Forty-eight years of Qianlong

Chapter 495 Rumyantsev's End

Chapter 495 Rumyantsev's End

Before the 70s, anyone who wanted to be a doctor in Europe was considered unqualified if he could not do bloodletting.

From the time of the Romans in the 2nd century AD, European doctors believed that the methods of treating fever patients were nothing more than the following methods, bloodletting, vomiting, vesicles, laxatives, pain relief, etc., so as to achieve a perfect balance of body fluids.If the patient's condition persists after a series of tossing, repeat the above measures again.In history, the 67-year-old Washington was played to death in this way. It is said that in the 12 hours before his death, the doctor let go of more than 300 milliliters of blood
Rumyantsev is 66 years old this year, which is already a proper longevity in this era.At the moment when the North Navy held the red flag and rushed into the city of Krasnoyarsk, which was full of gunpowder smoke, the Commander-in-Chief had been inhumanely drained of more than 1000 milliliters of blood.

When a company commander surnamed Peng of the Beihai Navy was passing a courtyard with his men, he heard a round and deep singing faintly through the courtyard wall. The voice sounded very solemn and solemn, which aroused him curiosity.

It was lucky that it was not hit by shells here!

He wanted to ask someone from the street. By the way, there was no one on the street. The civilians who survived the artillery fire either hid in churches or hid in the county library.

After Company Commander Peng led his men around to the closed main entrance, he felt that this was definitely not a church.You must know that the Northern Navy has fought thousands of miles westward from Usoliye, and the churches of wood, stone, and wood and stone are almost disgusting.There is a "two horizontal and one vertical" cross on the roof of all churches, and there are many priests in black or white robes.


"Open the door!"

After a while, the wide wooden door opened a narrow gap with a creak, and an old man with graying hair and beard appeared before his eyes.

A few soldiers of the Northern Navy were furious when they saw it. What are they pretending to be?A loser should look like a loser!Thinking of this, several people stepped forward and pushed the door open. The old man couldn't dodge in time, he took two steps back and fell to the ground.

"Whose house is this? What are those people doing in the house?" Company Commander Peng has been in Irkutsk for two years. Although he speaks Russian, his pronunciation is not accurate, but there is still no problem in normal communication.

"Yes, someone is about to go to heaven, and the confession and communion are being held there. Pity him! Don't disturb an old man's dying confession."

Hearing this, Company Commander Peng hesitated for a moment, and then stopped his subordinates' attempts to search.After saying an apology to the old man, he left with the people.

At this time, in a dimly lit room on the second floor of the main building in the courtyard, more than a dozen people were whispering, their voices intermittent.The movement at the gate before made these people feel like they were facing a formidable enemy, and some even took out their pistols to resist.When Bei Haijun left, they breathed a sigh of relief, and turned their sad and frightened eyes to the door leading to the next bedroom.

After a while, the door was gently opened, and Rumyantsev's adjutant appeared in front of everyone with a serious face, and said softly, "Everyone, please come in."

Several generals present, the mayor of Krasnoyarsk and several remaining city councilors walked in one by one on the soft carpet with a feeling of trepidation.

Rumyantsev was lying on a big bed in the house at the moment, covered with a quilt from the waist down, white hair combed meticulously on his broad and round forehead, and his ruddy face had turned pale.Above his head is a portrait of the Madonna, with two fat hands protruding from under the quilt at his sides.A candle is stuck between the thumb and forefinger of his right hand, and a doctor is kneeling by the bed, holding the candle with his hand.

What is held at this time is the anointing ceremony of the dying.

Several clergymen in gorgeous gowns stood on both sides of the bed, holding lighted candles in their hands, praying slowly and solemnly.After entering the room, everyone seemed to be in a church, men and women were separated on both sides of the bed.Everyone was silent and kept making the cross with their hands. Afterwards, the monks prayed loudly, sang hymns, and the sound of moving feet and sighs during silence.

After all, Zhao Xin never saw the living Rumyantsev, and of course, he never saw the dead either. He didn't even know that his opponent had been killed by a quack doctor.

Just as he rode into the most important city of Tsarist Russia in Central Siberia with a battalion of guards, Peter Alexandrovich Rumyantsev finally swallowed his last breath at the age of 66.The poor old man died not so much from an infection after a high fever, but from severe shock caused by severe blood loss.

