Chapter 510
Seeing Shu Liang's serious thinking, Zhu Qizhen's face suddenly changed.

Originally, he was so angry that he couldn't choose what to say, but now he calmed down, looked around, and suddenly realized his situation.

That is, the entire General Military Mansion has actually been controlled by Shu Liang!

In other words, his own life is also in the opponent's hands. Although, in the general military mansion, the possibility of Shu Liang doing anything to him is very small, but what if?
With this thought, Zhu Qizhen's aura that had been gathered up by anger just now was vented without a trace, and he took two steps back in a panic, almost retreating into the room.

Fortunately, there are Yuan Bin and Ha Ming by his side, who can give him a little sense of security.

At this moment, there was a commotion from the gate of the mansion.

Then, another group of officers broke into the mansion against the blockade of Jinyiwei. The leader put on his helmet and armor, walked like a dragon and walked forward with his sword, and his whole body was awe-inspiring. This person is none other than the general soldier of Xuanfu Official, Bo Tao Jin of Datong.

As soon as he entered the outer courtyard, Tao Jin saw the Mongolian guards who had just been dragged out, so he felt anxious, and took a few steps into the inner courtyard, and the people arrived before they heard.

"Shu Liang, what are you doing?"

Hearing this sound, Zhu Qizhen immediately shouted as if he saw a savior.

"Tao Zongbing, I am here!"

Tao Jin strode into the courtyard, took a rough look, and saw that Zhu Qizhen was fine, so she finally felt relieved and knelt down on one knee.

"The escort came late, please forgive me, the Supreme Emperor!"

Afterwards, the officers and soldiers who followed Tao Jin into the mansion followed closely behind, and immediately surrounded the people brought by Shu Liang.

Seeing this situation, Zhu Qizhen finally breathed a sigh of relief.

Before Shu Liang broke in, in fact, Zhu Qizhen hadn't been too vigilant.

Because he knew that Xuan Mansion was Tao Jin's territory, and Tao Jin was from the British government!
At the beginning, Yuan Bin, Zhang Fu and others made a plan, and the person they chose to cooperate was Tao Jin from the Xuanfu. Although an accident happened in the end, Zhu Qizhen believed in Zhang Fu's vision.

So, he has been waiting, waiting for Tao Jin to come to escort him.

He waited until...

Therefore, Zhu Qizhen regained his confidence immediately, and said: "Tao Zongbing came just in time, help me quickly, and take down Shu Liang, who trespassed in the palace!"

Tao Jin got up, protected Zhu Qizhen behind her, and faced Shu Liang, but saw the fake smile on his face that had never changed for thousands of years, and he didn't look panicked at all.

After hesitating for a while, Tao Jin still didn't move, but asked.

"May I ask Eunuch Shu why he brought so many people into the inner courtyard? Why are the guards around the Supreme Emperor bound by the people brought by Eunuch Shu?"

It is true that Tao Jin is a member of the British government. When he got the news that the General Military Mansion was under siege, he immediately gathered the officers and soldiers and broke in without hesitation.

However, this does not mean that he is willing to seek death.

From the moment he entered the inner courtyard, Tao Jin could see clearly that Shu Liang held a scroll of yellow silk with dark dragon pattern high in Shu Liang's hand, which was an imperial decree!
With it in hand, it means that what Shu Liang did was approved by the emperor, or at least supported by the emperor.

It is one thing to lead troops to break through the door and ensure the safety of the Supreme Emperor, but it is another thing to arrest an angel holding an imperial decree without authorization.

Not to mention, this person is the famous Admiral of the East Factory!

Arresting people without even asking, that is the real way to kill yourself...

Shu Liang stood where he was, still unmoved, without the slightest panic, smiled and cupped his hands and said.

"Zongbing Tao may have misunderstood. Our family dispatched people to guard outside the mansion of the general army. It was the order of the Supreme Emperor to take charge of the outer protection. As for the people behind them, they just followed in to send charcoal fire, not breaking into the inner courtyard. As for the guards around the Supreme Emperor, heh, they disrespected the imperial decree and uttered wild words, our family didn't kill them on the spot, it was already showing the Supreme Emperor's face."

perimeter protection?

Charcoal fire?
What are these perfunctory reasons?

Tao Jin grinned, looking at Shu Liang's serious look, he couldn't help being speechless.

