Forty-eight years of Qianlong

Chapter 497 The Mind of Tu Xie Tu Khan

Chapter 497 The Mind of Tu Xie Tu Khan

Tushetu Khan Chedendorji had sent someone to privately contact Kyakhtu's Northern Navy almost half a year ago.

The person who came forward was Jiangbula, a distant relative of the housekeeper of the palace.He is conducting a smuggling business with the Beihai Navy through Tian Tongzhou, the treasurer of "Meigong Yuji". The transaction volume is not large and is in the trial stage.

However, after two or three transactions, Fan Tong felt that Jiangbula was not an ordinary smuggler. He guessed that the other party was either a Zasak prince or Taijibeile.

Judging from the types of goods he wanted, none of them could be used by ordinary herdsmen.These days, there are only three kinds of herdsmen’s most urgent needs, grain, salt and tea bricks, but Jiangbula doesn’t need any of them. Instead, they buy matches, cigarettes, liquor, aluminum pots, and even perfume, silk scarves and glass. Some.

The "currency" that prevailed in the Mongolian region in the Qing Dynasty was not so much silver and copper coins as tea bricks.In the past, when Kyakhta and Maimaicheng did business with the Russians, they paid with tea bricks.However, since Zhao Xin put a large amount of tea into the Irkutsk market, Fan Tong did not need tea bricks, so Jiangbula’s payment method was gold in addition to silver; pain.

However, the Beihai Navy's products are really good, and the transparent glass bottles for liquor are very popular.Even if this thing is accidentally broken and asked someone to polish the pieces to make jewelry, who dares to say that it is not a good thing?
As for the trading city, Tian Tonghe, the shopkeeper of "He Yu An Ji" colluded with Tsarist Russia to kidnap Fan Tong, Wu Xiha and Bonia, and was arrested in order to save his younger brother's life. Tian Tongzhou, the treasurer of "Yuji", began to contact Bei Haijun privately, on the condition that he provided regular information on Maimai City and Kulun, in exchange for Tian Tonghe not being sent to the Ezo to dig coal.

Afterwards, Tian Tonghe was sent to Irkutsk as a teacher, responsible for teaching the newly arrived immigrants to read and write.

And the secret smuggling road that used to transport Fan Tong and others, after being widened and reinforced, has become the largest smuggling channel for Beihai goods to enter and exit the trading city.Fan Tong even asked Zhao Xin for help, and installed a monorail transportation system using motors in the secret passage, which is very convenient for transporting goods and people.

For Beihai Town, it is not enough to develop a few Shanxi merchants in Maimai City as insiders. After all, only the Mongolians themselves know the internal situation of the Khalkha ministries.So Fan Tong recently met with Jiangbula through the secret road, which led to the conversation between Che Dengdorji and his son.

The reason why Chedendorji, the Prince of Zasak, did this was because he saw that Beihai Town was about to sweep the world, so he wanted to take advantage of this opportunity to restore Tushetu Khan's external Baikal tabu. The Nuts—that is, the rule of the Buryats; secondly, he also hopes to take this opportunity to regain the religious power in Mobei.

The matter of the Buryats is actually an old grievance between Khalkha and Tsarist Russia, which lasted for 150 years.

It is said that the first relationship between Khalkha and Tsarist Russia was established in the 40th year of Wanli in the Ming Dynasty.At that time, Mobei Mongolia was eager to develop border trade with Russian merchants in order to obtain the necessities of life that they could not produce in the nomadic society and economy.For this reason, at that time, led by Zasaktu Khan and Tushetu Khan, they tried their best to maintain trade in horses and livestock with the Russians, and opened a mutual market in Khobdo.

For the Tsarist Russian authorities, what they dreamed of at that time was to open up a commercial route to the Central Plains through the Mongols, and then establish trade relations with the Central Plains dynasty, so Tsarist Russia tried its best to establish economic exchanges with the Khalkha Sanbu Khan.As Tsarist Russia's tentacles extended into the Baikal region, the exchanges between the two sides became increasingly active.

In the first half of the seventeenth century, Tsarist Russia took the initiative to communicate with Altan Khan and Chechen Khan, not only conducting frequent trade, but also trying their best to persuade them to submit to Russia.However, the ministries of Khalkha sensed Tsarist Russia's covetous heart towards Mobei Mongolia, and sternly rejected its repeated actions.

