Forty-eight years of Qianlong

Chapter 548 Slaves Also Have Last Names

Chapter 548 Slaves Also Have Last Names

On Zhao Xin's side, he took the beauty to inspect all the way, while Liu Sheng and Fan Tong had to continue the next military operation.

The importance of occupying Kulun City lies in the symbolic meaning, but the actual meaning is not much.Liu Sheng did not move the headquarters into the office of the minister of affairs, but set it up at Tulahetai Station, forty miles south of Kulun; he was annoyed when he saw those towering temple buildings. The lama in red made him even more toothache.So he didn't bother to contact these people, and all the negotiations were left to Fan Tong and two staff officers.

The North Navy troops stayed outside Kulun City for eight days, mainly to clean up the battlefield and bury the corpses.The funeral rites of the Mongolians advocate nature and do not pay attention to luxury.Generally, they are buried deep without leaving any traces. This will not damage grassland vegetation and will not affect grazing.According to the captured prisoners of war, the bodies of Tushetu Khan and Chechen Khan were buried separately; and messy things like flags were all burned.

Considering the customs of the Mongols, more than 100 lamas were invited from the Danba Daerji Temple to recite scriptures for the Mongolian cavalrymen who died in battle.Because it took seven days, Fan Tong specially took [-] kilograms of tea bricks and [-] bolts of blue cotton cloth from the logistics as the fee for inviting the lama.

This move by the Beihai Navy surprised the Mongolian herdsmen. When the ceremony continued on the second day, herdsmen in twos and threes walked out of Kulun City and came to the place where the corpses were buried to worship.Seeing this situation, Fan Tong ingeniously set up ten cauldrons near the ceremony site, and boiled rye porridge with tea leaves; anyone who wants to drink it is free!
Good guy, the common people in Kulun City were shocked by this, and they went out of the city to drink porridge in groups.On the sixth day of the ceremony, many herdsmen even came from more than 100 miles away.Fan Tongtong saw it, and quickly sent a telegram to Zhang Jingxuan, who was in charge of the logistics coordinator, asking him to transport another [-] tons of grain from Kyakta.

After the Battle of the Tula River, the North Navy captured more than 500 prisoners. Except for the wounded who needed to be sent to the field hospital for treatment, the other 200 people would decide their whereabouts after receiving a general education.For these illiterate Mongolian arrows, grandiose principles are useless at all, and it is more important to talk about reality.

After the captives drank the fragrant buttered tea and ate two rye pancakes with anxiety, the Mongolian soldiers in the Beihai Navy came out. They wanted to say three things to the captives. Can't remember either.

The Mongolian soldier who spoke was young, only in his early twenties. He was holding a megaphone, and his voice was so loud that the ears of all the prisoners were buzzing.

"As long as we stand on the side of the evil Manchu Qing court and fight against the Beihai Navy, we will mercilessly destroy them! All those who are not against us are good brothers!"

"From now on, the various ministries under Beihai Town will no longer recruit Ding Qiang to send servants, and there will be no more slaves. All people, including the prince Taiji Lama, are equal regardless of high or low!"

A group of prisoners heard this in a daze, with disapproving expressions on their faces.All equal?Stop joking!Who doesn't know that Wang Ye Taiji and the Great Lama are born nobles, while they themselves are humble people in the dust.

At this time, a Mongolian soldier of the Beihai Navy standing opposite saw the expressions of the prisoners, and immediately raised the loudspeaker in his hand, and asked loudly, "What? You don't believe it?"

No one among the prisoners spoke, so who would dare to say no to this?In case of talking nonsense and losing your life, those two rye flour pancakes just now would be wasted.

At this time, the soldier covered his heart with his right hand and said: "My previous name was Harinaohai. I used to graze the Buddha in Qingning Temple. I was a slave without a surname! But now, I have a surname, Yun. It's called Yunyan!"

The captives sitting below looked up at Yunyan in surprise. They didn't expect that Bei Haijun would even accept slaves, and even gave him a surname to open an account. This is really a great blessing.

Harinaohai means "black dog".Like the Han people, the Mongols who lack medical care and medicine will also give their children cheap names in order to make ghosts and gods dismiss them in exchange for peace.But the black dog is not. His family has been slaves for lamas since his grandfather's generation, so he doesn't deserve a good name.

The surname "Yun" was given by Liu Sheng. This guy used to have a classmate with the surname Yun, who was Mongolian, so he used it. After that, many Mongolian soldiers in the Northern Navy took the surname Yun.But Liu Sheng didn't know that the Mongols' Yun surname actually came from Tumed Left Banner, and the family's surname Yun was not random, there was a reason for it.

