Forty-eight years of Qianlong

Chapter 500 The army goes south like a shuttle

Chapter 500

In late October 1790, Wu Siyu left the Yaksa prisoner-of-war camp where he had been staying for two years. Under the escort of the guards, he and his wife returned to Beihai Town on a sled.

Although Beihai Town has been using Russian prisoners of war to build roads, and it took two years to build the road from Yaksa to Heilongjiang City, but in the climate of the Northeast, a road as wide as it is snowy is useless. Snow brought busy traffic to a standstill immediately.The four-wheeled carriages have been replaced by horse-drawn sleds, reindeer sleds, and even dog sleds of the Hezhe people.

According to what was discussed with Zhao Xin before, Wu Siyu will take over the post of Wang Yuanfang's training commander when he goes back this time, and take care of the old nest for everyone.And Wang Yuanfang will lead the special warfare battalion, together with the Beihai marine battalion, and Deng Fei will go south together.

If it was Liu Sheng or someone else, he would go to the training base to handle the handover on the day he arrived in Beihai Town.The problem is that Wu Siyu is just a lazy person. After finally coming back, he decided that he had to go around first and rest for two days; otherwise, once he entered the training base, he would immediately be caught up in complicated affairs and have trouble getting out.

On the day they returned to Beihai Town, Wu Siyu and his wife walked into the newly built house for him under the guidance of Li Ji, the head of the logistics department of the Beihai Navy.According to the requirements of Wu Siyu and his wife, the new house is a courtyard house with three small entrances, covering an area of ​​only more than 400 square meters.The house with gray walls and red tiles looks bright and bright in the snow-covered sky. The thick pine gate is painted red, and the door knocker made of copper lion and animal head is shiny.

Walking into the courtyard gate, the floor is full of green bricks paved vertically in a herringbone shape.Around the screen wall is the vertical flower gate, opposite to the vertical flower gate are three inverted seats, and to the west is a toilet.Walking into the vertical flower gate is a small courtyard, which is composed of small corridors on both sides and north and south rooms; the north room is for entertaining guests, the south room is the kitchen and two dining rooms, and the corridors are all covered by large pieces of transparent glass.

Chen Yin'er fell in love with this yard as soon as she saw it, with a long-lost look of excitement on her face, but when she walked into the second entrance, she found out that it was a different world, which made the couple surprised and admired for a while.

Under the west wall is a rockery system, paved with white stones, and two elm trees are planted. On the east side, a long room similar to a conservatory is built with transparent glass and steel frames, connecting with the study room and the north room on the south side.There is an earth dragon inside, which is very warm. When it snows, you can cook tea and enjoy the snow here, which is very comfortable.As for Sanjin, it is the resting place for the couple and future children. All the furniture and daily necessities have been prepared long ago.

"Look if you are still unsatisfied, I will immediately arrange for workers to correct it."

Li Ji has now become the chief steward of all the time-travelers, and he is in charge of supervising the newly built yards for the time-travelers this year.Although the construction team built the courtyards in the north, each family had different requirements for details, which really kept him busy.

For example, Chen Qingsong's wife, Qing He, is often eaten by others because of her excellent cooking skills, so not only is the restaurant bigger in his house, but even the kitchen is bigger than other people's houses.Because the Ministry of Civil Affairs moved to Fuerdan City this year, both Chen Qingsong and his wife left, and the house was vacant after only two days.

Another example is Wang Yuanfang's fiancée, Ms. Wu, who is a trainer. In addition to practicing boxing, she usually practices big guns, so his family's second courtyard is as big as two basketball courts, enough for walking a horse.Not to mention that the eighteen kinds of weapons are complete, just like a martial arts training ground.

As for Ding Guofeng's house, his yard is not small, mainly because there is a bear in the house.Yes, you're not mistaken.According to the customs of the Ainu people, Ding Guofeng's brother-in-law, King Tuka of Ainu, gave his younger sister Xuewu a little brown bear, which is more than one year old now, and it is as human as a big dog.

