Forty-eight years of Qianlong

Chapter 508 The evil of the Xishan regime

Chapter 508 The evil of the Xishan regime

"Hey, if you have something to say, get up, get up!" Hong Tao asked the guards to help Ye Chengxiang sit up, and then said, "Tell me, what's going on?"

However, after Ye Chengxiang had just spoken for a few minutes, Hong Tao's face became a little ugly. He asked Ye Chengxiang to stop first, and then said to a guard behind him: "Go and ask General Deng and General Wang to come here. Just say it’s important.”

Just as the guard was about to leave, Hong Tao stopped him again and said, "Bring Jiang Fan and Zhong Huai and let them listen."

Ten minutes later, Deng Fei, Wang Yuanfang and four others all came.After Hong Tao gave a brief introduction, he said to Ye Chengxiang, "You start from the beginning."

"Yes! Eight years ago"

As Ye Chengxiang eloquently explained, a tragedy that was even worse than the "Red Creek tragedy" caused by the Dutch in Batavia was presented in front of the three of them.

During the Xishan Uprising, not only the people in Annan were deeply involved, but even the Chinese businessmen who settled or lived in Vietnam could not stay out of it, and were deeply involved in this whirlpool.Due to their different cognitions and encounters, or their personal interests, they chose the new Ruan and the old Ruan respectively, and played different roles in them.

In 1773, there was a Fujian Chinese businessman named Li Cai in Guangnan who organized a group of people called "Heyi Army" to defect to the Xishan Army. This team was mainly composed of Cantonese. The fighting power is very strong.The addition of the Chinese army made the Xishan camp even more powerful, and the new Ruan forces quickly moved north from Qui Nhon to the ruling center of the old Ruan.During this process, the "Heyi Army" and another Chinese armed "Loyalty Army" played a decisive role in the victory of the Xishan Army in key battles.

However, as the military exploits increased, the conflict between Li Cai and Ruan Wenyue, the first emperor of the Xishan Dynasty, became irreconcilable.Two years later, the two sides finally broke out, and Li Cai led the "Heyi Army" to the old Ruan camp, and suddenly became an important figure in the old Ruan camp.

Unexpectedly, only one year later, Li Cai was killed because he was involved in the old Ruan court power struggle. The remaining part of the "Heyi Army" was led by the Chinese Chen Feng and Chen Gongzhang, and they continued to stay in the old Ruan camp.

In 1782, Chen Gongzhang led the "Heyi Army" to fight the Xishan Army at Canliang Bridge near Jiading, beheading Fan Yan, the general escorting Ruan Wenyue.Ruan Wenyue lost his left and right hands, and because the "Heyi Army" were all Tang people, and Jiading's Chinese businessmen all supported the old Ruan, so he ordered his subordinates not to ask whether those people supported the Xishan Army, regardless of whether they were soldiers or merchants. kill.

This massacre was called the "Saigon Massacre" in another time and space history, and the death toll of the Chinese exceeded 1.From Jiading to Chaigun, corpses were scattered all over the field. The corpses were thrown into the river by the Xishan army, and the river was cut off.Even after several months, no one dared to eat the fish and shrimp in the river.

At that time, all the goods from the Chinese merchants' homes were copied and thrown on the road, but no one dared to pick up these blood-stained things.In the second year, because Jiading's Chinese merchants were dead and no one was selling goods, the price of rough tea rose to [-] yuan per catty, and [-] yuan per needle.

"The villain's eldest brother, a family of four, were killed by Xishan soldiers and thrown into the river. Because all the Chinese merchants in the city were dead, the villain and his father didn't know until a few months later. Although many searched, the bones of the eldest brother's family He has already sunk into the river and was eaten by fish and shrimp, so it is difficult to restrain himself. For eight years, my father has had trouble sleeping and eating. Every time he thinks about it, he beats his chest and stamps his feet, and cannot sleep at night."

At the end of Ye Chengxiang's speech, he was already crying.

