Forty-eight years of Qianlong

Chapter 611 Attack on the Temple Tower

Chapter 611 Sneak Attack on the Temple Tower ([-])
In pre-industrial Europe, the cities were not brightly lit at night, but in big cities like Paris and London, nightlife was undergoing a period of rapid change; benefits, and the cafes, taverns, casinos, and brothels all over the city are full of guests even in the middle of the night.

Since the establishment of the "First French Republic" in September, the curfew in Paris has also been relaxed a lot.Although it was past twelve o'clock when Zhao Xin and the others came out, and they were all walking in the shadow of the street, they could occasionally see a few pedestrians going home together on the street.

At the end of the eighteenth century, European street lighting generally used whale oil lamps. Generally, two ropes were crossed and pulled from both sides of the street, and the lamps were hung below the intersection point of the ropes.In an empty street, relying on a high-hanging oil lamp, the lighting effect can be imagined.In fact, the function of this thing is not to facilitate the night travel of citizens, but to improve the security conditions.The problem is that because the lighting effect is not good, it is difficult to improve the public security situation in the city, so it is still risky for a person to walk alone at night, and it is easy to be beaten by someone.

With the help of night vision devices, the 21 people stopped and walked like a swimming black snake, and it took them about four to ten minutes to reach the wall at the northeast corner of the monastery garden.

The old method of building a ladder in groups of five is still used, and one person is quickly sent to the top of the wall for surveillance, and then the others climb up one by one.Although Zhao Xin hadn't fought for a long time, he kept exercising and his physical coordination was good, so he didn't waste much time when climbing over the wall.

The 21 people who took part in the operation were divided into two teams after entering the garden square according to the previously established plan.The first team of 11 people, including Zhao Xin, is responsible for attacking Temple Fort Prison. They will go north along the bushes on the east side and climb up from the city wall on the west side of Temple Fort, where there are corridors and Temple Tower Prison connected.

A second team of 10 men would move west along the bushes on the south side, pull out the sentries above the roof, and monitor the National Guard inside the abbey.

Each of the above two teams was divided into two groups, namely the support group responsible for fire cover and the assault group responsible for the surprise mission.

According to their respective goals, the two teams march forward in a single-column alternate cover; that is, the first group moves a certain distance, stops and covers, the second group crosses the flank of the first group, moves forward for a certain distance, stops and covers, cycle alternately.Although it is a bit slow to do so, it will be safer on the alert level.

When everyone is moving forward, in order to facilitate the transmission of information between teammates and quickly transfer positions, the people behind will also put their left hands on the shoulders of the person in front.These tactical actions are actually not the daily training subjects of the soldiers of the Beihai Special Warfare Battalion, but for this operation, many night trainings have been done on the Raytheon before.

Just when Zhao Xin and his team arrived at the base of the north wall, as the person in the front suddenly raised his arm, and made gestures of stop and lie down, the eleven members of the first team immediately lay down on the grass. Li remained motionless.A few minutes later, two National Guard soldiers with guns to their shoulders came down the trail from the west, carrying a lantern.

When the two soldiers passed by Zhao Xin and the others and turned their backs, the four soldiers of the Special Operations Battalion slowly stood up from the grass like ghosts, and crept behind them. Arms rushed up, they covered each other's mouth with one hand, and strangled each other's neck with the other arm.

The two French soldiers were shocked. They instinctively tried their best to push off the arms around their necks, and kicked their legs unconsciously.However, their legs were quickly hugged tightly, and the clothes on their bodies made a slight noise. Ten seconds later, the two of them fell into a coma completely.

The four people who did the work quickly put the hands of the National Guard soldier behind their backs and locked them with plastic handcuffs. The same was true for their feet. They wrapped the eyes and mouth with tape twice, and then tied a pair of handcuffs between their hands and feet. A rope; in this way, even if they are awake, they cannot move.The four then carried the two guys away and placed them behind a dense bush.

In this way, the two teams acted separately, clearing the National Guard soldiers on patrol in the square one by one. Half an hour later, these people were either turned into corpses under the crossbow arrows, or they were like pigs waiting to be slaughtered. , threw it in the grass
Since the 38-year-old Louis XVI moved into the prison of the Temple Tower, people around him no longer regard him as a king except for his personal servants; With every ounce of respect.

Louis XVI explained that his name is not "Capet", but "Auguste". You must know that the Capet dynasty in French history ended as early as the 14th century, and there is still a tile gap between the Bourbon dynasty and the Bourbon dynasty. What about the Loire dynasty?The problem is that those guarding him are not scholars of history or heraldry, and they still stubbornly call him Capet.