By 1640, the nature of Mongolia-Russia relations finally changed.The Cossack leader Ma Perfiliev led a Russian army to expand east of Lake Baikal. After dozens of armed incursions, finally in 1666—that is, the fifth year of Kangxi, he occupied Bukal in the east of Lake Baikal. Riat Mongol nomad.

At the same time, Tsarist Russia also directly invaded the area under the jurisdiction of Tushetu Khan in the Selenge River Basin, and successively established many strongholds such as Irkutsk, Selengesk (Ulan-Ude), Chita, and Nerchinsk. Forcibly levying fur taxes and plundering local population and livestock is called "protecting the Buryats from being oppressed by the Mongols".

Yes, Irkutsk was once the domain of Tushetu Khan in a strict sense, and another name for the Buryats is "Tabnut Mongols"!
In the face of Tsarist Russia's aggression, Tushetuhan sent envoys to negotiate many times, severely condemned Tsarist Russia's aggression crimes, and asked Russia to withdraw from the occupied territories.Over the next ten years, hostilities between the Tushetu Khan and the Chechen Khan and Tsarist Russia continued to occur and became more frequent.

In the third year of Kangxi, Tushetu Khan and Chechen Khan sent troops to attack Nerchinsk; in the sixth year of Kangxi, Tushetu Khan sent Kuruk Zaisang to Moscow to negotiate, protesting against Tsarist Russia's illegal establishment of the city of Selengesk on the territory of the ministry; In the seventh year of Kangxi, Tushetu Khan Chahundorji sent troops to attack some Tsarist Russian fortresses west of Lake Baikal; in the 21st year of Kangxi, the Mongols near Selenghsk rose up to resist, killed and wounded many Tsarist Russian invading troops, and recaptured a large number of robbed Livestock to go.

In the 23rd year of Kangxi, Tushetu Khan Chahundorji once again sternly warned the Russian army to withdraw from Transbaikal, demanding that the Russian side release and return the Tabnut tribe, otherwise the past exchanges between the two sides would be canceled and there would be no peace to speak of.It can be seen that the issue of "Buryats" is of great significance to Khalkha Mongolia.

In the 27th year of Kangxi, the conflict between the Tushetu Khan and Tsarist Russia finally intensified to its peak.In January of that year, nearly [-] Mongolian cavalry led by Batur Huntaiji, the younger brother of Tushetuhan, surrounded the city of Selengesk.

However, at this time, Galdan of the Junggar tribe, driven by the instigation of Tsarist Russia and past entanglements, mobilized all their forces to cross Hang'ai Mountain and invade Khalkha Mongolia on a large scale.They first captured Harahelin, burned Erdenizhao Temple, and destroyed Buddhist statues in classics to show their revenge on the first Jebtsundamba.As a result, the Tushetu Khan was forced to give up the siege of Selengesk and return to fight against Galdan.

At the end of the Ming Dynasty and the beginning of the Qing Dynasty, there were still three tribes in Khalkha Mongolia at that time, and the Sanyin Nuoyan tribe, which was located in the far west, came out from the Tuxie Tuhan part later.Therefore, the Tushetu Khan tribe at that time was the head of Khalkha and the most powerful.

In this way, there was Tsarist Russian Golovin in the east, and Galdan in the west. The Tushetu Khan tribe rushed to the battle, suffered from the enemy, and lost sight of the other.

Because the Junggar tribe colluded with Tsarist Russia and invaded Khalkha, which had already surrendered to the Qing Dynasty, Kangxi could no longer tolerate it.Two years later, the "Qing Zhun War" that lasted for 70 years and went through three generations of Manchu and Qing emperors officially broke out.

However, although the Manchu and Qing dynasties destroyed the Junggar tribe, Khalkha Mongolia still lost the territory of Transbaikal and the Buryats.

Counting from the second generation Tuxietu Khan Chahun Dorji to Chedeng Dorji, it is already the ninth generation. I thought that there would be no hope of restoring the old land, but who knew that a few years ago, a man who followed the Manchu Qing Dynasty suddenly appeared. The Northern Navy, who did the right thing, chased and killed along the Heilongjiang River without any effort, and drove Tsarist Russia out of Eastern Siberia with lightning speed. stand up.

