godfather of surgery

Chapter 863 Eating pig offal

Chapter 863 Eating pig offal

These tumor cells were cultivated by Yang Ping with great pains. At the beginning, he only took a few from Sisi. It was based on those few cells that Yang Ping established this tumor cell bank.

At the same time, Yang Ping also established two other major cell banks - a normal stem cell bank and a teratoma cell bank.

These three major cell banks are Yang Ping's most powerful tools for conducting research on stem cell cultured organs, but now so many tumor cells have died.

These tumor cells must not die inexplicably, and Yang Ping decided to find out the truth of the matter.

He took half of the tumor cells and put them in the laboratory refrigerator, hoping to temporarily slow down their disintegration and leave them for later study.

Yang Ping put the remaining half of the tumor cells under an electron microscope to take pictures. Cell death is a continuous process. It is not a point, but a line, which can be divided into many subdivided steps.

These dead tumor cells and dying tumor cells do not die at the same time, but die one after another. Therefore, they are in different states during the death process. From the cell membrane to various organelles in the cell, they will show different performances.

Electron microscopes can capture images of tumor cells in different states of death, and by capturing images at the organelle level, and then accurately comparing these images, there is still hope to find out how cell death is triggered and what processes it has gone through.

Although this step of work is tedious, after planning the program, this work can be handed over to the cheap labor force of the system space - the robotic arm.

After Yang Ping arranged the experiment, he handed over the specific work to the robotic arm. After coming out of the system space, he planned to go home from get off work.

When passing by the clinic on the first floor, he heard someone making a fuss. From a distance, Yang Ping saw many people gathering at the door of Professor Cao's clinic, as well as several security guards. A middle-aged man was yelling and swearing very unpleasant words. Several security guards tried to force the man away.

what happened?

Yang Ping went over immediately. It was not known whether the person who was swearing was the patient or the patient's family member. He was being forcibly evicted by the security guards. Next to him was a woman of about thirty years old and a little boy of three or four years old. They should be the man's wife and child.

Yang Ping quickly went into the clinic to see Professor Cao. Professor Cao's expression was very calm. Zhang Zongshun and several other old professors accompanied him.

In fact, it's not a big deal, it's very simple.

The child is the patient and the man is the child's father. The little boy is now 4 years old and his condition is very clear. The ventricular septal defect is about 7-8 mm. Professor Cao suggested surgery. There is no other method for this disease except surgery.

The father of this child is a doctor, and he reasoned with Professor Cao with a thick pile of information he searched online. He said that the Internet said that this kind of situation does not require surgery at all, and the defect may heal on its own.

Professor Cao said, I tell you very responsibly that the information you searched for is all messy junk information. Don’t believe it casually. It will mislead you. Leave professional things to professionals. I am a professional. Please believe me, this kind of ventricular septal defect cannot heal on its own and requires surgery.

The man said that existence is reasonable. Since these information on the Internet exist, there is a certain rationality.

Professor Cao said, I don’t have time to beat around the bush with you. It’s very simple. Operate as soon as possible. If you stubbornly insist on your own ideas, it will harm the child. Do the surgery as soon as possible.

The patient does not want surgery, but Professor Cao says surgery must be performed. This may be the source of the contradiction.

The father of the child still wanted to reason with Professor Cao, but Professor Cao was already working overtime and there were many patients waiting behind him, so he had no time to reason with him. Moreover, the man didn’t understand at all, he just thought he understood and always said so to himself. Speaking to myself, there is no way to communicate at all.

"What you just said is really nonsense on the Internet. Otherwise, I will lend you a few books and you can take them back and read them." Professor Cao asked the graduate student to get some tomes.

I have a Ph.D., but if you ask me to read a book, doesn't that mean I'm uneducated? When a man is anxious, he curses and calls you a bullshit expert who always performs surgery. Even though the Internet says that surgery is not necessary, you say you need surgery.

Professor Cao had a good temper and did not quarrel with him. He just said: "If you don't believe me, what can I do? The child is yours. You have full right to choose. You can believe whoever you want. I'm just a doctor. I can give you suggestions, but I cannot force you to do anything. There is no need to make such a fuss, there are still patients waiting for you later, but I sincerely advise you again, the only option for this disease is surgery, so don’t delay your child."

The father of the child yelled again, you are such a bullshit expert, why do you have no sense of responsibility at all and you ask me to believe the information on the Internet? Then why should I spend dozens of dollars to register your expert account?

