1840 Indian Rebirth

Chapter 1 [Rebirth 1840]

Chapter 1 [Rebirth 1840]

1840 years.

United States of America, Midwest, an unincorporated territory.

On the slightly undulating field, there are dozens of conical cowhide tents. This is the most common type of residence for the Indians in the plains, and it is called "Tippi".

However, the Indians here did not enjoy the comfort of their homes, but were counted by a dozen white men holding rifles as corpses, and the surrounding land was stained red with blood.

"We're rich, lol, those Apache scalps are worth over $[-]!"

"I think the bounty is at least three thousand dollars, and don't forget these grown men, their scalps are worth a hundred dollars... Oh, look, and the furs in their camps can also be sold for a lot of money .”

For a long time, the colonial government in the Americas issued a reward for the Indians. The reward was often evidenced by the severed scalp. The price of the reward varied according to the period and region, but it was generally expensive.

For example, the reward for the scalp of women and children is fifty dollars, and the scalp of adult men is one hundred dollars.In this era, Americans are still dominated by agriculture, and the monthly income of most people is only about fifteen dollars, which is enough to be called a great reward.

Of course, it is not easy to get this bounty, especially when facing militant Indians like the Apache, it is not uncommon to put yourself in it.

"A big bounty, we'll have a good drink!"

While discussing, the white people smiled like a harvest, and then drew out their knives one after another, and began to harvest their spoils—scalps.

"Thank God……"

There are many devout believers among them, and they are praying habitually at the moment.The scalps of dozens of Apache Indians, although most of them are women and children, can also allow almost everyone to share a bounty equivalent to a year's income.

The heart of the devout is nothing but gratitude.

"Shet!" A young white man suddenly cursed, but he was annoyed that he accidentally hurt his hand while scalping the Indian.

"What's up, man, didn't you say you've done this job before?"

A look of embarrassment flashed across the young man's face, he turned around and said, "Come and help me, Connor, my hand is hurt."

Connor was unshaven and unkempt, but he was obviously an old hand, holding two full scalps of hair in his hands, but there was not a trace of blood on his clothes.

He smiled and walked over: "Look out!"

As he said that, Connor raised his hand and stabbed the dagger into the back of the Indian corpse's head, and then he seemed to just shake his wrist left and right, and cut out neatly in a circle.

Then he grabbed the hair on the top of the corpse's head with his other hand and yanked it violently. With a sound of cracking, the bloody scalp was torn off!
"How about it, have you learned it?"

The young man didn't answer, but frowned, as if he had discovered something, and stared straight at a certain conical tent on the edge of the Indian camp.

At this moment, a thin figure with a naked upper body, black hair, and yellow skin jumped out of the tent and ran as far away as possible. He looked only eight or nine years old.

a child.

Or, fifty dollars.

"Ah, there is another fish that slipped through the net!"

Connor was the first to react, immediately put down the scalp in his hand, picked up the rifle and chased after him.

But at this time someone said: "Connor, leave him alone, the Apache warriors of this clan seem to be coming back soon, I think we have to retreat as soon as possible!"

"It's just a little guy, it will be ready soon!" Connor's voice faded away.

The Apache boy was quite far away, and he ran desperately, but it was obviously impossible to outrun an adult, and he was chased by Connor not long after.

As the distance shortened, Connor raised his rifle and pulled the trigger.


Rifles, or rifled guns, while criticized by some for being slow to reload, are far more accurate than smoothbore guns thanks to the rifling in the barrel.

This shot hit the Indian boy's back, and the fragile body was immediately pierced by lead bullets, and blood spattered!

The little guy screamed and fell to the ground immediately.

Connor didn't immediately go to harvest the scalp, but out of a good habit he had developed over the years, he first refilled his rifle with ammunition.

Pour sixty grains of gunpowder into the muzzle of the gun, and stuff the lead bullet wrapped in oiled paper into it, then take a small mallet and cleaning rod from the back, knock the bullet into the barrel of the gun and stab it into the Bottom compaction...

In one go, well-trained.

It took him just over half a minute, yes, more than half a minute, this speed is enough to make him a qualified soldier.