Moreover, after the Northern Navy drove away Tsarist Russia, it treated all ethnic groups under its rule equally; although a large number of new immigrants were brought in to open up wasteland and farmland, they did not discriminate against the Buryat herdsmen, and even supported them a lot.

Beihai trading companies set up in Irkutsk, Kyakta, Ulan-Ude, Chita, Nerchinsk and other places not only provided cheap salt, grain, cloth and other products to the Buryats in their jurisdiction For daily necessities, the Ministry of Civil Affairs of Beihai Town also specially sent people to the north to teach the herdsmen advanced animal husbandry techniques.

Since last year, Beihai Township has promoted the planting of sugar beets for fodder in a large area under its jurisdiction. Under the guidance of civil affairs personnel, some Buryats began to give up the nomadic life of "living for water and grass" and settled down outside the towns of Transbaikal .

Due to the cold climate in Transbaikal, it is not easy to open up. Beihai Town will allocate [-] mu of land to each family of immigrants who settle here.With the help and guidance of the civil affairs, the settled Buryats can not only grow sugar beet crops, but also build farms to raise livestock.

Right now, the lives of the Buryats in Transbaikal are getting better and better. They don’t have the hardships of the Manchurian servants, and they don’t have the fur tax and poll tax of the Tsarist Russians. As long as they work hard, they basically won’t Worry about food and clothing.

Beihai Township launched the "Hunchun Campaign" last year. After seizing Dasheng Ula, it cut off the water and land connection between Jilin Ula and Qiqihar, thus forming the oppression of Outer Mongolia from the north and east.

In order to prevent the Northern Navy from going south into Outer Mongolia, the Qing government's control and oppression of the four Khalkha tribes—especially the Tushetu Khan and Chechen Khan became more and more obvious.

For example, in addition to the 7800 leading soldiers used for combat, the Tuxietu Khan Department also had to dispatch hundreds of postmen, and together with the other three departments, they were responsible for the Karen station in the entire Outer Mongolia region.If there are private households that do not undertake business, a compensation fee of 80 taels of silver per household will be levied. This money must be turned over to the imperial court and will not fall into the pockets of the nobles.For Outer Mongolia, where a pot and a few tea bricks can be exchanged for a few sheep, 80 taels of silver is really not a small amount of money.

Since the spring of this year, about a few hundred families of Khalkha Mongols who lived near the border and suffered for many years from the Manchu and Qing conscripts fled to Transbaikal; Go up to the north of Lingbei and enter Beihai Town to survive under the rule.As for the arrows guarding the Tushetu Khan tribe and Karen in the northern part of the Chechen Khan tribe, they were even more envious. If it wasn't because their family members were not around, they would have gone to Beihai Town.

In view of this, on the one hand, Cheden Dorje stepped up the inspection of the border area to prevent his herdsmen from fleeing, and on the other hand, he also started private contact with the North Navy.

After talking about the Buryats, let’s talk about religious governance.To put it simply, this matter is actually the reincarnation of Jebtsundamba Hutuktu, and then the management of religious affairs in Khalkha Mongolia.

Religious affairs in Mongolia in the Qing Dynasty were never isolated, and were often combined with governance.As the largest religious leader in Outer Mongolia, a word from Jebtsundamba is much better than the orders of the Manchus or Prince Zasak.

Jebtsundamba Hutuktu is the largest lineage of living Buddhas in Mongolia in northern Mobei. Together with Zhangjia Hutuktu in Monan, they are known as the two major living Buddhas in the Mongolian area, plus two other famous ones, namely The four living Buddhas of the entire Mongolian and Tibetan Buddhist system.

"Hutuktu" is Mongolian, which means immortality.Of course, there are still many Hutuktus who have been officially canonized and issued seals by the Qing court; by the end of the Qing Dynasty, there were 243 Hutuktus registered in the Lifan Academy.

Although Jebtsundamba had to be canonized and sealed by the Qing court, and accepted the management of the Qing court, there was a big problem, which had always made the Manchu emperors afraid.

It is said that the first generation Jebtsundamba is the son of the first generation Tuxie Tuhan Gonpo, who is also the younger brother of the second generation Tuxie Tuhan Chahundorji; and the second generation Jebtsundamba They are the nephews and great-grandsons of the first generation. To put it bluntly, they are all the Tushetuhan family.

