1840 Indian Rebirth

Chapter 109 [Plague] Subscribe

Chapter 109 [Plague] Subscribe
On a rainy day, there was silence for a while: "Take me to have a look."

The two came to a ward in the hospital or the clinic. There were several patients lying in the room, two of them unconscious, and a few others lying on the bedside coughing.

"Cough cough cough..."

"Cough cough! Ho--back!"

He coughed up a mouthful of thick phlegm, which fell into the wooden bucket beside the bed.

"Huishi, how are you?" Rain asked, but he didn't dare to get too close.

Huishi is a shaman doctor. He is also lying on the bed at this time, coughing weakly, and there is a little fear in his sluggish voice: "High Priest, cough cough... I treated them, but none of them were cured. Instead, I also got the same cough."

On a rainy day, I asked again: "Have you used garlic oil?"

"I've used it. I've used all the garlic, wine and garlic oil, but it doesn't work." Huishi said, sighing.

"High Priest, what should we do now?" Wrinkle asked.

On a rainy day, he frowned and walked around, obviously feeling helpless.

In the shaman tradition, there are so many ways to treat the plague, but he is very clear that these are actually tricks to fool people.

In the past few hundred years, the shamans have danced countless dances to expel the plague gods, and the result is that the whole family is exterminated at every turn.

At this time, he suddenly felt a little envious of those who were superstitious about dancing.Although those people have no solution to the problem, they can at least avoid it naturally.

In contrast, he is more like the worst person, who can realize the disaster is coming, but has no ability to solve the disaster.

"It would be great if the horse whistle is here." Rainy day couldn't help but said, "He must have a way."

In his view, Ma Shuo is undoubtedly the third type of person, who is both clearly aware of disasters and has the ability to solve them.

"That's right, the great chief must have a solution!" Wrinkle also said firmly.

"Plague, plague!" At this moment, a terrified cry came from outside, "Plague is here, punishment is here; plague is here, retribution is here!"

On a rainy day, his expression changed drastically, and he rushed out of the room. Immediately, he saw an old man not far away shouting and dancing to the big god, surrounded by a circle of clansmen.

The clansmen are talking about it.

"what happened?"

"Vulture, tell me clearly, what plague is coming? Where is the plague?" Someone asked.

The faces of the vultures are painted with patterns of traditional shamanism that have been abandoned, colorful.

At this moment, he was shaking his head, letting the gray hair blow up in the wind: "The plague is coming, just like the dream I had, a snow will bring the punishment of the Great Spirit!"

"If you don't believe me, you can go to the ward of the hospital to see that even the gray stone is infected with cough. The medical technique he believes in is useless! It's all a deception!" His voice rose and fell, as if he was singing.

"Is it true, is the plague really coming?" People were terrified.

The fear of the plague has already been deeply imprinted in the bones of the Indians.

"Dance!" shouted the vulture, with fanatical faith and incitement in his voice, "let us dance like our ancestors, this is the true art of medicine, and only in this way can we bless us!"

With a few words, the fear buried in people's hearts was gradually awakened, and an atmosphere of confusion and trembling began to spread.

Seeing that the crowd is about to dance to the vultures, just like their Indian ancestors in the past hundreds of years.

He rushed over on a rainy day and immediately scolded: "Vulture, what nonsense are you talking about!"

Vulture sneered a few times: "Nonsense? Am I wrong? Is there no plague in the hospital?"

"High Priest, is there any plague?" People also asked quickly.

The rainy day stagnates: "The Great Spirit will not punish anyone. Vulture, as a shaman, you openly distort the "Lingyu", isn't it nonsense?"

The vulture laughed: "Didn't you write the "Lingyu"? Even the text was created by you and the horse whistle, you are just—"

Before the words fell, there was a shout: "How dare you disrespect the great chief!"

Vulture turned his head and saw a few soldiers approaching. The leader was thick-shouldered, the centurion of the Sleeping Bear Army and the leader of the Sleeping Bear Militia.

He was about to explain something, but the thick shoulders had already issued an order: "Grab him!"

Several soldiers couldn't help but immediately caught the vulture.

The vulture could only resist a few young and strong soldiers, but it still blushed and shouted endlessly: "The plague is coming, and the heavy snow is the punishment of the great spirit—"

On a rainy day, he immediately picked up a rag from the side and stuffed it into his mouth, finally calming him down.

"Take away this guy who spread rumors and insulted the great chief!" Thick shoulders said, then walked into the crowd and looked around, "There is no plague, everyone go back."

The clansmen were skeptical and dispersed after discussing.

"Thank you for arriving in time." The rainy day breathed a sigh of relief.

Thick shoulders moved closer and asked in a low voice, "Is there really a plague?"

Rainy Day didn't answer, but said: "Now the chief is not here, we have to discuss it. Tell the soldiers to keep an eye on the ward, let's go to the lobby and talk."

Thick shoulders nodded, then arranged for martial law, and then went to the hall of chiefs.

More than a dozen people came in the hall one after another, and then closed the door.

"Wrinkle, tell everyone about the specific situation." Rainy day took a deep breath and started the meeting.

Wrinkle nodded, and slowly explained: "Five days ago, the hospital received the first cough patient. At that time, his condition was not very serious. Huishi gave him some traditional herbal medicine, and then let him go back."

"As a result, his condition continued to worsen, and he was taken to the hospital by his family not long after."

"We quickly used garlic oil, but it didn't work. His condition continued to worsen and he eventually fell into a coma."

"After that, the patient's son, wife, and a pair of brothers next door all developed coughing one after another, and today even the gray stone got it... So I think, this is probably a kind of plague."

After his words fell, the room was extremely silent, and everyone's faces were full of solemnity.

Looking around on a rainy day: "This is the situation. I don't need to say more about the horror of the plague. Now that the chief is not here, we must be extremely cautious."

Thick shoulders: "I will organize martial law throughout the city, and it happens to be in a state of preparation for war now."

"Martial law alone is useless." Rainy said, "We still need to implement isolation to isolate those who are already infected and prevent them from contacting healthy people."

Fengsheng hesitated for a moment: "I think we should also check who has been in contact with the patient recently, and isolate them - they may have grown a kind of 'microbe', the chief said, microorganisms are An important cause of disease, especially infectious disease."

Rainy day thought for a while: "You are right. You are responsible for this matter. Find out all the people who have been in close contact with the existing patients, and then isolate them."

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(End of this chapter)

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