godfather of surgery

Chapter 811 Powerful System

Chapter 811 Powerful System

Yang Ping planned to start his own journal. This was not just a thought but a quick action.

Journals are the right to speak in academic circles. In any field, the right to speak is very important. Yang Ping must master this right to speak. Although this kind of pioneering work is very difficult and even thankless, someone must do it.

The 13 CNS articles Yang Ping published this time are just an appetizer. The highlight is yet to come. He decided to publish the subsequent results in his own journal.

The soul of a journal lies in the papers. If the papers published in the journal are world-class, then the journal is world-class.

First-class is never fixed, just like the most heroic saying in the history of our country - Princes, generals, and generals should have their own kind!

Inferring from this - is it better to be world-class?
Song Hanhui has been hospitalized, and the date for surgery has been determined. However, no one has ever encountered such a complex heart malformation, and this kind of surgery must be customized.The Digital Laboratory of Nandu Medical University not only helped Yang Ping create a 3D image of Song Hanhui's heart, but also integrated it with VR technology.

On the second day after Song Hanhui was admitted to the hospital, Yang Ping decided to use VR technology to show the entire operation in order to familiarize everyone with the operation process.

VR equipment is provided by Ruixing Medical. Although the application of VR in the medical field is very narrow, Ruixing Medical will not forget to open up this branch on the technology tree.Maintaining a presence in certain areas is a fundamental requirement of corporate strategy.

After the postoperative surgery in the afternoon, the general practitioners gathered together. Of course, Academician Wang, Professor Chen and Professor Xin were involved, and they put on VR glasses.

Everyone is presented with an extremely clear and realistic 3D heart image, which is so realistic that it seems to be fake.

The heart is connected to five large blood vessels. The arteries continue to branch, becoming thinner and thinner, and finally divide into countless capillary networks, and then return to veins. The veins gradually merge and finally merge into large veins, which return to the heart.

Whether it is the systemic circulation or the pulmonary circulation, it is clearly displayed in front of you.

The beating heart makes a rhythmic thumping sound. In order to allow everyone to clearly see the blood flow in the heart and blood vessels, the heart and blood vessels slowly become translucent or semi-sectioned. After about a few minutes, they return to normal. image.

This kind of VR that uses digital human technology to support the effect is not comparable to that of ordinary medical VR companies. At present, it is only a 3D model created using the skin library of digital human beings.

If Professor He's team completes the entire digital heart, the VR created at that time will not only be viewed with the eyes, but can completely simulate the touch of the heart and the physiological functions of the heart.

You can also use VR technology to interact and simulate a realistic heart surgery, which can simulate almost all surgical details. Cutting the heart can bleed, electrocoagulating the broken ends of blood vessels can stop bleeding, and injecting virtual cardioplegia can stop the heart. The knife can delicately feel the touch of tissue.

After the simulated images of the heart and blood vessels were displayed, the surgical process began to be displayed. A scalpel began to operate on the heart, and then the intervention of various surgical instruments. The entire surgical process was very clear and lifelike, and even the gauze was simulated. Confuse the real with the fake.

The entire surgical process, including the removal of the original surgery, the reconstruction of eight deformities, and the functional status achieved after surgery, are clearly demonstrated. This is the importance of system support.

Today's war relies on the support of the system, and the same goes for medicine now. It relies on the support of the system. Behind the huge progress in medicine must be the progress of science and technology and industry. For example, the development of minimally invasive surgery must rely on the development of endoscopy. The development of endoscopy Must rely on the development of optical and electronic technology.

For an excellent cardiac surgeon to exert his due value, he also needs the support of the entire system - equipment, drugs, anesthesia technology, extracorporeal circulation technology, hypothermia technology, intensive care technology, etc.

"Which company's VR technology is this? Why haven't we used this company before?"

After finishing the VR viewing, Academician Wang took off his VR glasses and asked doubtfully.

Fuwai has also been exposed to VR technology, such as using VR technology to evaluate surgeries and even provide guidance during surgeries. However, Academician Wang clearly felt that the VR images produced by the companies he cooperated with in the past were not as clear and realistic as today.

Because ordinary companies engaged in medical VR applications are just a small business, at most a medical 3D animation company, it is impossible to have the support of this kind of digital human technology.

The Digital Medicine Laboratory of Nandu Medical University has mastered world-class digital human technology and used digital human technology to complete a 3D animation, which is equivalent to college students doing kindergarten math problems.

The VR hardware equipment that Ruixing Medical currently has is also world-class. The combination of first-class hardware and first-class software makes it impossible for any small company to catch up to this level.

"This is our own digital human technology, and what has just been demonstrated is nothing more than the appearance of a heart."