The body of His Excellency the Commander-in-Chief was secretly collected by his adjutants and several doctors, and then transported out of the city in a carriage on the third night.By the time the news of Rumyantsev's death and the Russian army's defeat reached St. Petersburg, it was already the end of October.

By this time, all the tasks of the Northern Navy in the entire battle were coming to an end, leaving only the last target of the North-South joint attack, Yenisesk.

Zhao Xin had no time to delay. He ordered the Second Regiment and the First Cavalry Battalion to station in Krasnoyarsk. At the same time, he appointed Zhao Jiuzang as the director of the local military control committee. The city many kilometers away.

If Irkutsk was an outpost of Sino-Russian trade in the 5000th century, then Yeniseysk was a commodity transit point for East-West trade.As the trade center of the Kolivan Province of the Tsarist Russian Empire, Yenisesk was in the most prosperous period in history at this time, with a permanent population of more than [-] people in the city.

The tea, rhubarb, silk, cotton cloth, and even various goods from Europe that were shipped from East Siberia were sold here and transported by water and land to all parts of the East and West.

Only when the Northern Navy takes Krasnoyarsk and Yeniseysk together, can it be regarded as controlling the entire Yenisei River Basin, and can enter the Sanyin Nuoyan tribe of Outer Mongolia along the Yenisei River. In order to realize the east-west attack on the six parts of Khalkha Mongolia, and then extend its tentacles into the area south of the Altay Mountains.

When a ship carrying a large number of soldiers appeared on the Yenisei River, it quickly aroused the vigilance of the cargo fleet.However, it was too late at this time. The Huji troops who arrived earlier had already sailed past the confluence of the Yenisei River and the Kemi River, and established a position three kilometers northwest of the city.

Due to the sudden arrival of the uninvited guest, the whole city quickly fell into an atmosphere of panic. It has long been known that "Zadunaiski" led an army to march. For this purpose, the local city council also raised a batch of materials and military expenses from merchant groups, and provided manpower support.But no one expected that the Russian army would be defeated so quickly and so badly. The rapid pincer attacks from the north and the south cut off Yenisesk's access to external information.

On the fifth day after the arrival of Hu Ji's troops, Zhao Xin led the southern troops and appeared on the river bank five kilometers southeast of the city on September 9.

At this moment, everyone in the city panicked.After urgent consultations, the city council sent representatives to negotiate with the Beihai Navy.

Li Rui, who was in charge of the negotiations, informed the Russian negotiators that Krasnoyarsk had been conquered by our side, and the Russian army of more than 8 troops had been completely defeated by the North Navy.You are limited to unconditional surrender within 24 hours, otherwise a large-scale bombardment will begin.

"We allow local merchants and residents to leave by boat with their belongings. We have no interest in your personal wealth."

In fact, Jiuzang, who was guarding Krasnoyarsk, also ordered the expulsion of the local Tsarist Russian residents. Because of the large-scale shelling, Zhao Xin did not want to leave a group of hostile people.

However, for the three negotiators, the saying that personal property should not be seized would be believed by ghosts!In these days and months, anyone who burns the war to the territory of other countries is all using war to support the war, and obtain supplies through the search of the occupying country.

The city councilor among the three protested loudly: "Your Excellency, what you are doing is unreasonable! We are just a group of law-abiding businessmen and have never persecuted any Chinese."

Li Rui said lightly: "That's right. It is precisely because of this that we allow you to leave with your personal belongings."

After the regional bishop who came with him crossed his chest, he asked calmly: "We will not leave, this is the sacred territory that God has given us."

Li Ruidao: "Father, I advise you to leave, none of us believe in your God."

Another businessman said: "You are launching a war against the great Tsarist Russian Empire. The Empress will never condone such an act. Don't you think about the consequences?"

"Hehe," Li Rui smiled, and said indifferently: "When your empress launched the war to invade Heilongjiang, she should have considered today's consequences. According to our commander-in-chief, you all asked for it , it deserves it.”

The three representatives were blushed by Li Rui's words, but they were still begging, hoping for peace.Let alone where to move the family, the goods in the warehouse alone cannot be transported in a day or two.

Li Ruidao: "Don't blame us for not saying what we said earlier. Beihai Town has to levy taxes on commercial transactions. The taxation system of your one, two, three guilds must be abolished!"

