1840 Indian Rebirth

Chapter 52 [Occupy Clark Town]

Chapter 52 [Occupy Clark Town]

Thomas wanted to get his gun back, but the opponent kicked him in the stomach immediately, making him kneel on the ground in pain.

"Daddy, Daddy!" the little boy cried.

Ma Shuo looked at the father and son, and said in Comanche, "Is he that Thomas?"

"That's right, it's him!" A Comanche behind him stepped forward and identified him.

"Tie up everyone in this room and take them outside." The horse sentry ordered, and several Apache soldiers tied up the three members of the Thomas family and dragged them outside.

The fighting is basically over.

The firepower of the Apaches was fierce, and the white people in the town were no match for them. Coupled with their lack of defense, the battle was overwhelming at the beginning.

The few words of English taught by the horse post to the soldiers also played a big role. Hearing the slogan "surrender, don't kill", many panicked whites directly chose to surrender, put down their weapons, and were driven to an open space in the center of the town.

Not long after, including the mayor's family, all the white people in the town, regardless of men, women, old or young, were gathered here.

And of course some dead bodies.

There are always those who resist, but their resistance is doomed to failure in the face of the Apache revolver bullets.

The corpses of more than a dozen white people were dragged over one after another and piled up in front of the townspeople. The bloody scene made children and some women cry.

The captured Shuangwolf chief and others were also rescued naturally. They came to the horse post, excited, and thanked them repeatedly: "I simply don't know how to express my gratitude! Without your help, the entire Shuangwolf clan would have died." May be in danger!"

Ma Whistle smiled: "It's a duty, the white people are the common enemy of all the aborigines."

Chief Shuangwolves nodded: "That's right, these dirty and shameless guys must be punished!"

After a while, the horse post estimated that all the white townspeople had been gathered. There were about 500 of them, all disheveled and shivering in the cold wind.

They were crying, talking, and looking helplessly at the gun-toting Apaches around them.

In addition to the whites, there were dozens of black slaves in the town, and they were also driven to a place by the Apaches, slightly separated from the white townspeople.

Although these black slaves were also shivering from the cold wind, they were less afraid, and they were all adults, and they didn't cry much. Their faces were more bewildered, looking at each other in bewilderment.


The horse whistle put his fingers on his lips, and blew a loud and rapid whistle, which was very penetrating in the dark night, and went straight into the sky.

Hearing this sharp whistle, the white people couldn't help being much quieter.

"You understand what this attack is about—revenge!" Horse Whistle said to them in English. "You betrayed your trust and killed and captured my fellow aborigines. But you don't know that times have changed."

He couldn't help thinking back to a day in 1840, when the bodies of relatives who had lost their scalps.

This caused his emotions to fluctuate, and he clenched his fists suddenly and said: "The master of this continent will not allow you to bully me anymore, and every time you kill and offend, you will reap a bloody revenge!"

The horse whistle quickly regained its composure.

Because he felt that the tone and action he just shouted for revenge was too much like a certain Adolf, and strictly speaking, this was not an unintentional result.

When he mentioned the words killing and revenge, and when he looked at the trembling white people in front of him, Adolf's agitated and almost crazy state did appear in his mind when he spoke.

This gave him an urge to imitate subconsciously, making him seem to see the mountain of corpses and the sea of ​​blood dormant in front of history.

His thin Indian personality seems to be longing for such violent revenge and killing...

The horse whistle will not let the desire go to his head, so he immediately extinguished these thoughts, let himself regain his composure, and his expression became calm again.

Immediately, he frowned slightly, as if he had noticed something, turned his head and found that Mayor Thomas seemed to be looking at him just now.

Mayor Thomas hurriedly withdrew his gaze and lowered his head, but his body couldn't help trembling slightly.

Fear welled up in him.

For the first time in his life, he felt such a strong fear because of an Indian.

In the short contact, the young Indian leader in front of him showed a series of qualities beyond his imagination.

With amazing physique and strength, he can speak at least three languages—Thomas can distinguish between Comanche and Apache. A bloodthirsty desire for vengeance, and the ability to quickly escape from it...

An Indian with any one of these qualities is going to be a tough guy.

And the Indian with all these qualities...Thomas didn't know how to describe it.

When did the Indians have such a leader?

Not only Thomas, but all the white townspeople felt deep fear when the horse sentry clenched their fists and shouted bloody revenge just now, and the fate of death seemed to be close at hand.

"Chief, what are we going to do with them?" Thick Shoulders asked.

The horse sentry said: "We said that we will surrender but not kill, of course we must keep our promise."

Thick shoulders startled: "Are you going to let them go like this?"

"No." The horse whistle said slowly, "Massacre is inefficient revenge, and we have a better way."

He then said to the white man in English: "Frankly, I would like to kill you. Rip off your scalps with my own hands, sew them up, and make bad leather boots."

The white townspeople grew more terrified, and children and women cried and screamed loudly again.

Ma Whistle changed the subject: "But I will keep my promise. My soldiers said that they would not kill if they surrendered. You have put down your weapons, so I will not kill you."

Hearing this news, most of the white townspeople were taken aback for a moment, and then they all showed surprise.

"He said he wouldn't kill us!"

"We don't have to die!"

The corner of Ma Whistle's mouth curled up: "Don't be too happy, you don't have to die, but you have to pay for other things."

The white townspeople are not surprised by this. In their view, the Indians do not kill them, but it is always inevitable to lose money and eliminate disasters.

But what the horse whistle said next completely exceeded their expectations.

"I declare that from now on, this town will be renamed 'Clark Town' and become the territory of the Sleeping Bear Clan." Ma Shao said, "The Sleeping Bear Clan will station troops here for a long time to manage the order in the town."

This is his plan after careful consideration. In his opinion, the efficiency of killing or robbing these white people is too low.It is better to treat it as a leek garden and use it for a long time to absorb its civilization foundation.

Of course, there are some difficulties in implementing this plan.

There is no need to worry about the US government for the time being. The sky is high and the emperor is far away here, and there is not even a state government.

The Federation is tossing about annexing the Lone Star Republic again. President John Tyler, as the only US president expelled from the party in history, is pushing for an annexation bill at all costs, trying to achieve the annexation before he gets out of the White House. he.

The real difficulty lies in how to manage the white townspeople in the town, how to make them not resist or run away at a relatively low cost, and become a group of qualified leeks.

In this regard, Ma Shao also thought of some ways.

First, he set his sights on the black slaves next to the white townspeople...

(End of this chapter)

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