Forty-eight years of Qianlong

Chapter 521 Each blows its own trumpet and sings its own tune

Chapter 521 Each blows its own trumpet and sings its own tune

Hearing Zhao Xin's proposal, Orlov nodded and said, "I completely agree, then I ask that we explain it first."

So Earl Jin got up, opened a red leather folder, and began to read aloud, while the translator Agafonov translated in Beijing Mandarin.

"According to the order and authorization of Her Majesty Ekaterina II Alexeyevna, I would like to present the following terms to you as a representative of the Foreign Affairs Council of the Tsarist Russian Empire."

Tsarist Russia’s requirements are generally three points: first, the two sides cease fighting, the North Navy retreats to the east of Nerchinsk, south of the Kyaktu River, and the two sides return to the Ergun River as the dividing line; second, Release all Russian prisoners of war; third, compensate for damaged towns and civilian life and property, with a total of 1000 million gold rubles.

How do you say that?The cooked duck has a hard mouth.

Orlov had been carefully watching his opponent's expression while Earl Mujin was speaking.He found that the expression on the face of "His Royal Highness Zhao" was very calm, without any trace of contempt or anger. He nodded every time after listening to Agafonov's translation, which seemed very educated.

However, he knew very well that it was the person in front of him who had personally ordered the cutting off of Earl Jacobi's hand as punishment for his instigation of the invasion of the Amur River Basin.

The young officers sitting on both sides of Zhao Xin all looked serious and expressionless, but the corners of their mouths were slightly raised occasionally to reveal their true attitudes.Orlov understood that it was blatant contempt.He didn't feel surprised by this at all. If the status of the two parties were reversed, he might be even more proud at this moment.

As a former military general, Orlov had carefully observed the North Navy on the street yesterday when he entered the city and stayed there; he concluded that this was a group of extremely well-trained soldiers.The uniform uniforms, excellent weapons, short and powerful passwords, and their gait and posture when standing guard and patrolling, all made Orlov believe that these people are definitely the elite of the elite, even compared with the Queen's Guards. Favorably.

He didn't think the Northern Navy was putting on a show, because it just showed how a force of only [-] men defeated Rumyantsev's army.

"We all understand what you mean. Now, on behalf of the Beihai Navy, I will propose to you the terms of an armistice."

After Earl Mujin finished speaking, Sheng Haizhou, the acting chief of staff of the Beihai Navy, got up, also holding a folder, and then began to read.In order for the translator Agafonov to hear clearly and translate truthfully, Sheng Haizhou did not speak fast.

The attitude of the Northern Navy is that the Tsarist Russian Empire invaded first, and the Northern Navy is defending its inherent territory.Secondly, the Northern Navy pushed the border to the Yenisei River, which was an established fact formed through two wars.Regarding the issue of the release of prisoners of war, Sheng Haizhou pointed out that Tsarist Russia needs to pay compensation, the total amount is 2000 million gold rubles, and this money will be used to compensate the Daur ethnic groups killed along the Amur River.

"Absurd! Now you are the ones invading our territory!" Everyone in the Tsarist Russian mission looked very ugly, showing an expression of indignation, and Earl Mujin even patted the table.

"Gentlemen, this is the same as your war with the Turks. Are you willing to withdraw from Crimea and Georgia?"

Orlov shook his head and said: "This is different. The Crimean Khanate was originally a subsidiary state of the Tsarist Russian Empire. We sent troops to resist the Turks to help Shahiin Khan. As for Georgia, we are to protect its territorial integrity. and religious belief."

"If you insist on saying that," Zhao Xin chuckled a few times, then spread his arms and said, "Siberia is also an inherent territory of China."

Orlov smiled instead of anger: "Oh? What evidence do you have?"

Zhao Xin didn't intend to mention the Golden Horde, it doesn't make any sense to talk about that.He smiled and said: "From the Yenisei River to Baikal and then to the Lena River, these place names are either in Evenki or Mongolian. Isn't this the most powerful evidence? Dear Earl, there are many ethnic groups in China, even the Evenki, Whether it is the Buryat Mongols, they are all part of China. The more than 100 years of their expansion from west to east is a period when China’s national strength was weakened due to wars and there was no time to look north.”

Orlov shook his head and said, "Your Highness, what you said just proves that these lands belong to the Tatars and have nothing to do with China."

"Oh? Don't forget that those you call Buryats are actually Mongols. I think Tushetuhan of Khalkha has a good say on this."

