The girl who wears fast

Chapter 769 God Assists Little Sister-in-law

Chapter 769 God Assists Sister-in-law (2)

"I have something to do. I'm not feeling well right now." Zhu Shichu said expressionlessly.

"Then ask Anderson to make an appointment with your family doctor for an examination. I'm not a doctor. I can't help you if you feel uncomfortable." Zhu Yaochu said confidently.

Then he smiled and said to Zhu Shichu: "By the way, Shichu, have you seen your sister Xiaoling?"

"No, just after I entered that place, I met a gangster who wanted to rob me. I escaped with great difficulty. Brother, I will never go to such a dangerous place next time." Zhu Shichu said very unhappy .

"What? There are gangsters who dare to rob?" Zhu Yaochu was shocked when he heard it, and his face was full of anxiety.

Zhu Shichu thought that he finally looked like an older brother, and knew how dangerous it would be for his younger sister to go there alone, but the next moment, Zhu Yaochu said worriedly: "Isn't it dangerous for Xiaoling to live in such a place? I told her to move out, but she didn't listen, saying that if she lived in my place, she would appear to be vain and clingy, so she agreed to move away..."

Zhu Shichu's face suddenly turned cold, she was wrong, Zhu Yaochu was not a qualified brother, and he didn't have a sister like the original owner in his heart, what he was thinking of was his beloved girlfriend.

"By the way! At the beginning of time, didn't you have a very nice house on Huilin Street? It was your birthday present from your parents a few years ago. It was right in the city center, with a good safety environment and suitable for girls to live in. Anyway, you Can't stand it, why don't you just let your sister Xiaoling move in?" Char Siu Zhu Yaochu had the audacity to set his mind on the original owner's house.

Zhu Shichu sneered and said, "Don't you own a lot of houses? Just give her one?"

"No, my parents will find out. They have a lot of prejudice against Xiaoling before. If Xiaoling lives in my house, won't it make my parents even more angry? Your house is different. Parents usually don't check In your house, they won't find out that Xiaoling lives with you, so you can help me and your sister Xiaoling?" Zhu Yaochu was very relaxed and begged when there was a request to Zhu Shichu.

"Sister, brother knows that you are the kindest, don't you have the heart to live in such a place?" Zhu Yaochu looked at Zhu Shichu pitifully. Compromise and make various covers for his love.

But now that Zhu Shichu has changed his soul, he will not follow his tricks anymore, so Zhu Shichu said very firmly: "Be patient, she is your girlfriend and not mine, this time you can figure out a way for yourself Come on, I won't accompany you anymore!"

After speaking, she turned off the video projection without waiting for Zhu Yaochu's reaction.

After Zhu Shichu rejected Zhu Yaochu's request, he opened his own account and directly changed the password of his property account. Before Zhu Yaochu refused to break up with Meng Ling because of his death, the original owner's parents froze the property in his account. He had no money to go on dates or buy gifts for Meng Ling, so he borrowed money from the original owner. I can use my own money freely.

Zhu Yaochu spent the original owner's money to fall in love with Meng Ling very unceremoniously. Up to this time, he had already spent more than 100 million interstellar coins from the original owner. If it was later, the eight-figure money in the original owner's account would be lost. Can be used up by him.

Now that Shichu has taken over everything from the original owner, naturally he won't take advantage of Zhu Yaochu, a shameless person who has no qualifications to be an older brother.

Oh, and there are also various houses under the original owner's name. Zhu Shichusheng is afraid that Zhu Yaochu, who is shameless, will plan to kill him first and then let Meng Ling live in the house under her name. When the time comes, the rice will be cooked and cooked. She will not agree. have to agree.

So Zhu Shichu contacted the real estate under his name and told them directly that no one else would be allowed to live in her house except for herself.

Just in case, Zhu Shichu simply changed the access code of the house, and even hung it on the agency to rent out the house directly. In this way, even if Zhu Yaochu wanted to continue to tease her house, she had no choice. Zhu Yaochu and Meng Ling will not be cheap.

When Zhu Yaochu saw that Zhu Shichu rejected his proposal without waiting for him to respond, he was very angry. He was used to the original owner's unconditional compromise to his request. This time Zhu Shichu actually disagreed, so he was naturally angry.

So he immediately made a video call to Zhu Shichu again, but Zhu Shichu refused all of them. In the end, Zhu Yaochu had no choice but to send her a message angrily: "Zhu Shichu! Why are you so cold-blooded and heartless? You sister Xiaoling is so pitiful, you How can you look at her indifferently living in such an environment? You have changed!"

Zhu Shichu accidentally saw this message from him, and immediately laughed angrily, what does it matter to her that Meng Ling is so pitiful?It's not that she caused Meng Ling to live in a dangerous slum.

She didn't provide a house for Meng Ling to live in, so why was she so cold-blooded and heartless?Meng Ling is not her real father or mother, and has nothing to do with her at all. Does she still care about the well-being of an outsider?If she had such a kind heart, wouldn't it be good to care about orphans without parents?Do you have to care about Meng Ling, a scheming and hypocritical woman?
Yes, Meng Ling is a scheming and hypocritical woman. The original owner was not deeply involved in the world, and was loved by her parents too innocently and ignorant of world affairs. So when Zhu Yaochu said that Meng Ling was a kind and simple girl, she believed it without any doubt. She even sympathized with her wholeheartedly, feeling that her parents were a little unreasonable and insisted on breaking up her brother and poor sister Meng Ling.

But a really kind and innocent girl would let her boyfriend's sister cover her relationship with peace of mind?Don't say she doesn't know anything, every time Zhu Yaochu used the reason of taking his sister out to play with Meng Ling, Meng Ling knew it well, so the original owner would greet her every time, and then these two heartless people would be thrown away. The original owner was alone, and the two of them went on a date sweetly, regardless of whether the original owner would be in danger or not, it would be boring to come out alone.

Also, in the memory of the original owner, after the original owner fainted this time, Zhu Yaochu also asked her to live in the house on Huilin Street, the original owner sympathized with her and agreed, Meng Ling just declined a few words, and then he was happy moved in.

This is funny, she refused to live in Zhu Yaochu's house before, saying that she didn't want to appear as a vain and clinging woman, and she didn't want to rely on men for everything.

How could it be the original owner's house, and she lived in it with peace of mind?Could it be that the original owner is a woman, so she doesn't rely on men?Wouldn't it appear that she is greedy and vain?What's the point?
(End of this chapter)

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