Chapter 593

In September, the outer northeast has entered late autumn, and some places in the upper reaches of Heilongjiang have already had the first snow.But because this year is leap April, so according to the lunar calendar, it has just arrived in the first ten days of July, and the day after tomorrow is Qixi Festival.

In the past, Hunchun, where the Manchu people were the main body, was only on Qixi Festival. However, since Beihai Town took Hunchun, the number of Han Chinese and naturalized people from island countries who came to settle here has increased. As life stabilized, many Han families returned The tradition of "Girl's Day" is revived.

However, because there are both northerners and islanders among the immigrants in Beihai Town, the neighboring houses in the same alley often come from different places, so they present different styles.

Although the "Qixi Festival" in East Asia is derived from the legend of the Cowherd and the Weaver Girl, the Qixi Festival of the naturalized people in the island country has nothing to do with love at all. Every July [-]th is the day to clean up their wells, also known as "Ido Substitute". ".When the whole day's cleaning work is over, the family sits together to eat and drink happily, and at the same time hang a note with a wish on the branch.

People from Zhili, Shandong, and Henan celebrate the Qixi Festival by soaking wheat seeds in water. When they sprout and grow to several inches, they are tied with red and blue silk threads and put into small earthen pots to worship the cowherd.This custom actually originated from the Song Dynasty, also known as Wushengbasin.However, the Wushengbasin of Hubei people does not grow wheat, but bean sprouts.

People with background will also "throw skillful needles" on Qixi Festival, and use the light and shadow shape of thin needles floating on the water to predict whether girls are ingenious or not.The other is to worship the Milky Way on the night of Qixi Festival, which is "begging for cleverness".

North Koreans also celebrate Tanabata. It is recorded in "Korean Common Sense" written by Choi Nam-sun, a later Korean scholar, that Tanabata was introduced from China.Every year on this day, North Korean women will worship Vega, praying that they can also have a pair of dexterous hands like Vega.In addition, you have to prepare pumpkin pancakes, potato pancakes and the like in advance as sacrifices to Zhinu.

There are not many Koreans in Hunchun City, and the most famous ones right now are Lin Ruoyu and his daughter.After coming to Hunchun City last year, Lin Ruoyu had no money left after finding a place to live and buying some daily necessities, so he had to follow the notice to go to the official school in the city - the town-run primary school to apply for teachers.Lin Ruoyu, who has a wealth of knowledge and has been a school teacher, was hired as no surprise, and even became the vice-principal.

There are very few scholars in Hunchun. In the past, even if there were scholars among the exiles, they were all left in Ninggu Tower.Since Confucian classics masters like Hong Liangji were sent as deputy commissioners of the administrative office, they could only read books to pass the time in their daily leisure time.When he learned that the vice-principal of the town-run primary school was a scholar from Li Chao, he condescended to visit.After the two chatted, Lin Ruoyu admired Hong Liangji's knowledge and character, and Hong Liangji also admired Lin Ruoyu's character, and soon became friends who talked about everything, and often visited each other in their spare time. Either exchange knowledge, or drink and chat.

Today is the fifth day of the lunar new year, and there is a big fair every fifth day of the lunar calendar outside Hunchun City, so Lin Sanyue wanted to see if there were any pumpkins for sale.Everything else in Hunchun City is good, but there are too few types of fruits and vegetables, and it is either radish or cabbage all year round.Although some people also grow some fruits and vegetables at home to sell, but they are gone in a blink of an eye when they arrive at Daji.

Lin Ruoyu's daughter, as long as she goes out, she will definitely be a sight in Hunchun City.With a beautiful face like a fairy in the moon palace, and a soft and slender figure like a weeping willow, she is simply not like a person in the world. No matter where she goes, she will become the focus of everyone's attention.Even her voice, walking posture, and smiling appearance are completely different from ordinary immigrant women and carefree Manchu girls.

At first, the neighbors were a little unfamiliar with her, and to put it bluntly, they were a little ashamed.But after getting along for a long time, they realized that she was a kind-hearted and gentle woman, and they gradually became close.

Sanyue hurried to the outside of the city with a basket in hand, walked around the market for a while, and finally saw two glowing red pumpkins at a stall, she was about to go to buy them happily, when she saw a The man in Beihai's military uniform strode to the stall and asked the stall owner, "How do you sell pumpkins?"

"Master Jun, this is grown in my own house. I don't dare to ask for more. You can win a piece of it." A piece of Beihai yuan can buy two large baskets of radishes in Hunchun. The stall owner knew that Beihai's salary is high, so he came directly. a high price.

"Okay, I want both! This is money!" The man in military uniform didn't bargain at all, and after paying the money, he would take the pumpkin from the stall owner.

Why!Lin Sanyue asked why this person was like this. She was about to discuss with that person to see if she could transfer one to herself, when she heard someone beside her shout, "Sanyue? Why are you here?"

