The girl who wears fast

Chapter 585 The Exiled Female Prisoner With 1 Corpse and 2 Lives

Chapter 585 The Exiled Female Prisoner With One Corpse and Two Lives (20)

But the next day, before the concubine of King Lu had time to go to Gongliang Mansion from the mansion, she first saw the ten taels of silver that Lan Shichu sent to her door, and the servant who brought the silver dutifully conveyed to Lan Shi Chu Chu’s words: At the beginning, Prince Lu’s mansion gave her ten taels of silver divorce money, and now she returns the ten taels of silver divorce money reciprocally. Nevermind, I hope some people don't forget.

When King Lu heard these words from his subordinates, his head was about to smoke with anger. He never thought that Lan Shichu could do such an amazing job, and he actually slapped King Lu in the face. He was so arrogant and had no face They are not left to the mother's family.

Because the servants sent by Lan Shichu spoke at the gate of Prince Lu's mansion, so when other people outside the gate heard this, they immediately discussed, saying that Prince Lu's mansion was afraid of being implicated by the exile of the granddaughter and daughter's husband's family before. , actually severed ties with his granddaughter and daughter, and didn't recognize that poor girl!Prince Lu's mansion is really heartless.

Of course, there are also people who say that Lan Shichu's temper as a daughter is too big, and her natal family had some difficulties in cutting off ties with her at the beginning. After all, Lu Wang and his family can't be affected by a married woman, right?So it is justifiable to sever ties with her, Lan Shichu should not be considerate of them, after all, there are no wrong parents in the world...

King Lu's son knew that Lan Shichu had revealed all of this, and he was furious but helpless. In the end, Chen Shi didn't have to go to Lan Shichu again, because she had already torn her face, and it was obviously impossible to forgive her. their thoughts.

Lan Shichu didn't know that her coquettish behavior stopped an uninvited guest and avoided a bit of trouble. At this time, she was dragged by Gongliang Yuzhu to complain helplessly, saying that her mother hired a very strict nun to teach her She, her daily etiquette class is very tormented, asking her to learn etiquette rules is no less than sending a scholar to the battlefield.

Lan Shichu was amused by her, and said, "Is that why you don't want to learn?"

"Of course, that nanny has a serious face, wishing that every step I walk is exactly the same distance, and my waist must be straight when I walk. I am more tired than hunting. I really can't stand it, auntie , or you can tell my mother, I don't want to take this kind of class." Yuzhu said pitifully that she was very painful.

Lan Shichu shook his head with a smile, and refused: "No, I won't interfere with your mother's education, and you really should learn the etiquette rules. After all, you are not in a place of exile, but in the capital. I often have to meet girls from other families. If the etiquette and rules are not learned well, the girls from Gongliang's family will have a bad reputation.

But this kind of etiquette is not difficult, is it?Could it be harder than I used to teach you to hunt? "

"Of course it's more difficult than hunting. I'm going to hunt randomly, but I don't like to learn how to walk like a tortoise on my feet all day long." Yuzhu pouted and said unhappily.

"Then you should learn it as soon as possible, otherwise, wouldn't it mean that the more you procrastinate, the more you will suffer? It's better to finish it in one go, anyway, you can't skip class." Lan Shichu said kindly.

"Well, actually, returning to the capital is not as fun as when not returning." Gongliang Yuzhu's heart is playing wild, and she can't take it back. Her mother wants her to become a well-behaved lady again, which is worse than going to heaven. Difficult.

Lan Shichu didn't want to hear her complaining about these things, so he drove her away, not letting her disturb his leisure time. Anyway, she just needs to be a salted fish now, and the family has no other demands on her, probably because she feels indebted for her sake.

When Gongliang Subai returned to the main room, he saw Lan Shichu lying on the Arhat bed and fell asleep, with a few bunches of grapes and a few peaches on the table.

Afraid of waking her up, Gongliang Subai stopped at the door and couldn't help looking at Lan Shichu.

Her appearance at this time was not very elegant, one leg was curled up, the other was stretched out, her lower skirt was lifted a little, revealing the white petticoat inside, and her top was thin and close-fitting because it was worn indoors. It revealed all the curves of her body, making her slim and beautiful figure a bit charming.

At this time, Gongliang Subai seemed to remember, oh, it turns out that his wife is still a woman in her prime, fresh and unique, not a symbolic or boring object.

He used to have other sweethearts, but unfortunately after the family experienced a catastrophe, he lost the love for his children, and seeing his former sweetheart, he couldn't feel the slightest emotion or throbbing, as if all the enthusiasm in him had disappeared.

Now when he sees Lan Shichu, this woman who feels strange to him, but who has given birth to a child for him, and raised the child alone with difficulty, is his wife. Even if he doesn't like his wife who has suffered a lot, he still has gratitude and guilt. He is determined not to let her down.

Gong Liang glanced at Lan Shichu's fair and beautiful face, then reincarnated and left gently.

Lan Shichu turned over impatiently, and felt that she had to tell Gong Liang not to come in and out of her place casually, because it would bring her a lot of inconvenience, and she didn't want to share her righteousness with him. hospital.

There is no emotion in the first place, why force them to be tied together?Even if he feels guilty and wants to "compensate" himself, it depends on whether he wants it or not.

After Lan Shichu, he really went to find Gongliang Subai, and told him not to find another place to rest casually, and not to go in and out of his room casually. When Gongliang Subai heard her words, his face was very complicated, but he was in a bad mood. At the beginning of the complex blue, I was not interested in exploring it. Wouldn't it be good for everyone to live their lives with respect and respect?
Gong Liang went back to his study in a depressed mood. He never thought that one day he would be banned from entering the main room by his wife. She was clearly his legitimate wife. Where could he not go?Is it the reason why she has no feelings for me because she distinguishes me so clearly?
Gongliang sighed in vain. In fact, he had committed crimes on his own before. He married her unwillingly, and then left her on the second day of the wedding and ran away from home. I couldn't help at all, and I don't blame her for treating herself like this now...

Afterwards, Lan Shichu really had his own yard, a place that Gongliang Subai would not easily step into. Even if he wanted to discuss something with her, he would go to her study and talk to her.

So Lan Shichu was very satisfied, and felt that Gongliang Subai was not an autocratic, domineering, and domineering man, he would not pretend to be affectionate towards her, and he acted properly and did not cross the line, which is good.

(End of this chapter)

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