Gu Ersheng knew that there was no allocation here, and of course some people wanted it.But the boss just didn't speak.Will send someone to maintain it.

He still had a spoon in his hand.You will miss it when you go in.Really miss it.

Introduce him to everything about Huaisheng Mountain.

"Father, are we going to stay here for a few days?"

"Sure, there's nothing to worry about. Your mother is still busy."

"Well. Well, let's go to my father's cave."

Individual children enter individual caves.It was still spotless inside.It looked as if the owner had only left briefly.

In my father's former cave, it was also an experience.

Yongsheng Yongfu entered his mother's cave, and there was really nothing in it.

But still can feel the breath of the mother.The two brothers have a very deep affection for the family.They all remember that this family saved their brother's life.

Qi Wen's speed is quite fast.He refined 24 pills of Feisheng Pill.

Lu Qingchuan was about to cry with joy. "Thank you ancestor, thank you ancestor."

I thought that only Ancestor Tan Qihong could refine this top-level Ascension Pill, but I didn't expect that my own ancestor could do the same.

"Use it with caution."

"Yes. Old Ancestor, I know, can I trouble you to set restrictions on each bottle? Can't open the cultivation base that does not fly?"


Their family didn't take medicinal pills, so they subconsciously thought it was not a good thing, but Lu Qingchuan said that the ascended monks had taken it.That is no problem.

This kind of spell is very simple for Qi Wen to complete with a wave of her hand.

Lu Qingchuan excitedly put away all the jade bottles, and thanked the ancestor again.

Qi Wen shook her head and left, knowing that Gu Ersheng must have brought the children back to Huaisheng Mountain.

Their family lives in Huaisheng Mountain, and the entire Xuantian Sect has been fried.

The ancestors who flew to the fairy world came back to visit them.How proud is this?

The news spread quickly.All the sects in Fanxingjie know this news, and they also know that the two of Jianzong have already visited.Since I can see them, of course I have to meet them.

Qi Wen sat in the yard and told the children about their coming to Fanxingjie.

"Auntie. How about we go to the lower realm to see? Is it the place where you all lived?"

Qi Wen shook her head, "I can bring you back to Fanxingjie, but if it doesn't work next time, it will definitely lead to disorder.

In fact, the next mortal is a few decades of life. "

"Auntie. What do you mean by such a short life span?" Jing Xun asked.

Qi Wen smiled and shook his head, "The fun is different. Just like us, your brothers haven't retreated for a long time. Look at us monks. When we retreated for several years, decades, and hundreds of years, mortals have been in retreat. Enjoyed life in this short time.

Jing Yu, you are all in your 20s. In the world of cultivation and immortality, you are still young disciples who have just started, but in the next session, you will be able to start a family, start a family, marry a wife and have children at this age. "

"Aunt. We see what you mean."

Qi Wen smiled and nodded, "You are gods, so it can be said that as long as you practice step by step, you can ascend to the god realm without any disturbance.

You do have too little contact.If you have an idea and want to practice your mind, you can go around the starry world.We have all been to the mortal world here at that time.

We have 20 years, you look at the arrangements, in fact, I think the underworld can also see all kinds of life. "

The brothers all had excited smiles on their faces.

"Auntie, then let's go out for a walk." Jing Yu said with a smile.

"Go. But what are you going to do, Jingxiang?"

"Auntie, I'll follow Brother Yongfu Yongkang."

Qi Wen smiled and nodded, "Okay. Let's go."

Several children left with a smile. As for whether they want to practice together or separate, it is their own business.

Yongfu Yongkang and Jingxiang are the youngest.The rest are adults.It's just three little ones, who can also be said to be adults here, there is absolutely no danger, and there is no need to worry at all.

Eleven of their brothers left.Gu Ersheng put his arms around his daughter-in-law, "Aren't you worried? Aren't you afraid that Jingyu and the others will be deceived by which girl?"

"Hehe, that's the girl's ability. They haven't arrived at the time of the love calamity. I'm not worried."

"It's done now, we're the only ones left." Gu Ersheng carried Qi Wen into her former cave, and had this idea for a long time, but before, he was incapable and unqualified.

The couple are in love in the cave house.Gu Ersheng was very excited, thinking about the feeling of suffocation that he could only look at his girl in Fanxingjie and couldn't do anything. Now that he thinks about it, he can finally make out with his daughter-in-law in Fanxingjie.

There is someone outside the formation.But no one dunked.

Just don't know, nothing matters now.

After the eleven brothers came out of the Xuantian Sect and started to discuss, they decided to go to the square market of the Xuantian Sect first.

Qi Wen didn't give them spirit stones, she wanted to find a way by herself.

"How about we sell a fairy plant?" Gu Zechen said?
Jingyu shook his head, "That's the last resort, let's go to Fangshi and see, the fairy world can use monsters, Xianzhi to exchange fairy crystals. Let's go and find out, if we can, get some monsters back. It's not too difficult. ."

Of course, none of the brothers had any opinions. Jingyu and the other five were already handsome young men. Zaifang Shizhong still received everyone's attention. After all, they looked too good.

"I made a mistake, I should change my appearance. I'm not used to being looked at like this." Tan Jingxun said.

The other four brothers thought so too.This is also an experience, you will know next time.

The six little ones also felt this way, and they really didn't like being looked at like this.

Entering the Treasure Pavilion, I thought to myself, what does this Immortal Treasure Pavilion have to do with it?
After I came in, there was a second child who came out to receive.

"We don't need much now, just thinking about which monsters and spirit plants can exchange the most spirit stones. And where can we go to meet monsters and spirit plants."

Xiao Er didn't take it lightly because he didn't buy anything.

After explaining the situation in detail, eleven brothers left.

They know that immortal power cannot be used here.However, with confidence, even with swordsmanship, it is not a problem to want to kill monsters.

Besides, they have already seen Lingzhi's appearance, and know the approximate location, which can't be difficult for them.

Lu Qingchuan sent someone to protect them outside.After leaving Fang Market, Jingyu called them out, "You guys go back. We don't need protection here."

"Ancestor, we are just afraid that someone will bump into you."

Jingyu shook his head, "No need, we can do it ourselves, let's go back."

Now that they were discovered, the two gods could only return to their lives.

"Sect Master, since the ancestor agreed to go out, he must be sure."

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