He was about to open his mouth to refute, but when the words came to his lips, he abruptly took them back.

What is he going to refute?What to do after rebuttal?
These reasons are perfunctory, but why does Shu Liang use these reasons that seem to be lies?
Previously, because Tao Jin was worried that something might happen to the Supreme Emperor, he rushed over in a hurry. Now that he calmed down, he couldn't help thinking a few more times.

It is impossible for Shu Liang not to know, these reasons are all ridiculous.

However, he still used it.

The reason is that the absurd reason is also a reason. Shu Liang put this reason out, indicating that he is willing to give a step, but he is not afraid of tearing his face.

Thinking about it further, can Tao Jin not accept this reason?
The answer is of course no!

Just like Shu Liang didn't dare to attack the Supreme Emperor blatantly, Tao Jin also didn't dare to arrest an admiral of the East Factory who held a holy order without authorization.

If the Supreme Emperor was injured or hit by a collision, then of course he would control Shu Liang without hesitation.

But the problem is, no!

Although the inner courtyard was in a mess, the Taishanghuang's body was still clean and tidy, without any dust.

This is enough to prove that everything that Shu Liang did in the courtyard did not involve the Supreme Emperor himself.

This is where things get tricky.

For Tao Jin, the only solution is to turn the big thing into a small thing.

No matter how absurd the reason Shu Liang gave, he could only hold his nose and accept this path!

Thinking of this, he sighed, turned around, and said carefully.

"The Supreme Emperor, Eunuch Shu Liang is also in a moment of urgency, and he does not intend to offend. If he is arrested because of this, it may be inappropriate. Please also remind the Supreme Emperor."

Hearing this, Zhu Qizhen gradually calmed down.

He also knew Tao Jin's embarrassment, so he didn't embarrass him too much, but Zhu Qizhen lost face because of what happened today, all of which had something to do with Shu Liang.

Taking another breath, Zhu Qizhen stared at Shu Liang, and said for a while.

"Hurry up and declare the decree, and then, get out!"

Facing the anger of the Supreme Emperor, Shu Liang could already ignore it, with a smile on the corner of his mouth, he cupped his hands and said, "Abiding by the order."

Immediately, Shu Liang finally unfolded the jade scroll and silk in his hand, and read.

"Shangzhi, Liu Yongcheng, the eunuch in charge of Gansu Province, left his post without authorization and lost his heart. He ordered Shu Liang, the admiral of the East Factory, to escort him to the capital for trial. I respect you."

After closing the imperial decree, Shu Liang handed it to Liu Yongcheng who was kneeling on the ground with a smile, and said.

"Eunuch Liu, accept the order!"

Compared to Zhu Qizhen's anger, Liu Yongcheng was much calmer.

As early as when he decided to rush over, he already had this awareness, he often sighed, turned around and bowed to Zhu Qizhen, and said.

"Your Majesty, slaves are incompetent and cannot protect your safety, so please take good care of yourself."

After finishing speaking, he turned around, with a loud voice, and knocked his head to the ground.

"Chairman Liu Yongcheng, take the decree and thank you!"

Shu Liang put the imperial decree into Liu Yongcheng's hands, and immediately Jin Yiwei stepped forward, also tied Liu Yongcheng firmly, and put him down.

Zhu Qizhen's face was ashen, and he resisted not to make a sound to stop him.

He knew that the reason why Liu Yongcheng did not resist was to avoid conflicts and ensure his safety as much as possible, so at this time, he could not be impulsive.

But even so, he still couldn't help it, and said to Shu Liang.

"Okay, it's okay, get out!"

The disgust in this sentence can hardly be concealed, but Shu Liang seemed undecided, slapped his head and said.

"Oh, thank you, the Supreme Emperor, for reminding me that there is indeed one more thing that I need to ask the Supreme Emperor for permission!"

At this moment, Zhu Qizhen didn't want to say a word to Shu Liangduo.

However, at the same time, he also knew that Shu Liang would not stop talking whether he asked or not.

Therefore, he just wanted to send Shu Liang away as soon as possible, and his tone became more and more impatient, and he asked, "What's the matter?"

Shu Liang smiled, bowed deeply, and said.

"The Supreme Emperor, please move to the civil castle, and personally pay homage to the souls of the hundreds of thousands of Ming Dynasty who are buried here!"

(End of this chapter)

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