Lin Sanyue turned her head and looked, her face turned red, it was him!

Under the autumn sun, the tall Cao Peng looked at Lin Sanyue with surprise on his face, his heart was full of joy, he really wanted to do whatever he wanted!
On the slowly rising mountain road, it was dyed red by the maple leaves in late autumn.The weeping willows growing along the canals along the road were dyed light yellow, and the blue birds were flying around in the sky.A squirrel with a hazelnut in its mouth ran out from a crack in the rock where rhododendrons bloomed in autumn.In the mountains and fields in late autumn in the outer northeast, the fragrance is rich and heavy.

Such a colorful scene, for Lin Sanyue who doesn't go out often, everything is so strange and mysterious.The maple forest is like colorful clouds reflected by the sunset, and the red mountain vines climbing to the heights are like burning flames.The tall and white birch tree gave her the urge to hug the trunk and rub her face against it.The different calls of the various birds in the woods aroused her wonderful fantasies.

The two walked through the birch forest, and a large open land appeared in front of them.The blooming platycodon flowers turn this place into a purple world, and there is a sweet smell in the air.Cao Peng's two guards stood far away, deliberately leaving room for them.

"Ah! There are so many flowers, so beautiful!" Sanyue, who was silent because of nervousness, finally couldn't help shouting. "What kind of flower is this?"

Cao Peng, who was walking in front, laughed. "You are Korean, and you don't even know the bellflower?"

Sanyue leaned over to pick a flower, looked at it carefully, and murmured: "I never thought that bellflower flowers are so beautiful."

Cao Peng smiled and said, "It's not as good-looking as you."

Sanyue was so ashamed that she didn't dare to look up, and said angrily: "What nonsense are you talking about, if you talk nonsense again, I will go back."

"I'm not talking nonsense. Compared with you, other women are ugly ducklings."

"Also! What's the use of having a pretty face? It can't be eaten."

The two met in the spring of this year.At that time, Cao Peng, who was a commissioner of the Ningguta Administrative Office, came to Hunchun to inspect the construction project of the salt field. He also wanted to see how Hong Liangji was doing.Later, when he was inspecting the elementary school, he happened to bump into Sanyue who was delivering meals to his father. Cao Peng fell in love with this girl at first sight.

Afterwards, he inquired from Hong Liangji, only to find out that Lin Sanyue had just turned 17, and also learned the reason why their father and daughter escaped from Li Chao, and he was immediately moved.No matter what kind of person Hong Liangji is, he can naturally see what his boss is thinking at a glance.Speaking of which, he and Cao Peng are still from She County!
Because of Cao Peng's sharp words in front of Liu Yong at the beginning, he suffered a lot and suffered a lot, so he got a reputation with the Qing court.Moreover, because of his Anhui accent, the Manchus believed that he had something to do with the Cao family in Shexian County, so they also investigated the Cao family in Shexian County.Cao Wenxuan, Cao Zhenyong and his son suffered from this unreasonable disaster, and they have made several complaints just by pleading guilty.

Hong Liangji wanted to make this marriage happen, so every time Cao Peng came to Ninggu Pagoda, he would invite Lin Ruoyu to join the dinner. Exaggerating Cao Peng's family background and character made Vice President Lin feel that this young man is very good.

Originally, for Lin Ruoyu, Beihai Town was just a temporary place to live. If he could go back in the future, he hoped to choose an outstanding child from the Ding family and betroth his daughter there.The problem is that it's already seventeen in March, and I can't go back now, and if I delay it, I will really become an old girl.So after some testing by Hong Liangji, Lin Ruoyu agreed to the marriage. The only thing that made him unhappy was that Cao Peng's parents were not there, so Hong Liangji could only do it for him.

A month ago, the two had just combined their horoscopes, and Hong Liangji's wife came forward to help them complete the horoscope.The two parties agreed to have a grand ceremony on August [-], that is, "Na Zheng", and then determine the wedding date.

At this time, Cao Peng saw that Sanyue's shy look was very cute, so he leaned over and pinched a platycodon flower, and stuck it on her head.This time, the girl was so ashamed that she couldn't speak. She glanced at Cao Peng and turned her head away.The two stayed for a while, and felt that it was getting late, so they turned around and walked back.On the way back, Cao Peng suddenly thought that he didn't know what new arrangements would be made when he returned to Beihai Town this time, whether it would affect his wedding date, and he was confused for a while.

Although she knew that the tall man in front of her would become her husband, for some reason, Sanyue still felt a little nervous and her heart was pounding.

"Why doesn't he talk? What is he thinking?" She tried her best to guess Cao Peng's thoughts as she walked.After a while, she thought to herself again: "What am I waiting for him to say?"

