Forty-eight years of Qianlong

Chapter 585 The secret treaty between Beihai Town and the French East India

Chapter 585 The secret treaty between Beihai Town and the French East India
When night fell, in the North Navy camp located in the open space between the castle and the beach, there was an indescribable aroma of meat, fat and seasoning mixed, which offended the French soldiers who ate bread and drank fish soup on the castle. Can not help swallowing saliva.

At the same time, a grand welcome dinner also started in the Governor's Palace governed locally.When Deng Fei and a group of North Navy officers entered the hall wearing gorgeous and well-crafted military uniforms, all the French present were stunned, especially the governor's wife, whose complexion suddenly changed.

She was nervous because, at the start of the French Revolution in 1789, revolutionaries made up of bourgeoisie called themselves "sans-culottes," or "those who don't wear breeches."

Yes, the trousers of this year are just like the jeans of the [-]th century in Europe, they are only worn by the bottom of society.The upper garments of the nobles are embroidered dresses with lace cuffs; the lower body should wear knee-length tights, usually dark gray or black, and they must wear stockings and ankle boots with wedge heels.If a certain aristocrat wears a pair of near-transparent, white and dazzling silk shorts, he is definitely a star in social occasions, the blinding kind.

The dress of the French influenced the whole of Europe in the [-]th century. No matter which country's nobles, they must be dressed in this way, coupled with fluent French.

When landing in the daytime, although Deng Fei and the others wore similar outfits, the French thought it was the other party's overalls, but they turned out to be the same on formal occasions.

The trousers that are long to the feet and have untied trouser legs worn by the people in Beihai Town, although they look straight and straight, they look very neat and tidy when matched with the jacket and black leather shoes on their feet, but in the eyes of the nobles , it is still the clothes of the inferior people, which makes many people immediately think of the group of people who attacked the Bastille.

After Deng Fei kissed his hands again, the governor's wife pointed to the medal on the other's chest with a fan, and asked curiously: "Your Excellency, Lieutenant General, I noticed that you and your officers are wearing those long badges on their chests. Are the cubes a kind of decoration?"

The governor's wife, who had changed her evening dress, was wearing a white evening dress decorated with patterns of vines and flowers. Her snow-white shoulders, shiny hair, and brooch necklace were shining brightly. The beauty of her fully exposed chest and back made Deng Fei feel a little bit dizziness.

"La belle personne!" It was really charming. For a moment, he felt that if Zhao Xin came, something might happen to this woman.

"Medals, simplified." After Deng Fei finished speaking, he pulled Erlu, the battalion commander of the special warfare battalion, and briefly explained to the curious eyes of all the French what is the grade badge and what is the military age badge. In addition, there are medals and decorations.

There are no medals in Europe in this year, and officers will hang the medal on the left chest; if it is a senior general, it is like wearing a piece of metal armor, which can definitely block a shot of lead bullets .

Erlu has experienced many battles in these years, so he can be regarded as a ruthless person, but he has never experienced such a scene!Especially when a group of women with plump breasts surrounded him, his dark cheeks quickly turned red and purple like drinking too much wine, and the strong smell of perfume and powder around him made him almost out of breath Come.At this moment, he can't wait to turn around and escape from the governor's mansion, and have a big pot meal with his subordinates.

Because some guests hadn't arrived yet, before the dinner began, everyone went to the living room to sit for a while, and the natives in French servant costumes shuttled through the crowd with drinks.A group of French people gathered around Deng Fei and the Governor and his wife, quietly listening to them chatting about some stories about Beihai Town, exaggerated exclamation from time to time.Erlu, Jiao Xun, Huang Chengji and others were all sitting on the sofa, looking at everything here with curious eyes.Of course, they don't understand French at all.

At present, except for Deng Fei, the French level of the others in the mission is limited to saying hello.Not to mention verb conjugations and various tricks of grammatical rules, just the uvula makes them dizzy.

Governor Leclerc said: "Your Excellency, Lieutenant General, what do you think of the riots in Europe? I once heard Count La Perouse say that you know the situation in Europe very well."

"My opinion is that the present situation in your country is about to get out of hand. Intrigue, treachery, internal strife, murder, and even massacre will completely destroy France, oh, I mean high society, by then. "

Having said that, he shrugged and spread his hands.

