godfather of surgery

Chapter 334 Scare Yourself

Chapter 334 Scare Yourself

During the ward round on the second day after the operation, the child said that he had no pain all night.

The child's father confirmed that the root cause of the disease had been completely eradicated, but the problem came again. The number of friends who had entrusted to contact Dr. Yang had increased to more than ten, all of whom were from G City.

He and Dr. Yang only exchanged a few words when communicating about his condition, so there was no friendship.

His mouth was itchy, and on a whim, he bragged and told others that he was familiar with Dr. Yang. Now his friends want him to make an appointment with Dr. Yang. He wants to come to see a doctor, the sooner the better.

After the house inspection, the child's father followed Yang Ping all the way to Yang Ping's office: "Doctor Yang, I am Zhang Zhe's father——"

"Is there something wrong?" Yang Ping looked at him hesitantly.

"Dr. Yang, I have more than ten friends whose children have a similar situation to Zhang Zhe. I want to bring my children to see you. They all want to have this operation to dig out the root of the disease."

More than a dozen? It is estimated that they are parents who are troubled by their children's "growing pains".

"Most children don't have a major problem with pain, yours is a rare case, not every child needs this kind of surgery."

Yang Ping felt that his misunderstanding was deep, thinking that as long as there were "growing pains", there was a root cause of the disease, and then the operation was performed to dig out the root cause, and the pain disappeared naturally.

"Everyone don't worry, Doctor Yang, please, when is it convenient for you to help everyone?" Zhang Zhe's father went all out and finally expressed his request.

"You ask them to come over on time at 04:30 in the afternoon. When you arrive in the demonstration classroom, I will give you a free consultation. Zhang Lin, you are responsible for the reception arrangements." Yang Ping looked at him anxiously.

Any pain has a reason. If the reason cannot be found, at least some rare and bad diseases must be ruled out, so that parents can rest assured.

For long-term and repeated pain, some basic examinations must be done, otherwise, if you fall into the low-probability circle, you will delay the disease and regret it.

The development of medicine to the present is gradually moving from vagueness to precision, from experience to evidence-based.Examination does not necessarily find problems, and can also confirm that there are no feared problems, such as tumors.

As soon as Zhang Zhe's father heard Yang Ping's promise, he immediately sent a message to the group: "Everyone, hurry up, gather at the gate of the General Orthopedics Department of Sanbo Hospital at four o'clock in the afternoon, and we will not wait after the deadline."

Zhang Zhe's father was so arrogant, there was nothing he could do, who told him to know such an awesome doctor, everyone had to beg him and rely on him for help.

If it's my own affairs, I guess there are various reasons to delay it, so I won't be so concerned, but the children's affairs, it can't be delayed at all.

In the afternoon, except for a few special ones, more than a dozen parents, either father or mother, led their children at the gate of the comprehensive orthopedics department.

The security guard thought that some mass incident had happened, so he came to ask about the situation, saying that he was looking for a doctor, so he didn't ask any more questions.

Zhang Zhe's father yelled, asking everyone to line up, exhorting the discipline of seeing a doctor, asking everyone to pay attention to politeness, it is not easy to make an appointment, everyone should cherish it.

All the parents of the children were overwhelmed with gratitude. Zhang Zhe's father had never taken the leading position among a group of people and received everyone's respect like he did today. He was full of pride as if he had done a great thing for the people.

Everyone followed him, took the elevator to the comprehensive orthopedic ward, and walked all the way. When seeing doctors and nurses, Dad Zhang would take the initiative to say hello, showing that he is familiar with the way here.

Zhang Lin took them to the demonstration classroom, Xiao Wu poured water for everyone, more than a dozen parents, plus children, about [-] people, gathered together, and it was a small scale.

At 04:30, Yang Ping appeared on time. Although he was young, his unique temperament gave everyone a strong sense of trust.

Some people have had an examination and brought a film, some have never had an examination, and now they feel a little worried, but thinking about it, it’s just digging out the root of the disease, it’s not a big deal.

"In fact, most children's lower limb pain is not a major problem. You don't need to be overly nervous. Everyone's situation is different. Not all of them need surgery. The situation of Zhang Zhe's child is relatively rare. For long-term and repeated pain, necessary examinations It still needs to be done, the examination does not necessarily have to confirm a certain disease, but more importantly, exclude a certain disease, the necessary examination is not over-treatment."

Yang Ping explained to everyone in the opening remarks to dispel everyone's excessive anxiety.

Next, see a doctor in order, those who do not have the test results first, and those who have the test results.

Even in the hasty free clinic, Yang Ping was still serious and meticulous, without any perfunctory intention.

For each child, he has to ask about the medical history, check the body in person, and hang the film on the reading light to read it carefully.

"This child is likely to have osteoid osteoma. He has pain in the proximal end of the left calf. There is nocturnal pain, which is progressive and can be relieved by taking aspirin. Osteoma, why didn’t you take a film?” Yang Ping was puzzled, since it was clearly written in Doctor Mingming’s medical record.

"There is nuclear radiation in X-rays. My child has never had this disease, and no one in my family has had this disease. I checked it online, and it is growing pains."

