Chapter 567
This night, countless people had a rather restless life.

Regardless of the size of the officials, all the mansions are brightly lit, and the inspector censor in charge of the curfew is extremely busy. Basically, whenever he sees a sedan chair on the street, he has to go up to greet him, and then send soldiers from the Wucheng Army and Horse Division to escort him back to the mansion. .

In the end, the soldiers brought out were not enough, so they had to go to Shuntian Mansion overnight to coordinate, and dispatched a bunch of yamen servants to disturb them all night long.

In the early morning of the next day, it cleared up for two days, and the dark clouds in the sky began to gather again, and little snowflakes fell on the sedan chairs. Originally, in such heavy snow and heavy rain, if there were no important and urgent court affairs, the emperor would sympathize Free from court.

But today it is obviously impossible.

Therefore, the elders could only shrink under the thousand-step corridor, ordered people to light up the stove, sat around in twos and threes, and had the last discussion before going up to court.

The sky was light, and as the elders of the cabinet of the six Metropolitan Procuratorates came outside the palace city, the prelude to this court meeting was about to begin slowly.

"Long live, long live, my emperor."

In the Wenhua Palace, the Son of Heaven wore a bright red dragon robe and said calmly.

"Flat body."

Immediately, the ministers got up, and Zhu Jian from the cabinet stepped out and presented his memorandum again. Although everyone had already known the content, as an opening, Zhu Gelao read it again.

"...Your Majesty's love and respect for the prince is well known in the world, and all the officials are respectful. However, the East Palace is the reserve of the country and should be strictly cultivated since childhood. Therefore, your majesty should give up your love and order the court to set up Zhan Shifu. , Youchunfang, to assist the prince, this side is the king of the country, the father of the people..."

The content of the memorial is similar to yesterday, but the logic is clearer. In this memorial, Mr. Zhu Ge listed several reasons.

First, leaving the cabinet without preparing the government violates the ancestral system and violates the law of etiquette.

Second, leaving the cabinet without preparing the mansion will make the prince only study the classics and not understand government affairs, and gradually become a corrupt Confucian, or have a good Jianwen.

Third, leaving the cabinet without preparing the government will make people in the world question the emperor's desire to store easily, which will hinder the stability of the country.


"Your Majesty, I think this evasion is completely unreasonable and far-fetched. It is really ill-intentioned."

As soon as Zhu Jian's voice fell, voices of opposition immediately surged in the court.

The person who spoke was not an unknown person, but a member of the official department.

Speaking of Mr. Yu, his reputation in the court is usually not obvious.

However, he has a dazzling identity, a subordinate official of Prince Tan's Mansion!
It should be said that since Hongwu, under the premise that the imperial court suppressed the vassal kings, the official of the royal family often means that his official career has come to an end.

However, fate is so magical.

With a civil engineering change, the original gloomy career suddenly became a bright road.

There were two chief historians in the palace of Prince Yi, one was a teacher, one was a companion, one was a judge, two were deputy judges, and a middle official, Cheng Jing.

After today's son ascended the throne, these people were all put in the cabinet to practice.

However, this is also one point that the officials admire the emperor, that is, when employing people, they will never rely on cronyism.

When the court was in turmoil, his old man was not in a hurry to place his own people in important positions, but used them according to their ability.

Two long historians who were born in Hanlin, Yi Ming and Yang Zhu, were sent to the local prefectures.

Other superintendents or officials of the royal family who came from government schools, such as Yang Yu, Yu Gang, etc., were put in charge of the six departments.

Yu Yan and Zhu Fu had better luck and were sent to the Metropolitan Procuratorate to be supervisory censors.

But in short, the official rank is not too high.

After these people reached their official positions, they did good and bad things, but to the surprise of all the officials, as the ministers of the emperor's hidden residence, they did not receive any preferential treatment. The assessment of these people is very harsh.

For example, Yang Yu, Yu Gang, and Zhu Fu, although they are not very good, they are not bad. If they raise their hands and give them an excellent evaluation, there is no problem in promoting them to the first level.

However, in the end, they only got a mediocre evaluation and stayed in their original posts.

Yu Yan was the only one who went to the front line in person to escort the luggage when Oala's attack was the fastest. He even supported a pass in person on the way, and took the lead in repelling a group of Oala's cavalry, making a great contribution.

Under such a background, he managed to get the upper-middle evaluation under the evaluation of the Ministry of Officials, and moved from the supervisory censor to the sixth department, and he was appointed as Shizhong.

You know, when Yu Yan was sent to the Metropolitan Procuratorate to be the censor, there were objections in the court, because Yu Yan was not born in a serious imperial examination, but was born in a supervisor.

In other words, it is the so-called "turbid current", and the officials of science and technology have always been exclusive to the clear stream.