Every time he quickly finished reloading, Connor couldn't help exhaling slightly.It gave him a sense of security, and in fact, the habit saved his life more than once.To him, it was like a blessing from God.

After doing this, making sure that he can fire the next shot now, he walked to the side of the fallen Apache boy, took out the dagger again, and leaned over to cut the scalp.

But as soon as he leaned over, he couldn't help but froze, looking at the Apache boy's back in disbelief—the gunshot wound there was gone!

Connor blinked hard, trying to dispel what he thought was an illusion, but unfortunately, it didn't appear to be an illusion.

And then, something terrible happened.

The Apache boy, who was supposed to be dead, got up as if nothing had happened!
The boy scratched his head, looked around blankly, and muttered something, as if no one was there.

Connor didn't understand the language of the Apaches, but he was sure that it was definitely not the language of the Apaches, let alone English!

In fact, not to mention him, on the North American continent at this time, there is probably no one in a hundred who can tell what language this is.

This is a language from another hemisphere, Chinese.

The one who speaks Chinese is naturally a Chinese soul.

"...the hallucinations before dying for so long?" Ma Shao looked puzzled, his mind was a little chaotic, but he seemed to be gradually waking up.

He comes from China in the 21st century and is a young middle school physics teacher.

Ma Shao thought he was dead, at least he was dying, dying of illness, and he even heard the beeping sound of the electrocardiogram when he was dying.The brain may not be completely dead, and some hallucinations are normal.

But this hallucination seemed too long, he felt at least 10 minutes.

And why does the consciousness seem to be getting more and more clear... Is it like this for normal people after death?
"Ah!" Suddenly there was a shout of fear and anger from behind, which frightened the horse whistle into a shudder, and suddenly regained seven or eight points of sobriety.

He dodged instinctively, narrowly avoiding a dagger.

At the same time, the holder of the dagger, a middle-aged Caucasian man, fell to the ground because he missed nothing, and inserted the dagger into his arm, howling in horror: "Ah— -God!"

Ma Shao looked at the white man in surprise.

This person was dressed in old Western-style clothing, as if he had passed through an old American movie, and beside him was a front-loading gun that had been obsolete for at least 100 years and fell to the ground.

This guy was almost paralyzed because of the wound on his arm and the inexplicable fear.

The horse whistle tried to get closer to him.

"Don't come here! You, you... devil! Devil!" Connor's voice trembled, he spoke incoherently, he fell to the ground and tried to crawl back, but his legs and feet couldn't be controlled.

The religious atmosphere in the United States is strong, especially in this era, even if the vast majority of people are not believers, they still have a certain awe of religion.

Connor is a believer, and he is quite devout, so when he saw the horse post coming back from the dead, he naturally thought of the devil, and besides the devil, he couldn't think of any other explanation—the Indians will never get God's miracle, right? ?
But he didn't completely lose his mind because of the pain and fear. In his rapid breathing, his eyes noticed the rifle on the ground not far away.

No, you can't sit still!Even if the Indian boy in front of him is possessed by a demon, he still has to fight for it!
The gun has just been loaded with ammunition, ready to fire at any time!
Connor mustered up his courage, overcame his weakness, got up from the ground, and rushed towards his rifle like a tiger preying on it.

Seeing this, the horse whistle didn't have time to think, and rushed to the rifle.Although he hasn't figured out the situation yet, he can still see the life-and-death situation in front of him.

Connor picked up the rifle.

"Ah!" But before he had time to shoot, the horse whistle slapped the handle of the dagger, causing him to scream, and as soon as he let go of his hand, the horse whistle snatched the rifle away.

Seeing the horse whistle aiming at him with a gun, Connor opened his mouth in a daze: "You... aren't a demon?"

Demons, it seems like they don't know how to use guns, do they?

Horse Whistle's English skills are not excellent, to be precise, it is very poor, but he understands this sentence.

There is no doubt that the white man in front of him wants to put himself to death, so he will not be polite.

"Fuck you, I'm god!" Horse Whistle replied in broken English, and then pulled the trigger.


 New book for collection.

(End of this chapter)

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