1840 Indian Rebirth

Chapter 165 [Reserved Land]

Chapter 165 [Reserved Land]

Lieutenant Van Buren continued: "Fort Leavenworth submitted your reservation plan to Congress, but unfortunately, the approval was not approved."

Ma Shao had expected this for a long time, so his heart was calm. Of course, he still wanted to ask: "Why?"

Lieutenant Van Buren: "The first thing I want to say is that I'm only here to spread the word and don't know much about the matter."

After a pause, he continued: "Your reservation plan is not hopeless, but there is a prerequisite, that is, you must tell us the company that will provide you with the Browning revolver."

Horse Whistle shook his head: "Sorry, we can't do this, and it's not in the content of the Sleeping Bear Agreement at all. Also... when will you pay back the money you owe us?"

"What money?" Lieutenant Van Buren frowned.

The horse whistle was silent for a while: "Lieutenant Van Buren, have you read "Sleeping Bear Protocol" yourself?"

"Um...no." Lieutenant Van Buren hesitated.

Horse sentry: "We paid [-] US dollars in advance for you to buy the revolver. According to the agreement, you need to repay the [-] US dollars in principal and [-] US dollars in interest within half a year."

"It has been more than a year now, but you haven't paid us back a penny."

Lieutenant Van Buren paused, and then said: "Maybe this is true, but no matter what, you need to tell us the company first, and then we can discuss the terms of the agreement."

Ma Shao: "As I said, we had a non-disclosure agreement with that company. So you want me to breach the contract first, so you 'could' keep the contract? Is this the contractual spirit of your 'civilized people'?"

Lieutenant Van Buren obviously did not have any authority to negotiate, as he himself said, he was only here to inform Apache.

The U.S. government has no intention of honoring the contract, at least until it knows who the unnamed European company is.

As for whether the U.S. government will perform the contract after knowing it, there is no guarantee.

It is impossible for Mashao to disclose the identity of that company, because that company does not exist at all.

So the two have nothing to talk about.

After some meaningless conversation, the horse whistle said: "Lieutenant Van Buren, I hope you can tell Fort Leavenworth and the US federal government that Apache will abide by the contract, so it cannot disclose information that should be kept secret."

Lieutenant Van Buren nodded: "Well, I hope this is a decision you made after serious consideration. But I still want to remind you, Chief Albert, you shouldn't help Europeans sell Browning pistols, they are illegal products .”

"Thank you." Horse Whistle said nothing more.

After Lieutenant Van Buren left, Whistle and Rain talked for a moment in the Hall of the Chiefs.

"It's almost time for me to go," said the horse whistle.

Rainy day: "Going to Europe?"

"Yes, but first of all, of course, is to visit Governor Juarez," said Horse Whistle. "It would be best if we could get some artillery in Oaxaca."


Horse Whistle: "The possibility that we are facing an American military threat is rising, and we need artillery ... I actually got some artillery in California, and artillery, but the amount is too small."

"For this trip to Europe, I still need to take some young students there." Ma Shao said, "I plan to send them to European schools to study engineering."

He could tackle most of the important scientific questions of our time, but he didn't know much about engineering.

The best way to get a batch of outstanding engineers is still to send people to study abroad, just like what was done in the late Qing Dynasty.

In fact, until the 21st century, studying in Britain and the United States is still regarded as a vital and irreplaceable advanced study in many countries.The most outrageous thing is to study the history of one's own country and study abroad.

Thinking about it on a rainy day: "We may need to carefully select. Those who are sent to study abroad must not only have a certain foundation in mathematics and natural sciences, but also know some English, and more importantly, be reliable enough."

Ma Shao nodded: "Indeed. I don't want to see the overseas students funded by the tribe, keep them and never come back..."

For this problem, he is not too worried.

He trusted his students and more so his pocketbook.

From the beginning to the end, the financial situation of Sleeping Bear City was very good, not to mention the gold mine.

The ample financial situation allows Mashao to spend a large amount of money to support talents, making the behavior of "not returning from studying abroad" economically uneconomical.

It is not cost-effective economically, and naturally no one is willing to do such a thing.

This is a huge win.

Some backward countries have mines at home, but most of them are difficult to compete with the quagmire of the resource curse. The final result is often that the water is too deep to grasp.

For backward countries without mines, it is even more difficult to catch up, and they can only rely on internal squeeze, or "scissors".

This is inevitable. Without external supply, if a backward economy wants to support the operation of high-end industries, it must squeeze the blood and sweat of the majority of workers, and call for high-end industries and talents by sacrificing hundreds of millions of pneumoconiosis and severed fingers.

The tighter the catch-up and the more rapid the development, the more acute the social contradictions will be.Just like running, when you run fiercely, every cell in your body screams, hoping you stop.

Chasing and harmony, there is a natural contradiction between the two, and the balance is also difficult to grasp.

Probably only traversers like Ma Shao, relying on various advantages beyond the laws of history, can make the chase smooth and peaceful, without the mud of resource curses, and without the suffering of internal oppression.

A few days later, like the previous westward team, Mashao organized a team of about 300 people again, and then set off south.

Naturally, he didn't want to build a new city this time. It stands to reason that he doesn't need so many people, but the war is raging in southern Mexico. To be on the safe side, 300 people are essential.

Most of the 300 were soldiers, heavily armed.

Before officially heading to Oaxaca, Mashao first went to Clark Town and stopped here for a while.

Clark Town currently has more than 2000 people, and it can be called a "city" in the Midwest.

Clark Town, with a population of more than 2000 people, has a much more complicated ethnic composition than Sleeping Bear City.

The main residents here are naturally whites, but whites only account for slightly more than half, and there are about [-]% blacks and [-]% Indians in the town.

The white people immigrated here mainly because of the development opportunities here, and the black people came here because there was no slavery here.

The Indians were mainly arranged by Sleeping Bear City, so that they could control the place.

Although the residents of Clark Town are quite diverse, the prosperous economy and strict law enforcement keep it stable.

(End of this chapter)

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