the same time told the official surnamed Jin that there were too few local singing girls. If it were in Hanyang, hundreds of brothels and thousands of singing girls would make people dizzy.

These days, the monthly salary of Li Chaozheng's first-rank officials is only three stones and eight dollars, and two stones of beans, let alone a second-rank official like Cui Fuyin, who is so poor that he can't live without corruption.

On the second day, Cui Fuyin felt that Bei Haijun was really interested and he should reciprocate, so he ordered someone to buy several carts of wine and meat, and sent them to Bei Haijun's camp.

When Deng Fei heard that the officials of the Li Dynasty had brought wine and meat again, he felt very bored.Originally, he had eaten bibimbap cold noodles and barbecue in another time and space, and he still felt that he could accept it, so he didn't refuse the wine and meat sent by Qingxing Mansion before.Unexpectedly, Deng Fei vomited as soon as he tasted it after it was cooked, thinking that it is no wonder that later generations of Bangzi regard kimchi as a national treasure.

Not to mention Deng Fei, the soldiers of the marine battalion couldn't swallow the pigs and sheep they sent, and they were all sent to the Ainu camp.Unexpectedly, the soldiers of the Ainu Battalion had already been fed up with the rations of the Beihai Navy. Except for mutton and pork, they threw them all away after tasting two bites.

Actually, Deng Fei didn’t see how Li Chao’s pigs were raised, and the meat. In other words, when you go out and stay in a hotel in Li Chao these days, you must be careful when you go out at night. There will be something in the back touching his ass.After a closer look, I realized that the pig was hungry, the pig was hungry.
On May 53, 29 years of Qianlong, after a short half-day rest for the Lushou Mountain Department on the eastern front of the Northern Navy, they conquered Hulamukalun in one fell swoop, and the troops went straight to Xitu Mountain.After hearing the news, Deng Fei immediately ordered the two motor sailboats Beihai No. [-] and No. [-] to enter Mokuowei Bay northward to provide artillery and logistical support for the Lushoushan Division.

On May 200th, after a long journey, Jiuzang's troops finally crossed Laobai Mountain and arrived at Edoli.This place is also known as Aodong City, also known as Akdon, more than [-] miles north along the Le Fushan River flowing through this place, which is the famous Jingpo Lake in later generations; when the rainfall is abundant, you can go straight to Ninggu Tower by boat.

In the 16th year of Kangxi, the Qing government designated Changbai Mountain as a sacrificial mountain, and designated more than a thousand miles around it as a restricted area.According to the example of enshrining the five mountains of Zen, Changbai Mountain is respected as a god.Officials appointed by General Ning Guta conduct the Wangji Festival in Jilin City every spring and autumn.Due to the 100-year blockade, the place is almost deserted.However, the soldiers who arrived first discovered that there were actually people opening up wasteland and farming here.The fires in several thatched huts were not extinguished, indicating that these people had just run away not long ago.

At this time, the [-] soldiers and horses sent by the Guanbao guarding the Hunchun camp to support Jilin City had already crossed the Burhatu River, and a day later they ran into the Third Beihai Regiment, which had been preparing for a day in Odoli.

Faced with the fierce counterattack of more than 2000 people from the Northern Navy, the Qing army suffered heavy losses after organizing dozens of attacks, and had to retreat to Hunchun.Jiuzang immediately ordered his troops to attack eastward. After repelling the harassment of the remnants of the Qing army many times along the way, he finally reached the west bank of the Kahali River and contacted the impatient marine battalion who had been waiting at Qianyuanpu.

Deng Fei immediately ordered the inland river fleet to set off to go north. First, they bombarded the defenders who occupied Karen, and at the same time took the three regiments to the east bank of the Tumen River, and then captured Karen.

At this point, the door for the Hunchun Qing army to escape to the west was finally blocked.

After receiving the report from the Jiuzang Division, the Western Front troops who had rested for three days at Tuijiao Station, after repelling dozens of crazy attacks by the Qing army, also began to move westward, gradually approaching the east bank of the Rafa River.

The Qing army's cross-river raiding troops did not want to intercept the Beihai Navy, but they couldn't stop it at all.After the first battle in Ningguta, Zhao Xin sacrificed those five green tracked armored vehicles.It can't be used in mountainous jungles, but it can be used in river valleys and plains now.

In the beginning, some stalwarts rushed up and tried to smash the shell of the green monster with sabers and sledgehammers, or jumped from horseback onto the armored vehicle to kill the nasty machine gunner. mouth.After the North Navy soldiers sitting in the armored vehicle killed those approaching guys one by one, no one dared to come up to melee.

After that, several units of the Qing army joined together again, and adopted outflanking tactics to attack more than 500 Beihai soldiers following five armored vehicles.But what made them dumbfounded was that the five green monsters quickly formed a plum blossom formation, surrounding the Beihai soldiers, and the dense rain of bullets turned the charging cavalry on their backs, causing heavy casualties.

After two failures, the Qing army's raiding troops had to retreat to the west bank of the Rafa River and demolished two pontoon bridges.