Yang Ping explained to Academician Wang.

In fact, it is more appropriate to use the popular "skin" to explain, but Academician Wang does not necessarily know what skin is, because digital human technology includes many things, the most critical of which are digital cells, which are used to build entire organs.

But in the end, the digital organs must have a realistic appearance before people. This appearance is equivalent to the skin of the mobile phone application. It is only responsible for simulating the realistic appearance of the organs and has nothing to do with the digital physiological functions of the organs.

"It's so lifelike, exactly like a real heart. It's like the real heart is magnified in front of me. I can see the lines of the heart muscle, the blood vessels on it, and the layer of wet liquid on the surface." Academician Wang The meaning is still unfinished.

Yang Ping said to the astonished Academician Wang: "You can touch the heart in the future, and you will feel its softness, warmth and elasticity, just like you are holding a real heart in the palm of your hand."

"If you need it, we can provide you with VR support in the future."

Yang Ping never skimps on these technologies.

"Of course, which company is it from? Why haven't I heard of it? Weicong, Yue Liang, have you heard of it?"

Xin Weicong and Chen Yueliang shook their heads.

"Manager Huang——"

Huang Jiahui, who was sitting in the corner, immediately stood up and presented her business card to the big bosses. Academician Wang looked at the business card and said: "Ruixing Medical - amazing, this is a dark horse in domestic medical technology. Aren't you engaged in orthopedic consumables? Are you also doing medical VR?”

"We are also researching VR technology and maintaining a good level. Orthopedic consumables are our company's initial products. We have expanded our product line and will soon launch artificial valves, pacemakers, and coronary stents -" Huang Jiahui simply said introduce.

Academician Wang nodded in approval. The VR technology he just saw is indeed much better than other companies.

"These products of ours are developed in conjunction with digital human technology, and all have independent intellectual property rights. Professor Wang can contact us at any time if necessary." Huang Jiahui was very knowledgeable and just said a few words at the right time, and then returned to her seat, but This company has left a deep impression on Academician Wang.

In fact, except for a very few people such as Huang Jiacai, no one knows that the major shareholder of Ruixing Medical is Yang Ping, because Yang Ping is an invisible shareholder.

The so-called invisible shareholders cannot be shown on the industrial and commercial registration. It has a complete set of professional plans to protect the rights and interests of shareholders.

The largest shareholder shown on the industrial and commercial registration is Huang Jiacai, and Yang Ping's name is not included.

Yang Ping only wanted to be a pure doctor and had no interest in doing business, but he wanted to have a support system that he could control, so he bought the shares of Ruixing Company and handed it over to Huang Jiacai to manage.

In addition to medical factors, there are many other factors involved in the realization of a new technology. If there is no company that you can control, you have to rely on others to design a simple medical device. If others are discerning and can take a fancy to this device, I agree. Through cooperative development, there is still hope for this device to be realized.

If you encounter a company that has no vision or awareness of intellectual property rights and is unwilling to engage in research and development, the new equipment can only be shelved.It's different if you own a strong company. You can invest money and talent at any time to develop, and finally make money to invest in the next research and development, thus forming a virtuous cycle.

Instead of relying on others, why not own a company and let it grow over time.

Huang Jiacai is a genius operator. He seized the opportunity to compete with giant companies, quickly expanded the market, and made a lot of money from orthopedic consumables. However, he did not waste a penny of the money. He used it all to recruit talents and invest in research and development. .

With good remuneration and company atmosphere, Ruixing has gathered a large number of talents and established several major R&D centers in Shanghai, Nandu, and West China. Various devices with independent intellectual property rights have sprung up.

In fact, products are designed by people. As long as the talents and funds are in place, theoretically any product has the possibility of breakthrough.

Therefore, with the efforts of a large number of talents, Ruixing expanded its consumables into cardiac surgery, neurosurgery and other fields, relying on the cash cow of consumables to accumulate a large amount of funds.

With enough funds, Huang Jiacai began to enter some basic fields, such as experimental equipment, large medical equipment, medical chips, VR technology, biological 3D printing, etc. Although he cannot launch competitive products immediately, he will wait until the technology has accumulated to a certain extent. To a certain extent, it will naturally explode.

"Manager Huang, tell me about your company when you have time. I'm very interested."

Academician Wang is very interested. Since Professor Yang uses their product, it must be unique. It is said that the last myocardial rotary cutter was trial-produced by them. The rotary cutter is very easy to use and there is no similar product abroad.

"Can you give us a few more of your myocardial rotational knives? The one I took from Professor Yang last time was not enough. Especially the blade seems to be disposable and cannot be reused. After I used it, the whole Everyone in the department has asked me for it. Everyone is in love with this minimally invasive surgery. You can give me a few more. When we are proficient in doing it, we will buy a batch from you." Professor Xin said.

