Forty-eight years of Qianlong

Chapter 659 Decisive Battle in West Java

Chapter 659 Decisive Battle in West Java ([-])
The servant army composed of railway workers from the Sendai Domain is a bit twisted in weapon configuration.Zhao Xin, Wang Yuanfang and others didn't want these guys to master the standard weapons of the Beihai Navy, and at the same time they had to ensure a certain level of firepower output, so they distributed three homemade wooden handle grenades to each soldier.However, since the war in Bacheng, the soldiers of the servant army have not used it yet.

When the two hundred Württemberg soldiers walking in the front came out of the thick smoke and were only 40 meters away from the right flank of the North Navy's defense line, if it weren't for a loud reminder from a certain platoon leader, many servant soldiers would have almost forgotten I even brought a "bomb" myself!

As soon as the long speech in the row fell, the soldiers in the second row who had finished firing didn't bother to reload. They swung their rifles over their shoulders, took out grenades from the cloth bag around their waists, unscrewed the safety cover, and pulled The ring was thrown out with a whoosh.Because of nervousness, more than a dozen soldiers didn't even pull the pull ring, just like an iron lump hitting someone.As soon as the grenade was thrown, the platoon leader yelled at the people around him to squat down. He could see clearly that several grenades were thrown more than 20 meters away.

The Beihai Navy's grenade imitates the "67-type grenade" in another time and space, with a charge of 38 grams and a preset killing radius of seven meters.However, this thing is said to be seven meters, and the arsenal found in actual tests that it has lethality 80 meters away from the bombing point.If it is an open and unobstructed area, the fragments can cause injuries 150 meters away.If you happen to scratch the aorta on the neck, you can finish the game in minutes.

But the Württemberg soldiers more than 40 meters away don't know. They are still measured according to the black powder grenades used by European grenadiers.The main function of grenades in these days is to disrupt the enemy's formation and cause psychological panic. If you really want to destroy the opponent, you have to rely on guns and bayonets.

So in the queue of people shoulder to shoulder.Except for a few who shook their heads to avoid the iron bumps that were hitting their foreheads, most of the soldiers ignored the grenades thrown by the servants. They raised their guns to the front under the loud command of the officer holding the command knife.


"Boom! Boom! Boom"

Deafening explosions rang out one after another, and the rising black smoke and dust enveloped all 40 enemy troops [-] meters away.On the servant army's position, crackling earth and rocks fell like rain, among which were mixed with broken blue cloth heads, bloody pieces of meat, and even fingers and toes.
A gust of wind blew across the field, gradually blowing away the diffuse gunpowder smoke, and the vision gradually became clear. All the VOC soldiers marching in line behind the 200 people stopped in their tracks, some of them even stopped, panicking. Looking at the ground 20 meters away, he even forgot the bullets fired from the North Navy position.

What a sight!None of the [-] elite infantrymen was standing, and all of them fell to the ground in a bloody mess. The survivors wailed like wild animals, and the scene was horrible.In fact, the two platoons at the back have to thank the dead and injured. If it weren't for the fact that their families stood so close to each other and almost suffered all the fragmentation damage, they would not be much better.

Seeing that his soldiers were standing still, the leading officer, who had noticed the situation ahead, shouted, "Don't stop! Let them shoot and move on!"

"The enemy is about to shoot! Squat down!"

The servant soldiers behind the parapet fired a round of bullets at the enemy 80 meters away in disorder, and then squatted down, only showing half of their heads, observing the situation.

"Raise the gun! Aim! Shoot!"

The officers from Württemberg quickly issued the order to fire, and the soldiers executed it like puppets on a string. As the flames spewed out from the muzzle of the guns, hundreds of lead bullets hit the outside of the sandbag wall, crackling. There was a sound; some bullets flew over the fortifications and hit a few soldiers who were busy reloading.

Well, the Württemberg soldiers finally completed their first shot at a distance of 80 meters, and the other battalions on the same plane did not dare to go any further, and all stopped at 80 meters to pour ammunition. Then move forward ten steps and do another round.

As the VOC troops began to shoot, the minions behind the fortifications began to suffer sporadic casualties. Most of them were shot because they had to stand up when reloading.Therefore, in order to speed up the reloading rhythm, some soldiers took out two from the cowhide bag containing the flash caps and bit them in their mouths. After the bullets were pressed into the gun chamber with the bullet rod, they could quickly install the flash caps.When the other soldiers saw it, they quickly followed suit.

