godfather of surgery

Chapter 847 Professor again?

Chapter 847 Professor again?

Qiu Ruo invited everyone to lunch. She said it was to express her gratitude to Yang Ping. She would often trouble Yang Ping and ask Yang Ping for professional advice in the future.

In order to save time, he ate lunch quickly. Qiu Ruo originally wanted to take this opportunity to chat with Yang Ping, but he didn't know that this guy was a workaholic. The few words he spent during the meal were all about cases, and he didn't pay attention at all. She is well dressed.

After lunch, everyone returned to the department to gather together to discuss the cases.

This kind of case discussion is not very formal in form. Everyone does not have to sit upright, they gather together relaxedly and speak freely, and no one has to worry about saying the wrong thing. However, this is how the treatment plan for the patients in the department is decided after discussion.

"It is no longer realistic to completely remove the tumor, but palliative treatment can be carried out to completely remove the tumor that stimulates the nerve root and relieve the stimulation and compression of the nerve root by the tumor, thereby relieving or relieving pain and improving the patient's quality of life."

This is the final conclusion for patients with cervical hemangioblastoma.

Such tumors and cervical cord are like milk poured into sand, and then the milk and sand are completely separated. When removing the milk, the sand will inevitably be damaged.

The general direction of the operation has been determined. As for how to operate the knife in the intricate corners of the vertebrae, that is a matter of technical level.

Yang Ping's team at Xiehe Belt is independent. The doctors in their wards take in the patients themselves. Song Yun is the young deputy chief physician, so he usually goes out to outpatient clinics. Kong Weiquan, as the attending doctor, sometimes goes out to outpatient clinics. , they usually admit patients, and Professor Liang sometimes admits patients to them.

This group of young people has suddenly emerged in Xiehe Union Medical College and has now become a benchmark department and the envy of other young doctors.

When Yang Ping first came to Xiehe, only 45 of the 10 hospital beds promised by Xiehe were fulfilled. Later, with the efforts of Professor Liang and Lu Donglai from the Medical Office, soon all 45 hospital beds were in place, and now there are 45 beds. hospital bed.

On the 301 side, the cooperation with Yangping was reached shortly after Xiehe, but due to the problem of the number of beds, the cooperation has not actually started. Because in large hospitals, the number of beds is too tight and too sensitive. If new ones are not obtained, In order to provide so many beds, we have to cut off the resources from other doctors and other departments. Is cutting off the resources a good thing?

If not for Professor Liang's great prestige and tough attitude, as well as the strong cooperation from Lu Donglai of the Medical Department and the hospital leaders, how could the Union Medical College have obtained these 45 beds? How many interests would be involved and how many people would be offended by these 45 beds.

The first 10 beds were forced out of the hands of other doctors and other departments, and the 30 additional beds later were obtained by the dean of the Union Medical College through false pretenses.

The 301 beds were later reported by Dean Liu. With the support of his superiors, 45 beds were specially added for Yang Ping. 45 beds was an earth-shaking thing in such a large hospital.

"This case is a 42-year-old female. She developed weakness in both lower limbs 5 years ago. The weakness in both lower limbs worsened significantly 1 year ago, leading to difficulty in walking. The diagnosis is considered to be a space-occupying lesion in the lumbar spinal canal! -" The doctor in charge of the bed introduced the next case. .

"This is a patient referred from a lower hospital. The lower hospital is considering intraspinal tumors, but they are not sure and suspect that the cervical spine is also involved, so they dare not perform surgery and refer the patient to us."

For every patient, Song Yun has to add some medical history information.

Yang Ping took a look and said directly: "The tumor can be ruled out. This is an inflammatory granuloma caused by a parasitic infection. It is most likely caused by the tapeworm Mansoni. Let's do surgery. We've got an MRI of the head."

Everyone immediately looked at each other, surprised by Yang Ping's affirmative statement.

"I urge you to get a head MRI. This patient was admitted to the hospital yesterday. There was no head MRI before. Director Song ordered it to be done yesterday."

The doctor in charge of the bed looked at Song Yun.

Although Song Yun is young, he is already the deputy chief physician, because he can be promoted to deputy chief physician two years after graduating with a doctorate. Of course, this is only the minimum requirement in terms of time and qualifications. If he wants to be promoted, there are many restrictions.

"Since this patient is suspected of having a tumor, we will do a head MRI on her," Song Yun explained.

Yang Ping has seen too many cases in the system space. The magnetic resonance imaging of this case can be seen at a glance. It must be a parasite. Moreover, looking at the imaging performance, the parasite first inhabits the brain and then swims away. to the cervical spine, and finally migrates to the lumbar spine to settle down.