"Ahem! Gentlemen, don't talk to me about those villains on such a beautiful night. Maybe I don't understand anything, but what they are doing is disrupting order! His Majesty is so kind and moral, But look at what the so-called 'National Convention' did? They canceled the franchise of the East India Company, and soon the local governance will become a mess, and the good situation will no longer exist! And the British, huh~~ "

Deng Fei heard the complaint from the governor's wife, and quickly answered: "You are right! Now the British are cooperating with our enemy, the Manchu Qing regime, and have provided them with a large amount of military aid. In addition, they will also send a lot of The opium produced in Wa is sold to Guangzhou, we have long wanted to deal with them!"

After hearing this, smiles appeared on the faces of the French people present.For the French, as long as it can deflate the British, everyone likes it.Just as he was talking, the butler came to report that several Tamil princes who were late also arrived, so he announced the start of the dinner, and everyone hurried towards the restaurant.

It is said that before the people in Beihai Town left, Zhao Xin held a symposium with everyone, explaining many habits of Europeans and so on, so as not to make jokes at that time.

Regarding the matter of eating, Zhao Xin told everyone: "You guys, if you can use a knife and fork, use it. If you are not used to it, bring your own chopsticks. We don't have to follow the group of Europeans. You must know this The second is that they beg us. Don’t be dazzled by their gorgeous tableware and ostentation. Even if those knives and forks are made of gold and silver, they are still knives and forks. Our ancestors eliminated such vulgar things more than 3000 years ago. The group of Europeans are still complacent and think they are civilizations. If you want me to say, chopsticks are the pinnacle of human eating tools! Not to mention, more than 100 years ago, whether they were kings or nobles, they still grabbed them from the bowl with their hands. For eating, at most, you need a spoon for soup. Generally speaking, the significance of European banquets is greater than the connotation, filling the stomach is secondary, and socializing is the core.”

For the masses of the people in Beihai Town, no matter what the "King Zhao" said was right; in view of this, Zhao Xin rarely expressed his opinions publicly.However, what he said to the members of the mission still had an effect. When everyone, including Erlu and Jiao Xun, saw that there were all kinds of knives and forks on both sides of the dinner plate on their seats, they decisively pulled out of their coats. He took out a small light blue long strip box, and when it was opened, it was a pair of chopsticks that were divided into two pieces.

Then, when they saw the Serisians on the opposite side pick up the cream pastry with their chopsticks, whether it was the French, the native princes on the table, or the native servants serving them, the eyeballs almost fell off the plate.
Governor Leclerc ignored this, and he was more concerned about how much support Beihai Town could give him; while the governor's wife continued to chatter with Deng Fei about the domestic situation at the dinner table, it could be seen that she spoke fluent French His Excellency the Vice Admiral was very interested.

"Liberty and equality, gentlemen, these are all lies. Although I personally love liberty and equality, Rousseau actually said that 'the flowers of liberty must be continuously watered with the blood of tyrants'. What a terrible thing." A thing! Will people be happier after the Revolution? No, I think quite the contrary."

"Yes, "The Social Contract." Deng Fei said flatly: "But ma'am, it is time for France to change. Social contradictions have intensified to the extreme. If the king does not act, the emerging bourgeoisie will seize power. And in order to ensure their revolution, that is, to carry out the republic to the end, the new rulers will definitely take the king and the nobles."

"God! This is too scary." The governor's wife shrugged, and then began to concentrate on dealing with the creamy dessert on the plate
In a nutshell, Deng Fei and the others visited the local government for two days, and invited the Governor and the Governor's wife to take a tour on the Thor, and then the two sides started a five-day negotiation.

Zhao Xin let the Manchu Qing be the pawns and fight for Beihai Town in northern India and West Bengal. His purpose was nothing more than to disrupt the expansion momentum of the British East India Company and prevent the British from dominating the South Asian subcontinent and Southeast Asia.In this way, it is very necessary to unite the French and the Kingdom of Mysore, which is single-minded against the British.