Earl Mujin felt that there was a loophole in Zhao Xin's words, so he said: "As far as we know, whether it is Khalkha Mongolia or the Tuxietu Khan tribe, they are all subjects of the Qing Empire. Regarding the Buryats and The boundary between the two sides has been clearly defined in the "Treaty of Nerchinsk", "Treaty of Brensky", "Boundary Treaty of Abahaitu" and "Boundary Treaty of Selen'" signed by our country with the Qing Empire! If your Excellency If you don't mind, I would like to invite representatives from the Qing Dynasty to participate in this negotiation."

Zhao Xin knew that the other party wanted to muddy the water. The treaties mentioned by the other party were actually only regulating the border, fleeing people and trade issues, and did not involve the issue of Buryats.

What's more, during the Kangxi and Yongzheng eras, because they had to deal with the Junggar problem, they were eager to resolve the northern frontier issue.So Russia conveniently used a combination of negotiation means and threat of force to force the Qing government to make concessions, and occupied a large area of ​​China's territory in the northern part of Tannu Wulianghai through the "Blensky Treaty".

He sneered and said: "Count, let's not say whether I agree to let Manqing join the negotiation, do you think they dare to come?"

Earl Mujin kept silent. The Foreign Affairs Committee of the Tsarist Russian Senate confirmed from many sources from Khalkha, Mongolia and Central Asia that the Manchu Qing had fought against the Northern Navy many times over the years.

This is too damn good!How dare these guys who call themselves "Seresians" go to war with two empires at the same time? !How many troops do they have?

The first day of talks ended in the process of "setting the tone" between the two sides.

Negotiations between countries have always been like this. No one will put themselves in the position of the weak when they come up. The lion opens his mouth and asks for prices first.In the negotiation process, in addition to sticking to the core principles, some other terms will also be involved, so that there is room for bargaining.After that, negotiate again and again to determine the bottom line of the other party, exchange interests, and finally reach the goal of the negotiation.

The kind of way of slapping the table with your teeth and claws as soon as you come up, shouting that you have the ability to hit me, is all funny.If you can't get it on the battlefield, you can't get it on the negotiating table, and Beihai Town, as the victor, doesn't need to do this.

So after the two sides made their bottom line clear and the negotiations were fruitless, they began to argue about the long border affairs.For example, should criminals from both sides be extradited, and how should they be extradited?Should border trade be done, how should it be done, and where should the trading point be located?wait.

For Beihai Town, reaching the Yenisei River has already achieved its goal, and the rest is to strengthen preparations for military struggle, hold this line of defense, and then secretly support the "Cossack Emirate".

As for the Tsarist Russian Empire, it will not be free until the war with the Turks is over.Orlov and the others wanted to find out the details of their opponents through negotiations, and they also wanted to prevent the North Navy from continuing to expand westward through negotiations before the next war.

The negotiations between Beihai Town and the Tsarist Russian Empire started on February 1791, 2, and lasted for more than a month in total, and did not end until March 5.Zhao Xin only showed up on the first and last day, and handed over to Sheng Haizhou, Li Rui and others in the middle. It is also possible for everyone to drink vodka and chat about homework together.

Although Zhao Xin did not participate in the whole negotiation, he has been controlling the rhythm of the negotiation behind the scenes.

At the same time, another negotiation was quietly going on. The two sides of the negotiation were Fan Tong of the Northern Navy and representatives of Tushetu Khan Chedendorji.

After more than half a year of deliberation, especially after learning that the Northern Navy had driven Tsarist Russia to the west of the Yenisei River, Tushetu Khan, who was deeply afraid of the strength of the Northern Navy, decided to let his son Eyidobdorji come to the Maimaicheng and Fan Tong started formal contact.The two sides communicated on many aspects such as the future status of Khalkha Mongolia and the issue of Jebtsundamba.

However, due to the principled differences between the two sides in pursuing their goals, this is also doomed to be a fruitless negotiation.Not to mention coming once, even if Chedendorji himself came, it would be useless.

For example, Cheden Dorji is not so much a Khan, but actually a leader of the alliance with the title of Prince Heshuo.Before the 45th year of Qianlong, the leaders of the alliance had no real power. They were only responsible for convening and presiding over the alliance. In the hands of the deputy general, at the same time, it was reported to the Lifan Academy for verification.

After the 45th year of Qianlong, the power of the alliance leader to handle affairs has increased. In general, there is no need to report to the Deputy General Dingbian Zuo for general banner affairs, but only to report to the Lifan Yuan. The Deputy General Dingbian Zuo is only a supervisor.

