Holy Maiden, please be in peace

Chapter 193 I always feel like I've seen it before?

Chapter 193 I always feel like I've seen it before?

"Yaya, what's the matter, brother Lin, am I handsome or not?"

"Brother Lin, what does it mean to be handsome?"

"Uh, it means whether it looks good or not."

"Yeah, brother Lin is the best looking."

"Well, I believe that children's words can't lie."

"Hmm... Yaya won't lie to Brother Lin..." Yaya nodded her head, her fox tail dangling in the air.

"Okay, Yaya, let's go out and play, I don't need to make up lessons today."

"That's great, brother Lin is the best looking."

Yaya jumped up and slapped Lin Xun on the face.

Soon, Yaya ran out with short legs.

"Remember to be back before lunch."

"Yaya knows."

Looking at Yaya's jumping back, Lin Xun shook his head.

Let her escape first, she may be late for make-up classes, but she will never be absent.

The holidays taken will always be made up. This is the correct way of education.

After feeling sorry for Yaya having such a responsible big brother like himself, Lin Xun took out a coquettish folding fan from the cabinet.

Lin Xun wanted to use this fan to increase his literati temperament.

But in the winter, if I fanned myself with a fan, Qing'er's aunt probably thought she was a fool.

After Lin Xun resolutely gave up the paper fan, he took out "One Hundred Ways to Deal with the Parents of a Woman" and reviewed it again.

After looking over and over, looking at the sky, Lin Xun prepared all the tea leaves.

Considering that the other party was an elderly lady, Lin Xun also filled the hand warmer with hot water (the hand warmer was made by Lin Xun himself).

Naturally, pastries are also indispensable.

After thinking about it again, considering that he is a scholar, Lin Xun threw a few books on the rattan chair in the yard, creating a scholarly atmosphere.

The other party came in to have a look.

Hey, there are books everywhere in this small courtyard. Qing'er's husband is indeed a man of culture, and he never forgets to read books anytime, anywhere.

And some of my own paintings.

This has to be well hidden.

Qing'er went to pick up her aunt in the morning, and Lin Xun was going to pick up her too, but Qing'er pushed her back.

Then Lin Xun used this morning's time to make a few more paintings, and now it's just drying.

Put away the paintings, and sell them at that time to save some private money.

Finally, after thinking about it, Lin Xun walked to the opposite tofu shop and knocked on the door.

The door was opened, and there were still those charming cat-tailed peach blossom eyes.

"Qing'er's aunt will come over today, no matter what happens, don't come to me." Lin Xun said fiercely in a very blunt tone.

Although these three or four days, except for Bai Luoxue selling tofu for half an hour every morning, Lin Xun never saw her again.

She didn't come to find herself once in the past three or four days.

But just in case, in case this brainless saint of Huanxi sect did anything strange, Lin Xunde called her first to vaccinate her.

Otherwise, if the other party mistakenly thinks that this tofu Xishi has some unclear relationship with him, what should he do?
"It's been less than a year since you married Qing'er from my family, so you just want to take a concubine? Is the concubine still raised on the opposite side openly?"

If the other party questioned his soul like this, Lin Xun felt that he would not be able to clear it up even if he jumped into the Luo River.

"Yeah." Bai Luoxue nodded, "Then I won't look for you today."

"Wait, you really want to find me today?" Lin Xun was a little surprised, but at the same time he was a little thankful, fortunately he had considered this move.

"I made egg porridge, and I want to eat it for you." Bai Luoxue blinked at Lin Xun.

"I won't eat." Lin Xun said unceremoniously.

"Then are you going to eat tomorrow?"

"Don't eat."

"What about the day after tomorrow?"

"never eat"

"Oh." Bai Luoxue lowered her head.

Lin Xun looked at this pair of cat-tailed peach blossom eyes, he knew that the Huanxi sect was heartless, and as the saint of the Huanxi sect, this San Wu girl had no sorrow or joy in her heart.

So it is impossible for her to be sad because of her rejection.

Even Lin Xun felt that this girl didn't even know what kind of emotion "sadness" was.

But looking at her lowered eyes, these peach blossom eyes are like Qiuqiu people shooting towards her heart with bows and arrows.

"Wait for the snow." After a long time, Lin Xun sighed softly.

"Huh?" Bai Luoxue raised her head, and Lin Xun's figure was drawn out of her cat-tailed peach-blossom eyes.

"When it snows, I'll eat the egg drop porridge you made again. Don't buy any strange computer accessories, otherwise you will move away from here." Without further words, Lin Xun turned and left.

Watching Lin Xun walk into the courtyard and close the door, it was still the same as before, until there was no more movement at the entrance of the courtyard, Bai Luoxue closed the door again, and returned to the courtyard again.

On the stone table in the yard, there is the egg porridge that the girl finally succeeded once. Beside the egg porridge is a small casserole, which is wrapped in a warm cloth.
The freshly cooked egg porridge has not been put into the casserole, nor has it been served to him.

is it going to snow
The girl sat in the courtyard with her legs together, her eyes blinking at the blue winter sky.

Lifting a corner of the veil, the girl lightly took a spoonful of egg porridge, blew it slightly to cool it, and put it into her cherry lips.

The girl sat in the courtyard and looked at the sky, slowly eating the egg drop porridge that she managed to succeed only once.

The girl doesn't like to eat since the bigu, but the girl is remembering the taste of this successful egg drop porridge.

Wait for the day when it snows, and make it for him.

Back in the courtyard, Lin Xun felt a little regretful again.

He felt that he shouldn't have promised her to eat egg porridge.

After all, what kind of computer accessories does Huanxizong have?
Some things really cannot be resisted by relying on a high realm, otherwise why do you need a monk from a medical family.
"Forget it, anyway, it's the last time. I agreed to her request for the last time. After the next snowfall, I will never go to that tofu shop again." Lin Xun sighed softly.

Your heart must be hard!
Otherwise, one day when I get hotheaded and agree to take her as my concubine, it will be really bad.

When the time comes, I'm afraid I'm going to kneel down the washboard, Qing'er doesn't know if she will agree to take a concubine.

And just when Lin Xun had just made up his mind, there was a knock on the door of the courtyard.

Lin Xun thought about it.

He knew that he was going to meet his parents!
After straightening his clothes, Lin Xun opened the courtyard door.

"Mr. Lin, there are many interruptions today."

As soon as he opened the door, Lin Xun saw a woman bowing with her head in her hands.

"You are too serious." Lin Xun responded quickly, and also bowed to him.

However, when the woman straightened up, Lin Xun also raised his head, and the two looked at each other.

For some reason, there was an inexplicable familiarity between the two of them.

I always feel like I've seen it somewhere?

(End of this chapter)

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