"The head is the home of the parasite, and this is just its final resting place. Doesn't this patient have a history of epileptic seizures?" Yang Ping asked.

The doctor in charge of the bedside shook his head: "No, the patient didn't mention it."

"She usually has a history of paroxysmal cough. She has had this cough for eight years, and the cause has not been found." Song Yun added.

"Paroxysmal cough is likely to be an atypical manifestation of epilepsy. There is a classic saying in neurology - any unexplained paroxysmal symptoms should not rule out epilepsy." Yang Ping's few words made everyone think that the case was complicated. Be clear.

"Let's wait until the head MRI report comes out, next one!"

In order to save time, Yang Ping asked everyone to report the next one.

There are many patients with scoliosis, accounting for almost half of them. One of the more serious cases also has congenital spina bifida, and there is a defect on the back of the vertebrae, causing the spinal cord to bulge backward and into the vertebrae. In such a situation, if Scoliosis correction is extremely risky and can easily cause paralysis. Generally, in this case, doctors will recommend giving up the surgery.

It seemed that many of the patients admitted were suffering from severe diseases. After reading the images, Yang Ping felt that they could be operated on.

Because this department is independent, it is a department parallel to other departments and the Department of Orthopedics of Union Medical College. All decisions must be made by themselves. Unless they ask for consultation, other doctors are not allowed to interfere with them. This is the rule set by Professor Liang.

This group of young doctors, who are usually junior doctors, are now leaders in decision-making. In the past, their level was completely inadequate, but now it is different. They have received the best training, both theoretically and hands-on. All very high.

Other cases, such as cervical spondylosis, lumbar disc herniation, avascular necrosis of the femoral head, etc., are relatively routine and can be discussed once.

It’s not over yet. The MRI of the head over there has come out. Of course, the report hasn’t come out yet. It’s just the pictures. The MRI of the head hasn’t come out with the report yet. Bringing the pictures to the case discussion, if you were in another department, you would definitely feel Not suitable.

But this is the department that Yang Ping leads. Reading images of the entire human body is a basic skill. Even as an orthopedic surgeon, he also has to read MRI or CT of the head.

"Look, the bright white shadows are calcifications. If these calcifications are the remains of tapeworms, it means that the tapeworms originated from the head, then migrated to the cervical spine, and finally settled in the lumbar spine." Song Yun stared at Look at the highlighted white shadow on the picture.

"That's it. The shape of these calcifications is caused by tapeworms, including the calcifications in the cervical spine. You see, there are also such calcifications in the lumbar spine. You can skillfully identify the characteristics of other images. It's not that the characteristics of other images are obvious, but It’s easy to identify them when you usually see them in large numbers, but this kind of parasitic disease of the spine is relatively rare, so it’s definitely unfamiliar to everyone.”

"Let's arrange surgery for this patient. It is estimated that live tapeworms can be removed during the operation. You see, the image of the lumbar spine MRI is of live tapeworms. If you want to compare, do another magnetic resonance imaging. The images here will definitely change. Take a look. There are a lot of bug excrements and the like around."

Yang Ping pointed to the image of the tapeworm in the picture, which aroused everyone's great interest.

Parasitic diseases of the spine are indeed rare, so everyone had no experience and did not recognize them immediately. After Yang Ping said this, everyone began to search for knowledge in this area.

The preoperative discussions for dozens of patients were completed at around four o'clock in the afternoon. Of course, less time was spent on some patients who did not have too many difficulties, and the focus was on some difficult and difficult cases.

After completing the discussion, Song Yun took Yang Ping to the cardiac surgery department.

In order to save time, while Yang Ping was having surgery at Xiehe, Director Wen adjusted the order of the child's hospitalization queue. The bed was available for discharged patients in the afternoon, and the nurse immediately called the child's family to handle the hospitalization surgery. Song Yun called in advance to make an appointment with Director Wen. Director Wen was still on the operating table and could only ask an attending doctor staying in the ward to receive him.

When the cardiac surgeon heard that Yang Ping was coming, several doctors who had already performed the surgery immediately went to the ward to wait. Yang Ping was still very famous in Union Medical College. Doctors in other specialties might not care too much about the Golden Knife Award for orthopedics champion, but 13 articles CNS and the entire Xiehe system knew Yang Ping's name, and they heard that Yang Ping was still teaching in orthopedics. Everyone wanted to get up close and personal with their idol.

The person in charge of the reception was Dr. Chu Huaien. He was waiting at the elevator door in advance. The nurse thought that someone from above was coming to check, so she asked Dr. Chu: "Who are you standing here waiting for?"

"You don't know, Yang Shen from the Orthopedics Department is here and will come to our Cardiac Surgery Department for consultation immediately."

"Yang Ping? CNS Emperor?"

