Chapter 508

Hua Shichu put the small game on the Internet for people to try, and then she didn't pay much attention to it. She was busy doing her homework and making money in the stock market. After all, after buying a house, she didn't have much money left. If the quality of life is not reduced, she can't just sit and eat.

It's funny to say that the bank and bank cards that the Hua family gave her were actually frozen. Needless to say, it must have been done by the Hua family. They wanted her to go home and admit her mistake obediently after she ran out of money, but Hua Shichu would be blocked. Someone they blackmailed?impossible.

At this time, the Hua family was also talking about Hua Shichu, and Hua's mother asked Hua's father: "Did that unfilial girl call back and ask for money?"

"No! If I don't give it to her, since she is so powerful, we can support ourselves. Anyway, she is an adult, and we have no obligation to support her anymore." Father Hua said angrily. If she grows fat, she will be very angry, wishing she had never had such a rebellious girl.

Mother Hua also sneered and said, "When she has no money, she will know that she has made a mistake, and then she can only come back disheveled. I will see what face she has."

This couple treats their biological daughter like an enemy. Even if they are angry with a child, normal parents will first worry about whether she will starve and freeze after she has no money, rather than thinking about letting her go back and admit her mistakes.

Hua Shichu didn't know that there were still people who wanted her to bow her head and admit her mistakes. She didn't know how happy she was outside, and the courses in school were basically not difficult for her, so her energy was mainly spent on other places.

Now she spends it on a boy she picked up casually. When Hua Shi first saw this boy, he was picking up drink bottles in the trash can, and it seemed that he wanted to sell them for money.

There was also a long scar on the boy's face, from the upper right corner of his forehead to the left chin, across the entire face, making his originally handsome face look hideous and terrifying.

To make matters worse, he was still limping when he walked, so Hua Shichu couldn't help calling him to stop, and handed him the bottle of pure water that he had finished drinking.

The boy took it without saying a word, and then limped away with the snakeskin bag. Hua Shichu followed him slowly, and followed him for most of the street.

The boy didn't know if he noticed who Hua Shichu was with, or maybe he didn't care if he did, but he didn't respond to Hua Shichu's actions.

He walked to a secluded alley, and then greeted a gangster with an iron rod.

"Hey, cripple! Didn't I tell you that you are not allowed to pick up garbage here? This is my territory!" The gangster in front stopped the boy and said fiercely.

Hua Shichu couldn't help but be surprised. These days, gangsters have started to pick up garbage?Is this diversification of money-making channels?

The boy ignored those people at all, and wanted to avoid them and leave, but those people came here to find fault with him, how could they let him leave?

So when the gangster saw that he was going to leave, he immediately pushed him with his hand: "I'm talking to you! Are you not only lame but also dumb? You came to Lao Tzu's site to pick up garbage, didn't you put my big brother in the place?" Do you see it?"

Pushed by him, the boy staggered a little, and managed to stand still. He still didn't speak, and stood there with his head down, holding his snakeskin bag tightly in his hand.

The two sides confronted each other, and the big brother in the lead was very impatient: "I think you are toasting and not eating or drinking fine wine! Brothers, teach me a lesson and let him know that my big dragon is not so easy to mess with!"

As they spoke, the gangsters surrounded the boy, as if the hyena had seen its prey, and excitedly raised its hand to beat the boy.

The boy resisted with all his strength at the beginning, but he was already weak and his foot was not flexible enough, so he soon lost the wind and was beaten so hard that he could only hold his head while holding his body tightly. Protecting his bag of soda bottles.

"Haha, you really are a coward! Tell me, do you dare to pick up trash on Brother Dalong's site next time?!"

"Don't say yes, everyone will hit harder!"

Then those people really played even crazier.

Seeing that he had to protect the snakeskin bag tightly even when he was beaten, a little bastard pulled the snakeskin bag out of his arms abruptly and snatched away the half-bag of plastic bottles. .

Now the boy became fierce immediately, completely different from the passive resistance just now, he stared at a pair of red eyes, like a hungry wolf staring at the only prey, and slammed on the one who snatched his snakeskin bag The little bastard, pinned him to the ground, and hit the little bastard's head with his fist like he wanted to die, and he aimed for that person to hit him, and the frenzied energy scared the group of bastards.

The punk who was beaten by him soon begged for mercy with a bruised nose and a swollen face, but the boy didn't seem to hear it, and the punch was harder than the punch, and the other punks who had just been startled by his viciousness also reacted at this time.

"You fucking dare to resist? You weren't beaten hard enough, right?" Brother Dalong said angrily, and asked the others to continue beating. .

When Hua Shi first saw and continued to beat the boy, the boy was about to be beaten to death, so she finally made a move. She quickly snatched one of the gangster's iron rods, and then hit several people on the head, one person at a time, first Beat them until they were dizzy, and then each of them repaired the stick, breaking their hand holding the iron bar. Now the gangsters just screamed and couldn't beat anyone anymore, even when they were pressed by the boy. The little bastard who was beating him almost passed out.

"Do you want to call the police?" Hua Shichu asked the boy who looked like a wolf cub.

The boy wiped the blood from his face, and said in a hoarse voice, "Yes."

Hua Shichu raised her eyebrows immediately, she thought that this boy might think that more things would be better than less things, and she didn't plan to call the police, but she didn't expect that.

"You report it yourself, I don't know the address here." Hua Shichu said, and handed him his mobile phone.

Just as the boy was about to take it, he saw that his hands were all dirty, including his own blood, that little bastard's, and dust. It looked dirty, but Hua Shichu's mobile phone was fashionable and beautiful, so He took his hand back again.

Hua Shichu took out a pack of tissues from his bag, pulled out one, took the boy's hand, and wiped it slowly for him. The boy still wanted to resist, but Hua Shichu was so strong that he couldn't Unable to withdraw his hand, he had no choice but to let her wipe it.

After wiping his hands clean, the boy started calling the police.

After the other gangsters wailed, they finally regained their senses and saw the boy wanting to call the police. They became anxious. Brother Dalong said, "I will remember you all! Be careful when you go out in the future!"

Then he wanted to leave with a group of younger brothers, but was Hua Shichu the one who would let them leave?She wasn't, she held the iron rod, like driving sheep, and enclosed the gangsters in this area, and couldn't leave at all.

(End of this chapter)

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