The National Convention had a headache about how to deal with the Louis XVI family.Public opinion in France now generally believes that the king and his wife deserved their crimes, but 7-year-old Louis Charles and 14-year-old Marie Teresa are innocent. They have not made any mistakes and should not be punished by the law. punishment, but they were imprisoned together.

Unlike his elder sister who is already sensible, the 7-year-old little prince doesn't seem to care much about everything around him, and looks carefree every day.

From the time of his birth, rumors circulated among the nobles that he was not the son of Louis XVI, but the product of an affair between Earl Felsen and the Queen.But Louis XVI never paid attention to him, he loved his youngest son very much.Two years ago, the Marquis de Lafayette, the leader of the reformists, and some members of the National Convention even conspired to try to threaten Marie Antoinette with adultery charges and make her declare the child an illegitimate child.The queen scoffed at this, try it if you have the ability!

Although he was a prisoner, everyone in the castle liked this beautiful, lively, and kind child very much, and even the meanest and most vicious of them couldn't get angry with him.No matter where he is, this innocent kid always puts a smile on people's faces.

Life in Templar Prison was simple and orderly, with the same content repeated every day
Around seven o'clock in the morning, when Louis XVI got up to wash, the valet Harnett would wake up the young Louis Charles.From this moment on, cheerful honking and tickling laughter will fill a sad room with joy.By the time Louisshire dressed and washed, his father was already sitting by the fireplace reading a book.After getting up, there is a routine prayer, and Louis XVI will also go to another room at this time to read the Bible for 15 minutes.

At nine o'clock in the morning, accompanied by four watchers sent by the Paris Commune, the father and son would go to the third floor to have breakfast with the women.Breakfast generally consists of coffee, hot chocolate, hot double cream, hot milk, cold syrup, cold milk, barley water and lemonade, plus three buttered breads, a plate of fruit, six coffee breads, three table breads, in addition to In addition, salt and sugar are used as condiments.

After breakfast, Louis XVI took his son back to the second floor and gave him geography lessons in the room; Harnett combed the ladies' hair on the third floor, then went back downstairs to take care of the little prince, teaching him writing and writing. grammar.After studying, he would play with blocks or dolls in the vestibule on the second floor, while Louis XVI sat in the corner of the fireplace, watching his son through the open door.As for the watchers, they either sat by the stove or leaned against the window, watching every move of Louis XVI.

The queen who lived upstairs usually took her daughter and sister-in-law to read books at this time, and occasionally sang songs or played musical instruments to pass the time.At noon, the family can go for a walk in the garden under the supervision of the guards.

At two o'clock in the afternoon, the Louis XVI family would start to eat lunch, and the commune committee in charge of monitoring cut up all the cakes and bread to check whether there was a note conveying the message; sometimes even the fruit was cut up to check.After dinner they usually play chess, or play dominoes.Louis XVI would spread out in the tower, walking from his room to the landing, looking up at the shuttered windows and asking what the weather was like.At four o'clock in the afternoon, he went back to take a nap, the little prince went to do his homework, and the queen and princesses went back to the third floor, waiting for dinner.

At nine o'clock the little prince would go to bed, and the watchers would step aside for the queen and princess to kiss the child goodnight.And Louis XVI will keep reading until 11 o'clock.

To the bewilderment and surprise of all watchers, when the arrogance and indifference of the royal family were removed, the king's family turned out to be very amiable, simple, and even kind.

But in fact, the friendliness of the Louis XVI family towards the watchers was a means of diverting the attention of the watchers and secretly exchanging information.So don't think that these royal nobles are silverfish, they are thieves one by one at the critical moment!
The servant in charge of delivering the message will pass the message through gestures during the meal. For example, he happened to rub his right eye, which means that the National Guard against the coalition forces of various countries was defeated; The guild is discussing royal issues; good news with the right hand, bad news with the left.In addition, the queen used lemon juice as invisible ink to write the secret letter, and when the servant handed the plate, she passed the small piece of paper out.

In addition, with the help of sympathizers, a loud voice would come near the monastery every night, shouting out the important news that happened that day in the silence of the night; Louis XVI also learned that a Chinese mission came to the city , but it was not sent by his pen pal Emperor Qianlong, but some kind of "Republic of China".

As for Louis Charles, who has experienced three turbulent years, he has a very precocious heart under his innocent appearance.He knew that he was in prison and his every move was under surveillance.Fearing that the guards would torture his parents, he never mentioned the life in the Palace of Versailles or the Tuileries, and he never talked about the unhappy things since the Great Revolution. impression.

