Holy Maiden, please be in peace

Chapter 323 How To Go Out Alive

Chapter 323 How To Go Out Alive

In a Hessen in the Rootless Secret Realm, a total of three men surrounded each other.

The sect uniforms they wore came from the three sects of Long Mingzhou.

However, even though he is from Long Mingzhou of Ten Thousand Laws, the appearance of the man in the middle is three points similar to She Qiqi.

The eyes of the other two men were even deeper, and there was even a kind of determination in their eyes.

The fourth prince of the royal family of the demon clan - She Si.

Enshrined in the Jade Raw Land of the Yaozu World-Pale.

Enshrined in the Immortal Realm of the Yaozu Tianxia Imperial Palace - Yuqiong.

They came to Wanfa Tianxia, ​​killed the three Longmingzhou monks who were going to participate in the Rootless Secret Realm, and then replaced them.

Coming here is not for any chance, but for one's life.

The Seventh Princess of the Yaozu World——the fate of She Qiqi!

"Does Your Majesty really want to take the Seventh Princess' life?"

Sitting on the rock, Yu Qiong looked up at the sky and couldn't help sighing.

"The imperial decree has been issued, it cannot be false." Pai Bai shook his head, "I can only say that the Seventh Princess has made great achievements."

"Seventh Sister has reached this point today, and it's not entirely because of her high skills."

She Si raised the jug, raised her head to drink, and looked at the imperial edict in her hand.

This edict came from a month ago.

One month ago, it was also the tenth day since She Qiqi disappeared in Yaodu.

Regarding the disappearance of the seventh princess, many people know the itinerary of the seventh princess.

Every time the Seventh Princess goes to the Ten Thousand Laws World, many people are worried, but there is nothing they can do.

The reason why they are worried is because they know that the Seventh Princess has already started to make arrangements as early as Wanfa Tianxia, ​​and she is becoming more and more mature.

Not only in the Yaozu world, but even in the Wanfa world, there is a network of influence of the Seventh Princess.

They don't know what kind of game the Seventh Princess is planning, and they don't know to what extent it is now, and they don't know whether the game she has set up will be cut off by the oil field.

The reason why they were helpless was that they had no way to stop the Seventh Princess.
The seventh princess's layout in the Ten Thousand Laws World was originally aimed at the Ten Thousand Laws World and occupied the righteousness.

Unless there is an extremely legitimate reason, even the current Demon Emperor cannot stop his daughter's actions.

The Seventh Princess' departure this time is worrying, but it won't cause much commotion.

After all, it's not the first time Princess Seven has gone to Wanfa Tianxia.

When the good news from the giant country came, everything changed.

The kingdom of giants has been broken.

Ruolan, the kingdom of ten thousand demons, led an army of 80 demons!Destroy the giant country!
When the news spread throughout the Ten Thousand Monsters Kingdom, the people were all elated.

However, what everyone shouted was not Ruolan's name, nor the current Demon Emperor's name, but the Seventh Princess' name.

Ruolan, known as the Valkyrie by the people.

However, she is not the Valkyrie of the Demon Emperor, but the Valkyrie of the Seventh Princess.

"The head of the king of the giant country has been transported to the palace! His royal blood was all killed in battle, leaving only the princess of the giant country. The whole country of giants surrendered. The Lord is enthroned, and may the Kingdom of Ten Thousand Monsters be conferred."

At that time in the court hall, when the armored Ruo Lan briefly reported the results of the battle, the court hall was silent, and the sound of needles could be heard when they landed.

Perhaps at that moment, everyone hoped that it was not true, that what Ruolan reported was not the result of the battle, but an apology for defeat.

This sounds extremely ridiculous, but they just hope that She Qiqi will be defeated, even if the result of this battle will affect their own country.

On that day, the Demon Emperor yelled three "good" words, canonized Ruolan as a general, and bestowed countless spiritual stones and elixir.

As Ruolan's boss, Seventh Princess naturally also wanted to reward her.

However, at this time, the Demon Emperor discovered that the Seventh Princess was unsealable.

And that night, She Si was called into the palace.

Together with She Si, there are two priests in the palace.

At that time, the Demon Emperor issued an imperial edict to the three of them:
"The Seventh Princess, She Qiqi, died in Wanfa Tianxia. I used the Profound Sky Pearl to calculate that the body of the Seventh Princess was located in the Rootless Secret Realm. The three of them were ordered to bring the body of the Seventh Princess back to the Yaozu World for a proper burial."

At this time, the three people knew that the Demon Emperor was going to really attack his daughter.

"Why is it here?"

Yuqiong still sighed.

He was actually very optimistic about She Qiqi.

If it wasn't for She Qiqi's daughter's family, if it wasn't for the imperial palace enshrined, she wouldn't be allowed to stand in line.

Otherwise, it must be She Qiqi who he wants to support the crown prince!
"Why didn't it stop here? Since the death of Concubine Lin, His Majesty has always been on guard against the Seventh Princess." Bai Bai shook his head.

"If Aunt Lin hadn't left, if Seventh Sister hadn't seen that scene, maybe everything would have been different." She Si wiped her face, "However, everything has been decided, and Seventh Sister can't leave Rootless Secret Realm alive .”

"Hehe, She Si, you don't have to be hypocritical. There is no real relationship between you brothers and sisters. It's just the word of the throne. The Demon Emperor asked you to come here, isn't it for you to supervise me?
Your fear of the Seventh Princess is no less than that of your brothers.

That's all. "

Yu Qiong no longer thinks about such horrible things.

"I promised the Demon King to do three things. The first thing was to help him win the position of the patriarch of the Tianshuang White Clan, and the second thing was to help him attack the Nine-Tailed Sky Fox Clan.

And this time, it's the third thing.

After killing the Seventh Princess, all the favors I owed have been paid off, and I will no longer be in Yaodu in the future.

As for the ownership of the throne of the Wan Yao Kingdom, you brothers can fight for it, everything has nothing to do with me, but how to act, how to kill She Qiqi, that is my business, I don't need you brat to tell me what to do . "

After the words fell, Yu Qiong flicked his long sleeves, turned and left.

Seeing Yu Qiong's departure, She Si rolled her eyes, but didn't say much.

"Hahaha, Your Highness Fourth Prince, our acting skills are still not up to par."

Pale patted the fourth prince on the back.

"Senior Cang doesn't need to talk about it." She Si laughed, "Senior Cang belongs to the prince, and elder brother also wants Seventh Sister to die. At least for now, our purpose is the same."

"Since that's the case, then it's good for us to cooperate well." Pai Bai just smiled, "If this incident fails, the fourth prince will know the result."

"It won't fail."

She Si took out a white magic bead.

Under the urging of spiritual power, the white magic beads gradually dissipated.

And at the moment when the white dharma beads completely disappeared into the air, a crack appeared on She Si and the raw adornment around her pale waist.

"Everyone says that Seventh Younger Sister is a god, this time, I want to see if she has thought that her biological father will finally lay hands on her.

I want to know even more, even if she really got to this point, she still dares to enter the Rootless Secret Realm, and how she can get out alive. "

(End of this chapter)

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