After hearing Ye Chengxiang's narration, Deng Fei, Wang Yuanfang and Hong Tao all turned extremely ugly.The three of them have been in this time and space for six years. If they heard these things in the early years, although they could not help but sympathize, they always felt a sense of alienation, as if they were separated by a thin film.And as the degree of integration with this era deepens, that layer of "film" is gradually peeled off.Among all the time-traveling people, those who experienced this feeling the most were Chen Qingsong and Hong Tao.

Needless to say, Chen Qingsong, he and his subordinates had to deal with the refugees every day; while Hong Tao and his wife went deep into the refugees all the year round, cured countless people, and witnessed the suffering of those people. , and later felt more and more empathetic.

At this time, he took off his glasses and wiped his eye circles, bowed his head in silence for a while, and muttered in his mouth: "I don't understand, how can a cat or a dog slaughter Chinese people these days? What is this called?" !"

Although everyone here has heard of the Spanish massacre of Chinese in Luzon during the Wanli period, and the massacre of the Dutch in Batavia in the sixth year of Qianlong, but because the time is too long, even if they are angry, they are just the kind of people who see the past. indignation.

As a witness of the "Jiading Massacre", Ye Chengxiang's narration makes people feel as if he was on the scene.Eight years is not far away, not to mention the evil Xishan regime is right in front of everyone.

Zhong Huai, who couldn't stop sighing before, now said with tears: "In the sixth year of Qianlong's reign, it was Java, and in 47, it was Annan. The court saw its own people being slaughtered?! What do the governors of Guangdong, Guangxi and Guangxi do?! "

Jiang Fan sneered with sarcasm and said, "Baoqi, don't you understand even today? People who go abroad and leave their homes are not human in their eyes! Let alone Han people. I don't believe it. If [-] Manchus die , let's see if the Tartar emperor is in a hurry!"

If the two of them were a little bit unbearable at the time when the North Navy used advanced weapons to beat the corpses of the Xishan Army all over the field, but now there is nothing left, and even fewer people regret killing them.

In fact, whether it was the Ming or Qing dynasties, the feudal dynasties all adhered to the idea of ​​self-supremacy, and often used "benevolence and righteousness to support the country" and regarded overseas Chinese who made a living as "abandoned by the celestial dynasty", showing arrogance and ignorance.

After the Spaniards massacred the Chinese in Luzon during the Wanli period, Xu Xueju, the governor of Fujian at that time, just sent the Spaniards an official article "Reporting to Return Luzon Prisoners and Merchants".Although the content in it reprimanded the Spaniards for "the barbarians have nothing to do, they are so righteous, and they are punishable by heaven", but it also mentioned that "the four peoples of China, merchants and merchants are the most humble, how can they be called untouchables and start a military revolution."

Seeing the attitude of the "powerful" Ming Empire, the Spaniards naturally regarded the Chinese as pigs and dogs, and then massacred Chinese businessmen again in the first year of Kangxi. More than [-] people died before and after the two massacres.

After the "Hongxi tragedy" in the sixth year of Qianlong, it was not until July of the following year that the admiral of the Fujian Navy learned about it after interrogating the merchant ship returning from Java.However, both the officials and the opponents who proposed to ban the trade in Southeast Asia are hostile to overseas Chinese, and no one considers the interests of the more than 1 Chinese who died.

Two years after the incident, the Qing court finally adopted the opinions of Qingfu, then governor of Guangdong and Guangxi, and Depei, governor of Liangjiang, after repeated discussions between the ministers of the state council and governors from all over the country. Outsiders, and the Dutch already have a "heart of remorse and fear", allowing them to do business as usual, and to spread the emperor's moral education to Qin Fu, which is full of sincerity from all over the world.

As for the "Jiading Massacre", there is no record at all in all the historical materials of the Qing Dynasty in another time and space, not even a single word.With Manchu's pissing nature, he didn't deal with it everywhere. If the governor of Guangdong and Guangxi or the governor of Guangxi heard about such a thing, he would definitely send a memorial to report it.

