Chapter 304
After the Lantern Festival, Yang Ping's parents wanted to go back to their hometown, and Yang Ping stayed with the elders for a while longer, but the two resolutely refused.

The health station at home has been closed for nearly a month, and it is inconvenient for villagers to go to neighboring villages to see a doctor.

Yang Ping and Xiao Su drove their parents to the high-speed rail station. The old Yang and his wife came this time and saw that their son had achieved a lot. He even went abroad for surgery and found such a good girlfriend. He was satisfied with his career and love.The old couple are very relieved that the child has really grown up and has his own world, so we can't disturb the child too much.

Sending off his parents, Yang Ping felt melancholy in his heart. Xiao Su took his arm and snuggled up to his side, comforting him.

During this period of time, when Xiao Su and her parents got along, Xiao Su was knowledgeable and caring, and her parents were very happy. Thinking about having such a good wife in the future, Yang Ping felt at ease and sweet.

After returning to the hospital, another day of intense work began. The double motivation of material and spirit made everyone work with great energy.

Life is like this, when you have solved the oil, salt, sauce and vinegar, you are qualified to talk about poetry and distant places.

"Fifth brother, I'm trying to get pregnant recently, and I need to be exposed to radiation. You can do it for me." Zhang Lin is in good spirits. Recently, the cool oil and essential oil in the drawer are rarely used. He held the radiation meter in his palm and looked at it. Yes, hang it in the pocket of your white coat.

Orthopedic surgeons often use a C-arm X-ray machine, which exposes them to some degree of radiation, and radiometers can monitor the amount of radiation received.

"Really or not? Didn't you mean that you don't plan to have a child soon? Feeling full of warmth and lust?" Xiao Wu was a little skeptical.

Zhang Lin is in a good mood: "The sacred thing of procreation has become so dirty and superficial in your mouth! It is the economic foundation that determines the family strategy. The current economic strength can afford milk powder and diapers, so it is natural to adjust the family strategy. You are different, we are scientific family planning, you are a by-product of the midnight impulse."

"No wonder Zhang Lin, you have less pimples on your face recently. Your pimples have decreased. Is it a by-product of midnight impulsiveness? Go to the operating room as soon as possible after the room check. Don't waste time. Senior brother will go to the large operating room to guide Director Gao's surgery. We will operate today." Done, there are a few simple ones, you are the main surgeon, did you review the operation steps yesterday?" Song Zimo urged the two of them.

Director Gao received another patient with quadruple reconstruction of the knee joint. This patient is a professional athlete. The anterior and posterior cruciate ligaments of his right knee were ruptured, and the posteromedial and posterolateral structures were also ruptured. Director Gao had to invite Yang Ping in advance for each such operation. , Let Yang Ping come to the stage to guide the operation.

Before Yang Ping published the paper, he taught Director Gao the operation method in the paper. Director Gao studied hard and performed more than a dozen similar operations. Under Yang Ping's careful guidance, he mastered the operation method and gained some experience.

Now, Director Gao is doing complex multiple ligament reconstruction of the knee joint, and he has caught up with his senior brother, Guan Sheng from Attachment [-]. With some more cases, he will be able to surpass him in time.

Lao Gao puts his posture very low now, completely disregarding the age gap, and regards himself as Yang Ping's student. At this time, he is performing the surgery.

Yang Ping was wearing a surgical gown and stood watching from the sidelines. Director Gao had to ask a few questions about every key step to make it clear.

A three-liter bag of salt water is hung at a height of 1.5 meters from the ground and injected into the knee joint cavity through a connected water inlet.

In laparoscopic surgery, sometimes in order to expand the operating space, specific gases or liquids are injected into the surgical cavity.

Laparoscopy often uses carbon dioxide gas to expand the abdominal cavity and increase the operating gap, commonly known as pneumoperitoneum.

In arthroscopic surgery, liquids such as normal saline are used to expand the joint cavity to make the operating space as large as possible, which is convenient for observation and surgery.

Director Gao's learning ability is good, he tried to imitate Yang Ping as much as possible during the whole operation process.

Enter the joint cavity, check the various structures in the knee joint, confirm the rupture of the anterior and posterior cruciate ligaments, and ask the assistant to start weaving the allogeneic tendon.

For knee ligament reconstruction, your own tendons are the best, and your own tendons are also called autogenous tendons.

However, multiple ligament reconstruction requires a lot of tendons, and it is difficult to use your own tendons to meet the demand, so it is more appropriate to use allogeneic tendons.

Allogeneic tendon is also called allogeneic tendon. It is human tendon, but it is someone else’s. It is taken from the donor’s corpse, and after special treatment, it is stored in a special warehouse and taken out when needed.

There is also a kind of xenograft tendon, which is animal tendon, which is not currently used in medicine.

When locating the tibial insertion point of the anterior fork ligament, Director Gao turned his head and asked, "Dr. Yang, please take a look. Is this position accurate?"

