1840 Indian Rebirth

Chapter 159 [Return to Kansas]

Chapter 159 [Return to Kansas]

Pause: "So, for an 'ultimate supervisor' who can supervise everyone but is difficult to be supervised by others, ensuring that society does not degenerate is the most basic bottom line."

"Furthermore, if an institution can successfully represent the development requirements of advanced productive forces, then it is a natural and inevitable ultimate supervisor, and no one can shake its position."

The forehead pattern is thoughtful: "Represents the development requirements of advanced productive forces..."

Horse Post added: "That's an important thought."

Development is legitimacy.

It sounds more like an engineer thinking.

But politics should be like this. In contrast, it is absurd to practice politics with the thinking of mathematicians or even old-age mathematicians.

Ma Shao probably remembered that high school mathematics textbooks used the "Declaration of Independence" as an example of axiomatic thought.

Of course, there is no test for this thing, so most students don't know it, and most teachers don't know it either.

The horse whistle knows it.

But he doesn't agree.

He does not approve of this approach in the Declaration of Independence, or the political ideas of Europeans and Americans.

This kind of idea, in simple terms, is to use mathematics in fantasy as a reference or example for politics, and believes that politics can be divorced from reality just like mathematics is divorced from physical meaning, and can also build a perfect building like Kelvin or Hilbert dreamed. Axiom Building.

The specific manifestation is that many European and American elites understand procedural justice and legality, believe that procedural justice is absolutely prior to factual justice, and believe that the relationship between legality and development is alienated or even irrelevant.

But the truth is that mathematics is not perfect, it has flaws, and the flaws are fundamental, both in humans and in the universe.

Mathematics can indeed be divorced from reality and physics, allowing the axioms to extend freely in the logical world, but politics should not be like this—it is reasonable to say that this is common sense, but some European and American elites like to engage in "analytic continuation" in the political field. Scope of application of some principles.

Therefore, this political conception, which is especially prevalent among Westerners, is destined to be a delusion, which is bound to bring disaster.

The sanctimonious political axioms in the "Declaration of Independence" can only deduce the prosperity of litigators and white leftists in the end, but cannot derive any substantive justice.

The discussion between the two seemed a little weird.

The questioning of the forehead lines is like a sharp questioning of the ruler by the ruled, but in fact neither of them felt nervous.

Because Ma Shao has always been a teacher in his heart, and he is an excellent teacher. He regards the relationship between teachers and students more than anything else.

The content of the discussion gradually deviated from the original intention and became mathematics.

The forehead pattern asked again: "There are things that cannot be proved in any axiom system... Is this true?"

"Isn't the axiom itself?" Ma Whistle said casually without saying much.

If you want to clarify this issue, you need a lot of pre-knowledge, and many of them are advanced, such as Russell's paradox and Gödel's incompleteness theorem, which are all things of the next century.

Not to mention Gödel's incompleteness theorem, Hilbert, who dreamed of building a perfect mathematical building, has not yet been born.

It is the famous joke of Kelvin's "Physics Building", which has not yet been born.

In this era, the greatest achievement in the exploration of the flaws of human rationality may be Kant's antinomies.

And even Kant, the king-level philosopher who may not be one of the greatest, only got a glimpse of this, revealing the thinking for future generations, but did not come up with anything conclusive.

Forehead lines are one of the most talented people in mathematics in the tribe, and they are also top students in mathematics and science advanced classes.

But its real level is about the same as that of high school students in later generations, and in terms of problem solving, its vision may not be as good as that of junior high school students, and it is still too far behind to understand Gödel's theory.

All in all... the water here is too deep, and the horse whistle is afraid that he won't be able to grasp the forehead pattern.

"If you are interested, you can learn more about the various debates on the fifth postulate of Euclidean geometry. There are related stories in the books I brought." Ma Shao said.

"If you are willing to do some problems, you can also try to learn hyperbolic geometry."

In addition to basic living and production materials, the Apache westward team also brought some books to California so that the Apaches here can continue to learn.

"Finally, look up the tattoo. After I leave, you will probably be the person with the highest level of math and science in California. Remember to be a qualified teacher." He urged again.

The forehead pattern replied solemnly: "I understand, teacher."

After talking with the forehead pattern, the horse sentry packed up, rested for a night, and officially set off the next day.

The return team was only about 100 people, and only a small half were members of the original westward team, most of them were new members, that is, California Indians who had just joined the Apache, and there were a few white prisoners, including an artilleryman. .

The reason for this arrangement is mainly because the number of the westward team is too small.

With less than 300 people, to manage the three places of Xiquan Fortress, Donggu City and Donggu Logging Field, and to implement the assimilation policy, it is inevitable that some are stretched.

Not only can't bring back more, but he will also send more people to California in the future.

Most of the members are newcomers, so the team is naturally not easy to lead.

For example, such an incident happened on the road. Several Indians insisted on going to a legendary holy place two hundred kilometers away to pay homage. In the end, they couldn't stand the stalemate.

He was in a hurry to return this time, but he didn't have time to worry about it.

It was already October when Horse Whistle set off from California. If it was later, he would have to cross the entire west in winter. This is definitely a bad plan.

At the same time, the Mexican-American War is drawing to a close, and he must take the next step.

He rode back to Kansas as fast as he could with his party.

Except for the departure of those few people, there were no twists and turns on the road.

For other groups, this is basically impossible.

Because the route taken by the horse sentry is the route with the mildest natural environment. The natural environment is mild, but the social environment is relatively harsh.

Thanks to the mild natural environment, there are many Indian clans living along the route, and there are all kinds of people.

When white people or Indians from other places come here, they are likely to be treated as intruders, and those with few people will not be scalped.

But Horse Whistle, as the son of the sky who is becoming more and more famous in the Indian world, most Indian clans will give face, at least there will be no problem passing by.

So he was able to travel fast all the way, and returned to Sleeping Bear, Kansas, in mid-December, earlier than planned.

(End of this chapter)

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