It can be said with certainty that after the massacre, the Xishan Dynasty tried its best to conceal it, so it did not spread to the ears of the Manchu monarchs and ministers.

In the history of another time and space, the "Jiading Massacre" did not reveal its clues in the official historical materials compiled by Annan until more than 40 years later.In the "Guochao Zhengbian Summary" compiled by the Nguyen Dynasty National History Museum, 92 characters are used for a brief summary; in the "Jiading Tongzhi", 150 characters are used, which is the most complete description.

The air in the conference room became increasingly dull. Except for Ye Chengxiang who was sobbing, everyone else was silent, and their faces were so gloomy that they could drip water.

Whether it is Deng Fei and the three, or Jiang Fan and Zhong Huai, everyone understands that the Beihai Navy must seek justice for the Chinese merchants in Annan, and must not easily spare the Xishan Dynasty.

"Mr. Ye, we have to discuss this matter, and I will give you an answer later, maybe we will need your cooperation at that time."

Ye Chengxiang tidied up his sleeves, bowed to the ground again, and said, "Before I leave, my father has something to say. As long as I can avenge my elder brother's family, the Ye family is willing to help with money and food. It's heartbreaking."

Deng Fei nodded, first asked the guards to arrange a cabin for Ye Chengxiang and his two subordinates, and then took them out for dinner and rest.

After Ye Chengxiang left, Hong Tao spoke first, "Tell me, how will we fight next?"

"The Marine Corps and the Special Operations Battalion are ready to land at any time." Wang Yuanfang can't wait to send troops to land immediately to wash Hue with blood.

Jiang Fan got up and said: "Jiang is not talented, please let me write the essay on rebellion." This man has only been in the Beihai Navy for a few months, and he still speaks in the same tone as a scholar.

Deng Fei said in a deep voice: "Don't worry. There are two options for this matter. One is pure revenge, and then we go south to Java to settle accounts with the Dutch. The other is to completely eliminate the Ruan Guangping regime and give an explanation to the dead Chinese. The former is relatively Easy, but the latter is much more complicated. We must think it over carefully before contacting Zhao Xin."

Hong Tao asked: "How to say?"

Deng Fei said: "It's not easy for us to go south, and we don't have many troops, so we can't carry out large-scale battles for a long time."

Hong Tao snapped back and said, "You can let Zhao Xin"

Deng Fei raised his hand to interrupt him, and said to Jiang Fan and Zhong Huai in an orderly tone: "Sorry, you two go get busy first."

Although Jiang Fan and Zhong Huai were unwilling, they had now joined the Beihai Navy and had to obey orders, so they had to salute and leave.

Deng Fei waited for the two to leave, closed the door, and then sat down and said: "Doctor Hong, of course I understand, but what I just said is just one of them. It is easy to dispatch troops to the south with Jinglei and other ships, but it is bound to happen." It will turn into a protracted war. Don't forget, this is a war of annihilation!"

Hong Tao didn't understand military affairs. He only saw the Beihai Navy's victorious victories over the years, so he stuck his neck and said, "So what? In front of our weapons, the Xishan Army is a fart, and they can crush him to death in minutes!"

After listening to Deng Fei's explanation, Wang Yuanfang also calmed down from his previous anger. He shook his head slowly and said, "Xiao Hong, you don't know, our current battle line is too long, and the distance between the north and the south is thousands of kilometers away." It can be said that it is thousands of miles away.”

He then snapped his fingers and explained one by one, and only then did Hong Tao understand how big Bei Haijun's stalls are now.

The military organization of the Beihai Navy followed the example of later generations, adopting the three-three system.A regiment consists of three battalions, counting logistics and communications personnel, a total of 2700 people.At present, the Beihai Navy has a total of fifteen regiments, plus the recruits who have just finished training, the training command, the prisoner-of-war management battalion, logistics equipment, the staff department, and the marine battalion of the navy, the total strength has reached more than 5000 people.