In this way, the Tushetuhan family not only controlled the ruling power of Khalkha, but also controlled the religious affairs of Khalkha, which meant that the emperor's words were not easy to use in Khalkha Mongolia!
The ministries of Khalkha respected the Qing court on the surface, but in fact they still respected the Tuxietu Khan tribe.Such a situation would be fine in normal times, but once there is a war in the northwest, it will hinder the Qing court.The most obvious example is the "Change of Withdrawal of the Station" that occurred in the 12th year of Qianlong.

The "Qing Zhun War" was fought back and forth for 70 years. The heirs of the Junggar tribe jumped out one after another to split the Western Regions and Outer Mongolia, and then one after another were pressed to the ground by the Qing army.

After Galdan died, his nephew Tserwang Allah Butan continued; when Tservan Allahbutan died, Galdan Tseling continued to work hard.Afterwards, Vandorjin Namzal, Lama Darza, and Dawaqi stepped onto the front stage one after another, and then quickly fell down. The last one to emerge was Amur Sana, who was conferred the title of Huite Khan by the Qing court.

It was precisely because of Amur Sana's bewitching and Qing Gun Zabu's expansion of ambitions that eventually led to the occurrence of the "Change of Withdrawal".

To make a digression here, there is an article in later generations saying that the "removal of the station" launched by Qinggun Zabu was the anti-Qing uprising of the Khalkha people, and he was compared with Yue Fei and called a "national hero".Don't talk about it, do you want to show your face?

As the county king and Dorobeile of the Zhasak Khan tribe, and at the same time as the Dingbian Zuo Deputy General of the Qing Dynasty, can he resist the oppression of the herdsmen at the bottom?Who believes it? !The ass is not right!
This guy colluded with Amur Sana to split Mongolia and Xinjiang, took the salary of the Qing court but had an affair with the Junggar tribe, and committed the disaster of "taking other people's bowls and smashing other people's pots". What kind of hero is this? !It is estimated that the "heroes" are in the hearts of those who have split the territory of "Begonia China" and those who try to continue to split.

At that time, Qinggun Zabu was in charge of the Hetuohuite Department, which belonged to Zasak, the left-wing Left Banner of the Zhasak Tuhan Department.Such a low status made Dingbian Zuo Deputy General and Prince Qinggun Zabu of the tribe extremely unbalanced. No matter what, he had to be in charge of a Khan Ministry to be worthy of his status!

In the 18th year of Qianlong's reign, Qing Gun Zabu was appointed as the Minister of Counselor. He followed Dingbian General Bandi and set off from Altai to conquer Junggar.However, Amur Sana was very good at words, so Qing Gun Zabu was persuaded by him, his ambitions swelled, and he decided to launch a massive rebellion.

In the 19th year of Qianlong's reign, General Dingbian's class went to the imperial court, and Amursana was ambitious and ready to move, so he asked Qianlong to take action against him.Qianlong then sent an order to Bandi, urging Amursana to enter Beijing as soon as possible, hoping to cut him off after the other party arrived in the mainland.

Unexpectedly, it is difficult to guard against family thieves. Qing Gun Zabu notified Amursana as soon as he learned of the situation, which caused the latter to openly oppose the Qing and launch it in advance, which made several of the Qing court in Ili All members of the army died for the country, causing the situation in the Western Regions to deteriorate.

At this time, Qianlong didn't know that Qinggun Zabu had colluded with Amursana, secretly stabbed the court several times, and asked him and Hadaha to conquer the Junggar rebels in Amursana.However, during this period, Qinggun Zabu tipped Amursana, which made the Qing army make no progress in the pursuit and suppression for nearly a year.He even blatantly disobeyed and asked for a one-year delay in sending troops on the grounds of insufficient troops.

However, it didn't take long for Qinggun Zabu faction's confidants to have an affair with Amursana was found out, and it was reported directly to Qianlong, so the "two and five sons" Qinggun Zabu was taken down.

However, Qianlong did not punish him immediately, but Xiaozhi moved with emotion and reasoned, with the purpose of solving Amursana as soon as possible.Qianlong said that I knew you were bewitched by Amursana, you are a loyal general, don't I know you yet?Continue to serve me well.