However, Eyidobudorji proposed to Fan Tong that his father not only wanted to continue to retain the title and treatment of Prince Heshuo, but also wanted to further restore the khan's power-that is, to withdraw the tribe from the formation of the alliance banner.

You said you were joking, did you really treat Beihai Town as a fool?
After Fan Tong stayed in Kyakhta for the past few years, he gained a comprehensive understanding of the situation of the various ministries of Outer Mongolia by attracting Shanxi merchant groups in the trading city.He knew that Cheden Dorji and his son wanted to restore the detached status of the Khan of the past, so he resolutely refused.

As a matter of fact, on the issue of governance in Outer Mongolia, Manchu cleared up the "compulsory apportionment according to the number of arrows" that caused people's troubles, and other measures were strict and effective.

Fan Tong told Eyidobdorji that after the Northern Navy entered Khalkha Mongolia, the annual "nine white tribute" would be exempted. Debts incurred by Ding Zheyin.In addition, the alliance flag system will definitely be retained, but it needs to be changed.

Eyidobudorji didn't care much about the "Nine White Tribute", and being able to avoid the guards really got rid of a heartache.When he was happy, he asked again: "Dare to ask how to change the alliance flag?"

"A civil administrative office is set up at the league level, and the chief officer is called a commissioner. The county government is set up at the banner level, and Zasak cancels it and replaces it with the county magistrate."

"What?!" Eyidobudorji's expression changed after hearing this, and he almost jumped up, asking, "Dare to ask those Taijibels what to do?"

Fan Tong laughed and said: "In the future, if the Taiji people of each banner want to enter the county government, they must go to Beihai Town for a year of training to familiarize themselves with the management system and methods. The county magistrate will be rotated every three years, and the selection will be open. There will be no hereditary replacements. Life tenure will also be revoked."

"You and your Ama took the initiative to contact us. This sincerity and attitude is worthy of recognition. According to Zhao Xin, oh no, King Zhao, you can leave him a seat as the deputy governor of Mobei Province to assist the governor in managing Khalkha Affairs. Considering that you, Ama, are old, if you want to take over, you have to go to Beihai Town to study for two years."

"Further study? What does this mean? It's like going to Beijing to meet Lord Qianlong?"

"No, study. Beihai Town's system and governance methods are completely different from those of the Qing Dynasty. To be a manager, you must first learn."

Eyidobudorji's face turned black after hearing this, and he thought that he was already in his thirties and still gnawed on books, so it's not good to drink and eat meat at that time?

Although he didn't understand what kind of official position a "deputy governor" was, he understood that there was a "governor" above him.Don't say it, it must be a decoration.This made his originally fiery mind become cold all at once, and he thought that it would be better to continue to kowtow to Lord Qianlong!
As far as the conditions of Beihai Town are concerned, not to mention that it is impossible for his father and son to agree, the Taiji people of all banners will not agree to death.Zasak can no longer be a "county government" with a lot of money, let alone, Beihai Town wants to take all the flag affairs into its hands.

The most important thing is that the honor and decency of "hereditary replacement" are gone, so how can everyone continue to be a master in the future?This is not reform, this is to dig the roots of princes and nobles!

By this time, Eyidobudorji was in no mood to talk anymore.But before leaving, he asked Fan Tong to approve the note, and went to the Beihai Trading Company to buy a lot of cigarettes and alcohol.In his opinion, although the Beihai Navy is not a thing, the things they sell are really good.

"Without the servants, it is the duty of the new dynasty to waive the debts of tens of thousands of taels of silver. But they still have to set up a government office on the flag of the alliance to directly intervene in the flag affairs, which is simply too deceitful!"

A few days later, the old and cunning Chedendorji was listening to his son's complaints, without speaking for a long time.He knew that his plan had failed, the emperor of the Qing Dynasty just took away his power, and Beihai Town wanted to dig his roots.

What kind of high-ranking official is lying to ghosts!Without the aloofness of hereditary succession, the Golden Family will not even be as good as the soil on the grassland in the future.

Two days later, the thoughtful Cheden Dorji visited Song Yun, Minister of Affairs of Kulun.He proposed to Songyun that he hoped to jointly invite the imperial court as soon as possible to allow the four tribes of Khalkha to form an alliance, with the intention of jointly discussing how to deal with the covetous Beihai Town.

(End of this chapter)

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