In order for French India to continue to be able to block the British, the 3.0 version of the French East India Company cannot go bankrupt, and local governance cannot be lost.To achieve this goal, the king, who is the spokesperson of the Catholic Church and the representative of the nobles, must not die, at least his youngest son must not die; otherwise, the French East India Company, which was labeled as a counter-revolutionary group, must go bankrupt next year!
You must know that Louis XVIII, who will inherit the throne in another time and space, is still the Count of Provence, and is now 37 years old, and fled to Brussels last year.If Beihai Town wanted to establish a relationship with him, he was really powerless, and the other party might not buy it.

But Louis Shire, who is only seven years old, is different!If the child could be placed under the control of Beihai Town, Zhao Xin would have an excuse to intervene in the ownership of French Louisiana in the future.

For Governor Leclerc, he is more concerned about the situation in India now. Facing the aggressiveness of the British, he is completely unable to deal with it.

The year before last, the third "British-Mysore War" broke out.Before the war, Governor Cornwallis formed an anti-Mysore alliance with Maratha and Hyderabad, and increased the enthusiasm of the two parties to participate in the war on the condition of Mysore territory and compensation.The troops of the British East India Company attacked Mysore in three directions, and Hyderabad and Maratha also launched attacks. The two sides exchanged fire on the Carnatic, Malabar and Deccan plateaus at the same time.

Realizing that further resistance was impossible, Tipu Sultan chose to negotiate with Cornwallis last spring.Just last month, Britain and the Kingdom of Mysore reached the Treaty of Seringapatan. Mysore ceded half of the land to Hyderabad, the Maratha Union and the British East India Company, and had to pay more than 300 Ten thousand pounds in compensation, Tip's two sons will also be sent to Calcutta as hostages.

On the other hand, the French East India Company, although they formed an alliance with the Kingdom of Mysore against the British, due to the signing of the Treaty of Paris in 1785, they could only provide military personnel training to the Kingdom of Mysore and guide the construction of weapons factories. , or sending "volunteer" personnel, cannot provide official large-scale assistance.

Deng Fei keenly felt from the introductions of Leclerc and other Frenchmen that the British East India Company was actually facing a lot of military pressure, so they took the initiative to attack.

Although the British had destroyed local governance and weakened French power in India as early as the Seven Years War, Mysore, Hyderabad, and Maratha collaborated again with the French following the end of the North American War of Independence.Facing France's interruption of Britain's colonial plan in India again, the British must of course act first.

Since both Britain and France adopted the practice of employing native soldiers locally, the performance of the troops of the British East India Company on the frontal battlefield was actually very mediocre, and they could not be determined by strength like conventional military wars.Instead, it uses diplomacy to intervene in India's political affairs, seeks rationality for the annexation of the war, and then determines the outcome through the combination of political conspiracy and military actions.

So on June 1792, 6, Deng Fei signed a secret treaty on behalf of Beihai Town and the Governor of the French East India, Leclerc.Because Louis XVI is now under house arrest, the governor cannot be officially authorized, so it can only be in the form of a memorandum.

In the agreement, the two parties agreed that Beihai Town would send [-] "volunteers" to provide military training to the Kingdom of Mysore with the assistance and cooperation of the French East India Company.As for whether Beihai Town will sell arms to the Kingdom of Mysore, it has nothing to do with the French.

The two parties also agreed: [-]. The Beihai Navy will provide sea and land support when the local government is attacked by the British, and the French East India Company will pay according to the number of people and the number of artillery on the ship; During the process, with the support of Leclerc and Peter and others, they will assist in the rescue of King Louis XVI and his family; [-]. Beihai Town will rescue the imprisoned Governor Leclerc and his wife’s family members and bring them back to the local area Governance; [-]. In exchange, the French East India Company will withdraw its trade office in Guangzhou, and all subsequent purchases will be transferred to cooperate with the trade department of Beihai Town.

In addition, there is the most important fifth point. The French East India Company will set aside an area of ​​[-] square kilometers in the south of the local government, and sell it permanently at a price of [-] livres. the foothold.

 Cornwallis is the British commander in Mel Gibson's "The Patriot", the one who was robbed of two dogs by the guerrillas.In 1786, after the War of Independence, he became the Governor of India.

(End of this chapter)

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