The four 12-pound guns at the rear of the position no longer cared about shelling the enemy infantry. The VOC's artillery had already pushed several 500-pounders to a position of 4 meters, and they had to be destroyed as soon as possible.This thing is very convenient to move, and only [-] people can push it; since Gustav used it, it has become the standard equipment on the battlefields of European countries.

After four or ten minutes of fighting, as the casualties on the front line continued to increase, Van der Gus gritted his teeth and pushed the last reserve team up.He didn't expect that the enemy's grenade on the opposite side was so powerful, and it would have a great impact on the morale of his soldiers.But as he himself said, he had no choice.

However, what he didn't know was that the reason Hood on the opposite side had been suffering casualties from close combat was because he was waiting for him to push all his troops up.

Hood's ambition was great. He planned to wipe out the two regiments on the opposite side, and neither of them wanted to let them go back to the other side.He knew the 100mm rapid-fire gun on the armored vehicle was ready to fire when he saw through the binoculars that the last two battalions of the enemy were also moving.


A strange cannon sound echoed in the wilderness. Van der Gus subconsciously turned his head to look, and saw a shell landed behind the two battalions that had already set off.The soldiers of the two battalions were taken aback, and immediately accelerated their pace under the order of the officer.

"not good!"

c has a keen sense that the situation is wrong. Since the enemy's artillery can hit so far, why didn't they hit it like this in the first place?Unexpectedly, before he could think about it, more shells flew towards him.First it landed on the left, then on the right, then flew over the top of the head, and finally it was tens of meters in front of itself.

Amidst the rumbling explosion, Vandergus, who was overturned by the horse, lay face down on the ground, while his adjutant lay on top of him, almost suffocating him.The shock waves constantly exploding around him made him feel the air rolling and the soil splashing, as if the whole world was overturned by the opponent's artillery fire, and the flames and vibrations of the explosion made people dizzy, and the loud sound and scorching shock wave conveyed death message.

When the incessant artillery fire finally left his position, Van der Goose shouted at the adjutant to get him up.However, when he pushed the adjutant away with great effort, he realized that the adjutant was already dead.

Vandergus was a little dazed, he recalled blankly what happened just now.I have been fighting for so many years, and I have encountered large-scale shelling before, but it has never been like this time.

He felt around himself to make sure he was intact.As for where I was, there were quite a few people just now, some were raising flags, some were looking at the map, some were passing orders back and forth to report the situation ahead, and some were even wandering around.Dozens of war horses, baggage carts, and ammunition boxes are all gone now, like a street swept by a storm.

In the dirty air behind, there were explosions one after another, clusters of yellow lightning hit the ground, the earth was falling apart, and danced wildly in the wilderness with the air waves. Turning to look at the battlefield, the two battalions that had set out just now had already Shrouded in flames and gunpowder smoke, not a single figure could be seen, as if the entire army had suddenly sunk into the ground.

Not far away, a bloody horse ran out of the gunpowder with a strange posture. It only had three legs left, which was terrifying.Another white horse followed, but there was no one on it, but as a shell exploded, the horse was caught in the flames.

The whole world in his field of vision was shaking. Van der Gus climbed behind a horse whose leg had been blown off. He raised his head and looked over the horse. The explosions on the battlefield hundreds of meters away were still going on. .Suddenly, a shell hit the ammunition cart accompanied by the four-pound gun, and a huge yellow fireball rose into the air, and then turned into a huge black smoke column.In a scene like the end of the world, he saw a guy in a blue military uniform flying up to a height of more than ten meters in the air, and then tumbling and falling to the ground.

It's over!Vandergus really wanted to stand up and find a horse to leave this bloody hell, but the explosion just now made him dizzy, and he fell down after walking two steps.Dust and smoke enveloped him, and he lay face down on the ground, thinking that if he rested for a while, I would get up after a while.But gradually, the world around him became blurred, and even the endless explosions had a hypnotic effect. Although the bombardment of the North Navy was still as crazy as thunder, for him, it gradually receded like a tide. .
Well, Major General Vandergus passed out from a concussion.However, on the battlefield in front of him, artillery fire was still raging. Stone chips, sand, and shrapnel mixed with people shouting and horse neighing floated on the battlefield, filling the ears of the servants behind the sandbag fortifications.

