The girl who wears fast

Chapter 1288 The Widowed Mother Who Worry Too Much

In terms of how to look beautiful, no matter how old a woman is, it is impossible for a woman to lower her interest. Li Yu is also like this. Hearing that Zheng Shichu said that the clothes she wears are not the right style, she will look old. Immediately, she couldn't wait to ask Zheng Shichu to give her some advice. up.

Zheng Shichu didn't refuse either, and took her directly to the studio of a stylist he knew before, asking him to give Li Yu a makeover.

Li Yu was expecting and apprehensive at the same time. She is just an ordinary person. She has rarely even put on makeup in her life, let alone styling, but now she is being transformed by a stylist bit by bit. It became more and more distinct, and I became more and more beautiful, as if I had completely changed myself, so I was excited and excited.

After she finished styling, she was indeed ten years younger, and she looked like a fashionable aunt.

"Is this really me?" Li Yu couldn't believe his eyes, looking at the familiar yet unfamiliar face in the mirror, his eyes felt hot, and he vaguely saw himself in the prime of life when he was young...

Zheng Shichu patted her on the shoulder: "It's you, the stylist has told you just now, what kind of makeup and clothes are suitable for you, right? In the future, if you dress accordingly, you will become a fashionable sister who others envy when you go out on the street."

"I hope so, I accept your words." Li Yu wished he could glue his eyes to the mirror. Zheng Shichu understood her feelings, and didn't urge her, letting her be as good as she could be.

"Do you want me to take a photo for you?" Zheng Shichu asked her.

"Yes, yes!" Li Yu nodded his head, and immediately took out his mobile phone and handed it to Zheng Shichu, and then posed for her to take a picture.

Zheng Shichu dutifully became a photographer, and when Li Yu finally stopped with satisfaction, the phone's memory was almost full, and soon after, she saw the photos posted by Li Yu in her circle of friends...

Zheng Shichu's modeling career is thriving, and he has good friends around him, so he lives a comfortable and happy life, but her cheap son is not as carefree as she is.

Because his online loan will soon be unsustainable, and the monthly salary is not enough to pay off the debt. However, his girlfriend often asks him for small gifts and dinners. He worries about money every day. , his hair was about to be pulled bald, and finally, after a certain overdue and failed to repay the money, he was pursued by someone.

The colleagues and friends around him were unlucky, and they were so tired that their phones kept ringing all day long, all of them were debt collectors, so the matter of Wu Li's repayment of the online loan that he owed soon caused a commotion in the company. Even classmates in universities, middle schools, and elementary schools know about it...

The people around were troubled by him, and they were so annoying. Many people called to scold him, and many came to mock him, but no one was willing to lend a helping hand to him. This popularity is extremely bad.

Zheng Shichu, as his own mother, will of course be pressed for debts by the online loan company. Her phone kept ringing, and she connected it once. Knowing that it was caused by Wu Li's repayment of the online loan, she immediately wrote a small program Filter out the calls from these online loan companies - she will not change her mobile phone number for this reason. After all, she is a model now. The mistake is to replace the number that has been used for so long.

Wu Li couldn't stay in the company anymore after being chased for debts. The boss tactfully asked him to resign, but he knew that if he really resigned, he might not be able to find another job, so he had the audacity to stay in the company Li refused to leave, but many colleagues protested. In the end, the boss had to admit that he had paid three months' wages and fired him.

The three-month wages paid for the compensation were taken away to pay off the debt before he stayed in his card for 3 minutes. However, this amount of money is still a drop in the bucket, and he still owes a huge debt.

Wu Li, who has no job and no money, naturally has no money to rent a house. He went to find his girlfriend Xu Xiaorou and wanted her to help him temporarily. broke up.

Wu Li couldn't believe his ears. He looked at Xu Xiaorou who seemed to be a different person in front of him, and said, "Break up? Why did I get an online loan? Isn't it to give you gifts and treat you to dinner? It's all because of you, I became like this, but now you want to break up with me?!"

Wu Li's face was ferocious, his hands were tightly clenched into fists, and his eyes were fixed on Xu Xiaorou, but Xu Xiaorou only found him annoying, and said contemptuously: "Don't use me as an excuse! The little gift you gave is worth tens of thousands of dollars!" No, are you ashamed to say? Never once did I go to a high-end place to eat, so poor, every time I go out to eat with you, I dare not post on Moments, for fear of being laughed at by my sisters... you now I've been chased for debts, I won't break up with you, am I waiting to help you pay off your debts? I'm not cheap!"

Wu Li's face was distorted immediately, and he gritted his teeth and said, "Xu Xiaorou! I didn't expect you to be such a person who hates the poor and loves the rich, and is greedy for vanity. You made me miserable, but you want to break up? Let me tell you, it's impossible, I Death will drag you into the water!"

"Wu Li! Are you still a man? I didn't force you to borrow the online loan, so what does it matter to me? If you are sensible, you can get together with me. If you dare to continue pestering me, then I will be right." You're welcome!" Xu Xiaorou's tone became bitter.

In fact, even if Wu Li has been sorry to anyone, he has never been sorry to Xu Xiaorou. Xu Xiaorou is probably his true love. He has worked hard for her in college, and even helped her with her homework and washed her clothes and socks. She is so virtuous that there is nothing to say; It would be better for her if she could earn money after going to work. Except for the rent and a little money, the wages were basically spent on her.

Wu Li is not a good son or a good colleague, but he is definitely a good boyfriend. In the plot of the original world, even if Xu Xiaorou’s family had to ask for a gift of 50 yuan to agree to their marriage, Wu Li still forced the original owner to take the money out ?After that, Xu Xiaorou still wanted to buy a house, and Wu Li forced the original owner to pay the down payment...

It can be said that Wu Li didn't even treat his own mother so well, but Xu Xiaorou obviously didn't have such "true love" for Wu Li, knowing that he owed money, he immediately wanted to leave.

It's a pity that Wu Li was anxious and panicky because of the online loan, and was abandoned and ridiculed by his girlfriend, so he suddenly broke down emotionally. Because of his love and hatred for Xu Xiaorou, he really started pestering her, making her restless.

Finally, during a certain fierce dispute, Wu Li got angry and impulsively stabbed Xu Xiaorou several times with a knife.

Xu Xiaorou didn't die, but her intestines and a kidney were stabbed. Even if she was still alive, the sequelae would torture her for the rest of her life; while Wu Li was of course imprisoned and sentenced to life imprisonment.

After Zheng Shichu found out about this, he even went to visit him in prison, but Wu Li resented her, thinking that if she hadn't suddenly cut off contact and refused to give him money, he wouldn't have borrowed money, he wouldn't know how to borrow money online... Finally came to this result.

He was in jail and felt that everything was someone else's fault. Zheng Shichu felt that he was hopeless, and he never saw him again.

She has money and leisure by herself, lives a leisurely life without children, and has become one of the legends in the modeling world.

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