First up is Siberia.At present, Zhao Xin leads three regiments and one battalion to defend the Yenisei River defense line. Liu Sheng and Fan Tong only have two regiments and one battalion to deal with Outer Mongolia in the south; To control the roads to Okhotsk and Kamchatka; two other battalions were stationed in places from Nerchinsk to Ulan-Ude.

This is followed by the Outer Northeast.Yakesa is currently a regiment, responsible for guarding prisoners of war; Heilongjiang City currently has two battalions, responsible for watching the Qing army in the direction of Moergen and Qiqihar; Staring at the tens of thousands of Qing troops in Jilin and Li Dynasty; in addition, there are troops stationed in Sanxing City, Khabarovsk, and even the fishing village of Vladivostok.

In addition, a garrison regiment was placed in Southern Kyushu, the main task was to guard the Lingkari gold mine, and the other was to guard against the surrounding feudal clans, and even the Sendai feudal clan had to be released.There are not many troops on Jeju Island, only one company; and once the Shimadzu family is settled in Ryukyu and the Sakishima Islands are obtained, at least one regiment will have to be deployed.

Wang Yuanfang finally said: "I am in charge of the training of recruits. The [-] recruits recruited in the summer have just completed basic training and are all preparing for going south to Outer Mongolia next year. Our soldiers are all trained for the cold climate in the north. I have never had any experience in combat in the southern mountains. Even if it is a special warfare battalion, this time I brought it here to experiment. Based on my experience, if so many northerners suddenly come to the south, let alone how they fought. Widespread non-combat attrition could easily occur."

Deng Fei agreed: "It's easy to attack Hue City, but if the Xishan Army hides in the mountains in the north to fight guerrillas with us, it will be very troublesome if the logistics cannot keep up."

Hong Tao nodded helplessly after hearing this.Indeed, when so many northerners went south, the first problem they encountered was the diseases caused by unaccustomed diet.

"Then what's your opinion?"

Deng Fei said: "Didn't that Ye Chengxiang say that he is willing to pay for food and money. These are not problems for us, why not let him help recruit local Chinese organizations to arm them."

Wang Yuanfang said: "You can transfer the teaching team to the south, let these people practice while fighting."

Hong Tao said: "Does that mean we need to have a piece of land?"

Deng Fei smiled and said, "What do you think of Hoi An City? The headquarters of the Chinese people."

After the three of them had a heated discussion, they asked Jiang Fan and Zhong Huai to help draft a written plan that night, and got in touch with Zhao Xin early the next morning.Because there were too many words, Deng Fei simply read them word by word.

Zhao Xin, who was far away in Yeniseysk, recorded while listening, and it took more than an hour to finish listening.He didn't reply right away, but asked Deng Fei to wait for the news.

In fact, Zhao Xin was also very surprised. He didn't know many details about Annan's history.Originally, I just wanted to clean up the Xishan pirates and teach Xishan Chao a lesson, and then go to Batavia to seek justice for the Chinese in the "Hongxi tragedy". I didn't expect that there would be a "Jiading massacre" here in Annan!
This is no longer as simple as teaching Nguyen Quang Binh a lesson. The Tay Son Dynasty must be completely defeated. At the same time, accountability for the massacre of that year will be held to deter South Asian countries and colonial forces.

In order to make himself less impulsive, Zhao Xin deliberately ran outside the house, stood in the heavy snow with a cigarette in his mouth, thinking and thinking.In the end, he felt that it was difficult to explain this matter clearly in a few words in the telegram, and since Deng Fei and the others wanted to recruit Chinese soldiers in Hoi An, they had to prepare weapons, ammunition and military uniforms.So at noon, he contacted Deng Fei and Wang Yuanfang again.

"Give you three days, can you take down Hue?"

Wang Yuanfang at the other end pondered for a moment and said, "It's not a big problem."

"Okay, I'll give you five days. See you in Hue Imperial City in five days!"

(End of this chapter)

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