Seeing the continuous explosions not far away, Hood leaned close to the second battalion commander's ear and said loudly: "Battlemaster Ma, you go to the left! Let's attack from all sides!"

"Charge across the board?" The Second Battalion Commander couldn't hear clearly, so he hurriedly asked.

Hood nodded and said: "After the armored vehicles stop firing, the buglers will blow the charge horn, and your battalion will rush straight along the left road until it reaches a position 800 meters away, and then surround them again, so that none of them will escape. .Pay attention to search where the commander's flag was just now."

"Yes! Got it!"

"Everyone, bayonet!"

As the orderlies on horseback ran around the fortifications, the soldiers behind the parapet excitedly took out their bayonets and installed them, and there was the clanging sound of metal collisions.

Finally, the 30mm gun on the armored vehicle stopped firing.Hood was already standing in the gap between the two sandbag walls, and the flag bearers behind him had already raised the military flag high into the air.He raised his saber and shouted loudly: "Everyone follow me! Go forward!"

The trumpeter blew the charge horn, and Hood took the lead to leave the fortification.But before he could take a few steps, the adjutants and guards who came behind blocked him.On both sides and behind him, nearly [-] soldiers also roared like beasts. They poured out from the gaps between the sandbag walls like a tide, and pressed on the enemy army on the opposite side.

When the corpses of the enemy began to appear in the soldiers' field of vision, the densely arranged formation also became loose. The soldiers were divided into sections, and the order "follow up" sounded from time to time in the team.

There are corpses everywhere on the ground, like a wall of sandbags that have been smashed, piece by piece, countless people in blue and red military uniforms staggered and fell in a pool of blood, making the ground under their feet muddy and slippery. The soldiers can only walk around.On the battlefield at this time, only the woods on the left were still ringing with gunshots, and it was Quan Baocai's platoon that opened fire on the enemy soldiers who had fled into the woods.

When the thick gunpowder smoke was blown away by the wind, a blond soldier in a blue-red military uniform appeared in the field of vision on Hood's right side. His left hand grabbed his broken arm, and he looked at the oncoming person with a numb face. The enemy did not express surrender, nor did they drop their broken arms and grab the weapons under their feet.The servant soldiers who passed by him seemed a little hesitant, should they shoot or not?
"The man looks pitiful."

"Yeah, I'm afraid I was fooled by the shell bomb?"

"Don't kill him, keep him as a prisoner."

"The arm is gone, the blood is almost drained, and I can't live."

"Why don't you give him a bayonet."

"Are you still human? He's already like this."

That's what the soldiers said, and trotted past the wounded Württemberg soldier, and some even looked back.The wounded soldier fell to the ground with his back against a corpse, his head slowly drooping, but he was still holding on to his severed arm.

The people from the second battalion ran very fast. When they were advancing, they separated a platoon to join the battle in the woods, and Quan Baocai's platoon made the final siege to the enemies in the woods.Hundreds of VOC soldiers who fled into the woods had no intention of resisting. They ignored the bullets flying around them and just wanted to go through the woods, jump into the Ujung River and swim to the other side.

Major General Vandergus finally woke up, and when he opened his eyes, he felt as if he had forgotten the existence of time.The surrounding gunfire has stopped, only sporadic gunshots are still ringing.

He forced himself up and knelt on the ground, feeling a little dizzy.Suddenly footsteps came from the side, and a blood-stained Württemberg officer stumbled over more than ten meters away, and Vandergus recognized the rank of lieutenant on his body.

"Lieutenant, how many of us are left?"

The lieutenant felt a little unbelievable when he saw the major general who got up, but he hesitated for a while, and ran away to the east without looking back.

Vandergus had a wry smile on his face, and with a push of his arms, he finally stood up.He looked around blankly, and after confirming the direction of the floating bridge, he staggered towards it.However, after only a dozen steps, there were several gunshots behind him, and Vandergus, who was shot in the back, immediately fell to the ground.He writhed on the ground in pain, and finally lay down on the ground, raising his hands to the sky, as if he was groping for something.
(End of this chapter)

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