However, because of Yu Yanqian's status as a former official of Yu Yanqian's residence, no one said much in the end. Speaking up, everyone had to admit that this Mr. Yu has real talents and real learning.

Therefore, even the most closed Qingliu circle finally accepted him slowly, otherwise, it would not be so easy for Yu Yan to secure his position in the matter.

However, Yu Yan definitely has the ability, but his position must also be naturally destined.

Therefore, as soon as he opened his mouth, everyone's gazes focused on him.

Yu Yan stood in the hall, but without the slightest fear, he opened his mouth and said.

"Master Zhuge said three things, the first is etiquette, which is a matter of the Ministry of Rites. Yesterday Da Zongbo said that the rituals of leaving the palace in the East Palace are based on rituals and rituals, and there is nothing inflexible. Yu believes that, Regarding etiquette and ceremonies, no one is more convincing than Uncle Da Zong, right?"

After the words fell, there was movement from the Ministry of Rites.

Mr. Hu didn't sleep today. When the courtiers had dark circles under their eyes, he was in good spirits.

Holding the wat board in his hand, Hu Wei stepped forward in due course and reported.

"Your Majesty, after the old minister returned to the Ministry yesterday, the ministerial meeting was reconvened. Now the detailed ceremonies for the crown prince's departure from the cabinet have been formed. To prevent accidents, the ministers have drawn up two ceremonial notes. No matter whether the result of today's court meeting is for His Royal Highness , the Ministry of Rites can handle it according to the etiquette notes, please read it, Your Majesty."

After saying this, Mrs. Hu presented a thick memorial and handed it to the servant who came down from the imperial steps. After a while, it was placed on the imperial case.

Looking at the memorial in front of him, Zhu Qiyu raised his hand and flipped through it, feeling a little speechless.

This old guy... really knows how to rely on the old to sell the old!

To say that at this time, Hu Wei stood up and submitted the Yi Note, which actually supported Yu Yan's statement.

However, he just pointed out that there are two notes, which means that the two are not helping each other.

However, this is indeed in line with Hu Wei's character all along.

He has always kept a low profile in court, if Li Xian hadn't gone too far in court yesterday, he would not have been so angry.

However, if you are angry, it is impossible for Hu Yan to change his position because of Li Xian.

This ritual note is his response to the matter of the East Palace.

Don't take the initiative, don't help, don't make trouble, and don't take responsibility.

Whatever the outcome of the court discussion, the Ministry of Rites will recognize the outcome and faithfully implement it, but will not participate in the decision-making.

Sure enough, when the memorial was handed over, Boss Hu seemed to have completed the task, and walked back to the court with a bow.

Seeing this situation, the expressions of the officials were different, Wang Wen looked angry, but Zhu Jian showed joy.

Yu Yan, who was still in the hall, frowned, but he knew in his heart that he could not interfere with the decision made by a minister of Hu Wei's level.

So, having settled down, Yu Yan continued.

"What Uncle Da Zong said was heard by all civil and military officials. There is no difficulty in the etiquette system when the East Palace is out of the pavilion. Therefore, there is no basis for Zhu Ge's old memorandum to say that it is not in accordance with the etiquette system."

Saying this, Yu Yan gradually regained her own aura, said.

"As for the second point, Mr. Zhu Ge said that if you don't prepare for being an official, it will make the prince a corrupt scholar. It is even more nonsense. Yu wants to ask, which family's child started to touch state affairs at the age of three?"

"Even though the crown prince is the crown prince, he is still just a child. Elder Zhu Ge only saw the calamity of Jianwen, but has he ever seen that His Highness is unable to control government affairs at this age?"

"There is one last thing, Yu just wants to ask, Your Majesty is benevolent and dedicated to the Crown Prince of the Eastern Palace. Where did Mr. Zhu Ge see that His Majesty has the heart to be easy to store?"

After saying these words, Yu Yan became more and more imposing.

At the end of the speech, he took two steps forward and stood opposite Zhu Jian, with a stern voice, and said.

"Old Zhuge, the emperor has shown great kindness to you and relied heavily on promotions many times, but as soon as you entered the cabinet, you set off party disputes and stirred up public opinion in the court. Now you ignore the status quo of the East Palace and forcibly prepare the palace for the East Palace. What's more, What is the intention of slandering His Majesty and insulting the Holy Spirit?"

Facing Yu Yan's questioning, Zhu Jian was very calm.

He knew in his heart that the few reasons he put forward were not sufficient, and Yu Yan's rebuttal was not unreasonable.

However, since he dared to do this, he was naturally not completely unsure.

With a slight smile, Zhu Jian said.

