godfather of surgery

Chapter 177 Reversal

Chapter 177 Reversal
Director Han came back from the meeting and asked Song Zimo to do the operation. Don't delay work.Let Yang Ping stay and go to his office.

Song Zimo asked a clerk of the hospital about the meeting.

She told Song Zimo that Director Han had slapped the table, and Dean Sun took out the news on the Internet and wanted to fire Zhang Lin, but Director Han said no.

The people attending the meeting were also divided into two groups of opinions. One group believed that there was a reason for the incident and could be punished, but they must not be fired. If they were fired, who would have the heart to work.

Another group of people think that now that the pressure of public opinion is so great, the higher authorities will soon notice that in order to maintain the reputation and order of the hospital, they must be expelled. Messed up.

As we talked, the two factions quarreled and broke up. One was clinical, with a few chief directors at the center, and the other was administrative, with a few vice-presidents at the center, with Director Zhao mediating in the middle. Nothing works.

Director Han patted the table and scolded his mother. Dean Sun suppressed his red face and announced the end of the meeting. We will discuss it after everyone calms down. Dean Xia called back and said that he would deal with the matter when he came back, so the matter was put on hold.

When Yang Ping arrived at the director's office, Director Han drank a few sips of tea, his face and neck were a little red, and he said slowly, "Xiao Yang, have you seen the news reprinted in the group? Now the public opinion is very unfavorable to the hospital. Once the higher authorities pay attention, Dean Xia may not be able to withstand it. Zhang Lin's expulsion is a foregone conclusion. While public opinion is just emerging, we must find a way, you and Mayor Li Daughter, is Li Jingshu in contact?"

Yang Ping nodded. He knew what Director Han meant and wanted to ask Li Jingshu for help. Although Li Jingshu was young, she was a reporter from the city TV station and the daughter of the mayor. She must have a lot of resources in the media circle of G city, and everyone had to buy her account. .

"I'm trying to drag it until Dean Xia comes back, Xiao Yang, let's see if I can talk to Xiao Li and ask her to come forward to help. What happened to our Ke Cui Ermin last time was that she was helping behind the scenes to nip the matter in the bud. I'm afraid I have to trouble her this time, this time the situation is more complicated than last time, and only she can do it, if she can turn the tide of the media, there is hope of keeping Zhang Lin." Director Han said gently.

Li Jingshu, Yang Ping was reluctant to contact her, but for Zhang Lin, he had no choice but to tell her.Thinking about it carefully, it's nothing, I'm a bit self-indulgent, maybe he just wants to make friends.

Yang Ping was embarrassed to make a call, so he had to edit a WeChat message, briefly describing the real process of the matter, and then explaining his willingness to ask her for help. The WeChat message was revised many times before sending it.

Soon, the other side replied on WeChat: "I saw the news on the Internet. This matter is more troublesome. You must have an entry point, and you must move quickly. You must hit a hit before you can turn around. You can go to work with peace of mind. I."

"How about it, will she agree?" Director Han asked with concern. This kind of matter is more sensitive, and people may not be willing to help.

Yang Ping nodded: "She agreed!"

Director Han said happily: "As long as she agrees, there will be a turning point for this matter. Mayor Li's daughter, despite being young, is very smart. What happened to Cui Ermin last time, she was brave and resourceful. , easily resolved the matter in the cradle. Moreover, she is the mayor's daughter, and only she has the courage to speak out on this sensitive topic and fight other unscrupulous media on this cusp."

"Thank you!" Yang Ping replied on WeChat.

"Why didn't you tell me earlier, I only paid attention to it this morning after listening to others, but it doesn't matter, I have a solution, don't be distracted, and perform the operation with peace of mind. I will know how to organize a counterattack when I go to your hospital to find out the details of the matter. I will contact the public relations department of your hospital, next Monday, don't forget about helping my mother see a doctor."

Li Jingshu's tone sounded like she and Yang Ping are good friends who have known each other for a long time.

Yang Ping laughed in his heart, it was purely his own sentimentality, he didn't have any other intentions, he just wanted to make ordinary friends, compared with his generosity, he seemed too sensitive.
In the news department of G TV station, Li Jingshu stood up, walked from the office to the lounge, made a cup of coffee, and made a phone call while drinking coffee: "Xiao Yu, come to the lounge."

A female reporter came in, about the same age as Li Jingshu, in her 20s.

"Senior Sister, what's the matter?" Xiao Yu asked, sitting opposite Li Jingshu.

"Tonight's news program has to be temporarily adjusted, inserting an article about Sanbo Hospital, and now follow me to Sanbo for an interview." Li Jingshu said simply.

"The news about the doctor beating the patient's family?" Xiao Yu guessed it, and she told Li Jingshu the news just now.

"That's right, the truth is not like this. In order to gain attention, many online media take the meaning out of context and fan the flames. What should we do?" Li Jingshu drank a small spoonful of coffee.