In 1578, Alta Khan named Sonam Tso, the Living Buddha of the Gelug Sect, as "Dalais III". Some people began to use the word "cloud" to name it.In the Qing Dynasty, with the deepening of Sinicization in the Tumote area, the cloud characters gradually evolved into surnames.

It is said that after Liu Sheng did this, decades later, the Mongols surnamed Yun in the entire Mongolia area were divided into two branches-Northern Cloud and Southern Cloud.The Mongols surnamed Yun in the south are all descendants of Altan Khan, and they claim to be heirs of the golden family, but most of them have become ordinary people; while many people in Beiyun served in the army and became guards of Khalkha Mongolia and Siberia. backbone.

At this time, I heard a prisoner below say disdainfully: "Cut~~ It's just paying the ransom fee. When I save enough money, I can find the butler Taiji to redeem the body and open an account."

Dare to feel that this is also a slave.Although the slave class in Mongolian society in the Qing Dynasty was small in number, it was relatively solidified and struggled at the bottom of society.These people are called "Bohanle" in Mongolian. There are several sources. One is that they violated the law and were not registered as slaves; the other is that they went bankrupt and sold themselves as slaves;

Although the law at this time allowed slaves to pay a huge ransom fee to become a commoner, the problem was that they were all poor, and who could afford the money?So those slaves, generation after generation, continued to work hard for the banner owners and lamas to survive.

Yun Yan couldn't help laughing and said: "You are still a slave to open an account!"

The prisoner was furious, and just as he was about to stand up, he was pulled back by his companions on both sides.

"What's the matter? Do you think I'm wrong and shameful? Ask the people around you, how many of them are free citizens? Banner Master, do you dare to say no? If you are told to work hard, you have to work hard. Do you dare not to go to Karen as an errand?"

"Do you dare to eat a piece of meat from the cattle and sheep raised by your own hands?! The foals born by the mare, no matter how hard they are raised, are they going to be given to the princes and Taiji as mounts? Throughout the year, we rely on Fill our stomachs with goat milk and dry milk, and trade salt and tea with the wool that the lords gave us. This is the life of free people. We slaves even have to rely on their grace to find a wife Why? Just because you are poor? Just because you couldn’t bear the hunger and ate a bite of food? Or because you lost two sheep?!"

"I" the prisoner lowered his head in frustration and helplessness, he never thought about such a problem.Yes, why?
A captive who was nearly forty years old said: "It has been like this for thousands of years on the grassland. What do you think is the use of that? Recite the Buddha's name well and make offerings to the Buddha, so that the next life can have a good pregnancy and no longer live such a hard life." .”

Yun Yan stared at the other party and said: "Reincarnation? Does this life deserve it?!"

Seeing that the captives were silent, he immediately said something surprising: "To tell you the truth, there is no ransom fee in Beihai Town, and there are no slaves. Everyone is a free citizen! Even our commander-in-chief, with There are thousands of troops, and what they eat and wear every day is no different from that of a big soldier like me!"

Hum~~ Now many captives couldn't sit still, chattering.Yun Yan walked up to the prisoner who tried to challenge him just now, and asked kindly, "Brother, what's your name?"

"I, my name is Xi Rigou Lige" the other party's voice was very low, but it still caused a chuckle from the surrounding prisoners. His name means "yellow paparazzi".

Yun Yan said: "Stay here and follow us."

Xi Rigou Lige shook his head and said, "My mother-in-law is over 50."

"She's the only one at home?"

"There is also a younger brother who is five years younger than me."

"That's not the end. Stay for two months to do chores, three meals a day, not to mention eating, and give you fifty catties of flour as wages a month, and clothes for you. If you can work until winter, I will give you another head sheep."

Xi Rigou Lige looked at Yunyan in a daze, with an expression of disbelief on his face, and the prisoners around him were also stunned.Three meals a day, clothes are given out, fifty catties of flour is returned to the head sheep a month, and only doing chores, how can there be such a good thing in the world?
A prisoner pinched his thigh hard, and the pain from it showed that this was definitely not a dream.

"How are you doing? Do you want to do it?" Yun Yan patted Xi Rigou Lige on the shoulder.

A prisoner behind Xi Rigoulige said: "Brother Yun, what you said is true? Don't we need to help you fight with your life?"

"Hehe, do you think we need your help in fighting the war?"

"Uh..." The prisoner was startled when he heard the words, and then smiled awkwardly.

Xi Rigoulige finally nodded slowly with hesitation, and said in a deep voice, "Then I will do it."

"Count me in."

"And I."

Ever since, the Beihai Navy, which was in charge of propaganda, didn't even say the standard of severance pay. More than 200 captives have become members of the Beihai Navy's logistics department.They will be scattered and resettled, mainly responsible for taking care of the poor horses that pull the carts, while others are responsible for helping the herdsmen to buy sheep and cattle, helping the cooking soldiers of various ministries to carry water and chop firewood, etc.