Professor Cao was speechless and had to say: Don't call yourself a bullshit expert. Since I am a bullshit expert, you should stay away from me. I am still rushing to get off work.

Originally, Professor Cao was about to get off work, but when he saw that there were still several patients waiting, he felt compassion and decided to add a few more patients and see these patients. This child was the patient he added. Thinking of adding a plus sign will cause trouble for yourself.

Several security guards came over immediately when they heard the noise and immediately advised the man to leave. There was no point in making any noise.

The patients around him also accused the man of being unreasonable and just seeing a doctor. If you want to believe it, just believe it. If you don't want to believe it, go to a doctor you believe in. Since you believe what is said on the Internet that you can heal yourself, why don't you just go back and wait for self-healing? This is so noisy. Which sub-rack.

When the child's father heard that everyone was targeting him, he almost jumped up: "I worked hard to transfer to several hospitals, and they all said that I need surgery. Now you ask for surgery, so what's the difference between that and the doctors I saw before? You're a quack!"

The mother of the child said to everyone: "The child is in good condition now. You see that he is alive and well. He definitely does not need surgery. We know for sure. The doctor said that surgery is needed and there is no other way except surgery. Are you angry?" , take a good child for surgery?"

''You unscrupulous quack, I want to expose you. "The man said, picking up his mobile phone to take pictures, and started pointing at Professor Cao, indicating that he wanted to take action.

Several security guards immediately took action. Some stood in front of Professor Cao to protect him, and some pulled the man away. The man was still unwilling to leave and was cursing, so the security guards forcibly pulled him out.

Several other patients assigned by Professor Cao have never left. Now seeing the man acting like this, they also started to scold him, accusing the unreasonable man of being a doctor. This book has been read into the dog's belly.

However, Professor Cao has a good attitude and is neither sullen nor angry. Since ancient times, doctors have not knocked on the door. If they are willing to believe, they will be treated. If they are not willing to believe, just give it. He does not think it is necessary to quarrel with the patient.

Several plus-number patients were very grateful to Professor Cao and advised Professor Cao not to take it personally.

The man was asked to leave by the security guard. Professor Cao went out to eat with several old professors. Several old guys gathered together. There were activities in the evening, and they practiced Tai Chi with Professor Zhang Zongshun.

The class had a bad day today and encountered such an unpleasant thing. Yang Ping was just thinking that Song Zimo called and asked if he wanted to take a look at the experimental pigs in the animal laboratory. Dean Xia, Director Han, and Director Zhao Several leaders were inspecting the pig pen. Song Zimo was hiding nearby and eavesdropped, saying that these leaders were up to no good.

Planning something evil? What's the meaning? Anyway, it won’t take long, let’s take a look. Yang Ping transferred to the animal experiment building. After analyzing a large amount of data, the muscles transplanted from 20 experimental pigs were found to be real muscles. There was no rejection reaction after transplantation, and the muscles contracted well and recovered muscle strength very well. This greatly increased Yang Ping's confidence. Be clearer about your own research route.

This building has never been quiet since it was transformed into an animal experiment building. People are doing experiments in it every day.

There are now more than 20 pigs fed there. These pigs are also suffering. There is no good place in their bodies. They were fine, but these doctors cut out the heart and put it back again. Xia Shu is like this now. One pig's heart has been He underwent repeated transplants three times.

Now that the experiment on these 20 pigs is coming to an end, the whole hospital is staring at these pigs eagerly, hoping that they can be used to practice their skills.

These pigs can be used repeatedly, and any part of the pig can be used to simulate surgery. Sometimes one pig can allow several groups of people to perform surgeries at the same time, making it an excellent training target for young doctors.

When there was no animal laboratory in the past, there were no pigs for training. Now there are not only pigs, but also many pigs.

Because these 20 pigs are going to be used for muscle transplant experiments, no one can touch them. Now I heard that the experiment is about to end. These young doctors come to the animal experiment building every day to ask when the experiment will end. Once the experiment is over, they are ready to leave in a hurry. Go ahead and carve up these pigs.

I don’t know if Sanbo Hospital is the first hospital in the country to have its own animal department, but if there are more than 20 pigs raised in the hospital, then Sanbo Hospital must be the first in the country.