Now Deng Fei is the only one who is still single in the early travels. He usually lives on the boat, and occasionally returns to the wooden dormitory in Beihai Town to stay for a few days.Except for a few people like Zhao Xin who knew that he had a crush on Director Liu, everyone else thought he had eccentricities.The problem is that Liu Siting has already given birth to her mother, so she is doing well with Hong Tao.
In the afternoon, Wu Siyu and Chen Yin'er went to Zhao Xin's house with presents.There are no special products in Yaksana, just a few high-quality ferret and fox furs bought from Daur people, and a few sets of clothes that Chen Yiner made for Zhao Xin's children.

After seeing Zhao Xin's son, Chen Yin'er hugged him for a long time without letting go, with a look of love in his eyes.Chen Yin'er had some physical problems, she was pregnant twice but didn't keep it, and she took soup and medicine for two years but there was no progress.Now that he is back in Beihai Town, Wu Siyu plans to see Wu Xianning, who used to be a gynecologist.

Zhao Xin's son, Momo, is one year old. He looks a lot like Shen Xuan, especially his eyes.Seeing a beautiful aunt coming, the little guy who was bouncing around on the bed plunged into each other's arms, purring non-stop, saliva flying all over his mouth, Wu Siyu and his wife were confused when they heard it.

"What is he talking about?"

Shen Xuan said helplessly: "Who knows, just like his father, Xiaozui mutters non-stop all day long."

Because people like Wu Siyu were the first veterans who helped Zhao Xin create Beihai Town, Shen Xuan didn't shy away from it, so she asked the couple to stay and have dinner together.

As a result, before dinner at night, Wang Yuanfang and Wu Zhong also came.Because Miss Wu was working as a guard for Shen Xuan at Zhao Xin's house, Wang Yuanfang came to Zhao Xin's house every now and then for dinner; and Wu Zhong came almost every day because he just wanted his daughter.

Seeing Wu Siyu and his wife for the first time, Miss Wu was quite embarrassed.Looking at the shy and handsome woman in front of him, Wu Siyu thought that if Zhao Xin hadn't told him in advance, he would never have guessed that the other party was a great master of Bajiquan.

"It seems that the old squad leader will suffer a lot in the future. If he doesn't listen to his wife, he will be beaten and run around the yard."

Because Wu Zhong's father and daughter are Muslims, the dishes on the dinner table are mainly beef and mutton, mixed with vegetables and seafood, but to Wu Siyu's surprise, today's staple food turned out to be self-produced rice.

"This rice is really good! It's delicious!"

Wang Yuanfang smiled and said: "This year, the villages in the south of Xingkai Lake have carried out trial planting of rice, and the harvest is good. Lao Chen plans to expand the planting area."

Not only rice, Beihai Town has another bumper harvest this autumn.Although 50 immigrants came from the Qing Dynasty, there is no need to worry about not having enough food.With the improvement of high-yielding seeds and water conservancy facilities, coupled with the promotion of large-scale agricultural mechanization, even an additional 50 people are now enough to feed.

Since last year, Minzheng has started animal husbandry and established five pig farms. Since the autumn harvest this year, people in the middle and lower reaches of Heilongjiang have had meat dishes on their meals besides the most commonly eaten fish.At present, the average monthly meat intake of residents in Beihai Town is about 2 catties, in addition to various seafood and aquatic products.

Hearing Wang Yuanfang's words, Wu Siyu was quite moved. He put down his bowl and chopsticks and said, "It's been six years! Back then we went to organize fishing in the Xila River. The first time the refugees saw the tractor, they ran away in fright."

"That's right. At that time, there were wild beasts around, and we even brought people into the mountains to hunt wild boars and tigers."

Miss Wu, who had been lowering her head to eat, suddenly asked curiously: "Brother Wu, I heard from A Miao, you didn't have enough food back then, and you went to the Japanese country to grab abalone? Can that thing be eaten?"

Wu Siyu almost spit out a mouthful of food, then looked at A Miao, the little girl turned her head sideways, her shoulders twitched a few times, she was obviously giggling.

Alas, A Miao has also become "bad", what a child she was back then.This little girl is sixteen years old this year, and she looks more and more charming. It seems that this posture is destined to be Zhao Xin.

"Alas, the pigs are crushing all the cabbage." Wu Siyu thought.

When he came in the afternoon, A Miao asked Wu Siyu a lot about things in the north, whether it was cold or not, and whether it was snowing or not.Wu Siyu understood that this was not what she wanted to ask. The problem was that he didn't know the specific situation in Irkutsk, not to mention that Zhao Xin had gone to the Yenisei River now.

