The girl who wears fast

Chapter 137 Husband Reborn

Chapter 137 The Husband Is Reborn (21)

Seeing that Wen Rumin had completely stabilized the scene, Liu Shichu once again told her to pay attention to the safety of her home and store food, and then left Cui's house.

Seeing that the family members of the two families are all right, she was completely relieved, and finally remembered that she still had a tavern, which was still open during the earthquake. There is wine everywhere in the house, and the jars and glasses are not strong containers. This earthquake will definitely break a lot, and the situation will not be very good.

With the mental preparation of seeing a bunch of drinkers and the staff being injured, Liu Shichu arrived in front of the tavern, but couldn't help but widen his eyes in shock!

It's not because the situation is more serious than she imagined, on the contrary, the situation is much better than she imagined.

"Boss, you're finally here? Are you okay?" Qi Zhixi, who was following a waiter to carry out a jar of surviving wine from a half-empty tavern, said in surprise when he saw Liu Shichu, and threw her After looking up and down, she found that the clothes on her body were obviously dirty, and there was even a red patch, so she became worried again.

Liu Shichu shook his head and said, "I'm fine. How is the situation in our store? Are there any casualties?"

Qi Zhixi put down the wine jar, wiped his hands, and said:

"Three customers and two clerks were injured, but the condition was not serious. The others were frightened and are still in shock. Our store has suffered relatively large losses. As you can see, half of the house collapsed, but we The house of the tavern was built relatively solidly, and this half only collapsed at the end of the earthquake, and almost all the people in the tavern escaped at that time, so no one was crushed to death.”

Qi Zhixi felt a little lucky when he said this. If the fruit tavern was not built strong enough like the shops next to it, it would definitely crush many people to death when it collapsed.

"That's good. As long as the people are fine, other losses in the store don't matter." Liu Shichu said with a sigh of relief. Whether it was a drinker or a guy, if they died in the tavern during the earthquake, then as the owner, she must have escaped. It's her responsibility, but fortunately the tavern she built was strong enough.

"By the way, after the earthquake stopped, I asked a doctor next door to help them apply medicine and bandages for the injured customers and employees in the store. I also asked a few uninjured employees to send them home one by one. " Qi Zhixi said with a smile,

"Our tavern is half down, and there is no place to put them, so it is best to send them home and be taken care of by their families. Of course, I also gave them ten taels of silver for medical expenses."

Qi Zhixi looked at Liu Shichu, wondering what she meant, and asked, "You don't blame me for making my own decisions, do you? I'm just afraid that their family members will make trouble, and if they also suffer from the earthquake If you have this silver, you can be more generous for a while..."

"You did the right thing, it's necessary to appease them in time." Liu Shichu said, she looked at Qi Zhixi in surprise, she didn't expect him to be far-sighted, although the earthquake is a natural disaster, she has no unnecessary responsibility at all To compensate the injured guests and staff for medical expenses, but taking the initiative to pay can save a lot of follow-up troubles.

Hearing Liu Shichu's exaggeration, Qi Zhixi couldn't help but smile, but when he saw the miserable situation around him and remembered that it was not a happy time, he immediately restrained his smile and said, "There are still some unspoiled wine inside." And wine glasses and tables and chairs, I was just looking for these with two guys."

Looking at the mess of the tavern, Liu Shichu felt a little headache. There are still some undamaged things in the ruins. If they are not picked up in time, they will definitely be picked up by others, but if they are picked up, it will take time and effort.

But when you think about it, the tavern will definitely be rebuilt, and it won't be soon. After all, after the earthquake in the capital, collapsed houses are everywhere, people are displaced, and there are many people who need to rebuild houses. The craftsmen must be very busy, Liu Shichu would not be so heartless and eager to build a shelter for the common people to rob the workers.

Moreover, selling alcohol in her tavern is not a necessity for the common people. After this natural disaster, it will take a long time for the business to recover, so there is no need to rush to rebuild.

If there is no rush to rebuild, the things picked up from the ruins will have to find a place to put them.

"Then you guys find out the things that are not broken first, and then I will find someone to move to my village outside Beijing. The situation there should not be too bad." Liu Shichu said.

Some of the wine and wine utensils she has here are quite expensive, and if they can be recovered, the loss will be less.

Qi Zhixi went back with his two buddies to look for things again, and Liu Shichu went back to Liu's house. The younger and younger nieces and daughters-in-law worked together, not only set up a few big tents, but also recovered a lot of rice. The injured, the other servants have resumed their work, and everything is in order.

Although the atmosphere is still relatively gloomy, except for a few servants who unfortunately did not have time to escape, the rest of the Liu family survived. Compared with other families, the casualties were not too heavy, so there were no slaves in the Liu family who took advantage of the heavy casualties of their masters to steal. The situation of scrambling for the property of the master's house.

"Sister-in-law, has everything settled down at home?" Liu Shichu asked Wang.

Mrs. Wang had already changed out of her blood-stained clothes and was drinking water calmly. If she didn't look at her legs, she would think that she was not in a simple tent at this time, but in her gorgeous hall. drink tea.

He regained his composure so quickly. Sure enough, Jiang is still old and spicy. He has experienced a lot, and he can quickly calm down in any situation.

Seeing that she came back in good condition, with no missing arms or legs, the calmness on her face was broken in an instant. She glared at Liu Shichu and said, "Fortunately, nothing happened to you! That Dilong didn't turn around before." When it's over, you run out in a hurry. I'm afraid that something will happen to you. You are also very courageous. You are so impulsive even at an old age. If something happens to you, how can I explain to your elder brother..."

Liu Shichu said with a bitter face, "Sister-in-law, didn't something happen to me? I'm back well. Your worries are superfluous. You should take good care of your wounds."

Wang still scolded her for a long time before remembering to ask Wen Rumin about their situation: "Wen and Jinrong, are they all right?"

"It's all right, everything is fine. I told Wen Shi to pay special attention to the safety of the mansion recently, and be careful of those people outside taking advantage of troubled waters to take advantage of the opportunity to smash and loot."

"As long as it's fine, you're right. After the disaster, there must be chaos. This time, the ground dragon turned around and made such a big noise. I don't know how many people died outside. It will be chaos for a long time." Wang recalled this incident. The severity of the natural disaster made his face involuntarily heavy.

"Yes, I saw that the situation outside is very miserable. There are ruins everywhere, and there are many casualties. I don't know if the imperial court will have appeasement measures, and the capital cannot continue to be chaotic." If it is not done well, it can easily lead to civil unrest.

(End of this chapter)

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