In order to show strong support for the newly established animal laboratory, Dean Xia and several leaders often visited the pig farm. Now Dean Xia, Director Han, Director Sun, and Director Zhao are inside, surrounding them. A pigsty pointed, as if discussing some policy or plan.

When Yang Ping arrived, Song Zimo pointed over there quietly: "Don't say anything, the leader is inspecting, how about we go and listen to the instructions?"

Yang Ping and Song Zimo tried their best to get closer without disturbing the leaders. The leaders faced the pig pen and focused entirely on the pigs, not paying attention to anyone coming.

"Which pig is healthier? If it has not been tampered with, let's have some fresh pig offal for a few drinks?" Director Zhao suggested.

"Yeah! That's a good idea."

Dean Xia thinks this suggestion is a good one. He hasn’t eaten fresh pork offal for a long time. He remembers that when he was in Annex 1, there was a farm in Annex 1. This farm raised pigs, and several friends could often enjoy fresh pork offal together.

Later I came to Sanbo Hospital. I remember there was a famous pork offal restaurant nearby. At twelve o'clock in the evening, many customers were sitting and waiting for the offal.

Because the slaughterhouse kills the pigs at two or three in the morning, the boss drives to the slaughterhouse at one in the morning to wait for the pigs to be slaughtered to get the fresh offal, so everyone is sitting and waiting for the fresh offal to come into the store, and the scene is very lively.

When the boss bought fresh offal, the car hadn't stopped yet, and everyone crowded in. Baskets of steaming fresh pork offal were brought out from the car. The diners were salivating and began to order after the pork offal brought into the store.

Dean Xia still remembers all this.

"You said that if I give Professor Yang such a large building to raise pigs, it wouldn't be too much to give him a clean pig and give us a meal of pig offal, right?" Dean Xia asked Director Han.

Director Han stared at the experimental pigs in the pig pen. After hearing what Dean Xia said, he replied: "Two pigs are not too much."

"Can pigs that have been tested be eaten? These guys are operating on pigs all day long, and who knows what kind of bacteria they got in them." Dean Sun was worried.

"It's just a matter of getting a pig that hasn't been tested. These experimental pigs are carefully selected. They are very healthy and eat better feed than ordinary pigs. I heard that they also listen to music to maintain mental health." Dean Xia is also a Ph.D. He also did experiments back then, but in recent years he has been a dean and has neglected his major.

"You're saying that the meat quality of experimental pigs is better than that of ordinary pigs?"

"That's for sure!"

"Get a pig!"

"This is a private matter and cannot be counted as public funds. Let Professor Yang pay for a pig from us, go to Nandu Medical University to get a new pig, and send it to the slaughterhouse to be killed one day."

''And send it to the slaughterhouse to be killed? As soon as the new pig arrives, we give it a physical examination, including blood routine, biochemistry, liver and kidney function, and infectious diseases - all are checked to make sure there are no problems before proceeding. We remove the internal organs ourselves, and then let the canteen master cook them. , wouldn’t it be nice for everyone to gather around and have a few drinks? "

"Can't you kill yourself?"

"We eat it ourselves and we don't sell it. Isn't it illegal?"

"Look, that kind of black pig is so strong, the meat must be good."

Yang Ping stood aside, leader, are you here to inspect, or are you here to eat offal?

The leaders seemed to be very interested and did not notice Yang Ping and Song Zimo who were slowly approaching.

''Can your pigs be eaten? "

Dean Xia made a big move, and the resident breeder from the Animal Department of Nandu Medical University ran over.

The breeder said: "Boss, look at what you said. Our pigs were bought from the Canopy Project. Did you know that they live in air-conditioned rooms with constant temperature and humidity? If we want to talk about cleanliness, SPF pigs do not carry specific pathogens." and parasites, it is much cleaner than ordinary pigs on the market. Their pigsty is also equipped with a fresh air system. The air can enter the pigsty after three-level filtration. Foreign items must undergo strict disinfection and sterilization. Not only that, they feed Finally, listen to music to soothe your mood and prevent depression, so that they can grow up happily."

It seems that this meal of pig offal is finished. Dean Xia rubbed his hands:

"If this pig grows in a closed space, it won't taste as good as if it were free-range, right?"

Director Han said: "We are not eating pork, we are eating pig offal. There is no difference between raising pig offal and raising it in captivity."

At this time, Dean Xia happened to see Yang Ping and Song Zimo, coughed a few times and said, "That's right, Professor Yang, let's discuss something with you."

(End of this chapter)

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