CNS Emperor, this is also the name given by Xiehe. Scholars know how to play.

Even the nurses knew this person. The name Yang Ping was well known in Xiehe University. Several intern doctors followed Dr. Chu and were very excited, just like fans waiting for their idols at the airport.

"Mr. Chu, is Professor Yang looking at the 12th bed that will be admitted to the hospital in the afternoon?"

"Yes, Professor Yang will perform the surgery together with the director. The director asked him to assist in anastomosing the coronary arteries."

"Is that the baby?"


The elevator door opened several times, and it was not Yang Ping and Song Yun who walked out. Doctor Chu guarded the elevator door, looking a little impatient.

Finally, when the elevator door opened, Yang Ping and Song Yun came out.

Dr. Chu went up to say hello, but he was afraid of recognizing the wrong person, so he held back and waited for Song Yun to speak first. Song Yun said, "Are you on duty today? This is our Professor Yang. Director Wen asked Professor Yang to come over and take a look at bed 12."

"The patient is waiting in the ward with his family members in his arms."

"Oh, no, it's the family members holding the patient."

Dr. Chu was a little panicked because of his excitement. After all, he is a great god that he admires. He is definitely a god-like existence if he can publish 13 CNS articles.

There were not many doctors in the ward, but I don’t know who leaked the news that Yang Ping was coming to the cardiac surgery department. Some people from the vascular surgery department who stayed in the ward, doctors from the two departments who had already performed surgeries, and some doctors who were in training all came. The size of the onlookers was actually quite large.

The nurses at the nursing station are usually very busy, and now they took some time out to see what the legendary god is like.

He is a professor at such a young age, and he is so majestic and so powerful.

"Let's go directly to the ward!" Yang Ping didn't want to waste time.

Professor Yang was so dedicated that he went directly to the ward without taking a sip of water. Dr. Chu had more mental activities when he saw his idol.

There are many legends about Yang Ping in Xiehe. In short, this reputation has been accumulated many times before he is worshiped by everyone today. The Golden Knife Award at that time was a blockbuster in the orthopedics community, but it was only limited to orthopedics, and people in other departments did not care much about this specialty. other things.

Later, word spread in the hospital that Professor Liang tried his best to introduce Yang Ping. Then, because of the 45 beds, and the most important thing was the 13 CNS papers, Yang Ping was directly pushed to the top.

"Isn't the 12th bed suffering from Kawasaki disease coronary artery occlusion? How can I ask for an orthopedic consultation?"

Someone in the crowd of onlookers whispered.

"I heard that Professor Yang is going to perform the surgery together with Director Wen. The baby's coronary artery is too thin and no doctor in the country has done it. In order to improve the success rate of the operation, Director Wen invited Professor Yang to assist."

"Professor Yang also knows cardiac surgery?"

"More than just understanding, I heard that the level is very high. I did a lot of coronary artery bypass grafting in 301 not long ago."

"Isn't he an orthopedist? He has won the Golden Knife Award for Orthopedics."

"Now I heard that he can do everything. Like Maninstein, he is a surgical all-rounder."

"No way! So powerful."

"Keep your voice down."

A gradually growing team came to the ward, and the baby was held in the arms of his mother. His parents looked at this group of young doctors and felt a little embarrassed. The leader of this group of young doctors actually looked like a college student.


"This is Professor Yang. Our Director Wen invited us for consultation. He wants to see the children." Dr. Chu introduced.

No way, such a young professor?

Someone must have come here to auscultate the heart pretending to be a professor. The parents of the baby already have experience, and they know that their children have a special disease. These young doctors and interns came here under the guise of professors to get a chance to auscultate the heart.

"A professor also came to listen to the heart at noon." The baby's mother said in surprise.

Immediately, a doctor hid in the last row for fear of being seen by his family members. He was auscultating the heart at noon. He was from the Department of Cardiovascular Medicine. During the auscultation, his classmates from the Cardiac Surgery Department called him professor. In fact, this was an internship. Doctors and young doctors jokingly call each other director so-and-so or professor so-and-so.

Dr. Chu glanced at the crowd. He already knew what was going on, and which kid sneaked in to ask for medical history and physical examination without his consent.

"We are a teaching hospital, so we have a lot of things to do in this area, please excuse me." Dr. Chu had no choice but to explain.

The couple had nothing to do. This was the best hospital in the country, so it was inevitably used as a teaching object. However, auscultation of the heart was very troublesome. They had to untie the child's clothes, and sometimes the child would cry even when he was awake.

This Professor Yang is here for internship, too, but judging from his temperament, he looks more real than a real professor.

PS: I’m a bit busy today, so I posted in a hurry. If there are any typos, please point them out, thank you!

(End of this chapter)

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