Chapter 1159 Wild Rose Gifted to Uncle (7)

The driver nodded repeatedly, "Okay, okay..."

They were so scared now that their hands were shaking, they were afraid that the black bear would follow them, so they drove away without saying a word.

Gu Chengbo looked at the man beside him, "Brother Lu, what should we do now?"

When the bus sent the distress signal, it only said that it was lost in the wind and sand and did not know how to get out.Simply, when they saw that the location sent by the bus showed no man's land, they brought a few more people with them, otherwise he and Brother Lu probably came this time.

The three rescue soldiers behind the car seat also frowned, looking at the indifferent man sitting in the passenger seat.

Lu Boying stared blankly at the black bear approaching their off-road vehicle, and caressed the black pistol at his waist with his thick and slender fingertips, "Don't hurt it, drive into the interior of no man's land Just do it."

The others nodded upon hearing this, "Okay."

The bus was driving all the way forward. Not long after, there was a faint gunshot and the roar of a black bear. The whole body of the tourists on the bus shook and they covered their ears, not daring to make a sound.

It was already dark now, even though there were headlights shining on the road ahead, the driver had no idea where he was going. Even though the rescue soldier had told him to go straight ahead, the driver still didn't dare to leave too far.

The tourists on the bus had difficulty breathing due to emotional agitation, nervous tension and lack of oxygen. Everyone's condition was not very good, and some of them had passed out completely.

Jiang Yu is one of them.

Although Nai Tuanzi prepared an oxygen bottle for her, a small bottle, which may not look big, but the capacity inside is actually a bottomless pit.

After all, the things that their so-called system websites took over could be ordinary things.

But despite the continuous flow of oxygen in the oxygen cylinder, Aunt Jiang's condition is still very poor.

She sucked in oxygen, leaned back in the chair tiredly, her eyelids were heavy, she felt like she was about to pass out.

I don't know how long it took, but she heard the panicked voice of the tour guide, "There are still unconscious people over here!!"

The surrounding sounds were very noisy, like the footsteps of someone getting out of the car in a hurry, and the movement of rescuers helping passengers who were in poor health to get off the car.

It seemed that someone was passing by her side.

There is a faint scent of cedar.

Aunt Jiang's eyelids were extraordinarily heavy, she couldn't open them at all, her whole body seemed to be weighed down by a quilt of more than ten kilograms, and she couldn't lift it up at all, but she still exerted her will and raised her hand to grab the hand of the passing person. hand.

She didn't know why she held that person's hand.

He just unconsciously raised his hand and grabbed it casually.

But he just held the man's hand tightly.

His hands were extraordinarily cold, the palms were rough, a little dry to the touch, like a pair of hands that had experienced wind and frost.

The oxygen cylinder she was holding in her hand rolled to the ground with a gurgling along with the weakness of her fingers.

In a daze, it seemed as if someone was holding her in his arms.

The cold arm muscles passed through her legs, wrapped around her waist, and easily held her in his arms.Leaning in his arms, she smelled the somewhat familiar fragrance of cedar.

She opened her eyes weakly, and seemed to see the man's sharp jaw line in a trance.

(End of this chapter)

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