Nie Shun'e finally waited for the operation. After all, it was an operation. She wanted to finish the operation quickly and go to work.

Their job is not even considered as an individual. They earn a day's money by doing one thing, and get nothing if they don't do anything. Their monthly expenses are not much, such as rent, water and electricity, children's living expenses, and their own needs. Pay social security, medical insurance, etc.

Now that she is sick and hospitalized, she can only rest on her laurels. This is what Nie Shun'e is most worried about. Instead, she worries more about these problems than her own illness.

The surgery was scheduled for the next day, and Nie Shun'e couldn't sleep at all. She suddenly felt that she had a lot to say to her husband. The sleeping pills and estazolam tablets given by the nurse were left untouched by the bedside.

"The top of the wardrobe is your clothes, the middle is the child's, and the bottom is mine. The winter clothes are all in the storage box under the bed. When winter comes, dry them in advance; Xiao Ce's winter school uniform is short, remember Buy it in advance, two sizes larger than the current size; Xiao Ce’s living expenses must be sufficient no matter what, the child will not be able to raise his head if he is short of money; if you remember to have breakfast in the morning, it is too troublesome for you to go to the roadside to buy two buns Eat, don't go hungry, your stomach is not good to begin with; my aunt's family has not paid back the 2 yuan, so remember, remember to urge her at the end of the year; don't rush your elder brother's [-] yuan, it's very difficult for them now. , I definitely can’t afford it. If you have a lot of money at the end of the year and you can help a little, let’s help my elder brother. When we first came out, my elder brother helped a lot. I usually have a bad temper and lose my temper with you from time to time. Many times I know it’s my fault. Don’t take it personally, you are a good husband, and I feel very happy following you all these years—”

Nie Shun'e talked about whatever came to her mind, as if she wanted to say everything she could, fearing that she would never have another chance after tonight.

"What are you talking about? Don't think so much. Didn't Professor Yang say that it's okay? I can help you cut it clean. When you get better, we will sell late-night snacks near the hospital and ask Professor Yang to help us set up a stall or something. Yes, they said Professor Yang is a very nice person."

Yuan Yulin comforted his wife. He seemed very relaxed on the surface, but in fact, tears were already streaming down his face. It was just that the lights in the ward were turned off and no one could see him.

Over the years, his wife has followed him through thick and thin, but she has never enjoyed any blessings. His wife's words are obviously explaining the funeral arrangements.

"I know what I'm afraid of. I'm not afraid of anything. I'm just saying it just in case. Just in case - I mean just in case - you have to find one in the future, but wait until the child goes to college. Is that okay?"

"Don't think too much. If you can't sleep, take sleeping pills."

Yuan Yulin fumbled to open the desk lamp and look for the bag of sleeping pills. Because they lived in a two-person ward, the hospital next door was discharged in the evening, and the newly admitted patients would not come until tomorrow, so they could speak more freely without worrying about affecting others.

"I'll eat later - you have to remember what I said. If you want to find one, you have to wait until your child goes to college to find one. Do you hear me?" Nie Shun'e repeated.

Yuan Yulin's voice was hoarse. He didn't want his wife to know, so he kept silent.

"What should I ask you?"

"Cranky thinking, nonsense! Have a good rest, we have surgery tomorrow." Yuan Yulin handed the sleeping pills to his wife.

Nie Shun'e thought about what else to say before throwing the sleeping pill into her mouth.

With the help of sleeping pills, Nie Shun'e slept for two or three hours. She got up at around three o'clock, washed her face and mouth, and waited for the nurse in the ward early. She used this time to explain to her husband.

At around [-] o'clock in the morning, the nurse came to the ward to conduct pre-operative checks. In view of the little fat man's lesson about eating secretly, the nurse is now very strict in checking food and water before the operation. After confirming that there are no problems and measuring vital signs, she is allowed to take the test. I put the urine bag on the flat car and pushed it to the operating room.

In the doctor's office, shifts are still being handed over, and wards and surgeries are being performed. This is a fixed procedure for surgeons, day after day, year after year, until they retire and become surgeons.

There are only a few doctors on staff at the Institute of Surgery, but there are many regular trainees, graduate students, and doctoral students, so the medical team looks very large and looks very similar.