On June [-], the Northern Navy's western attack force arrived on the east bank of the Rafa River and began to set up positions. At this time, the two sides were ten miles apart, and there was a river in between.

So the two sides faced off across the river for several days.During this period, the Northern Navy's reconnaissance team took two calculation soldiers to swim across the Rafa River in the middle of the night, and set up a forward artillery observation post on the hill north of the Qing army's camp.

Right now, not only Qinggui, but even many low-level Qing soldiers knew that the Beihai's cannons could hit far.In the process of fighting the Qing army several times in the past few years, the Beihai Navy sometimes would rather suffer casualties than wait for the enemy to enter within ten miles before launching shelling.This gave the Qing army an illusion that the North Navy's cannons were at most ten miles away.

Well, it's not that Zhao Xin is far-sighted and deliberately dug a big hole, but that the Beihai Navy's artillery technology is really not good.

It is said that when performing indirect aiming, the sight of the artillery is not pointed at the target, but at an artificially set aiming point, which can be a benchmark or a calibrator; if conditions do not permit, an obvious ground reference object can also be selected.

At this time, there are two connecting lines for the artillery, one is the "line of sight" between the artillery and the reference object, and the other is the "line of sight" between the artillery and the target.By measuring the angle between the line of sight and the line of sight of the gun, the scope is adjusted so that it is at the same angle as the barrel.At this time, when aiming at the reference object again, the muzzle will point to the target.

In addition to the shooting direction, the shooting angle is also required, that is, the height of the muzzle should be adjusted.This can be directly checked from the shooting table through the distance and type of ammunition, so as to adjust the pitch of the muzzle, and then determine the charge number and type of fuze, and then you can shoot.

Although in another time and space, many electronic devices can be used to obtain data such as target azimuth, distance, and elevation, Zhao Xin does not want to rely on these, and talent is the key.Let alone whether you can buy it, relying too much on equipment from another time and space, if something goes wrong, the artillery of the Beihai Navy will become dumb.

Three years have passed since the artillerymen of the Northern Navy made their debut in the 50th year of Qianlong. Although the skill level of the artillerymen is constantly improving, they all start from scratch because of the poor foundation. At present, the level of calculating soldiers has just passed.If the scouts are the eyes of the artillery, then the calculators are the brains of the artillery, and the two are indispensable.

In order to destroy the defense line of the Qing army in one fell swoop, Zhao Xin put out ten D30s this time, plus fifty 75mm field guns just arrived from Ningguta, in addition to 36 forced guns attached to two infantry regiments. Shotgun.

When everything is ready, the squad leader of each gun of the Beihai Navy will also calculate the individual correction amount based on the individual differences between his own gun and the reference gun.

The so-called "reference gun" is the gun with the best performance and the highest accuracy among the guns of the same type, and it must be tested first.Generally, after two rounds of test firing, the Frontier Observation Station will pass the deviation of the bombing point, and the calculation soldiers will correct the shooting elements before entering the effective shooting.

The whole process requires tacit coordination, and no link can go wrong in order to accurately cover long-distance enemies.

It's really not like someone shouted and fired a cannon, and all the cannons can be fired.Even long-distance strikes in the era of smoothbore guns can only be achieved by calculating the shooting table.Of course, small guns at visual distance are not included.

Now who dares to tell Zhao Xin that it is easy to engage in artillery, and Zhao Xin, who has many experience in leading artillery in combat, is sure to spit on him.Don't talk about the material of the body, let's talk about mathematics first!

A traveler who can't even play with trigonometric functions wants to engage in long-range artillery in ancient times. Isn't this nonsense? !This is not something that can be done just by finding a few Feng Shui masters who can read the compass.

The first to fire was a 75mm field gun and a D30 howitzer produced by Beihai Town.The first shots of the two benchmark guns hit the first line of defense of the Qing army camp. Although the Qing army killed a few people, it did not cause much accident.

However, when the second shot of the D30 passed the position of the Chinese army and directly hit the rear camp of the Qing army twenty miles away, Qing Gui was so scared that his face turned pale, and he finally realized that he had been deceived.

But it's too late to say anything at this time, and the time has come for the artillerymen of the Beihai Navy to go on a killing spree.Blinding artillery fire crossed the Rafa River, which was only 20 meters wide, and blasted tens of thousands of Qing soldiers crying and howling.

As the artillery extended to the west, more than 3000 Northern Navy soldiers jumped out of the trenches and rushed to the river beach carrying sandbags and wood that had been prepared long ago.After a few 10 minutes, two "roads" where the water crossed the knees and could be used by people and armored vehicles were paved.

Although Qinggui ordered to organize a counterattack, as five armored vehicles crossed the Rafa River and kept spitting out flames, sweeping away the lives within hundreds of meters, the Qing army on the front line collapsed and turned around to run away. .

Less than an hour after the start of the battle, Qing Gui, who learned that the Qing army had been defeated like a mountain, had no time to commit suicide. He was supported on a horse by his subordinates, crossed the battlefield where shrapnel was flying, and fled back to Jilin City with thousands of remnants.