"Listen to the doctor's right, hurry up to take an X-ray, after the diagnosis, do surgical resection, and do postoperative pathological examination. Don't worry too much. If it is osteoid osteoma, it is benign. As long as it is completely removed, the possibility of recurrence after surgery is very high. Low. Any diagnosis and treatment activity is a choice made after weighing the pros and cons. If you don’t do the necessary tests, you will delay the treatment.” Yang Ping had no choice but to explain to him.

"Dr. Yang, I don't understand something. Can you explain to me in detail why you can judge it by just looking at it. Since you are so sure, why do you need to take a film? Also, this disease should also be treated with medicine. ? Why do you have to have surgery?" The parent likes to ask questions.

Rank him first. I didn’t expect such a mother-in-law. The doctor told you to do an examination. Just do it and ask the bottom line.

"You want to understand? First read all the textbooks for five years of undergraduate clinical medicine, then study the textbooks for master's and doctoral degrees in orthopedics, then read a hundred academic papers on bone tumors, and find the orthopedics and oncology departments of a hospital. , I have worked with my teacher and apprentice for a few years, and I will discuss it with me later. Now everyone is in a hurry, and it is not suitable for discussion. Xiao Wu, you can arrange for him to have an anteroposterior and lateral view of the left knee joint? Hurry up and wait until the radiology department gets off work. gone."

The parents wanted to discuss a few words, but they were taken away by Xiaowu, and the parents behind took their children to fill in the vacancy immediately, and Yang Ping gave the next child a physical examination.

"Your child has flat feet, which leads to excessive internal rotation of the calf when walking with weight. Customize a pair of flat foot orthopedic insoles to raise the arch and correct the internal rotation of the calf, and the pain can be relieved." Yang Ping told the parents.

"Flat foot deformity? No way, this thing should be inherited, can you see me?" The child's father immediately took off his shoes and stepped on a piece of paper given by Yang Ping.

"Your arch is normal." Yang Ping glanced at it.

The child's father is a little confused: "I don't have flat feet? How can he have flat feet?"

"Flat feet are just a hereditary tendency. I didn't say that it must be inherited." Yang Ping was afraid that he would be wrong. Some people are stubborn and sensitive, and they will be wrong when they think about it.

Then there was a ten-year-old girl brought by her mother, who suffered from pain on the inner side of her right thigh, which was especially obvious after exercising. Yang Ping called a nurse to accompany her and took her to the treatment room for a physical examination. When she came back, she said: "Dancing leg press injury adduction Take it to the rehabilitation department to do adductor muscle rehabilitation training."

"This is no problem. It is caused by lactic acid accumulation or slight muscle fiber damage after exercise. Take a warm bath at night."

"Look, the chest is slightly deformed, and the lower limbs are also slightly O-shaped legs. Did you suffer from rickets when you were a child? Increase outdoor sports, receive sunlight, and supplement calcium and vitamin D."

More than a dozen children, Yang Ping read it slowly, a few of them were other diseases, most of them were fine, it was due to lactic acid accumulation after exercise or slight damage to muscle fibers.

The parents were all in a happy mood and felt a lot more at ease. They knew the cause of the pain and how to deal with it. The parents of the child who was thinking about osteoid osteoma looked livid.

Yang Ping asked Xiaowu to contact the Imaging Department to arrange the filming quickly. After the filming, he returned to the General Orthopedics Department. Yang Ping would personally explain the condition to the child's father. If he didn't explain this disease clearly, the family might suffer from insomnia at night.

Under the care of Xiaowu, the filming was finished soon, and the adults and children returned to the Department of General Orthopedics with the film and report.

Yang Ping opened the X-ray on the electronic image-reading screen: Sure enough, there was a small osteoid osteoma in the proximal end of the left tibia. The medical history, physical examination and X-ray were three in one, and there was no doubt about the diagnosis of osteoid osteoma. , but the final diagnosis depends on postoperative pathological examination.

"Where's your child?" Yang Ping only saw the parents coming over. For such a big child, he should let him understand, otherwise there will be a psychological burden.

My father saw the raised bone on the X-ray, his face was full of sorrow, and he sighed: "Doctor, you are right, it is really osteosarcoma, doctor, I can't accept such a big thing at once, but doctor, don't bother." Comfort me, talk about whatever you want, I just Baidu, osteosarcoma is malignant, the degree of malignancy is very high, and there is no cure."

As he spoke, his eyes turned red and tears flowed.

"Don't get excited, read these words clearly, consider osteoid osteoma, not osteosarcoma, two different things." Yang Ping corrected.

"It's not the same, one is in the flesh and the other is in the bone." The child's father rubbed his eyes.

"Osteosarcoma is a malignant tumor, and osteoid osteoma is benign. Osteoid osteoma can be completely removed by surgery. You are a typical self-intimidating self. If you have the time to look up information on the Internet, it is better to pick a time and let it go." The child was hospitalized and had the surgery within three days. He was admitted to the hospital the first day, had surgery the next day, and was discharged on the third day. After the operation, he had a pathological examination, so that everyone can rest assured and don’t search the Internet at night.”

At this time, Zhang Lin took out a copy of "Surgery", turned out the chapter on osteoid osteoma, and pointed to him: "Look, this is osteoid osteoma."

Opened the chapter on osteosarcoma again: "This is osteosarcoma, read it by yourself."

The child's father read it word by word, and laughed through tears: "It's really different."

(End of this chapter)

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