It’s not that Director Gao doesn’t know how to position, but he wants to position accurately and achieve personalized positioning. He must ask Yang Ping for advice. He now wants to pursue high-quality surgery, just like an exam. Ninety points forward.

Yang Ping looked at it, and found that the location was very good. With Yang Ping's approval, Director Gao dared to electric drill the tibial tunnel.

After tunneling the tibia, the plasma knife burns a dot on the lateral wall of the intercondylar fossa of the femur.

"If you want to find the geometric center of the footprint of the ligament, you must be able to identify the difference between the footprint area and the non-footprint area. This difference is very subtle and requires extensive experience to identify. This is the best positioning method. Other positioning, For example, bone spine positioning, stump positioning, and two-step positioning all have certain errors, and it is impossible to accurately locate the geometric center of the original ligament footprint." Yang Ping has no reservations. Teaching one more person about medical skills can save more patients .

"Every time I do cruciate ligament reconstruction, I follow your method to find the geometric center of the ligament footprint. Now I have some experience. Look, is this the footprint area? The bone surface is a bit rough compared to the surrounding area." Director Gao used probe The needle outlines the range.

"Yes!" Yang Ping affirmed the range he drew.

A deputy chief physician who was watching from the side suddenly realized that Lao Gao had been going to the general orthopedics department for the past few months.

After Yang Ping's paper is published, many doctors will improve the level of multi-ligament reconstruction, but that set of methods is a popular version. In order to make it easier for everyone to master, the popular version has to be simplified. Naturally, it is not as powerful as the advanced version taught by Yang Ping himself.

Director Qin of the spine surgery department has also been standing by the side. He took the time to learn from Director Gao.

Seeing Director Gao's scene, I finally understood why Director Gao has made such rapid technological progress recently and performed difficult operations one after another. It turned out that he was climbing the big tree of Yangping.

In the past, if you were an elderly person, you didn't pay much attention to the function, you could just dress up and look good. If you were a professional athlete, Lao Gao would never dare to do this kind of surgery. Now he dares to do this kind of surgery for professional athletes.

This guy is also highly valued by Director Han. The sports medicine center that will open soon, everyone thought that the director would be airborne again, but no, the director's position was reserved for Lao Gao.

The status of the Department of Orthopedics in Sanbo is equivalent to that of a hospital within a hospital, and the departments under it are called centers, which are comparable to other centers in the hospital, and their power and treatment are much higher than those of general department directors.

At present, only Tan Boyun has this kind of treatment in the department of orthopedics, which is called a sub-specialty of the center. Lao Han has delegated all powers, and the hospital has also given many privileges, which is equivalent to a prince.

Take a look at Tan Boyun, he decides who to introduce; he decides to introduce equipment; he can even decide on the performance distribution of Corey.People, property and property all have autonomy, and the whole court envies these princes.

Not everyone has the strength to be a prince. You have to be able to bring out a team of talents, scale up your business, and seize academic high points.

Director Qin is ashamed, Lao Gao looks like this, treats the young man as a teacher, asks him to guide him for an operation, nods and bows, it's a bit embarrassing, he certainly can't do it.

Yang Ping is great, but Lao Qin's qualifications are there, and he can't do it anyway if he bows his head to recognize a student who is 20 years younger than him.

But the attraction of one side of the princes is very strong, not only the income, but also the status, the status in the hospital, the academic status in the industry, contradictory, Director Qin is very conflicted.

"Doctor Yang, look, how about this point?" Director Gao was very sincere.

Yang Ping took a closer look: "That's right, just follow this point to open the tunnel."

Listening to this tone, this doctor Yang screamed like Teacher Yang, and Director Qin's face was burning when he heard it.

Director Gao's anterior cruciate ligament reconstruction has been completed, and now he is starting to do posterior cruciate ligament reconstruction.

"Director Gao, the sets of arthroscopic equipment you applied for have arrived, and the equipment department has also been adjusted. When will you try the new equipment?" The head nurse of the operating room came in.

"Tomorrow's operation will use new equipment. Why hasn't the new plasma knife arrived yet?" Director Gao was a little dissatisfied.

The princes are the kings of one side, and they have autonomy in everything. This style!

"It should be here soon. You applied. How dare they delay." The head nurse explained.

The people in the equipment department are just like the uncle. If it is a general director, they don't take it seriously at all. They prevaricate and practice Tai Chi in various ways.

As soon as the directors of these centers urged them to go to work, they really didn't dare to neglect.

In the final analysis, it is power. The director of the center is a member of the academy committee and holds the votes in his hand.

According to the system of Sanbo Hospital, those votes can remove the director of the equipment department. When several directors of the center meet, a few votes are put together, and the director of the equipment department will not die or lose his skin.

Who doesn't want to be a prince of this kind of hospital.

(End of this chapter)

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