Dean Xia has done a good job. Wherever Yang Ping's research field expands, he hangs up his signs. No, the signs for the Institute of Hepatobiliary Surgery and Pancreatic Surgery are already on the wall. Later, Dean Xia added There was a signboard for "Institute of Surgical Oncology", and the signs on both sides of the door became increasingly dense.

On the left are the clinical department signs, and on the right are the non-clinical departments. In addition to these clinical departments, there are also the "Medicine" journal editorial department, stem cell research laboratories, etc. If an outsider took a look, they would definitely think that there was a super huge research institution inside.

Although Nie Shun'e is naturally open-minded, she began to become nervous when the flatbed truck entered the operating room and Nie Shun'e was moved onto the operating table.

She was going to have an operation soon, disembowell her, and take out all the organs and intestines. Her stomach was empty, and she actually shuddered when she thought of this.

Don't be cowardly!
Nie Shun'e told herself that back then, she and her husband had just come to the provincial capital of Nandu to explore the world. They started their life with a late-night snack cart. Where there are people, there are rivers and lakes. Even roadside stalls are not that easy. As outsiders, they were ostracized by others. Eviction, friction is constant every day, especially after his business is booming, all kinds of conflicts arise.

Was she timid at that time? No, she had a kitchen knife in her hand, and her husband had a spatula in his hand. Back to back, she was not timid at all when facing the siege of her aggressive colleagues. Whoever was afraid of whom, they came to do it one by one, until the end. Until you get a firm footing.

Just a kitchen knife and a spatula established the husband and wife's status in the world. From then on, things went smoothly without any disputes.

Later, although life was full of ups and downs, life was getting better in the end.

Now lying on the operating table, wondering if there will be a tomorrow, Nie Shun'e suddenly felt a lot of emotions. The past reappeared in her mind like a movie, passing by frame by frame. Unknowingly, the corners of her eyes were full of tears.

There are no regrets in life. She has been working hard for so many years, but it is a pity that her child is still in middle school. If she graduates, works, or even starts a family, she will have no regrets. Even if she has already gone to college, she will feel more at ease, but now she is still in middle school - think more It’s useless, don’t be a coward.

The nurse began to connect the leads for ECG monitoring. The rubbing alcohol caused local chills, and the sound of medical records being flipped through in her ears——
"Nie Shun'e, female, 41 years old -" the anesthesiologist and nurse began to check again before surgery.

Slowly, the noise in the operating room became more and more loud. Fatty Liang began to inject sedatives into Nie Shun'e's veins. Nie Shun'e slowly began to fall unconscious. A cold laryngoscope pried open Nie Shun'e's mouth, and the endotracheal tube was inserted along the way. , crosses the throat and enters the trachea.

The LCD screen in the operating room can also call up the patient's image data at any time, but Yang Ping is still used to watching traditional films on the reader. He stood in front of the reader for the last time.

In the past, he would have copied and simulated this kind of surgery in the system operating room, but now he would not do so, and he did not need to do so.

Now a simulated surgery requires 60.00% of the system points. This kind of consumption is undoubtedly a point suicide, so it is simply unaffordable. Besides, Yang Ping cannot rely on the system for a long time. The system is just a tool. Using tools to improve one's level is the right way. Try to do as little temporary things as possible unless it is absolutely necessary.

Director Fang hurried to the operating room early, brought his senior brothers, and several doctors with him. After a brief introduction and greetings, each of them got into the mood.

We are all doctors. In a place like the operating room, communication with each other is very simple. Surgery is the main topic. After Director Shi shook hands with Yang Ping, he immediately walked to the film reader and started reading the pictures.

Everyone folded their hands in front of their chests and crowded together to watch the movie. Director Shi said: "With eight organs, the operation will probably take a long time, maybe twenty or thirty hours. Your hands are a bit weak. Do you want me to help?" "

Director Shi is also a relatively pure scholar. He doesn't make so many twists and turns and offers to help.

"It's okay, we have enough manpower."

Yang Ping is also straightforward.

“Take the liver or the pancreas first?”

Director Shi asked.

"You see, the tumor tissue is continuous, and it is not easy to separate in the abdominal cavity, which can easily cause contamination, so I do not plan to cut it off. Instead, I plan to take out all the tumor tissue and eight organs at once, which can ensure the removal of the tumor. Integrity and reducing pollution." Yang Ping said while standing in front of the reader.

All eight organs were taken out at once. Director Shi was so shocked by these words that he felt dizzy. Is this young man so domineering?