"Your Majesty, you don't need to give this old man a big hat. The East Palace is the reserve capital, and you should be careful when you arrange it. Besides, His Royal Highness and His Majesty are uncles and nephews, not father and son. Therefore, the people have already talked about this, and this old man naturally It is clear that the Son of Heaven is sage and benevolent, but the people in the countryside are ignorant and unable to understand the Sacred Heart, because of this, the old man suggested that His Majesty prepare a mansion for His Highness the Crown Prince, so as to reveal the Sacred Heart."

"As for whether His Highness the Crown Prince is young or not, can he undertake the important tasks of government affairs? When the Supreme Emperor left the pavilion, he was younger than His Highness the Crown Prince today. There are precedents to follow, so what's wrong?"

When these words came out, there was a discussion among the courtiers.

This old Zhu Ge...

Really dare to say it!

These few words are tantamount to forcing the emperor to a dead end, as if the emperor does not agree to prepare the palace for His Royal Highness, then in the eyes of the common people, he will become a generation who usurps his nephew's throne.

The words were high-sounding, but the people who listened to them were terrified.

It is true that there have been such remarks all the time, no matter in the court or among the people, but no one dares to speak out, because no one knows whether the emperor has such thoughts.

Or in other words, no matter whether the Son of Heaven has this intention or not, the Son of Heaven will definitely be displeased if he speaks this sentence, and no one can predict the consequences at that time.

Sure enough, facing Zhu Jianming's praise and slander, the emperor's face was also slightly cold, but the old man still didn't say anything.

On the contrary, Yu Yan's expression froze underneath, and he didn't speak for a while.

It wasn't that Zhu Jian refuted it, but that it was ridiculous.

That's right, the Taishanghuang is indeed more than two years old.

However, who didn't know the situation at the time?
At that time, the first emperor had been on the throne for several years, but no prince was born. Fang Deyi was overjoyed. In addition, the Sun Guifei at that time, and now the Empress Dowager Sun was a favorite concubine. He couldn't wait, so the first emperor canonized the Supreme Emperor as a prince. In [-], a cabinet ceremony was held.

But how can the two be the same?

At that time, the Supreme Emperor's departure from the cabinet was more of a ceremonial nature.

The ceremony of leaving the pavilion is done, and the government officials have prepared it, but in fact, the Supreme Emperor is still raised in the palace, and he didn't really start reading until he was about five years old.

As a result, many ministers at that time were quite critical of this, thinking that the former emperor overstepped the etiquette system and acted too hastily, and the tossing court was restless.

Not to mention, in the current situation, the reason why His Royal Highness wants to leave the cabinet is to learn.

If you prepare subordinate officials, then what you learn every day must be added to government affairs, and once you join government affairs, as the language says, what major national affairs can a three-year-old child understand?
Zhu Jian's remark was obviously just messing around.

Yu Yan was stunned for a moment, and was about to refute, but at this moment, another person stood up in the hall and said.

"Your Majesty, I also think that since the crown prince is out of the cabinet, he will naturally serve as a subordinate official. Even if His Highness does not pre-arrange government affairs for a while, in order to save money, the court must make preparations early."

Minister of Dali Temple, Du Ning!
No one thought that the second third-rank official who stood up and spoke out would be this one.

You know, although Dali Temple Minister is only slightly stronger than the Sixth Minister in terms of official position, Du Ning's status is a bit special.

He was born in Hanlin Qingliu!

Especially after Gao Gu, Peng Shi, Shang Ren and others were demoted one after another, officials from Hanlin became rarer and rarer in the court.

But even if it is rare, this force still has a high status in the court.

The first reason is that Hanlin Qingliu was originally the top of the Shilin, and the second reason is that the Hanlin lineage still has a mainstay in the court.

Minister of the Ministry of Industry, Chen Xun!
As a result, many ministers reacted immediately.

Although Xiao Yi is in charge of the current Imperial Academy, since Xiao Yi took office, the imperial court has not even held a session of examination.

Therefore, as a matter of course, in the Hanlin Academy, Xiao Yi actually did not have any disciples that he personally brought up.

And the next test will be exactly this year.

As the official reserve of the imperial court, one of the most important functions of the Hanlin Academy is to reserve talents for the Eastern Palace. In other words, if the Eastern Palace can successfully prepare the palace this time, then the Qingliu forces of Chen Xun's line will benefit the most.

This opportunity is fleeting.

If it is said that the East Palace failed to prepare the mansion this time, then it will be postponed until four or five years later at the latest.

By that time, the examination had been held at least twice, and the Hanlin Academy had an influx of fresh blood. Under the auspices of the new bachelor, Xiao Ying, it was uncertain who would get the precious position of the official of the Eastern Palace. .

Yu Yan was startled.

He didn't expect that this matter would unknowingly become a game between Qingliu's lineage?

Looking up at Zhu Jian, he saw that the other party had a smile on his face, looking at him calmly, no matter how he looked, there was a hint of complacency...

(End of this chapter)

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