But she couldn't help laughing again soon.Since we both know each other's feelings, maybe it's better not to say anything.
Cao Peng still stayed in Hunchun City for one night before leaving. He first went to see Hong Liangji, and after talking about business matters, he mentioned the marriage, saying that he would see what to do when his next arrangement was finalized.Hong Liangji was also very helpless. In the Ming and Qing Dynasties, he had to be an official for three years. Who knew that Cao Peng would leave after only two years.Regarding the marriage with the Lin family, he said that there is no need to worry, everything will be taken care of by himself and his wife.

Two days later, Cao Peng returned to Beihai Town by boat from Mokuowei.After seeing Zhao Xin, he was stunned when he learned that he was going to replace Liu Zheng to reside in the Sendai feudal clan.

"I remember that Zhao Pingtai from the Ministry of Trade, isn't he always stationed in the island country?"

Zhao Xin raised his hand and handed over a file on the desk, saying, "Look at this first."

Cao Peng went back and forth to read the content twice, then looked at Zhao Xin in disbelief and said, "Kill him? Why don't you bring him back for trial?"

Zhao Xin lit a cigarette for himself, pushed the cigarette case over, signaled Cao Peng to take care of himself, and then said in a deep voice: "Actually, I thought so too at the beginning. You can bring him out of Kyoto, whether it is going to Sendai or In Osaka, there are too many people along the way, if he escapes and causes trouble, not only the matter of Southern Kyushu will be leaked, but also Jia He's team will be exposed."

After finishing speaking, Zhao Xin added: "Assassination is actually what I hate the most. This time I really had to. Fortunately, everything went smoothly."

Cao Peng nodded and asked, "The Tokugawa shogunate are playing tricks, don't you plan to clean them up and teach them a lesson?"

"Of the four people who died that night, one was sent by the shogunate. It is said that he was a close friend of Matsudaira Sadanobu." Zhao Xin said with a self-deprecating smile: "In politics, there are so many swords and swords. Although struggle is always the main theme, Fighting without breaking is the true meaning. Words are easy to say, but things are hard to do."

Cao Peng was noncommittal about Zhao Xin's point of view, thought for a while and said, "Then what should I do after I go to the island country?"

Zhao Xin snapped his fingers and said: "First, keep the secret of Lingjiao Jinshan. No matter who dares to stretch out his claws, he will chop it up. This point cannot be vague."

"no problem!"

"Second, Katsuyama Denzo is dead. The boss of Murata House has to be steady and tell him that this has nothing to do with him, and tell him not to worry. In addition, how to deal with the fleet, shops, shares, and the security team of the Ezodi Coal Mine? , you have to come up with a plan."

"Ah? Such trouble!"

"It has been eight years since the Hokkai Trading Co., Ltd. in the island country. The fleet below alone has more than 30 biancai ships. In addition, there are also 200 people in the security team in Ezo. Many of these sailors and ronin are Katsuyama Densan. Invited. Can you use it, how to use it? You need to judge and decide.”

Zhao Xin talked with Cao Peng for more than three hours before explaining the things Liu Zheng was responsible for one by one.The more Cao Peng heard it, the more frightened he became. He didn't expect Zhao Xin's layout in the island country to be so big.Every time he saw Liu Zheng coming back, he always looked carefree, and he even despised him for messing with two women. It turned out that the guy's daily job in the island country was to plot.

"I will transfer Jia He's team to you after a while, but there is no urgent matter, so try not to use them."

When Cao Peng heard that the "Ninja Squad" would be under his command, he was a little excited. You must know that he is a fan of "Naruto", and he followed the manga and then the series for a full ten years.

Seeing his expression, Zhao Xin couldn't help laughing and said, "Don't be fooled by comics and film and television dramas. Real ninjas are not like that at all. They don't have shurikens or salings at all. Jia He told me at the beginning that they would The commonly used hidden weapons are stones, and they are picked up on the side of the road."

"Where are Kunai and Ninja Swords? There are always these, right?"

"I'm sorry, I really don't have these. Jia He told me that they used to use the sickle for cutting rice the most."

Cao Pengxin said I rely on it!Got scammed again.

"Okay, I've finished what I should tell you, let's talk about your request."

"I have to come back in early August, um... and I have to come back even if I get married, and I have to take March there in the future. I don't want an island woman, and I don't want anyone to give it to me!"

"No problem, I will give you a backup gift when the time comes."

Before leaving, Cao Peng suddenly thought of something, and asked, "You are so eager to call me back, and you still give me all the information about the island country, are you leaving Beihai Town again?"

Zhao Xin nodded and said, "Thor will leave India next week, and arrive in Madagascar in a week. I have to deliver supplies to them. This trip may take a month or two."

Cao Peng then waved his hand to say goodbye, and when he walked out of the courtyard where Zhao Xin's office was located, he couldn't help shaking his head, thinking that although this man has "supernatural powers", he is not short of money and women, but his life is really tiring. calculation!

(End of this chapter)

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