However, before Qinggun Zabu was happy for two days, in order to deter those capricious Khalkha princes, Qianlong ordered the execution of Prince Erlinqindorji of Jasak Heshuo who released Amursana, which made Outer Mongolia The princes exploded at once.

You must know that the four tribes of Khalkha are all descendants of Genghis Khan, and there has always been a saying that "the golden family is not punished".But for Qianlong, the descendants of the Aixinjueluo family could be killed if they were guilty, so which onion is the Jin family? !

At this time, the second Jebtsundamba jumped out. As a member of the Tuxietuhan family, he took the lead in expressing support for Qinggun Zabu's rebellion.The other Khalkha princes saw that the "living Buddha" had expressed their opinion, and then they all jumped out to stand in line, and decided to teach Man Qing a lesson!
Seeing that he had so many supporters, Qing Gun Zabu directly issued a notice of withdrawal in the name of the Qing court, withdrawing all the soldiers of the Manchu and Qing from the Karentai Station in the Altai area of ​​the North Road, leaving no one behind, causing the Qing Dynasty to The army's communication was interrupted and the logistics were poor.

Next, Qinggun Zab took his men and attacked the towns of Uliasutai military camp, Dakulun and Qiaktu in separate routes.However, the rebellion grew bigger and bigger, and even developed to the point where herdsmen robbed Han merchants and attacked Yamen, Qing Gun Zabu could not control the situation at all.

After that, the third Zhangjia Hutuktu, who was in charge of Inner Mongolia, was ordered to go to Khalkha with the purpose of persuading Jebtsundamba not to support Qinggun Zabu.Qianlong knew very well that as long as Jebtsundamba, as a religious leader, stood by his side, the chaos in Outer Mongolia could be quickly settled.

Seeing that the rebellion was out of control, Jebtsundamba, who had vowed to support Qinggunzabu, became a fool again. He told Zhangjia Living Buddha that he absolutely supported Taiqing, and he was forced to do so at the beginning.With his statement, other Khans of Khalkha and Belateji turned their backs one after another.

Qing Gun Zabu saw that something was wrong, so he wanted to flee to Tsarist Russia to save his life.But he just ran to Hanghajangas on the border, and was captured by the Minister of Counselor Namzal with 200 people.Because of this merit, Namuzal was portrayed in Ziguang Pavilion by Qianlong's edict.

In view of the second Jebtsundamba's behavior of jumping up and down with a group of Khalkha princes and nobles in this rebellion, Qianlong, who was in his 40s at the time, was determined to solve this problem thoroughly, and he must not let Jebtsundamba's Reincarnation appeared in Khalkha.

Three years later, the second Jebtsundamba, who was born in the family of Tushe Tuhan, passed away in Kulun due to smallpox at the age of 34.

What was going on, Khalkha Mongolian princes knew in their hearts that in the face of the mighty Manchu Qing, everyone could only be a grandson.You must know that in ancient times, to make a person who had never had smallpox get smallpox, the method was very simple. Take a few belongings of the person who gave birth to smallpox, and put them on the bedside of the target, and everything will work.
From then on, Qianlong ordered that Jebtsundamba's successor must and could only be found in the snowy area, thus preventing the Tushetuhan family from managing both religion and Khalkha.

In order to consolidate his position, Jebtsundamba, who was born in the snowy area, would definitely not stand with the Khalkha nobles. He would help the Qing court win over and supervise them.

For Chedendorji, Prince Zasak, the appearance of Beihai Town may be an opportunity. Since the Lord Qianlong can do the first day of junior high school, the ministries of Khalkha can also do fifteenth.As long as I can help Bei Haijun defeat the Manchus, and then find another one from Tuxietuhan's family, isn't that the only thing.

To put it bluntly, the ambition of the descendants of this group of golden families to become the co-lords of the Mongols has never faded.It's just that because Man Qing was too strong, they could only swallow their anger before.

 I said so much to clarify one thing. The 300 million square kilometers of territory in the heyday of the Qing Dynasty was not given away by Wu Sangui as a phone bill after opening the door. It was all killed by one knife and one gun.Although the descendants are not up to date, if there is no perseverance for 200 years, there will be no inherent territory that cannot be divided later.The Westerners and Japanese were determined to split China and fabricated a series of lies and books. As a result, even today there are still people jumping in and speaking for the enemy.

(End of this chapter)

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