"Speak for the truth?" Xiao Yu clenched her fists eagerly.

"Not bad!" Li Jingshu praised.

Li Jingshu is a top student who graduated from the Journalism Department of Imperial University. After graduation, she returned to City G and worked as a reporter on a TV station. She has a good education background, strong work ability, and is protected by her father, so she has a special status in the TV station.

"You're not doing it for that doctor, are you?" Xiao Yu secretly asked, covering her mouth with a smile.

Li Jingshu's face flushed slightly: "What are you talking about, he didn't look at me directly, and he ignored me when he invited him to dinner. It's a little reluctant to add WeChat."

"Look, when you mention him, your face turns red?" Xiao Yu teased.

Li Jingshu touched her face and pointed out the window: "I just sat by the window, did the sun shine well?"

"Don't talk about it, you don't admit it. Last time, you broke your arm and the splint was still in place. You ran around because of the Sanbo Hospital. Why didn't you pay so much attention to the Sanbo Hospital?" Xiaoyu was a little small Aggrieved look.

"Because of that fracture, I think doctors are a sacred profession, and patients are not easy. We should understand each other. As media people, we should seek truth from facts, and should not disregard the facts or even intentionally distort reports on doctors and patients for the sake of so-called news benefits. Conflicts, efforts should be made to improve the relationship between doctors and patients." Li Jingshu said gently.

"I won't tell you anymore. To be honest, who did you give the tie you bought last time on a business trip together? Don't tell me you gave it to your dad. Your dad is not suitable for that color." Xiao Yu insisted.

Li Jingshu couldn't handle it a bit: "Go, go, I'm going to Sanbo, let the rest of the team know."

"When will we go?" Seeing that she surrendered, Xiao Yu spared her.

"Right now, pack your things." Li Jingshu said without delay.

"You haven't had breakfast yet, and you're going out again, can you take a break?" The breakfast that Xiao Yu bought for her was still on the table, untouched.

"Lazy people can't be reporters! Especially in the Internet age, if you slow down by one minute, you will be submerged by the tide. Bring breakfast." Li Jingshu finished her coffee and got up to prepare.

"Television media alone is not enough, it's too slow. I contact several large online media, um, several portal websites. We need to fight back comprehensively and maintain the truth."

Li Jingshu was quick in thinking and acted decisively. She picked up her bag and took everyone to board the Toyota Alphard. In the car, she took out a small mirror to touch up her light makeup.
At noon, Yang Ping and Song Zimo were still in the locker room after the operation. They couldn't wait to take out their mobile phones to see the progress of the situation.

The news spread too fast, and many links and screenshots of the news had been posted in the group, and several groups were swamped by these news.

"The doctor beat the patient's family?——The hidden truth, the news conscience that was wiped out!"

"If your family is being violated, do you choose to keep silent? Or come forward?"

"Who is the beater? Who gave him the power?"
In just a few hours, all major websites reported the same news, clearly describing the cause and effect of Li Shan's beating and Zhang Lin's beating incident, with clear logic and focused points.

The video of the beating family member was also posted on the Internet, describing Dr. Li's height, weight, and usual personality, as well as the height, weight, and bad attitude of the beating family members.

Especially that video, which many other media chose to ignore. Now that it is released, everyone's comments are overwhelming.They all accused the tall and ugly man of beating the unarmed and weak Dr. Li Shan, especially with that kick, which ruthlessly hit the lower abdomen and rolled far away.

"If it's your wife, your lover, or your family members who were slapped twice and kicked a few meters away, it's because they didn't satisfy his unreasonable demands! Do you choose to remain silent, or to come forward? We don't advocate countering violence with violence, but—"

Some people called Sanbo Hospital one after another to ask about Dr. Li Shan's health, and others asked about Zhang Lin's current situation and whether he had been fired. They expressed their support for Zhang Lin and absolutely could not be fired.

Publishing the truth and upholding justice also requires skill.

The power of the Internet is enormous, and Li Jingshu's thunderous counterattack is not commensurate with her slender figure.

If the media in G city gave her face because of her father, then those portals outside of G city don't need to give her father face at all. This is her own network, and many of her classmates and teachers are in each Big media holds important positions.
"Senior Sister, it's a success!" Xiao Yu ran into the lounge excitedly.

Li Jingshu was looking out of the window quietly, holding her chin.

"We're just speaking for the truth!" The tone was light.

"What? Are you unhappy? Can we ask him out for dinner now?" Xiao Yu urged.

Li Jingshu: "No, as long as you can take a look at it often."

Li Jingshu turned her head, didn't look at Xiao Yu directly, and went straight out of the lounge to go to the bathroom. Her eyes seemed a little red and wet.

"What's wrong? Did I say the wrong thing?"

Xiaoyu really doesn't know the situation, what is going on, isn't it good?

"Thank you!" Yang Ping's WeChat.

"I'm just speaking for the truth!" Li Jingshu replied.

(End of this chapter)

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