In this battle, the Northern Navy captured more than 5000 prisoners from the Qing army, and seized countless ordnance and materials of various types.However, the wounded soldiers accounted for half of the prisoners of war. After asking about it afterwards, I found out that these people had heard the rumors of "recovering dead people, flesh and bones" in Beihai Town. ; and the source of the rumors was the group of Qing troops who were prisoners of war in the POW camp in Fuerdan City two years ago.

At this time, Fukang'an had already led an army of [-] to Jilin, and learned the news of the defeat of the Lafahe Qing army.While gathering the remnants of the defeated generals, he arranged defenses with Qing Gui's assistance.Fukang'an mobilized the people in the city to dig deep trenches on the east bank of the Songhua River, and sent dozens of Yaksa warships loaded with artillery to cruise the river, preparing to bite the bullet and fight to the death.

Then, Fukang'an used the seal of "General Dingbei" to order the [-] Qing troops who had gathered in Tasang Ula to go south and station [-] miles north of Jilin City.

Although the Northern Navy is currently attacking fiercely, for the Qing Dynasty, Jilin City must not be lost even if it is completely wiped out.Because once Jilin City is conquered, crossing Wendeheng Mountain and Arden Mountain to the southwest will be the endless Liaohe Plain, and there is no danger to defend.For the Qing Dynasty, the situation at that time would be even more terrifying than that at the end of the Ming Dynasty.

After the reconnaissance team sent back the news that the Qing army had retreated to Jilin City, Zhao Xin waited for a few days on the west bank of the Rafa River. The Qing army implemented to lure the enemy.

Fukang'an saw that the Beihai Navy was moving, and saw that there were not many people, so he ordered four thousand cavalry from the Eight Banners of Xi'an and Eight Banners of Qinghai to attack.But then the five green monsters reappeared, scaring the four thousand cavalrymen to turn around and run away.

Yang Yuchun also participated in this battle.Although he has unparalleled arm strength, a 150-pound strong bow can only hit a single dent on the armored vehicle.When he saw that a general beside him was smashed to pieces by the "Lianzhu Rapid Cannon" on top of the green-skinned monster, he could only turn around and run wildly.

Zhao Xin saw that the Qing army retreated to the outskirts of Jilin, huddled into a ball, and put on a posture of immortality, and then ordered Huji to lead four battalions to the north bank of Zhe Songe River in the dark, and went straight to the city of Dashang Ula.

Two days later, Fukang'an and Qinggui learned that the city of Dasang Ula had fallen, and they were still glad that they had transferred their troops to the south in advance, otherwise it would be another big defeat.But immediately after, an urgent report from Hunchun stunned Qinggui, and Fukang'an was also pale.

Tens of thousands of people from the Beihai Navy are besieging the Hunchun camp. The urgency is urgent, and the officials and security are weeping for help!

"It's a good trick to go to the right and then to the left! Mr. Shuzhai, you and I have been fooled by Zhao Xin."

"Pfft!" Hearing Fukang'an's words, Qing Gui, who had already been boiled to the brink of exhaustion, couldn't bear it any longer, spurted out a mouthful of blood, and fell on his back.

On June 53th of the [-]rd year of Qianlong, Qianlong was furious when he learned that Dasang Ula had fallen and Hunchun was besieged.He first sent guards to Suona Qinggui, Jilin, back to Beijing to interrogate the crime, and the six ministries and nine ministers will interrogate him.At the same time, an order was issued to transfer [-] green battalion soldiers from Shandong, Henan, Shaanxi, and Shanxi to the north, and leave the customs by land and sea to help Jilin.

For a time, the world looked sideways at him.

 100. Historically, until more than 1895 years later, Ma Jianzhong, a diplomat who led the Qing Dynasty to North Korea, kept a series of diaries, in which it was written that after arriving in Incheon, North Korean officials sent a reception meal, "It is very rough and dirty, and those who feel sick to their noses Again." As a result, Li Chao's officials thought he was being polite, and the two sides pushed back and forth many times before finally successfully refusing.Ambassador Ma breathed a sigh of relief, and would rather let his attendants cook porridge.482. Zhang Zongxiang also had a similar experience. The consuls in South Korea planned to host a banquet for him, but he chose to go to the North Korean restaurant on impulse.As a result, after entering the table, I disliked it three times in a row: "It's tasteless", "It doesn't fit well", "I can't put chopsticks on it".Finally, he sighed and said, "Although it was a full meal, I returned hungry." He returned to the hotel hungry and chewed on butter and bread.Seeing his appearance, the waiter at the hotel did not forget to make up for it: "You must have eaten Korean food, right? Experienced people go there when they are full." Third, it's a joke, but it's true thing.The financial chaos of the Li Dynasty in later generations was so chaotic that even the devils felt that they had been cheated. In 4.85, Minister Kaoru Inoue submitted a report on the economic situation in North Korea to Minister of Foreign Affairs Mutsu Munemitsu.At that time, Li Chao's annual income was 6 million taels of silver, while the external debt was as high as 700 million taels, and the domestic debt was [-] million taels. Mutsu Munemitsu was about to cry.Because even without interest, it would take [-] years to pay off these debts.

(End of this chapter)

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