Chapter 1390 Tongque Spring Locked Gold Hairpin (83)

Jiang Mengshi: "Didn't she go to someone else's house?"

"Yuwei has a special status now, who can she go to in the capital?" Mrs. Jiang asked Jiang Mengshi back.

Mrs. Jiang tightly held the handkerchief in her hand, and asked Jiang Mengshi anxiously: "Yuwei didn't come home all night last night. Master, do you think that Yuwei has encountered some danger? Will she be hijacked?" gone?"

Jiang Mengshi frowned and said to Mrs. Jiang: "Don't panic. Have you sent someone out to look for it?"

"Yes." Mrs. Jiang nodded quickly.

At this time, Yan Wenrui said: "Since we have already sent someone to look for it, Mrs. Jiang should calm down first. Don't worry, after all, care is chaotic. The guards of the General's Mansion are so strict, it is impossible for thieves to sneak into the General's Mansion and arrest Miss Jiang. Kidnapped, the only possibility is that Miss Jiang left the General's Mansion alone. Now that someone has been sent out to find Miss Jiang, after Miss Jiang finds out, she will definitely come back with them."

Mrs. Jiang felt uneasy: "I hope, I hope so..."

Jiang Mengshi said to her: "Okay, you go down first, the third prince and I still have something important to talk about."

Mrs. Jiang didn't dare to say any more, she bowed her head and turned to leave.

Looking at the back of Mrs. Jiang leaving, Jiang Mengshi turned to Yan Wenrui who was beside him and said in a deep voice, "I made the third prince laugh."

Yan Wenrui shook his head, "It's okay. Miss Jiang is missing, and it's inevitable that Mrs. Jiang will be anxious."

"Third Prince, let's go in and continue talking about what happened just now." Jiang Mengshi raised his hand sideways and said to Yan Wenrui.

Yan Wenrui nodded, and walked into the study. Jiang Mengshi followed Yan Wenrui. After entering, he closed the door.

It was not until noon that Jiang Mengshi sent Yan Wenrui away from the general's mansion.

During lunch, Mrs. Jiang sat beside Jiang Mengshi absent-mindedly. As soon as she went up and passed by, the people she sent out have not brought back any news of Jiang Yuwei's whereabouts.

Jiang Mengshi took a sip of the soup. He looked at Mrs. Jiang's absent-minded look, and said to Mrs. Jiang: "Don't worry too much about Yuwei, she is such an adult, nothing will happen outside, maybe she will come back later gone."

Mrs. Jiang didn't speak.

"Now it has been confirmed that the emperor's illness was not caused by the prince, and now the prince has replaced the government and monopolized the power, which is very unfavorable to us. So we will advance the plan while the emperor's illness is still not good. If there is no accident, It's this month."

Jiang Mengshi said to Mrs. Jiang: "The matter of Yuwei's disappearance should not be too publicized. Before you let the people you send out do things in a low-key manner, you can't disturb my plan with the third prince. The third prince and I have been preparing for so many years. Success or failure There must be no surprises here.”

Hearing this, Madam Jiang bit her lips tightly, she nodded heavily, "Well, I know all about it."


On Jiang Yu's side, she also received the news that Jiang Mengshi was going to rebel two days later in the evening.

Jiang Mengshi needed Aunt Jiang to keep track of the emperor and the prince's movements. After receiving the letter from Fei Ge, Aunt Jiang didn't even have a stick of incense, so she handed it over to Yan Weichu.

Inside the Nobile Palace.

The faint mist of aromatherapy drifted upwards along the censer bit by bit, and then gradually dissipated in the palace. The refreshing and rich aroma was faint, but it lingered in the palace for a long time.

The thin crimson bed curtain hung loosely on one side, while the other side hung down lazily, moving the bed to half cover it.

(End of this chapter)

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