On July 7th, the 26th Regiment, which served as the vanguard, took the lead in heading south, marching towards the Bukuk station 15 miles away, followed by [-] armored vehicles, a cavalry battalion and the corresponding logistics team.The follow-up troops will all set off before the end of July, and by then there will only be one garrison battalion in Cullen.

There is still a distance of 900 miles from the Tulahe Station to the key node connecting Uliasu Station and Inner Mongolia-Serwusu Station; according to the troop’s daily marching speed of [-] miles, it will take more than ten days to arrive.

After the vanguard troops arrive at each station along the way, they will first do some work such as feeding and repairing the horses, and then wait for the logistics team to arrive the next day, resupply and set off again.At this time, the logistics force had to be busy renovating the station, building warehouses, fortifications, and setting up radio stations to welcome the arrival of the following brigade.

Liu Sheng thought very clearly that the most important thing right now is not the marching speed, but to ensure the safety of the traffic lines, firmly control every station, and fight steadily.

You must know that the station line is not only for military use, but also for commercial routes.As long as Saierwusu Terrace is blocked and Shanxi merchants are separated from the Gobi for four hundred miles, Beihai Town will control the commercial passages leading to the west and north.When autumn comes, no matter if it is Tushetu Khan, Chechen Khan, or Sanyin Nuoyan or even Tannu Wulianghai, they will all become grasshoppers on the hot pot, obediently go to Kulun or Chachen Ketu does business with Beihai Town to prepare supplies for the winter.

Now let's talk about the "Southern Detachment" on the Western Front.

After setting off by boat from Chiyan City on July 7, after six days of sailing, the first thing they had to face was the Russian castle of Amu Habaishan, which was also the first Russian military castle on the Yenisei River. A large military fort.Amu Habaishan is the name of the Qing court, and the Tsarist Russians call it "Abakan".

Since all ships from the lower reaches of the Yenisei River have to pass under the castle, it is no surprise that the "Southern Detachment" must take down here, so as not to be copied even the back road.

Although the Russians built the castle tall and majestic and well-guarded, the wooden materials could not withstand the bombing of the Northern Navy's shells.When the five mortars on the flat-bottomed boats fired more than 50 shells in a row, the Russian troops stationed in the castle and the recruited men were already dead and wounded everywhere.Before the ground troops launched an attack, the local garrison commander had already raised the white flag and left the city to surrender.

In order not to waste time, Hu Ji, who led the "Southern Detachment", notified the commander and chief executive of Abakan's garrison, ordering them to go to Chiyan City to handle the surrender matters before the end of July, and wait for the local garrison chief to issue, or wait for them The only thing that will happen is another bombing by the Northern Navy.

After that, the "Southern Detachment" set off again, and pulled out many Russian strongholds along the way one by one. By the time they passed through the canyons of the Sayan Mountains and arrived at Kemukmqik with difficulty, the time had come to the end of July.

The sudden appearance of the Northern Navy in the Tangnu Wulianghai area stunned the Mongols grazing here. They thought it was the Raksha people who had invaded.Since most of the arrows of Gezasak in Tangnu Ulianghai were conscripted to Uliasutai, after the Beihai Navy crossed the border, except for the few Karen outposts along the way, they could not see them for hundreds of miles. to the Mongol cavalry.

When the fleet headed east, crossed Wenggun Mountain, and entered the territory of Sarajik Wulianghai Banner, the Mongols finally reacted. The cavalry composed of more than 3000 temporarily recruited herdsmen marched on the Zasaktai of various ministries. Under the leadership of Jimen, they surrounded them from all directions.

The problem is that it is now the rainy season. The Huakemu River, the upper reaches of the Yenisei River, has many tributaries and abundant water. The flat-bottomed boats of the Northern Navy have no problem navigating; Besides, there are no big ships at all.The Mongolian cavalry who came one after another drove small boats at first, and even gathered on both sides of the river to shoot arrows at the convoy, but the bullets fired from the boat soon beat the cavalry to the ground, and the fishing boats were also hit by rockets. Shen, let the leading Taijis jump their feet angrily.

However, when the fleet went south along the Balji River and crossed Lake Tribor for five miles, they could no longer move forward.Huji immediately ordered the troops to abandon the ship and go ashore, and under the leadership of the guide, marched towards Bayanbulak at a rapid march speed.

At this time, the Mongolian cavalry chasing after them was only two days away, and the 2 horses sent by the Manchu Qing from Uliasutai to go to the western front of Chaktu to copy the back route of the Northern Navy were also at this time Just finished gathering and heading towards Bayanbulak.

As a result, a battle that both sides originally planned to take a back road, but unexpectedly kicked off in the valley of the Tess River.

(End of this chapter)

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