"Okay, how will you collect taxes?"

"5.00% of the single transaction amount, and all commodity transactions must be carried out in the trading venue set up by us."

"What?! So many!" The three representatives cursed suddenly in their hearts. This is really a group of robbers.

You must know that in the city of Yenisesk at this time, there are more than 140 merchants in the first guild, and more than 1000 or two hundred merchants in the second guild. If the tax is levied according to the transaction amount, it will be a lot of money huge sum of money.

"Three, you should go back and discuss it with other people. Whether you want to surrender unconditionally, or prepare to resist. Let me tell you that tens of thousands of Russian troops have been killed by us, and there are not enough people in your city. sewn."

Afterwards, when the three of them brought the conditions of the Beihai Navy back to the city, the merchants of the city council immediately exploded.As the most influential figure among the local merchants, Matvey Fedorovich Horoshikh, a big fur merchant in the first guild, was so angry that he jumped to his feet and kept roaring and cursing the Chinese outside the city.

Taxing at 5.00% of the transaction amount is tantamount to digging his lifeblood.But if you leave here and return to Tobolsk, it means that everything has to start again, and the hard work of several generations of the family in the past [-] years will be nothing.

"I don't believe that these Chinese can defeat the invincible 'Zadunaiski'. He has defeated 15 Turks. What are the Chinese!"

"What I'm saying is, even if it's [-] pigs, it can't be caught in a day or two. These Chinese people must have fled to us after being defeated by the commander-in-chief."

"But there are thousands of them! When we went to their barracks, those soldiers looked neat and murderous."

"Andreevich, you were blinded by the illusion they created!" Matvey laughed at the businessman, and then said to a member of the House of Representatives: "I propose to vote immediately, and immediately recruit soldiers in the city to cooperate The local garrison will completely wipe out those Chinese! We will never compromise!"

In the affairs of the world, whoever has the most money often has the greatest say, and Yeniseysk is the same.Except for those Jewish businessmen who neither supported nor opposed, other Russian businessmen expressed their support for Matvey's proposal after some weighing.Because the Beihai Navy only gave 24 hours, after the vote, someone proposed to launch a sneak attack at night, which was approved by all again.

The mayor saw it and said, let's get ready to fight.As a result, martial law began in the city, and adult males from various families were organized, received weapons and ammunition, and organized into temporary infantry battalions.

At this time, merchants and fishermen from the fishing guild joined in one after another, preparing to launch a fire attack on the fleet of the Northern Navy from the water.It is said that the fishing industry on the Yenisei River is also a big business. The amount of fish in the rivers of Siberia these days is unimaginable to future generations. The kind that is scooped with a basin.

However, no matter how noisy these people were, the Beihai Navy, which had been prepared for a long time, taught them what it meant to "hit their heads on the iron plate" that night.

After more than an hour of fierce fighting, more than 1000 soldiers and civilians in Yeniseysk who launched the night attack killed and injured more than [-] people. The Northern Navy also launched an indiscriminate shelling of buildings in the city that night, causing hundreds of deaths and injuries, and triggered a war. fire.

By the next morning, the mayor, who had counted the losses, collapsed.The entire city has a total population of just over [-], and lost one-third of its male population in one night. It's a fart to resist, so let's surrender with the white flag.

So at noon that day, the North Navy lined up to enter Yenisesk under the fear and hatred of the Tsarist Russian people hiding behind the door.The commander of the local garrison handed the saber to Li Rui, who represented Zhao Xin, at the gate of the city council. Afterwards, Li Rui tasted the black bread and salt that the mayor handed over to show his acceptance of the other party's obedience.

At this point, the battle of the Beihai Navy in 1790 finally came to an end, and the three phases of combat goals formulated by Zhao Xin and the staff were all achieved.The only thing Zhao Xin regrets is that he didn't catch Rumyantsev, which is not perfect.

From the map alone, Beihai Town, which has not yet entered the customs, has already surpassed the Manchu Qing Dynasty, reaching tens of millions of square kilometers; it extends to the Yenisei River in the west, the East Siberian Sea in the north, the Okhotsk Sea in the east, and the Sea of ​​Okhotsk in the south. To Hunchun.

However, Zhao Xin and his companions still have a lot to do to bring such a vast area into effective rule.

(End of this chapter)

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