Wu Siyu took a sip of the tea handed by his wife and followed suit, only to hear Wang Yuanfang say: "Don't listen to A Miao's nonsense, we are not so bad."

After dinner, Shen Xuan hugged the child and went to the back house with Chen Yin'er and A Miao to talk, Wu Zhong and his daughter went to the guard room in the back room inside the gate, and Wang Yuanfang and Wu Siyu sat in the flower hall of Erjin drinking tea and talking. .

"when are you leaving?"

"Isn't this waiting for you to come and hand over to me? Find me tomorrow?"

"No, old squad leader, let me rest for two more days."

"Okay, wait for you for another two days."

In the training base three days later, with the order of preparations issued, the special warfare battalion composed of hundreds of Ewenki and Daur people began to get busy.

The first is to open the equipment warehouse, receive weapons and ammunition, and then use the company as a unit to take the order to the logistics to receive supplies.Because they are going to the south, each soldier has to prepare two sets of tropical jungle camouflage.According to Wang Yuanfang's request, what Zhao Xin prepared for this was the CP Gen4 series in another time and space.In addition to hats and boots, there are tactical vest belt systems and safety ropes for climbing and rappelling; in addition, there are a lot of odds and ends such as tents, tarps, mosquito repellent water, snake repellent powder, camouflage oil, military rations, etc. thing.

Although they had been trained before, the soldiers were still a little surprised to see so many belongings, many of which they had never used.Counting the weapons and the ammunition they carried with them, the weight of each of them has reached 50 kilograms.

Their usual training is 40 kilograms and 50 kilometers cross-country in three days. The farthest time they even walked [-] miles in seven days. This kind of training intensity made Wu Zhong amazed.

Ordinary soldiers of the Northern Navy carry 50 catties for field training, and the special warfare battalion has doubled that.That is to say, eating and training hard at the training base this year, and practicing martial arts with Wu Zhong, otherwise Wen Dai and the others would not be able to bear such a large physical consumption.

Because they use automatic weapons, each soldier in the special warfare battalion will carry 10 magazines, plus one equipped in the gun, the carrying capacity is 330 rounds, calculated based on the weight of a bullet of 16.4 grams, just the bullets The carrying weight is more than 5 kg.For example, the machine gunner in charge of fire support has two hundred rounds for a drum, so he must bring at least three.

In addition, because the Daur and Ewenki are good at using bows, each squad is also specially equipped with two military crossbows.

In addition to the 82mm mortar, the heavy weapon of the entire special warfare battalion is the GM-94 grenade launcher, which is mainly used to fill the firepower gap between the grenade and the pursuit gun.

When Wu Siyu, who was following behind Wang Yuanfang, saw the murderous scene of the special warfare battalion ready to go, he couldn't help but stare wide-eyed.He said in his heart, good guy, the old squad leader has really been busy this year, and he was able to train Sauron's soldiers so well.This amount of people and equipment is enough to destroy the country in this time and space!He immediately mourned the imminent catastrophe of the Xishan Nguyen family and the Dutch.

Following Wang Yuanfang's order, more than 400 people from the Beihai Special Warfare Battalion lined up neatly in a company and left the training base, and set off on foot to Dolphin Bay in the south.According to the plan, they will join the Marine Battalion and other personnel at the military dock there, and set off after the materials are loaded on the ship.

In addition to the nearly 2000-strong combat troops of the two battalions this time, the Navy, the Medical Department, the Ministry of Trade, and even the North Navy Staff Headquarters also sent personnel to accompany the team. The total number of people added up to nearly [-].

Although there are military doctors in the company-level units of the Beihai Navy, they are all of the nature of first aid on the battlefield. If something happens, professional medical personnel are needed.Therefore, the person who led the team south this time was Hong Tao, the head of Beihai Town's medical office.

It is said that Dean Hong has not moved his nest for several years.Of course, it is not right to say that. The main work of Hong Tao and his wife, Director Liu, in the past few years is to extend the primary medical system to every administrative village and residential area under Beihai Town.From Balke Village to Fuerdan City, from Boli Town to Heilongjiang City, they left their footprints everywhere.The couple now have the reputation of "living Bodhisattvas" among the people.