Huang Jiahui immediately followed up: "After the meeting, I will send you five more rotary cutters and 25 cutter heads. Thank you Professor Xin for trying them."

"Professor Yang, we have an academic conference next month and would like to invite you to give a lecture. The academic conference will also organize training courses. If your minimally invasive technology can be included in the training content, I think it will definitely be a good thing. This kind of micro-rotation knife It is invasive and safe, and can be easily learned by cardiac surgeons in provincial hospitals across the country.”

Yang Ping immediately agreed: "No problem, Manager Huang, we will prepare some rotary cutters for the students when the time comes."

The academic conference in Fuwai is open to the whole country, and their training courses are the source of diffusion of cardiovascular surgical technology across the country. Once the new rotary scalpel technology is promoted in the training courses, this technology will soon be popularized across the country.

"Xiao Huang, remember to introduce your company's products to me after the meeting." Academician Wang did not forget to remind me.

"Manager Huang, I must give you a good introduction to the experts later."

Yang Ping warned, and then continued to use VR to explain the surgery.
Song Hanhui was preparing for surgery on the third day after being admitted to the hospital, and his surgery was scheduled for the first station.

Early in the morning, before seven o'clock, the nurse began to measure the vital signs before surgery and check various information about Song Hanhui. After completing these tasks, he was ready to be sent for surgery.

"You haven't eaten since eight o'clock last night, have you?" the nurse asked.

Song Hanhui shook his head like a rattle: "No!"

After a while, Song Hanhui asked the nurse: "What will happen if I eat before the operation?"

The nurse asked doubtfully: "Have you eaten?"

Song Hanhui's eyes flickered: "No, I'm just curious and asked."

The nurse breathed a sigh of relief and explained: "Before general anesthesia, you must fast for 12 hours and water for at least 4 hours. If you eat something and the stomach is not empty and there is food, and vomiting occurs during general anesthesia, these foods will be due to misunderstanding." Inhaling it into the trachea and lungs, leading to suffocation and death, is no joke, it is fatal."

"You haven't eaten, have you?" the nurse asked again, because occasionally we encounter some patients who have given good instructions before surgery, but end up eating something, causing the surgery to be delayed. There are many reasons, such as feeling hungry, such as not listening clearly, such as It's okay to eat a little.

Song Hanhui looked at his father who was accompanying him, obviously very scared.

"What's the matter? Are you all right?"

Lao Song felt something was wrong. The child looked obviously scared.

Song Hanhui lowered his head and said hesitantly: "I'll eat two egg yolk pies——."

This time it was the nurse's turn to be surprised. Eating before surgery was really fatal. Why did she encounter such a patient again? This kind of thing irritated doctors and nurses the most.

"When did you eat? I've been keeping watch."

Lao Song didn't believe it. He had been watching from last night to morning. How could this little brat have a chance to eat? It was impossible.

Song Hanhui said timidly: "I went to the bathroom in the morning, and I hid in the bathroom to eat."

"I didn't see you bringing anything?"

"I-I-hid the egg yolk pie in my crotch."

You bastard, Lao Song wants to hit someone right now. It doesn’t matter how you eat normally. At this critical moment, if you are told not to eat, you will eat.

"I'm afraid of being hungry during the operation, so--"

The little fat man with a purple face and lips began to pant due to nervousness. The nurse was not in a position to criticize, so she had no choice but to say: "I'll tell the doctor to postpone the operation. You guys will wait for notification. You will definitely not do this again next time, but Children should also be praised and take the initiative to speak out, otherwise it will be very dangerous to go to the operating table."

Neither scolding nor hitting, Lao Song was so angry that he couldn't beat him anywhere.

Old Song knew that his child was greedy, so he didn't dare to blink his eyes all day long and was always on guard. When he went to the bathroom in the morning, he specifically stared at him to see if he had anything in his hand. His hands were empty and he didn't take anything. I didn't expect to hide something in my crotch.

"Didn't you put all the snacks away and take them back to the hotel for your mother?"

Lao Song asked. He knew that the child was greedy, so he was extra cautious. After dinner yesterday, he packed up all the snacks and asked his wife to take them back to the hotel. Why did he still have two pieces of egg yolk pie?

Song Hanhui lowered his head and said nothing.

After Yang Ping learned about this, he had no choice but to postpone the operation for one day.

Academician Wang, Professor Chen and Professor Xin had to postpone their return to the imperial capital for one day, and the whole plan was disrupted by the little fat man.

(End of this chapter)

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