In theory, there are two methods for ex vivo resection. One is step-by-step excision, which involves two or more organs. One organ is removed and installed one by one. There is a time limit after the organ is removed from the body. If it exceeds a certain time, it will be removed. Necrosis will occur. Even if it is protected by protective fluid, the shorter the time away from the body, the better, so step-by-step isolation can be guaranteed.

Another method is to completely remove the two organs and the tumor at one time. This method will undoubtedly increase the time for the organs to be removed from the body and increase the risk of surgery. Therefore, this is only a theoretical method and cannot be used in reality.

But the second method is not without merit. It has a huge advantage, that is, it does not divide the tumor and takes out the tumor as a whole as much as possible. This can reduce the risk of tumor cells spreading and also ensure the communication between some organs. certain connections.

Anyway, people are here. Let's see what the young people do. In fact, this is the first time that Director Shi has seen Yang Ping in person. He has always heard of his name but not seen him before.

Fatty Liang's anesthesia has been completed. Now Fatty is interacting closely with the flight attendant. He is in a very comfortable mood and the anesthesia speed is obviously much faster. Song Zimo leads everyone to start positioning the patient.

After getting into position, everyone started brushing their hands.

Doctors from the general surgery department heard that there was an operation to remove tumors in vitro. Everyone wanted to learn, so they came uninvited. The operating room was bustling with people. Everyone was more conscious and automatically kept close to the operating table and instrument table. distance to avoid contamination.

In fact, many young doctors in departments are now starting to build relationships privately. Some are looking for Song Zimo, some are looking for Xu Zhiliang, and some are looking for junior Zhang Lin, hoping to be transferred to the Institute of Surgery for a few years. They all realize that surgery Regarding the impact of the work experience in the institute on your career, if you just take the time to come here now and study unsystematically, you can only take a look and not have the opportunity to do it.

The hospital leadership has also seen this trend. The hospital originally had this plan, but now that public opinion is so obvious, Director Xia plans to conduct a major hospital-wide exam. All doctors who are willing to go to the Institute of Surgery can sign up to take the exam. Ranking will be determined based on grades, and admission will be based on ranking. Currently, only one quota will be given to each department. This is Dean Xia's training plan.

He plans to train a group of outstanding key doctors in a few years. This group of people will be the future department directors, so everyone is preparing hard for the exam, hoping that they can enter the general surgery department. Even many young department directors are actively Be prepared, some older department directors are not willing to join in the fun, and it seems a bit bad to compete with a group of young people for places.

Drapes are sterilized and the surgery proceeds as normal.

You can't see anything around the operating table, so everyone is gathered around the screen. Watching the synchronized video of the operating area is much better than looking directly at the operating table.

Director Shi is the boss, and Director Fang is also the boss of Sanbo Hospital. With them as the center, a layered fan shape unfolds, with an LCD screen in front of it. Those standing in the last row took out their pedals and stood there. When you put your feet on it, your field of vision is relatively wider.

Yang Ping has also returned to the stage, and the last pre-operative check before surgery has been completed.

The patient is placed in a supine position, and the incision is S-shaped, spanning the midline from the right upper axillary line to the lower left axillary line. There are no incisions for this kind of surgery in textbooks, and there is no precedent for reference. It depends entirely on the surgeon's specific instructions for the operation. designed according to the situation.

The design of surgical incisions must meet two basic conditions: exposure and safety, that is, to achieve the purpose of exposing the surgical goal under the premise of safety.

This S-shaped incision can ensure that the eight organs are well exposed, can be taken out smoothly, and then put back in, which can facilitate autologous transplantation.

Director Shi stood up, and before leaving the screen, he walked to the operating table alone to watch. He wanted to see Yang Ping's surgery up close, which involved the removal of eight organs from the body. This was no ordinary surgery.

No one dared to squeeze forward to the vacant seat because Director Shi would be back at any time.

Director Shi walked around in a circle, and everyone else gathered in front of the screen, so he could choose a viewing position at will. He chose an excellent viewing position and stood there. He was relatively tall, so his field of vision was very wide.

The smooth incision of the skin gave him a huge shock. With one stroke, the skin was completely cut, and the subcutaneous fat tissue was immediately exposed. The whole process was absolutely smooth and smooth.

Superficial fascia, deep fascia, muscles - the knife cuts in layer by layer.

PS: I actually forgot to type a title. Forget it, the title is just a symbol. thank you all!

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