Chapter 935 My Aunt Is Not a Stepmother (10)

After Sister-in-law Li came to Cao Shichu to dispense contraceptive pills, she seemed to open the door to a new world for the women in Taohua Village and nearby villages, so Cao Shichu’s house became lively again, and there was an endless stream of women who came to her to dispense contraceptive pills. They came to her for medical treatment or delivery, and they came here aboveboard, but this time, they all came secretly. After all, women's bodies and women's wombs are not in their own hands, but in the hands of their husbands. There is no freedom to choose to have children or not to have children.

If the husband is more considerate and open-minded, and understands his wife’s suffering, he will support his wife’s contraception; but those stubborn and ignorant husbands will only be furious when they find out that their wife has secretly used contraception.

Women dare not bet on whether their husbands are enlightened or not, whether they understand them or not, so they have no choice but to hide it from the men.

It's just that after all, paper can't cover fire, so many women who come to dispense contraceptive pills, there will always be people who can't hide it.

So when Cao Shichu was dispensing medicine at home one day, the gate of the yard was smashed open with a bang, and then a short, black and thin man rushed in angrily holding a hoe.

When Cao Shichu saw it, his eyes suddenly turned cold, and he picked up a broom placed by the door and went to meet him.

"Are you that slut who asked my wife not to give me a baby?" When the black and thin man saw Cao Shichu, his eyes were bloodshot, and he stared at her fiercely, holding up the hoe in his hand, waiting for Cao Shichu to admit , it will fall down immediately.

Cao Shichu instantly understood that it was because of the birth control pills, but she was not at all afraid, and said coldly, "I'm not a slut, and I don't know who your wife is." Quite a few, she had seen the women, but not their husbands.

"How dare you do it and dare not be a man?! You stinky woman, if you die a man yourself, you can't see other women having men, and you deliberately persuade women not to have children. Why are you so vicious? I will beat you to death today!" The black and skinny man decided that Cao Shichu had picked up his wife for contraception, just to get revenge on her.

At this time, a group of people rushed up from outside the door, and the first one was a woman in a panic with tears all over her face. Cao Shichu recognized that she was indeed one of the women who came to find him for contraceptive pills.

"Master! I bought the pills myself. Mrs. Shi is just a doctor. It's none of her business. You can't hit her..." The woman rushed up in a hurry to stop the man, and the group of people behind followed , rushing to persuade the man:
"Liu Sanhuo! You can't be impulsive, you will pay for your life if you kill someone!"

"Liu Sanhuo! You already have five children. It's normal for your mother-in-law not to want to have children. Don't you have three sons? It's enough to pass on your incense!"


The black and thin man, that is, Liu Sanhuo, didn't listen at all. Before a few people stopped him, he smashed Cao Shichu viciously with a hoe. Look at the scene of her bleeding under her hoe.

But I didn't expect that the speed at which his hoe fell was like slow motion in Cao Shichu's eyes. She had time to use the broom to slam Liu Sanhuo's hands before she flashed nimbly and lightly, easily Just dodged his hoe.

But Liu Sanhuo failed to see the tragedy of Cao Shichu's brain burst, but when he saw a sudden sharp pain in his arms, he let out a scream, let go of the hands holding the hoe, knelt on the ground and cried out in pain .

The other chasers never expected that the scene did not develop as they imagined. Lady Shi didn't hurt even a single hair, but Liu Sanhuo's arm wasn't broken but it must have been fractured, otherwise he wouldn't be screaming. so miserable.

A group of people suddenly didn't know how to deal with this scene.

And Liu Sanhuo's mother-in-law cried and threw herself in front of Liu Sanhuo. She wanted to check his beaten arm, so she dissuaded him and said, "Mrs. Yao, if you want to blame, blame me, don't blame are you hurt, let me see..."

"Poisonous woman!" Liu Sanhuo raised his head and scolded Cao Shichu even though his arm was in severe pain, "The hen has to lay eggs, the sow has to lay babies, women are born to give birth to men, how dare you not let women have children, live?" You will be immersed in a pig cage, and you will go to hell if you die!"

"Head of the family, stop scolding, I don't want to give birth, I don't know when I will die if I continue to give birth, it's very painful to have a baby!" Liu Sanhuo's mother-in-law didn't even bother to see Liu Sanhuo's injuries. She was both guilty and sad that she had troubled Cao Shichu, and also sad that her husband did not understand her pain. After the double blow, she collapsed and burst into tears.

"What pain is there in giving birth? Isn't it as easy as a hen laying an egg? It was born in a snap, and women are hypocritical! Which woman doesn't give birth? My mother, the aunt next door, they can go to the ground to work right after giving birth. Life, you are spoiled..." Liu Sanhuo endured the pain and wanted to refute, self-willed and arrogant, thinking that he knew better than women about having children.

As soon as Cao Shichu heard his words, she became very angry. She walked up to Liu Sanhuo, stared at him closely, and said, "Do you think giving birth is not painful, as easy as a hen laying eggs?"

"Isn't it? All women come here like this, what's the pain?" Liu Sanhuo said firmly.

Cao Shichu was very angry and laughed back. She went into the room and took out her silver needle, and said to Liu Sanhuo: "Since you think it is easy for women to give birth and it is not painful at all, then I will let you experience the life of a woman. The process of being a child."

When the people around heard Cao Shichu's words, they were very curious: "Liu Sanhuo is a man, how does he experience the process of giving birth?"

"That's right, he has no child in his stomach, so what?"

"It's too late to conceive now, hehe..."

Cao Shichu explained: "I just gave him a few needles to simulate the situation of a woman giving birth to him. Although no child will be born, the process and pain are the same as that of a woman giving birth. Don't worry that he won't understand it. I can make sure to let him be there this time."

Then she disintegrated Liu Sanhuo's needless struggle and resistance with just a few needles, and then pricked more than a dozen acupuncture points on his body and abdomen. .

"This, this won't hurt his body, right?" Liu Sanhuo's mother-in-law was so shocked that she forgot to continue crying, and asked Cao Shichu worriedly. Although she wanted to throw this man away, he was still needed for the hard work at home, so she couldn't hurt him. his body.

"No, just let him hurt for a while, and his body will recover after the pain is over." Cao Shichu said.

So the woman immediately watched Liu Sanhuo writhing in pain with peace of mind, and felt very relieved in her heart.

(End of this chapter)

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