For example, during the September massacre, the sans-culottes wearing red caps stuck Mary Therese Louise's head on a spear and held it high in protest outside the window of the Temple Tower, which has been deeply engraved. Into his heart, but he never mentioned it, even if someone around him said those things, he pretended not to know.However, this also caused him to often suffer from insomnia at night, opening his eyes and looking at the dark ceiling, recalling what he did and said during the day.
When Zhao Xin and the others quietly climbed up the city wall and killed all the patrolling National Guard soldiers, the other people in the castle knew nothing about it, but Louisshire, who was still asleep, heard "da da "the sound of.He pricked up his ears and tried his best to distinguish the small sounds outside, knowing that his greatest fear was that those members of the National Convention would suddenly come to prison and hurt his parents.

Suddenly, there was a bang of "Boom" outside, and the huge roar made Louisshire shrink into the quilt like a kitten.Then, I heard the sound of chaotic footsteps upstairs, and it seemed that many people poured into the temple tower.

"Huh?" The little guy felt a little strange. If the people from the National Convention came in, they should come up from the downstairs. Why did they go to the third floor?

At this time, Louis XVI had already been awakened, but because of the darkness in the room, he was a little at a loss.He turned his head to where his son was and said softly, "Son, where are you? Are you okay?"

Louisshire jumped into his father's arms from the crib, and said softly, "Dad, I'm fine. Someone is here, a lot of people!"

"Don't be afraid, don't."

With a sound of "bang", the locked door was kicked open from the outside. The servant named Goulet rushed in with a rattling key chain in one hand and a sword in the other. Harnett the servant with a candlestick.

This Goulet did not come from the Tuileries Palace, but a servant of the previous owner of the castle, Count Artois.The Earl of Artois is the brother of Louis XVI and the last king of the French Bourbon dynasty in history-Charles X.

The Paris Commune had previously issued a decree requiring all former servants of the Count of Artois to leave the Temple Tower. However, these servants had already made this place their home, so they tried their best to stay, and were even hired as guards or service personnel.Goulet was one of them, and because he flattered and wore a red hat like a sans-culotte man, he was appointed "keeper of the keys."

By the light of the candlestick, Goulet saw Louis XVI and his son cuddling together.In his opinion, those who came in must be royalists who came to save the king.The problem is that there are more than 200 National Guards in the monastery, and there are cannons. Anyone who comes can't escape.So he walked quickly to the bed, pointed at Louis XVI with his sword and tremblingly said: "If they come, I will kill you!"

As soon as the words fell, there was the sound of musket shooting outside the temple tower.However, in the gap between each shot, there were countless "whoosh" whizzing sounds, and then, the screams of the wounded were heard.

Harnett put down the candlestick, walked quickly to the blinds, and tried to see what was happening outside, but since the blinds were nailed up and couldn't be opened at all, he could only turn around and shook his head with a pale face.

Seeing this, Gulet yelled: "Quick! Lock the door and no one can come in, or I will kill him!"

At the same time in the tower, Erlu with a shotgun was leading people to the second floor. They searched all the rooms on the third floor and found that they were all women.

Zhao Xin yelled loudly in English for a long time, and finally in the innermost room, he found the three trembling Marie Antoinette hiding in a corner.Seeing that the situation was not good, the two guys guarding them were about to raise their swords to stab the queen, but half of their heads were blown off by two soldiers, and blood mixed with pink and white objects splashed the queen's face.

Because the stairs were too narrow and dark, the light of the flashlight hanging under the gun's muzzle could not shine very far, so Erlu, who was at the front, did not dare to walk too fast.Sure enough, when they were about to reach the second floor, as soon as they showed their heads, at least four or five long and short muskets were fired at once, and the broken stones splashed on the wall, and then someone rushed over with a long sword and a bayonet musket .

It's a pity that it wasn't the royalists who came, but the Beihai Navy.

Within ten seconds, Erlu and a soldier behind him shot out half of the bullets in the shotgun in their hands. The entrance to the second floor was full of dead and injured, and the bloody atmosphere permeated in an instant.

"Don't come in! Don't come in! I'll kill him!" Goulet yelled in horror.Little did he know that by doing this, he just pointed out the location for Erlu and the others.Erlu walked outside the door, quickly swept his probe in through the fence above, and got a rough look at the situation inside the house.

"Bang bang!" The knock on the door sounded instantly, and Goulet was shocked. He raised his sword and was about to stab Louis XVI. Unexpectedly, Harnett rushed forward and knocked him into the corner. The two quickly met each other. They wrestled on the ground.

Erlu bumped it several times with his shoulder, but the heavy oak door couldn't be opened at all. In desperation, he was about to aim the muzzle of the gun at the door knocker, when he heard a crash inside the door, and the door opened!I saw a blond child appeared in front of me
(End of this chapter)

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