The establishment of a basic medical system sounds simple, but it is actually very difficult.Dean Hong and his wife have been busy for more than three years, and they finally have a look.Among them, not only the medicines and equipment must keep up, but also the training of medical personnel, and even the transportation and communication must keep up.

At present, among the new immigrants in Beihai Town, whether they have seen bruises before, or even sold Dali pills through the rivers and lakes, they are all included in the basic medical training, and then they are scattered to various settlements, each with a copy The "Barefoot Doctor's Handbook" revised and compiled by President Hong.

Don't want to do it?That's impossible. Fifty acres of land and free schooling for children are not free.

Needless to say, the Ministry of Trade, since you are going to Nanyang, you can always find some business opportunities, right?
In addition to the three combat staff officers in the entourage of the North Navy Staff Headquarters, there is also a trainee staff officer, Jiang Fan Jiang Ziping.

When Jiang Fan returned to Beihai Town, Zhao Xin had already left for the north, and he regretted not being able to go to Siberia together in time.Zhong Huai was very grateful to Zhao Xin for his personal rescue at the beginning, so he followed Jiang Fan to join the army.

What the two of them didn't expect was that after only two days in the new barracks, they were scolded.Everything in the barracks subverted the understanding of the two scholars. Just running the playground every morning almost made them exhausted, let alone other subjects.

After finally surviving three months in the recruit camp, Jiang Fan needless to say, the frail Zhong Huai has completely changed, and it is no longer obvious from the appearance that this person used to be a frail scholar.Jiang Fan got his wish and joined the General Staff of the Northern Navy, while Zhong Huai was assigned to the Mobilization Department of the Northern Navy and was responsible for drafting documents.

As for Hong Liangji, Duan Yucai, Liu Taigong, Jiao Xun and others, they are all currently in education.Zhao Xin led the army to expand the land thousands of miles, and the enlightenment must keep up with it in time.At present, the manpower of the education department is obviously insufficient, so they are currently planning with Wang Zhong the major event of "opening a course to obtain a scholar" in Beihai Town next year.

The base of the North Marine Battalion is located at Dolphin Bay on the east bank of the Sila River, south of the power plant. It was originally a military port planned by Zhao Xin, east and west of the civilian Whale Bay.Since the Jinglei is more for civilian use, only the Thor and the four gunships are currently moored there.

The large Guangzhou boats brought back by Zheng Wenxian from Siam have been rebuilt and equipped with diesel motors. They are currently mainly used for freight, which greatly relieves the tense transportation pressure in Beihai Town.

Beihai Town currently has four main sea freight routes: one is the route from the south of Jeju Island to Beihai Town, which is mainly used for population and business exchanges; the other is the route from Yezo Island to Beihai Town, taking into account Kuye Island. Coal is to transport gold ore; the third is the route from South Kyushu to Beihai Town. This is mainly to transport the ore from Lingjia Jinshan, and some grain and commodities from Beihai Town will also be transported every two months. After all, the three counties of South Kyushu are currently considered to be Beihai Town. The last route is the route from Ishinomaki Port to Beihai Town. In addition to transporting labor from the island country, there is also the dumping of a large amount of light industrial products and grains to the island country.

Those guys who were sailors on the Thor in the early days are now captains. In addition to their missions to go to sea, they have to go to sailing school every time they come back.Right now, the fourth batch of 200 students from the nautical school has started to practice on the ship, and the previous three batches of graduates have become the main force on each ship.

By the way, Zheng Wenxian's father, Zheng Lianchang, is also traveling south this time.The old man came to Beihai Town for the past few months, although his eyes were wide open, but the most annoying thing for him was that there were neither brothels nor casinos here.

There is no drinking of flower wine, no playing of dice, what fun is there in life?
Now that the Beihai Navy is going south to deal with Chen Tianbao and his gang, after the Xishan pirates are dealt with, the waters off the Pearl River will naturally be safe.So Boss Zheng, who had already embraced his granddaughter, wanted to go back no matter what, Zheng Wenchang was so naughty by his father that he had no choice but to ask Deng Fei for instructions.

Deng Fei also hoped that Beihai Town would have a long-term stronghold in the south, so he agreed after thinking about it.

(End of this chapter)

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